Carrara CHALLENGE - Tomatoes et al #33 Chat Time

CHALLENGE - Tomatoes et al #33
Hi, I'm Stezza the 'Supweme Wuler' for this Challenge #33
I have the final say on any and all disputes which will be zero during this challenge.
I, in my capacity of 'Supweme Wuler' will decide on any tied votes on categories. mwahahaha.
Challenge Categories
I - Best Tomato et al., Collection of Images
II - Best Tomato et al., PR Image No Postwork apart from your signature
III - Best Tomato et al., PR/NPR/Postworked image - Postwork allowed and encouraged
The Challenge
Tomarto or t’8oes... et al.,
Come with us on a zany render ride as we showcase our best tomato et al., images. Let your imagination go fruity as long as they are within the DAZ ToS of course.
What can you do with your tomato?
add more variety by having your tomato friends ( et al., ) included in your images, surprise us with your PR renders of fat juicy tomatoes.... anything will do.. postwork to your hearts content.
Simple Requirements:
You should have a tomato ( that can be recognised as a tomato/product ) in your final entered image!
but if you’re tomato intollerent that’s fine.. just do something RED
either modelled or sauced from somewhere ;-)
Final Tomato et al., Render must be done in Carrara ( *excludes animations ) – because it’s a Carrara Challenge!
* animations can be rendered in another software package but the main components must be done in Carrara prior.
Works in progress to show how you got to your Tomato et al., up and going, listing what programs you used and 'how to do' steps so others can learn.
PRIZES - what! there are prizes?
DAZ Sponsored
Most votes in total entries for one artist: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Most votes single PR image No Postwork: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Most votes single PR/NPR/Postwork/animation image Postwork allowed: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
DAZ's Choiciest Juiciest Tomato image: $45.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
Supweme Wuler's ( Stezza's ) Tomato WiP Challenge Pick - $5 Gift Certificate
Larsen's PICK of Juiciest Tomato image: One choice from his product library
Dates to Remember - dates in a tomato challenge WT!
All dates are 'Supweme Wuler' Time ( AEST )
all you northerners don't get caught! but I can be swayed.
WIP Thread Opens: closed
Entry Thread Closed: It is CLOSED!
Entry Thread Closed/Voting Begins: Closed!
Voting Ends: midnight Friday June 30th, 2017
Winners announced when counting and votes are finalised
How to get your tomato
Any way you can ( legally )
The easiest way is to download the free 'Killer Tomato' donated by GKDantas.
His "Killer Tomato" scene was 100% modeled in Carrara. You can download the complete scene here:
No sign is is required to download... I know as I downloaded it. But if you have problems let us know and we will try and work something out.
Thank you Marcelo!
A real cool way is to model your own tomato in your favourite modelling software ( a good challenge ) and go ballistic... one of our Carrara'ists may post a detailed step through on how to model your very own tomato ( extra Tommie points may be earned ) What every 'Supweme Wuler' wants and I want your tomatoes!
There is a tomato at ShareCG as well you can use....
Would be good but not a requirement
To use in addition or to compliment your Tomato et al., is to use one of our Carrara PA's products in your final image ( if you have any that is ).
How Many Times Can I Enter?
You can do as many WiP works as you please, maybe even get some tips/hints off other Carrara'ists on which WiPs are more betterer than others... but don't be fooled if there is a rotten tomato out there!
You can ENTER as many final works in the ENTRY Thread as you like... go for it
No other requirements are needed but if you do model or use special lighting or maybe use some hair on your tomato it would be great to show how and would probably earn extra tommie points.
Most of all have fun, your only limitation is your imagination of tomatoes. And ask for help if you get stuck on something.. we are all here to help you.
As the host I won't enter any images in the entry thread but will post every now and then my tomato render in the WiP thread... well, probably more times than not.
LINK to the Commons thread
added 19052017
Clarification on PR/NPR/Postwork
Most votes single PR image No Postwork: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
PR = PhotoRealistic setting in Carrara render room.. Only postwork allowed is your signature nothing else
Most votes single PR/NPR/Postwork image Postwork allowed: $50.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
PR = PhotoRealistic with postwork to fix up or add stuff
NPR = Non PhotoRealistic setting in Carrara render room with postwork
Postwork = as it suggests... postwork your image type to your hearts content.
In other words any image with postwork apart from signature
DAZ's Choiciest Juiciest Tomato image: $45.00 towards DAZ 3D owned item(s)
as chosen by a DAZ Rep
Supweme Wuler's ( Stezza's ) Tomato WiP Challenge Pick - $5 Gift Certificate
as chosen by me
Larsen's PICK of Juiciest Tomato image: One choice from his product library
as chosen by Larsen
yeah!!! I bet it's the attack of the killer Bannanas !
