DAZ importer for Blender ( version 1.2) By Thomas Larsson

kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526


Post edited by kitakoredaz on


  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • FossilFossil Posts: 166

    Is there anything this program won't do?  Thanks for the information, I don't know how I missed it.

  • Thanks for pointing this out

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Wow, awesome

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    Current version is really awsome...

    Agreed. Except, I get

    Did not find path: /data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/genesis2female.dsf

    no matter what I say in the paths field,
    and no matter where i place the .duf file.

    Any ideas? I'm on Mac OS 10.12.3

    Post edited by ttnn on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    [Sorry, this message got repeated: see below.]

    Post edited by ttnn on
  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    ...you set root install directory for DAZ contents...

    Thank you, Kitakoredaz!

    Wish we could get Thomas Larsson over here.
    This is, in essence the error message:

     Did not find path: 
     "/data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/genesis2female.dsf" 
     Did not find path: 
     "/data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/uv sets/daz 3d/base/victoria 5.dsf" 
     Traceback (most recent call last): 
       File "/Users/ttelos/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/import-daz/__init__.py", line 275, in execute 
         getMainAsset(self.filepath, context, self) 
       File "/Users/ttelos/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/import-daz/main.py", line 57, in getMainAsset 
         main = parseAssetFile(struct, toplevel=True) 
       File "/Users/ttelos/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/import-daz/file.py", line 250, in parseAssetFile 
         return asset.parse(struct) 
       File "/Users/ttelos/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/import-daz/file.py", line 117, in parse 
       File "/Users/ttelos/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/import-daz/material.py", line 83, in update 
         self.uv_set.material = self 
     AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'material' 

    It calls my attention that it loads the .duf file correctly,
    and the corresponding message (in the Mac OS Terminal window, i.e., the underlying Unix)
    gives the complete filepath of the .duf file correctly, wherever I place the .duf file, but!
    The Did not find path message says /data/... etc., as if it was assuming that
    /data/ would be sibling to--? What? The .blend file? The .duf file?

    So I repositioned those, to really be siblings to the /data/ folder, but the result is exactly the same.
    Also, since the error is triggered from the material.py script, I tried turning off all material options
    from inside Blender, but that had no effect.

    mCasual's TeleBlender system does an excellent job of translating DAZ materials to Cycles,
    Collada export from DAZ Studio transfers the DAZ rig,
    so what I was hoping for with the Diffeomorphic script was a nice transfer of facial expressions,
    including speech, which, according to Thomas Larsson himself, takes into account
    both morph changes and bone changes and translates that into Blender drivers(!)

    Post edited by ttnn on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    And,, may better save actor.duf  (save as scene) in sub folda of same root contents directory, which genesis2female.dsf installed.

    Because this plug in use relative path to load  and serch dsf, duf,,  as same as daz studio, from root (=DAZ contents root). 

    then we need to set root path for this plug in, as same as daz studio "Content directory manager".

    you can set three root path for this plugin,  at current as daz (and poser) contents root.

    (maybe daz connect root not work, though I do not know)

    Above pic, I save actor.duf  scene, (with actor.dae)  in one of sub-directory of "I:\myfile\dazstudio4\Mylibrary". (which I set as root path for this plug in and Blender) , and all contents which I used are installed under the Root directory. (Mylibrary)


    path setting2.JPG
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  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2017

    Hi,  can you tell me "full path, of genesis2.dsf" (not about scene.duf, I hope to know your genesis2female.dsf  full path in  ... /data/ sub directories/) which you installed by DIM?  

    all python erroer message show, this plug in  after all can not find "root path" which you need to set as DAZ library..We have assumption, ” all user use same relative path about each daz base figure.dsf, ”

    then plug in can find path, from root.

    then you should not move dsf, keep as same as before.. (not try move  installed dsf)






    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    Thank you, Kitakoredaz!

    My test scene is nothing but one single G2f character, morphed, called Djerine1aLarsson inside DAZ Studio,
    and now I saved it as Djerine1aLarsson.duf, sibling to genesis2female.dsf;
    when I launch the .blend file, the first message I see from the Diffeomorphic is:

    Loading DAZ 
    Load node 
    Load material 
    material loaded 
    Load camera 
    Load light 
    Load animation 
    Load morphing 
    Morphing loaded 
    Load export 
    DAZ loaded 
    Load /Users/ttelos/import-daz-settings.txt
      DazPath1 /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ\ Studio/ContentDazStudio 
      DazPath2 /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ\ Studio/ContentDazStudio/data 
      DazPath3 /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ\ Studio/ContentDazStudio/data/daz\ 3d/genesis\ 2/female
      DazErrorPath /Users/ttelos/daz_importer_errors.txt
    read blend: /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ Studio/ContentDazStudio/data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/Djerine1aLarsson.blend

