MimicMolly's Renders & WIPs



  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    Horse 2 Zebra relaxing on the beach.

    Her coat was painted by Wendy_Carrara and available in a reply to this thread. I used IDG Iray Essentials for DAZ Horse 2 and Centaur 7, "Dapple Gray" for both the main body textures and the mane. However, I swapped the base material for this painted freebie. As for the mane, I used two geoshells to add fullness, except I turned off the forelock on the second shell.



    1280 x 720 - 348K
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    I still want to re-texture for the Bardot Outfit, so I decided to make a random kaleidoscope pattern with GIMP and use that for the dress. Unfortunately, I was careless and didn't save the original patterns, and I know I can't recreate them. I want to add black bands to it, but I'm happy with it so far. The background is a HDRI from HDRI Haven, I think it's called "Music Hall 02". Her hair is the Sheridan Hair for G3F by AprilYSH. And yes, I like that hair with this dress.

    1000 x 1618 - 1M
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    Seriously, is there an actual texture expansion for the Bardot Outfit? It's pretty (and I like it) but it seems like it's ignored by everyone else, despite it being free in the dForce Starter Essentials...

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    You know, I don't know if there is an expansion or not...

    Love the zebra and the bright happy colors of the dress.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    @IceDragonArt DAZ didn't tell me you replied. But if there's no expansion, I guess that means I'd have to learn how to properly texture it myself. Not just make diffuse/base maps. The zebra is fun. Thank you!

    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    Back on the Zebra thread, Ostadan posted a picture from the original Doctor Who opening, because to them, it looked similar to Wendy's Zebra maps. So then, I decided to put them on the horse and it looked gorgeous. The mane and bows are from Ringlets for Toy Pony. Used the blue silk default Iray shader and UHT2.

    1280 x 720 - 2M
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    I don't remember if I mentioned this in this thread, but I managed to transfer Stephanie 5 to G8F. She was one of my most used shapes in Genesis. To me, she always looked like a character from one of those Dutch renaissance paintings. So ignoring this, I decided to dress her up in the Rockabilly Outfit for G8F, use the Santa Baby Hair and put her on the Romance Day Bed. Her skin is from Bluejaunte's Miriam for G8F, her eyes are from Aurore for G3F and G8F. Nails are from Pretty Base Generation 8 by Pretty3D.

    Her body is 100% Stephanie 8. I need to get David 5 over to G8M one of these days. But I'm still having trouble with the eye morphs.

    1213 x 800 - 386K
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    Speaking of eye distortions, since this is also a WIP thread I can show y'all some of the eye distortions from my experiments. The first is a more recent one. A custom stylized morph I'm making 100% in Sculptris. I had asked about the eye distortions in another thread and someone was nice enough to give me a mini-tutorial on how to zero the eyes. (Which I did for Stephanie 5.) This was horrifying!

    This second one was when I tried to transfer Olympia 7's head to G8F, so I wouldn't have to buy that O7 for O8 product. Needless to say, the first time I tried, her eyes got deformed.

    The second time I tried to transfer her, the eyes were much, much better. Here's a comparison of her with her official 8 counterpart. With their original skins and then swapped.

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    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    You know, I don't know if there is an expansion or not...

    Love the zebra and the bright happy colors of the dress.

    No worries, I always just assume people are busy with life lol

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited January 2019

    I re-did my icon. The character shown is supposed to be me, but at the same time the G8F looks nothing like me. Here she's wearing Perrin Hair and HoloFlow for G8F. I might redo it again later. I'm not too picky since I'm trying out different looks with this avatar.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    I don't remember why I did this, but I made a mix of Owen 8 and Nix 8.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    Here is a mix of Warg HD for DAZ Dog 8 and French Bulldog for Dog 8. I wanted to create something a bit pug-like. 

    Exact recipe for this cute mutt:

    • Chest Full – 46.8%
    • Chest Scale – 52.5%
    • Stocky – 100%
    • Sinister Warg HD – 40%
    • Warg Fur HD – 100%
    • Worg HD – 50%
    • French Bulldog HD – 60%
    • ! Ears Floppy (Base Only) – 100%
    • Muzzle Length – 52.5%
    • Tail Full – 31.7%
    • Female – 100% Optional

    Here is the profile view of her head. I know I could’ve gone further with the muzzle length but I thought that would be too cruel, even if the dog is a fake digital one.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    The Warg HD is fun. I wanna see if I can make a Husky with it. I just need to try to paint a sample texture myself in Sculptris. In the meantime, enjoy the Sinister Warg HD in the Pikachu coat I had made earlier.