Hmmm... easy as what? ;)
Suspect that both of you are right... probably Easy As Pie for Stezza. :)
Yummy! I love pie! I hope I don't have to render it though... I usually eat it before I can get the lighting just right :(
Did you know that in order to be called "Fancy," ketchup has to have 33% tomato solids in it? And this is challenge #33. And there have been a lot of tomatos around here lately. The first track on Weird Al's last album is a spoof of the song "Fancy" and the THIRD track on the album is "Foil" which is all about conspiracies! Connect the dots people!
I'm not crazy; your're crazy! Oh, the nice men in white are here to take me away...
No! Not him... (he turns and points toward the doctor) Him!
But does a tomato have to be a plant of the type that is red, has the seeds on the inside, grows on a vine, and is sometimes made into ketchup? Or, can a tomato be a pinup girl?
Tomato [1920s+] - a very attractive girl or young woman (the name implies “luscious” and desireable, “ripe” as far as physical maturity. Considered disrespectful)
Wentworth and Flexner. The Pocket Dictionary of Slang. Pocket Books. New York. 1976. Print
Hot Tomato... mmmmm
That looks a lot like Vyusur! ;)
@Diomede I like the way you are thinking
no... I love the way you are thinking... let your imagination go wild..
Just waiting on confirmation on DAZ's continued support...
but I can say that
Larsen will be a sponsor for this challenge -- yay
and I am also going to kick in a $5 Gift Card for my favourite image - Being the 'Supweme Wuler' I can be bribed...
Hopefully you will find the guidelines of the challenge easy and open to your imagination of which @Diomede has already shown.. don't feel restricted because of rules... don't even look at the rules... heck, I don't think there are any!
just do your thing when the Challenge Topic is posted.. whatever that may be
can you believe it! the food additive Citric Acid is 330....
Time to ketchup with this thread!
we need the sauce code
a whole channel of Tomato.
coming soon to a stew near yoo
you took one of my lines!!!!
love it...
towmarto or t'm8o.... who cares.... keep the puns coming you fruity lot
Today I'll post some of the guidelines..... WHAT! NO RULES!
ha... who needs rules.... where we're going we don't need rules... so any questions or queries please ask..
but we have categories... why?.. because Wendy loves cats
Here is the title and the categories
CHALLENGE - Tomatoes et al #33
Challenge Categories
I - Best Tomato et al., Collection of Images
II - Best Tomato et al., PR Image No Postwork
III - Best Tomato et al., PR/NPR/Postworked image - Postwork allowed and encouraged
I'll post some more a little later... keep watching..
oh.. first question
Q. What the hell is an et al?....
A. It's latin... because I did latin in first year of high school and this is all I remember of it.. it means 'and friends'.. because we are all friends here... aren't we
You mean that you are strictly enforcing the "no rule" rule? Man, that's brutal. Not sure if I can enter...
'Supweme Wuler' Quote:
let your inner seeds sprout young one....
Need inspiration?
Why did the tomato blush?
Because he saw the salad dressing.
ok.. now you have done it...
from 3rd grade many years ago
Q What's RED round, sits in a tree and is dangerous?
A. A tomato with a submachine gun
I may not be able to compete in this one due to injury. I dropped a bottle of ketchup on my foot and it caused a lot of pain to ma toes.
ha ha,
Q why did the toilet roll down to the hill
A to get to the bottom of things...
I know it doent have tomato in it but you said there were no rules.
By the way I went to school with 'Al'.
I havent seen him for a while and when I saw you wanted a render of a tomato with Al I was getting worried.
Lucky you explained !
so here's an Al joke folloing on from your killer tomato joke
Q What do you get when you cross Al Capone and Al Pacino
A: A. Cappucino
Q: What is red and goes up and down?
A: A tomato in an elevator.
Q: Why did Mrs Tomato turn red ?
A. She saw Mr Green Pea
i think you are winning and Bunyip02 is coming a close first :)
more info.........................................
The Challenge
Tomarto or t’8oes... et al.,
Come with us on a zany render ride as we showcase our best tomato et al., images. Let your imagination go fruity as long as they are within the DAZ ToS of course.
What can you do with your tomato?
add more variety by having your tomato friends ( et al., ) included in your images, surprise us with your PR renders of fat juicy tomatoes.... anything will do.. postwork to your hearts content.
Simple Requirements:
You should have a tomato ( that can be recognised as a tomato/product ) in your final entered image!
but if you’re tomato intollerent that’s fine.. just do something RED
it can be either modelled or sauced from somewhere ;-)
Final Tomato et al., Render must be done in Carrara – because it’s a Carrara Challenge!
Works in progress to show how you got your Tomato et al., up and going, listing what programs you used and 'how to do' steps so others can learn.