MimicMolly's Renders & WIPs



  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    @carrie58 I'll check it out tomorrow. I'm pleased that it worked with this non-DAZ shop item, so far. I was hesitant about getting these scripts before because they seemed too complex for me to understand.
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    I admit, I decided to render this only because both the outfit and the character hadn't appeared credited in the Rendo galleries and I like both a lot. Here is the DAZ Gallery link with the full credits [x].

    The character is Bunny G2F by Sabby, which used to be avaialble for sale but was probably removed to be re-released at Rendo since it's now for G8F too and the skin has IRAY settings. She looks a bit like Miley Cyrus to me and the reason I got her is that I don't have enough round-faced G8F head morphs in my data folder. The outfit is Desdemone REMIX for G8F by Powerage. If I didn't have other art WIPs, I'd try to re-texture it too. Overall, it's a great product but my only issue is the hair. It's not vertically mapped and I can't use ColorWerks on it well. I had to add a Geometry Shell over it and applied PhilW's Hair Lustre shaders on that. :)

    1200 x 1569 - 524K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    This is just my observation, but from my [limited] experience in rendering with DAZ Studio, I noticed that posing the fingers can do a lot for the image. It gives the sense of "life" to the character because they are interacting with their enviroment. I tried to do that here but was unable because of poke-thru which I tried to cover up with the position of the fingers. At least it looks like this render was a milisecond away from her going from a resting stance to a fighting stance. (I tried to also render without doing postwork. I still have no idea what I did for the colors to be this "naturally" saturated.)

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    I am bad with math, but at least I managed to save a tiny bit on Sanjay 8 when I got him today. (I already like him as much as The Brute 8.) I wanted the Pro Bundle but it was out of my price-range. Oh well, perhaps next time. It's also quite sad that his HD isn't going to be available after his release period. If this doesn't change, then DAZ has done him (easily one of the best base G8Ms) dirty.

    Speaking of which, it inspired the following render. Some Sanjay/Avengers: Endgame crossover. Sanjay HD getting disintegrated in the snap but then I just liked how Sanjay looked with Sixus1's Galactic Tyrant cosplay (that I edited the colors of) and went with a simple portrait. Some light postwork on the gauntlet and a public domain pic of a galaxy in the background. DAZ Galleries link [x].

    Here is another full-body render. I might play around with him later. I had to use a random long glove on him because the Galactic Tyrant gloves made his arms disappear but perhaps to make a better fit with the actual Galactic Tyrant character. (There is some poke-thru visible. Oops.) I had to do a lot of hiding just to get it to where I liked it, but it was worth it. Sanjay is using Vladimir 8's stubble beard.


    1225 x 1586 - 917K
    1502 x 2430 - 1M
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    I rendered up the girl from the Mega Milk meme, which originally came from some random hentai doujinshi panel. I should've given this character a crazier cross-eyed expression, but here she just looks kinda cheeky.

    To quote Ian Malcolm from Jurrasic Park, "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."

    DAZ Galleries link [x].

    *EDIT: Somehow, the pose for the final render doesn't give the character any justice, because you can't see that I gave her the unrealistic/fantasy pinup shape that I see a lot of DS pinup artists use for their characters. She somehow looks "normal" in the artistic render. XD


    1000 x 1500 - 209K
    600 x 784 - 177K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Wonderful thread with many great images, but I'm especially fond of your Zebra-on-Beach scene.  

    To quote Ian Malcolm from Jurrasic Park, "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."


    Love your attitude!

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    Wonderful thread with many great images, but I'm especially fond of your Zebra-on-Beach scene.  

    To quote Ian Malcolm from Jurrasic Park, "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."


    Love your attitude!

    Thank you. That reminds me, I have Design Anvil's Foal for Daz Horse 2 and haven't rendered it properly. I'll see if I can make something with a baby zebra with its mother.
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    A mother zebra and her son at the beach. DAZ Galleries link with credits [x].