    1200 x 815 - 356K
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  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I don't remember why I did this, but I made a mix of Owen 8 and Nix 8.

    I really really like him!  And you warg mixes are great! love the Pikachu coat!

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358

    Been away for a bit so looking back through some of your renders over the last few months, really loving the use of lighting in some of them, and the pug like dog is nice smiley

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    Thank you @IceDragonArt and @Noswen !

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    Rendo isn't notifying me when freebie artists upload new freebies! >:[ 

    So I had some delay in getting SquarePeg3D's Forgiver for G8F, which is a cosplay of Overwatch's Mercy. It is a convertion of a game asset, FYI. Anyway, you also need the OOT IrayPair Hair Shaders, to get the hair to be the proper colors. But if you're like me, and don't have that particular product [yet], you can try to experiment and see if you can match. You just need to select the hair and the following material zones -- Bangs, Flyaway01, Flyaway02, Head, and Ponytail -- and use the hair shader of your choice. Unfortunately, this attempt to color it is darker than what it should be.

    I wanna see how much of it is kitbashable. >:]

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    Another game conversion by SquarePeg3D is Hacker G8F, who is the character Sombra. I also experimented on the hair textures and made her hair brown instead of the bluish/green ombre that's shown in the freebie promos. I also tweaked the character head-shaping preset, by adding some Monique 8 and Girl 8. The texture is FWSA Taia HD for Victoria 7.

    There is a pose set that almost gives her that character select pose. It's Z Almost Human - Poses and Expressions for Genesis 8 Female and Zelara 8 from the Zelara 8 Pro Bundle. You just have to adjust it some and you’re set.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    Sombra and Windowmaker fan art render. Also available in the DAZ Galleries [x]. I used Divamakeup's Freebie Toon Shaders for both.

    This had postwork done in GIMP because of poke-thru. Doesn't look too bad.

    Talon Girls.jpg
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    Today I was working on a retexturing. This was inspired by the fact that the Sombra cosplay, if retextured, could double as a Candela, from Pokemon Go, cosplay.

    Like my other texture painting attempts, I tried to do this using Sculptris, GIMP, and MS Paint. Unfortunately, I was unable to load the coat but the rest of the items loaded fine in Sculptris. As for the coat, I struggled (and continue to struggle) to paint it with Blender which confuses me

    I have finished the base/diffuse mat for the gloves. The eletrical bits are intended to "glow" like an ember, hence the fade from dark to orange. I have included the test texture for the gloves which I plan to use as a base whenever (if ever) I get to work on the normal maps. I want this to have a woven/sweater texture and this will be my guide.

    I will most likely create multiple maps for this, just so I could get the effects that I want.

    1000 x 1618 - 514K
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited February 2019

    I'm still working on the Candela Cosplay textures. What I intend to do is have a very plain/simple Diffuse (Base) map, and all the fabric and metallic details be in the bumps and normals. I've given up in trying to paint the coat in Blender. Instead, I downloaded the 3DCoat trial and tried it there. Unfortunately, I actually like 3DCoat because it's exactly what I needed, so between buying the amateur version after the 30 day trial expires and March Madness, I will go with the former. (Unless something wows me, or my wishlist goes on sale, I'll skip it. "There's Always Another Sale".)

    Anyway, the test renders. The "guide" texture and the plain clean one.

    The coat and the gloves together. (Clean Version)

    The guides, scribbly 3DCoat doodles + MS Paint lines.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    For the texturing, comments and critiques are welcome. I want to make it beautiful.

    As for my other texturing project, the only reason that's on hold is because I'm unsure of there's a demand for a Hatsune Miku cosplay with that particular outfit. I know there's no demand for the Candela textures, but I play on Team Valor (the red team) on Pokemon Go, so I actually want to make fan art, because why not?

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited March 2019

    Been playing around with 3DCoat more. I'm kind of glad not many things interest me from March Madness. I'm saving up. I figured out how to stamp pictures onto objects. First up is another texture I made for the Bardot Outfit.  It's another flower design I doodled with Autodesk Sketchbook, using the symmetry tool. This time, I saved the original and stamped it all over the dress. I was going to make it have red lace at the bottom too. 