    This is before asking to Import a .duf file; after that, it starts with

    Loading /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ Studio/ContentDazStudio/data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/Djerine1aLarsson.duf 
    Parsing data 
    Did not find path: 
    "/data/daz 3d/genesis 2/female/genesis2female.dsf" 
    Did not find path:

    and on and on, ending with the exact same error message that culminates with material.py at line 83.
    Also, I tried saving things in parallel with

    .../ContentDazStudio/People/Genesis\ 2\ Female/Genesis\ 2\ Base\ Female.duf

    and the response is similar.

    Post edited by ttnn on
  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    How did kitakoredaz get in touch with Thomas Larsson?

    On Larsson’s own blogspot he rarely answers comments regarding his DAZ Importer,
    which is understandable, given that he is also a full-time theoretical physicist (!).

    Momentarily, I searched for "path" in the various .py files,
    and found this on line 145 of __init__.py:

    filepath = StringProperty(name = "File Path", description = "Filepath used for importing the DAZ file", maxlen=1024, 

    That default I changed a couple of times, with no success.

    Then again, I find it odd that the reported error is traced to line 83 of material.py
    because line 83 is in a function definition in a class definition;
    it is not a runtime execution statement.


    Post edited by ttnn on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited March 2017

    TTnn,   you should not save XXXXX.duf (or scene.duf) under the "/data/" directory.   Though duf may better  to be saved in sub-folda which use same root directory of "genesis2.dsf"  to  set "Paths to DAZ library" for  this plug in,  but it not means, save duf under the "data" (should not)  please compare  how I save actor.duf, and  keep installed path about dsf  (in data directory)

     Then,, I still think, you seems not correctly set DazPath2, and DazPath3.  you need not set those two (keep empty, if you have not used them)

    They should not be set as sub directory of each,  your DazPath2, and DazPath3 are actually wrong, if you set so. they are not DAZ contents root path.  (or they are not DAZ library path)

    you only need to set, one "DAZ contents Root" directory  as DazPath1.

     then try,, delete "DazPath2, DazPath3", but  only set DazPath1 as  actuall  DAZ contents root directory of genesis2female.dsf as "Full Path"  

    I do not know mac, but mac PC start  path "/" , without drive or volume name?    because your console, DazPath1 seems set as,,"/Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ Studio/ContentDazStudio" .   I (windows user) usually  set full path,, like this

    "C:\Users\ttelos\Tools\3D4D\DAZ Studio\ContentDazStudio" (it start from  volume name "C:\")

    If you install DAZ contents (include genesis2 starter essential kit) , by DIM,  you can check library path

    (you seems customized already) by DIM setting>installation. 

    you may only need to copy the full path then paste on blender plug in panel.  I use "I:/myfile/dazstudio4/Mylibrary" as DAZ contents path for DIM. then copy and paste it to plug in>advanced set up>Paths to library.  

     Then,, I often report or request on "bit bucket" of this plug in,,, which Larson offer link to download plug-in.   then get reply .

    And, you may need not tweak, __init__.py though I understand, what you try, but  file path need to be read from Blender UI property, which you set, then overwite it.   Now I feel, if there is problem to input file path for Mac,,  but I can not test it. 

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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526

    And I keep up-date plug-in frequently then, your __initi__.py is different from me, I did not test RC (Stable version 1.1 release cnadidtate) much.

    recommend try most recent beta,  from download pages link. (Bitbucket), then if you hope to report problem and contact him, use "issues" of Bitbucket (may need to make Account I think) (I usually keep another self modified version which stable for me, with recent beta to test and report)

  • ttnnttnn Posts: 99
    edited March 2017

    Thank you again, KitaKoreDaz!

    The variable filepath is used initially to find the .duf file to be processed.
    Said file is always found, no matter where I put it.
    The problem arises when looking for assets, and,
    weak programmer that I am, I cannot find a point where I might orient the scripts in that regard,
    even under the guidance of the Traceback, because I see a mixture of Blender API calls,
    Standard Library calls (such as os.path etc.), and DAZ-specific calls,
    and the lines that have to do with assets try to read files based on variables called id or ref or struct,
    but I don’t see where those are initialized.

    ...try most recent beta...

    Amen: I just downloaded a version updated March 10th,
    and what I notice is, it now has an option to import DAZ Studio files or Poser files (wow!),
    but the scripts still don’t understand where to find the blessed .dsf file.