    1200 x 960 - 456K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    I forget what I put here sometimes, so I don't know if I ever shared the closest I ever got to recreating Aeon Soul's promo girl, Alice.

    EDIT: Yeah, I never posted the proper G8F recreation I ended up making. I like this pic a lot, but I'm gonna re-render it tomorrow with the G8F shaping preset that looks like me, so I can use it as an icon.

    1000 x 1294 - 376K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    This was the full-body render. It does better justice to the skin, which is 3-DArena's Davinia: Queen of Hearts for G8F (at Renderosity).

    Still need to edit an eye texture so I can make her have heterochromia (different colored eyes).

    1111 x 2000 - 299K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    A sample render I did for another random thread. Sabby-Bunny for G2F as with the G2F shape. She has Charm Hair (with Colorwerks) and Seductress Dress for G2F with a wax shader.


    688 x 900 - 905K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited May 2019

    This is a render I have posted to the DAZ Galleries, which also mentions many of the items I used. [x]

    Items I didn't mention where the SquarePeg3D freebies (Bowsette and Wild Card). The pants were from Desdemone Remix for G8F, the shader for the Neckro Armor skull hat was a plaster shader from the Iray/G8 version of Sculptural Genesis. The main shader for the outfit (as well as the one I used for the latest Alice render) were the Monochromatic Iray Shaders by Vyktohria, a 2018 Christmas Freebie that's no longer avaialble.

    Another note about the Neckro Armor is that some parts of the outfit won't load. I had picked it up a long time ago for cheap but at least the prop helmet is usable and that's the only thing I ever liked from it. I should've used more lights but they kept blowing out the outfit. XS

    1004 x 1300 - 2M
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    I posted this one to the DAZ Galleries last night but didn't have a chance to post it in this thread. [x]

    Concept was simple, is this one of those sexy outfits that only look good on female characters? You decide! I had done some test renders of it last year with G3F.

    I'm also planning on redoing this other render now that I figured out how to use the boots on G8. Took almost more than a year lol XD

    1000 x 1510 - 3M
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    Another fan art render, of Spider-Man and Black Cat. DAZ Galleries link [x].

    Here is a quick portrait of both. (For Spidey, I had loaded and shaped the "Dev Load" version of him for this render. For the portrait, gave him him a skin and Ronen's hair.) I shoud've taken off her mask for this render but I didn't save the scene, only the shaping presets. Oops. XD

    I don't know much of Spider-Man's lore because I don't keep up with the comics, and I have very vague memories of a couple of movies I've seen and two animated series (60's & 90's). I guess it has to do with the memes and reaction images I've seen, but the "face" that always comes to mind is the 1960s cartoon face for Peter Parker. So I tried to vaguely shape the G8M to match that, but also he needs to be very lean too. I had to use a Fred Winkler/Sabby skin because they're the only smooth ones I have for males. (I want him to match Felicia.)

    As for Felicia Hardy (Black Cat), I was torn between making her curvy or making her lithe (which is logical for being a rogue/acrobat/cat burglar). I chose to make her curvy because not only does she seem to have magical "bad luck" abilities, but she also looks like she'd relie on charisma for stealth. Her skin is a modified Aiko 7 for Aiko 8, because that's the only non-goth pale skin I have in my runtime at the moment. Her eyes are a mix of Eris' eyes and Naia's eyes.

    1800 x 2500 - 4M
    2000 x 1307 - 790K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    Real quick, I waited for the DAZ Studio 4.11 general release and let me just say I love it because it renders everything faster for me. Although I understand the utter disappointment with the true dForce Strand Hair being PA-only, it's no loss for me. Especially since I can barely render the regular static strand hair. This is a quick hairstyle I tried to do and even this poor G8M can feel the pain. (Click to see the whole huge pic).

    I don't think I will be buying any true dForce hair. I can't use it and the very solid colors of the hairs makes them look like synthetic wigs. So realistic in that way, but not as what I would consider natural hair.

    2677 x 3500 - 4M
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    Had to be AFK for a bit, but this was the artistic render of the day. RM Nieves with the diffuse textures converted to the G3F/G8F base UVs. DAZ Galleries link [x].

