New Carrara Promo Reel

A few of us, magaremoto, PhilW and I, brought up the notion of creating a new promo reel for Carrara - each of us wanting to participate, perhaps in various ways.
Now just because this thing will be a video reel doesn't mean that it can only be made up of animations. Still images can become animated in such a thing, and I think that great workflow shots of cool techniques can possibily make up an entertaining bit among artistic bliss as well.
There are many parts to Carrara. The more we can show off, the better.
Whether I actually perform the final edit or not, I'd still love to put in some editing efforts along with visual effects work.
So I wanted to get the ball rolling in the form of discussion. This way folks whom are interested can speak up and perhaps even submit some stuff. Submissions won't have to be published to YouTube or anything like that. But that would be fine too. Folks can feel free to PM me with stuff if they don't want it available for mass download by the publis, and I'll keep it concealed until it's shown in the reel, with the exception of the team whom ends up deciding upon the overall layout of the thing.
Ideas welcome!
I'd like to also find clever ways to, if even briefly, highlight the fact that we have an active, friendly forum, a Carrara Cafe, and a Carrarators site and a wealth of available plugins. I don't necessarily mean spelling these things out... just including interesting ways to illustrate that they're there.
For some inspiration, here's the last one from way back in 2010 - when I first bought Carrara - and it's only 2 minutes - perfect timing, I think. But it could run slightly longer if needed.
Much more recent for our very own FifthElement - I Love this!
...and here's his first Carrara reel!!! Elements!
2010 Bryce 7 Promo Reel
2016 Autodesk Showreel
2016 C4D General Reel
2014 LightWave Showreel
Just for a few starters to check out for possible inspiration - certainly not for duplication at all, of any kind.
I'd love for us to come up with something truly exciting and original and awe-inspiring - but done simply by showing off whatever it is that we enjoy doing best in Carrara - then present it in a creative and artistic fashion that is highly entertaining.
The more of you whom join in with your best and favorite efforts, the better this thing can be. But due to the limit of actual length of the reel, try to not be discouraged if something either doesn't make it in or is more brief than expected.
I don't do actual film combined with CG - but after seeing some of these other reels, I do wish that I at least had a high-end video camera to take some footage and VFX it using Carrara. That's not really my passion though. Anyone here do that stuff?
But all forms of Carrara art should be considered welcome for submission, even if it seems to lie outside any future guidelines for "Wanted Material". Good is good and Great is even better, regardless of what we might decide that we're looking for.
I was already planning on doing something similar to this on my own regarding my own favorite things about Carrara - so if this thing falls flat and doesn't get enough support... that's fine too... I'll just keep pushing my own stuff forward. But if we do get a good showing on this, I'd love to (if it makes the cut) offer any of my stuff if it helps.
I'd like to reserve some space up here to make it easier to store compiled stuff at an easy-to-find place - like the beginning ;)
So I'm saving this spot!
Okay from here on out, this thread is freeform to express any ideas you may have, show any reel-style videos that might help to inspire or help express what you mean, whatever...
I should also add that, if this thing follows through, I'll be submitting it to Daz3d to offer it for their channel as well as to Carrara Cafe and Carrarators
you know I do that a lot
zoom out as I move in and vis versa
I just call it framing with variation but from now on I shall call it zollydoom too
Me too, as long as I don't accidentally screw it up as I say it! :)
Yeah... we'll need some ZollyDoom in there for sure!
That's nice :)
Most of the time, I do technical stuff, but perhaps you can use something. All rendered in Carrara with Octane plugin.
Best wishes,
Absolutely!!! Thanks Thomas!
EDIT: Wow... Fantastic! Thanks!
great addition to the reel would be your clips, Thomas
thank you for showing us your works
hey DB, maybe you should make a call for entries at rendo and here:
Would you be so kind? I only speak/understand English
Excellent idea though! Thanks!
The further the outreach, the better! I also don't have FaceBook. Is there a Carrara Users Face Book? Maybe a link to here in that would be nice to, if someone with FacBook wouldn't mind?
My preference is for complete short animations, which I realize is not what you're after. And of course I'm working on the next one and hate to take time for anything else. But if a short excerpt would help, feel free to cut out a short bit from any of my videos on YouTube, or I can provide a better version if needed (maybe, if I can find it). Again I realize this doesn't show off any particular Carrara feature, so no hurt feelings if you don't. Here are a few 1 minute animations that get more views than others:
Space Cadet Luther
Sexy Chili
No Way Out
English? I don't even know that!
Hopefully our german friends will read this thread
Cool, Thanks!
Always excited to see show/demo reels for a 3D app. I feel like Carrara could get a lot more attention if it had more marketing out there.

I also feel like it could really use more materials that show it as being something other than just "a companion to DAZ Studio", because that's really the kind of impression I think one could get looking at much of the stuff put out there. There's certainly other subject matter, but so much seems to be anchored around Poser and DAZStudio characters, that I wonder if many people don't realize how much more capable it really is.
Speaking for myself, I didn't really know what Carrara was about 'til I happened to be checking out Hexagon and clicked on the link for Carrara out of curiosity. Most of what I'd seen prior to that led me to believe it was a companion app for DAZStudio. It doesn't help that DAZ has pretty much buried anything not DAZStudio on the website. It's almost like they're trying to hide its existence.
I wonder how many other people have that same perception about Carrara, though, and if it keeps people from looking at it more closely?
Anyway, here's a couple videos showcasing works done with Blender3D - a program that was equally, if not more obscure for many years, and no one took it seriously, until it started seeing serious use and adoption. Now it's actually finding its way into large productions, and some teams have started using it exclusively for their projects. All because it had proper exposure and promotion, and people saw what it could really do. Being open-source certainly helped, I'm sure.
Anyway, a great variety of scenes and styles in these vids...
Yeah, I always keep a small candle in my heart that burns as an idea that Daz3d might have Carrara and Bryce on their developmental backburner, but some day intend to dust them off and give them a due, once more, here in the store. Until then, I just spread the word in my own way - knowing, myself, that so many artists out there would really love to get to know this amazing software!
what pixel dimensions you thinkin for the reel?
My reel did not get as many views as some others, even though I did put lots of my time in it
well none of the views mean a thing, my channel has videos with more views than any of those and quite frankly my highest viewed videos are utter crap.
First one is DAZ studio all the rest Carrara
do not use any of this rubbish in any showreels ever please!!!!!!!!
Feel free to extract any clips from these (or any others from my YouTube channel). I can always re-render at higher resolutions should you require.
P.S. I may have something for you from my upcoming set too, I've been rendering some promo animations for it...
updated my clip: I have tested minor post processing (contrast and color correction), speed up the camera motion up to 50 frames/second and added another scenery. some shaders need to be optimized within carrara though
Magaremoto - your video isn't showing for me - marked as Private.
right click on the embedded video doesn't work?
It shows as Private here too.
...and it Shows!!! I LOVE your reel!
That's awesome! I Like 720p, myself. It loads FAST and plays very well. But I'm just one vote.
Thanks! I was going to ask! ;)
Right. In your Video Manager in YouTube, you'll need to change the video to Public if you'd like us to see it ;)
I really love "Dance of the Violins" - what an excellent soundtrack for a demo reel! I think you've done a beautiful job on this. Very tasteful.