    Yes, thank you, I also tried giving only one path to the DAZ library, namely
    /Users/ttelos/Tools/3D4D/DAZ\ Studio/ContentDazStudio/
    which is the folder that contains /data/ and /Runtime/ : the result is still the same.


    Anyway, I just opened Issue #8, as you suggested:
    with a link to this conversation here. laugh

    Post edited by ttnn on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 545

    Excellent job! I search for a way to get Genesis 3 to Cinema 4D and the python code might be very helpful.

    Some joints/bones of Genesis 3 have a pre-orientation. Is this addressed in this plugin? The joint controlled morphs are tied to these pre-rotations...

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    One minor annoyance (even though installing the Blender add-on will still work) is if you install the diffeomorphic zip file with the randomly generarted - extension Blender will complain with you install from the zip so instead extract the contents and rename the top level folder of the contents just extract and use 7-zip to create a new extensionless zip file for diffiomorphic.


    1. download diffeomorphic-import-daz-7a7e6e8fc4eb.zip

    2. extract diffeomorphic-import-daz-7a7e6e8fc4eb.zip to diffeomorphic-import-daz-7a7e6e8fc4eb

    3. rename diffeomorphic-import-daz-7a7e6e8fc4eb to diffeomorphic-import-daz

    4. 7-zip diffeomorphic-import-daz into a new zip file called diffeomorphic-import-daz.zip

    5. follow the instrctions already provided here - http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.se/p/installing-blender-add-on.html

    6. follow the instructions in this thread and here http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.se/p/daz-importer.html for configuring diffeomorphic

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well, I tried to delete the addon from Blender with the version number and it failed to delete the addon. I am using Blender 2.73c. So I closed Blender and deleted the addon manually. The addon is located in <System Drive>\Users\<My Username>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\Diffeomorphic-import-daz*

    Then I reinstalled using the renamed version. I don't keep multiple versions installed in Blender.

  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 795


    Is my understanding correct - You posed your figure in Blender after importing it as Collada?

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804

    I use to import in Blender via dae/fbx but this plugin seems to have some geat features, such as hair conversion to particles, rig conversion to rigify, and automatic proxy generation. I have to say that the dae/fbx approach seems easier though, there is a lot of "fitting" work that is needed with this plugin to get a working character.

    The main problem I meet with dae/fbx is the importing of bending morphs. That make all the difference between the realistic elbows and knees that I get in DS, and the fake toon bendings that I get in Blender with dae/fbx importing. It's not clear to me if/how this plugin is going to deal with bending morphs, going to do some tests ..

    And by the way, overall it's really impressive !!!

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333
    edited May 2017
    Padone said:

    I use to import in Blender via dae/fbx but this plugin seems to have some geat features, such as hair conversion to particles, rig conversion to rigify, and automatic proxy generation. I have to say that the dae/fbx approach seems easier though, there is a lot of "fitting" work that is needed with this plugin to get a working character.

    The main problem I meet with dae/fbx is the importing of bending morphs. That make all the difference between the realistic elbows and knees that I get in DS, and the fake toon bendings that I get in Blender with dae/fbx importing. It's not clear to me if/how this plugin is going to deal with bending morphs, going to do some tests ..

    And by the way, overall it's really impressive !!!

    Are these bending morphs the so-called JCMs for Joint Control Morphs?

    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited May 2017

    @nonesuch00 Yes I mean the JCMs. As kitakoredaz says, unfortunately this plugin doesn't seem to handle them.

    @kitakoredaz Actually my worflow is very simple, really nothing special.

    1) create your character in DS, apply shapes, hair, clothing and items.
    2) export the character as collada, with all morphs baked.
       export the needed face morphs as a separate fbx file.

    1) import the character from the collada file.
       import the face morphs from the fbx file and apply them to the character.
    2) create some ik chains for the bones, and some drivers for the face morphs.
    3) optionally convert materials to cycles using the materials utils addon.

    The only "trick" I have to use in this workflow is to remove duplicated bones, because the merge bones option in the DS exporter doesn't seem to work fine, so I avoid it. To delete the duplicated bones do as follows.

    1) select the armature and go to edit mode
    2) select pattern *.00* and delete bones

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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    The DAZ 3D company might consider to pay the author of this Blender plugin and extent the plugin to correctly handle DAZ 3D JCM and handle other DAZ Studio features better. Maybe even DAZ Studio can write a plugin for Blender to handle DAZ Studio format natively in Blender.

    This would be very nice for animators and game makers.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited August 2017


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    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
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