    This is what I spent most of my hobby time this week working on, besides writing. I found converting these textures to be a relaxing activity. I would like to do it again, but I need to think of which other legacy character skin is worth converting over this way. I chose Nieves because her skin texture is actually gray and not some settings trick on a pale skin, like most skins nowadays tend to be which Altern8 happily exposes. (So the next candidate must be unique like Nieves. I have one in mind, but I don't think I've re-downloaded it from Rendo on this computer.)

    Yes, I used Altern8, but as a starting point. I made her translucency pinkish, her transmitted color a very pale lilac, her glossy was still white. I think I may've added a pale blue top coat color too, but I don't remember. I really wanted her to look like the promo renders, but in Iray. Sort of got close, I guess. XD

    1000 x 1415 - 342K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    The technique I used to convert the skin is somewhat straightforward. However, this was done for my own personal renders and I can't redistribute this result as is. And you shouldn't either.

    What you'd need to do this yourself is your G3F/G8F merchant resource skin of choice. And a figure with both V4 and G3F/G8F UVs (usually G1 or G2F, I used G1.) I applied the desired texture onto G1, and hit CTRL + Z, so it could be untextured. Then, I went back and manually re-applied the base/diffuse textures onto G1.

    I did this because I use Map Transfer to convert it to G8F. Map Transfer will transfer all textures (base/diffuse, opacity, bumps, normal, etc.) of the figure. I only wanted the colored skin. I created a folder in my Runtime Textures folder to save these conversions.

    I used GIMP to turn the G3F/G8F Merchant Resource skin a similar shade of gray as Nieves. I need the MR to reduce visible seams. What I do is after coloring it, I copypaste the Map Transfer result over it in another layer. Then I erase the edges of the Map Transfer result until it's blended with the MR. I repeat with the torain, limbs, other makeups. I did go back and forth to check if there's very noticable seams.

    I return to DS, and load up the G8F in the Developer Kit, because she's skinless. I turn her white in the Surfaces tab. Then, manually add my edited V4 in G8F UV texture. I save this as a material preset (I can't recall what it's called but it saves the diffuse base setting only.) Afterwards, I loaded the Base G8F material. And clicked this preset I made to replace the base diffuse textures only. (Just in case, I mess up and don't need to manually apply textures again.) Then I applied Altern8, but any skin shader settings of choice are fine. I made sure to keep and not replace textures. Then, I tweaked the colors until it was close to the promo images.

    I don't feel like I should waste my time converting the original bump maps and specular. The base G8F maps are superior. Though this might be tricky for other skins that have unique effects. You're better off re-saving the skin texture as a .DUF to use with the Cayman Studios geografts. I could've done the same here, but I didn't want to. Mostly because might want to use LIE or Diffuse Overlay makeups on her.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    I've been wanting to do this for a while, but a sort-of side by side comparison of Tara 2 and Aurore by Kayleyss. No textures.

    Skinless, they look very different. The promos made them look the same to me, so if I had one (Aurore) I didn't need the other (Tara 2). I like both.

    As for Tara 2, she is much better than the original Tara (who I only got because the character and outfit bundle was in the Fast Grab and I only wanted the outfit.) I didn't like the original Tara's shape at all, it didn't seem to mix well because she was too lean in a detailed way, for my tastes. But I did use her geografted horns and tail a lot. I also liked her red demon skin. So I don't feel I need to have her in my laptop now that I have Tara 2. Besides, now I can use her horns, tails, and wings on G3 and G8, males and females. I was going to render her wearing the outfit, which the wings and tail fit nicely with, but I ran out of time.

    Still, all three characters are a little too big in size for my tastes. (Tara and Sachra zip size = 848.35 MBTara 2 zip size = 1.05 GBAurore zip size = 762.11 MB) But the Taras come with demon skins and stuff. Aurore is a normal human, though most other normal human characters (G3 & G8) I have, tend to be like 300 MB - 400 MB. Gwennili zip size is 531.96 MB

    If I had the room, I'd have all four on my laptop but that's not possible. It's also why I do a lot of portrait renders whereas before I did a lot of 3Delight renders with environments and props in the scenes.