    The problem I've run into with 3DCoat is that it just wants to keep exporting material zones as their own textures. Like in Sculptris, this particular skirt is all in the same image. But 3D Coat wants to save out 5 or so. Apparently, other 3D painting software, like Substance Painter does this too (or so I've heard.)

    900 x 1177 - 883K
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited March 2019

    Taking advatage of the stamp tool, I tried to stamp on makeup for G8F. I still have no clue how to do LIE makeup, so I've been doing Diffuse Overlay. This test came out okay, but they always come out looking so pale. I've yet to figure out what I'm doing wrong. This one is on Latonya 8 skin. Still not happy with it, but the attempt was successful. 

    1000 x 1307 - 1M
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited March 2019

    This other attempt at makeup was more or less supposed to be like Barbie doll makeup for my character Biana. For some reason I have to make the makeup several shades darker and more desaturated, compared to the colors I'd use if I were to actually try to color a drawing. I want this as Diffuse Overlay, just in case I'd use it on other characters. The second attempt today was better but the lips look too purple. They should be a similar pink to my first attempt.

    Also, I've been wanting to redo her head shape. Although she looks nice, she looks too "generic". The redo, or at least this attempt, looks too different, even though her new shape looked pleasing to me with the texture. (She looks like an Anagord character, despite using the same exact skin I've settled on.) I think the best would be a mix of these two, but I have to figure out how to re-save the presets as dials and then slowly blend them together until it's perfect.

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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited March 2019

    I attempted to recreate Cortana from the Halo games (specifically the Halo 3 design) in 3DCoat and GIMP. The base textures for the arms, face, torso, and legs are 2048 x 2048. I started working on it without a good reference and I eventually found one. While I was able to correct the torso and legs, the arms' pattern is totally wrong. The hair is the Aldora Hair from the Genesis Starter Essentials autofitted to G8F. But the base textures are painted by me. The G8F shape are Gia 8 Head 100% and Olympia 8 Body 100%.

    While I did only replace the base mats off the default G8F, I also added Gia 8's normals. This is a close-up of the face and hair with the head lamp turned off. I used Diva's Toon Shader for the eyes. I also applied her Altern8 to the body but I don't recall which setting because I changed the translucency and transmitted colors to cyan/light blue, which made her look so glowy with the head lamp.

    Finally, this is the back view, which I was concerned about it violating the forum rules, but I tried to cover it minimally with the Hongyu Bikini panty.

    Not sure if anyone is interested in me releasing these 2048 x 2048 mats as freebies once I finish with them. I did see another Cortana skin for DS but it was for Aiko 3..


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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    I don't understand how she rendered faster with the head lamp offfrown

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited March 2019

    Baldric for Landon 8 was the reason I got the Landon 8 base. Which actually ended up being the second best-looking G8M official base. (#1 is still Darius 8, IMO). I put him in my cart so fast I had failed to realize he was one of the discounted/70% off items until I looked at my cart for check-out. However, I've not had a chance to render him until now. I also wanted to try out the Classic Long Curly Hair with dForce for G8F but on a G8M. Unfortunately, after an hour of waiting for the simulation I stopped it, though the hair still had some autofit issues. 

    He is wearing the bikini from Maxx HD Mega Pack for The Brute 8. I also haven't done a more proper render of Maxx. OTL I do plan on redoing this type of render. Perhaps with Baldric in a different pose, different outfit, etc. I put the Landon 8 fangs on him at 100%.

    1245 x 2000 - 1M
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  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited April 2019

    Almost a month?? But then, I've been busy with non-DAZ hobbies. Anyway, there was a Flash Sale of RiverSoftArt products and I finally decided to "bite the bullet" as they say, and got their V4 to G8F Clothing Convertion product they did with Sickleyield. I'm still confused by this product. The thread in the forums is just to long for me to read right now. (My attention span is quite short right now.) I want to know if there's duplicate data files and whether or not I can delete the V4 version and keep this new G8F converstion.

    Anyway, this is an old Aery Soul/Aeon Soul freebie, the AS Elven Stapped for V4. The top and panty are applied with Autofit and the results from the converter. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, the converter did a much better job at fitting this to the default shape than the autofit. But then, there is this strange gap between the figure's body and the clothing. The same thing happened to another dress I converted. I still have no idea what I'm doing. 

    1008 x 657 - 767K
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  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039

    MimicMolly , if you check the list of morphs that the converter adds  you will find one  labeled "Tighten All"  try adjusting that for a better fit. I've got most of the converters and love them ....

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