    1008 x 657 - 700K
    800 x 1046 - 703K
    800 x 1046 - 698K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    There's some PAs that I've bought their products and then instantly regretted seeing how huge their file sizes are. The only reason I've rarely returned them is that perhaps some day, I'd actually be able to use them. I just have to uninstall other products to see if I could cram them in. That's how it was with Iray products back when I could only use 3Delight. 

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I admit, I decided to render this only because both the outfit and the character hadn't appeared credited in the Rendo galleries and I like both a lot. Here is the DAZ Gallery link with the full credits [x].

    The character is Bunny G2F by Sabby, which used to be avaialble for sale but was probably removed to be re-released at Rendo since it's now for G8F too and the skin has IRAY settings. She looks a bit like Miley Cyrus to me and the reason I got her is that I don't have enough round-faced G8F head morphs in my data folder. The outfit is Desdemone REMIX for G8F by Powerage. If I didn't have other art WIPs, I'd try to re-texture it too. Overall, it's a great product but my only issue is the hair. It's not vertically mapped and I can't use ColorWerks on it well. I had to add a Geometry Shell over it and applied PhilW's Hair Lustre shaders on that. :)

    I really like this one.


    Had to be AFK for a bit, but this was the artistic render of the day. RM Nieves with the diffuse textures converted to the G3F/G8F base UVs. DAZ Galleries link [x].

    This is what I spent most of my hobby time this week working on, besides writing. I found converting these textures to be a relaxing activity. I would like to do it again, but I need to think of which other legacy character skin is worth converting over this way. I chose Nieves because her skin texture is actually gray and not some settings trick on a pale skin, like most skins nowadays tend to be which Altern8 happily exposes. (So the next candidate must be unique like Nieves. I have one in mind, but I don't think I've re-downloaded it from Rendo on this computer.)

    Yes, I used Altern8, but as a starting point. I made her translucency pinkish, her transmitted color a very pale lilac, her glossy was still white. I think I may've added a pale blue top coat color too, but I don't remember. I really wanted her to look like the promo renders, but in Iray. Sort of got close, I guess. XD

    And I love this skin!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    There's some PAs that I've bought their products and then instantly regretted seeing how huge their file sizes are. The only reason I've rarely returned them is that perhaps some day, I'd actually be able to use them. I just have to uninstall other products to see if I could cram them in. That's how it was with Iray products back when I could only use 3Delight. 

    You've touched on one of the reasons I have desktop computers. They aren't very portable, but then again, neither am I!

    Have you considered buying an external drive for your content? You can tell both Daz Studio and DIM, (if you use DIM,) where to find it. And then if you find yourself needing to replace the laptop, you can just plug the external into the replacement and all your content will still be installed. Prices fluctuate a lot, but I picked up an 8TB USB 3.0 external drive last summer for $150. (Just checked, and the same one is $139 on Amazon today. Just might have to get another one!)

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019
    L'Adair said:

    There's some PAs that I've bought their products and then instantly regretted seeing how huge their file sizes are. The only reason I've rarely returned them is that perhaps some day, I'd actually be able to use them. I just have to uninstall other products to see if I could cram them in. That's how it was with Iray products back when I could only use 3Delight. 

    You've touched on one of the reasons I have desktop computers. They aren't very portable, but then again, neither am I!  wink

    Have you considered buying an external drive for your content? You can tell both Daz Studio and DIM, (if you use DIM,) where to find it. And then if you find yourself needing to replace the laptop, you can just plug the external into the replacement and all your content will still be installed. Prices fluctuate a lot, but I picked up an 8TB USB 3.0 external drive last summer for $150. (Just checked, and the same one is $139 on Amazon today. Just might have to get another one!)

    I can't have a desktop because I don't have enough space at home. I use DIM and that's why I don't hesitate to uninstall and re-install content. XD Although, if I did get an external drive, it means I'll have to figure out what to install in it, and what to keep on my laptop.

    Also the main reason I took out the MEC4D shaders (vol. 2) out of my cart in the last minute, this past sale. PBR shaders already sound like they're several gigs large. XS

    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    @IceDragonArt Thank you!

    I don't remember what I did to make Bunny's render look so saturated. Because I'd love to do it again. 

    I love Nieves' skin too and I'm so glad I finally moved it to a G3F/G8F UV because I can now use more makeups on it to vary its look.

    800 x 1046 - 903K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • SaphirewildSaphirewild Posts: 6,672

    @IceDragonArt Thank you!

    I don't remember what I did to make Bunny's render look so saturated. Because I'd love to do it again. 

    I love Nieves' skin too and I'm so glad I finally moved it to a G3F/G8F UV because I can now use more makeups on it to vary its look.

    How did you make her skin so beautifully glitery? 

    I am so Jelly*(Jealious) right now!!

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    L'Adair said:

    There's some PAs that I've bought their products and then instantly regretted seeing how huge their file sizes are. The only reason I've rarely returned them is that perhaps some day, I'd actually be able to use them. I just have to uninstall other products to see if I could cram them in. That's how it was with Iray products back when I could only use 3Delight. 

    You've touched on one of the reasons I have desktop computers. They aren't very portable, but then again, neither am I!  wink

    Have you considered buying an external drive for your content? You can tell both Daz Studio and DIM, (if you use DIM,) where to find it. And then if you find yourself needing to replace the laptop, you can just plug the external into the replacement and all your content will still be installed. Prices fluctuate a lot, but I picked up an 8TB USB 3.0 external drive last summer for $150. (Just checked, and the same one is $139 on Amazon today. Just might have to get another one!)

    I can't have a desktop because I don't have enough space at home. I use DIM and that's why I don't hesitate to uninstall and re-install content. XD Although, if I did get an external drive, it means I'll have to figure out what to install in it, and what to keep on my laptop.

    Also the main reason I took out the MEC4D shaders (vol. 2) out of my cart in the last minute, this past sale. PBR shaders already sound like they're several gigs large. XS

    Volume 2 shows at 527.6 MB installed via DIM interface. (Just so you know, Vol. 3 is much lighter, at only 177.5 MB installed.) I love Cath's shaders, though.

    As for an external drive, if I had a laptop, I'd install all my content on the external. But that's me. And I've got a lot of content. It would be a lot of work reinstalling. But if you normally install what you need when you need it, and uninstall things you're not using, it wouldn't be as a big an issue for you. (And your DS probably runs faster than mine, because of the leaner content install.)

    I passed on the external drive on Amazon, btw. I paid a few dollars more and bought an internal drive. I have this humungous case for the beast, with room for eight 3.5-in drives, and I don't know how many 2.5-in drives, (I didn't count those as they are all over the place.) I figure with an internal, I don't have to worry about where to set the drive, or where to plug in the power cord! lol

    Thank you, (sincerely,) for tempting me to look up the old order. I am running out of room on the 2TB drive that holds my DS libraries.

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213

    @Saphirewild I used the low silver skin glitter settings from this product https://www.daz3d.com/ej-universal-fx-shaders-for-genesis-8-female-s-and-male-s and the "fireflies" from me not letting the render finish.

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 4,039

    Real quick, I waited for the DAZ Studio 4.11 general release and let me just say I love it because it renders everything faster for me. Although I understand the utter disappointment with the true dForce Strand Hair being PA-only, it's no loss for me. Especially since I can barely render the regular static strand hair. This is a quick hairstyle I tried to do and even this poor G8M can feel the pain. (Click to see the whole huge pic).

    I don't think I will be buying any true dForce hair. I can't use it and the very solid colors of the hairs makes them look like synthetic wigs. So realistic in that way, but not as what I would consider natural hair.


    OMG!! Actually I love the hair it would make great crazy infant hair IMO


  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    carrie58 said:

    Real quick, I waited for the DAZ Studio 4.11 general release and let me just say I love it because it renders everything faster for me. Although I understand the utter disappointment with the true dForce Strand Hair being PA-only, it's no loss for me. Especially since I can barely render the regular static strand hair. This is a quick hairstyle I tried to do and even this poor G8M can feel the pain. (Click to see the whole huge pic).

    I don't think I will be buying any true dForce hair. I can't use it and the very solid colors of the hairs makes them look like synthetic wigs. So realistic in that way, but not as what I would consider natural hair.

    OMG!! Actually I love the hair it would make great crazy infant hair IMO

    If I had placed a scalp on him, or something like this Shaved Hair for G3M, it would've looked better. I wanted like a mix of mad scientist electrified hair and spiky anime boy hair. XD

  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019
    L'Adair said:
    L'Adair said:

    There's some PAs that I've bought their products and then instantly regretted seeing how huge their file sizes are. The only reason I've rarely returned them is that perhaps some day, I'd actually be able to use them. I just have to uninstall other products to see if I could cram them in. That's how it was with Iray products back when I could only use 3Delight. 

    You've touched on one of the reasons I have desktop computers. They aren't very portable, but then again, neither am I!  wink

    Have you considered buying an external drive for your content? You can tell both Daz Studio and DIM, (if you use DIM,) where to find it. And then if you find yourself needing to replace the laptop, you can just plug the external into the replacement and all your content will still be installed. Prices fluctuate a lot, but I picked up an 8TB USB 3.0 external drive last summer for $150. (Just checked, and the same one is $139 on Amazon today. Just might have to get another one!)

    I can't have a desktop because I don't have enough space at home. I use DIM and that's why I don't hesitate to uninstall and re-install content. XD Although, if I did get an external drive, it means I'll have to figure out what to install in it, and what to keep on my laptop.

    Also the main reason I took out the MEC4D shaders (vol. 2) out of my cart in the last minute, this past sale. PBR shaders already sound like they're several gigs large. XS

    Volume 2 shows at 527.6 MB installed via DIM interface. (Just so you know, Vol. 3 is much lighter, at only 177.5 MB installed.) I love Cath's shaders, though.

    As for an external drive, if I had a laptop, I'd install all my content on the external. But that's me. And I've got a lot of content. It would be a lot of work reinstalling. But if you normally install what you need when you need it, and uninstall things you're not using, it wouldn't be as a big an issue for you. (And your DS probably runs faster than mine, because of the leaner content install.)

    I passed on the external drive on Amazon, btw. I paid a few dollars more and bought an internal drive. I have this humungous case for the beast, with room for eight 3.5-in drives, and I don't know how many 2.5-in drives, (I didn't count those as they are all over the place.) I figure with an internal, I don't have to worry about where to set the drive, or where to plug in the power cord! lol

    Thank you, (sincerely,) for tempting me to look up the old order. I am running out of room on the 2TB drive that holds my DS libraries.

    You're welcome. 

    Darn, I should've gotten Volume 2. I wanted it because of the juice, wet cloth, and building bricks shaders. Maybe next time. >_<;

    They came back on sale at 70% off. I used my bonus coupon, so now they're mine. I'll download them once I get home and see what I can do with them. B]

    Post edited by MimicMolly on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,213
    edited June 2019

    I did this render last night, it was one of those random "photoshoot" type renders where the only thing that mattered is "composition" than whatever is going on. DAZ Galleries link [x].

    Most of the items used are linked in the gallery except for five -- the skin texture is from Aurore, some of the shaders are from the Sulptural Genesis G8, the eyes and eyelashes are Raiya's "Look At Me" eyes and lashes because transferring this shape screwed up her eyes. The rings and bracelets are from Val3dart's Salome for G8F Outfit and the hair ornament is from Fantasy Headwear, no longer available at this store and the DAZ Docs entry for it has disappeared too.

    1450 x 1045 - 449K
    Post edited by MimicMolly on
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