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Used Primivol Rising Smoke on the Steam Traction Engine.
Looks delicious, Phil. Extremely realistic.
Bunyip, excellent tractor image.
Thanks for the suggestions on the toast model eveyrone. I decided to start the bread model over from scratch. In this version, I modeled some of the larger gaps in the mesh, but I don't think I like it. I also had a grilled cheese sandwitchand tomato soup for lunch and took some reference photos. Hopefully, will imporve the textures. I experimented with generating a modifier t the bump map by exporting a map from the terrain editor. We will see.
Yes, bunyip02, I really like your scene!
I would love a trailer full of ripe tomatoes like that! Love the steam tractor too - and TA's scene is just fabulous!
Cool to see the PrimiVol smoke being used! Yeah, that's quite the cool plugin, isn't it?
I second that, nice scene Bunyip, looks like an edgell country garden )
@Diomede love your work and method-ology. thanks for taking us on the journey
@UnifiedBrain - classic tongue
and thanks @Stezza, and Bunyip yes the toonpro has potential (love tjose incidental renders you are doing Stezza - spot illustrations
@PhilW I though that was your reference photo :)
I just started messing with this tonight, isolating various new shading domains and changing stuff around, so I've only got so far. In particular tonight, the inner parts of the headlamp - the reflector is now quite reflective, the lamp itself is transparent, reflective, refractive, and on its own domain so I can illuminate it. I did some cool stuff with the shader for the tank and fenders, but I'm being summoned, so I'll have to talk more at another time ;)
Tomato Beemer
Very nice looking Phil... I grabbed the EVOO... applied but my sceen is now blurry.
TomatoMan and his sidekick Buzz-B
Dart, I like the bike! Looks like the old masters oil painting picture with contemporary element.
Classic Stezza, and yes Dart, I never realised you were such a romantic landscaper :)
Here's a 'Fool Juggling Ripe Tomatoes.'
Andrew, great and very creative picture. The only thing that distracts is too much of symmetry.
Thank you :) that's very kind. Ah yes, I go for dynamic symmetry but I can see I should move that top tomato (for a start :) But you are right that's an interesting observation. Symmetry is stagnant. I have been painting square canvases for a while and maybe that's where it comes from. The compositional tactics of square formats have led me astray!
Here's some Tomato Pickers - sorry I finished this before I'd seen Diomede had done a Tomatoe Plant!
I worked it up like an old fashioned coloured black and white print
The top tomato is just where it should be. I meant, perhaps, two baskets would be placed on the one side and one basket on the other.
It's good to see a balance in weights, but in the case of this image, it's also very pleasing if the figure would certainly fall if it wasn't for the motion it is in the middle of. Of course, look for images of "Jugglers in action" and we see a lot of symmetrical stances - which doesn't make them look very interesting.
Aside from all of that, I really love your image! And the new one too!
Thanks all ;)
Drums dragging me away for a few days. Certainly not a bummer... trading one joy in life with another. Such is the life during non-winter months, so I'll really have to fight to get to Carrara these days - and I will.
thanks again :) yes I can see that would be better -
@Dart I will endeavour to have my Juggler prancing like Vaslav Nijinsky in the next one ;) Nice pic BTW
singing along with Lyn Anderson.....
I thought I'd do a Tomato Frog ... then thought I wonder if there is such a thing as a Tomato Frog...
I Googled and there is ... blow me down!
well if ther's a bannana frog there just has to be a tomato frog - looks good enough to p ut on a sand-witch
Only if you feel like it ;)
I love your art - symmetrical or not. I got Carrara (and Hexagon) via the Figures, Characters and Avatars book by Les Pardew (DVD that came with), and I really only bought the book for that reason. But I can't have a book and not read it... and after reading it I realized how cool it is! All kinds of cool advice on posing figures, setting up frames, all kinds of cool stuff. Made me glad I got it! It has some nice render images in it too ;)
No! Put it in my pond instead! Cute little bugger! Nice... I mean Really Nice render Stezza!
thanks dart...
yes I did google the banana frog!
Dart probably has the ideal rock for your frog to sit on...
Many. And water too!
Here's a second go of my work thanks to the previous feedback ;)
Half Blind Joker... The unadulterated render attached - beauty pass or not ;) I liked the 'beauty pass' but I worked on it to remove the harshness of cg (to my eye)
The displacement on the wall needs more smoothing
Great postwork, love what you did with the shadow. Great additions to the scene too!
Heh. There is someone working on a juggling image in the New Users contest and I posted some tips there about how to make the juggling look more realistic. As a hobby juggler for 30+ years it can sometimes really bug me. Yours is obviously more interpretive than representative though, so I'll refrain.
Agree with PhilW, the shadows look very cool.
thanks Phil W, I think maybe I should have kept a little more crispness in his face ?
thanks :) Yes the stance is a little silly, he's proving a point that he can stand in a basket of tomatoes on one leg and at the same time juggle tomatoes only using one eye. Of course in reality his depth perception is pretty well stuffed and he will be dropping most of the tomatoes, even with his fine tuned monocular clues to depth perception . Mind you he could have excellent hearing and be listening to the tomatoes as they fall...
The whistling whirr of falling tomatoes; we mere mortals can only dream of them.
Ah, the sweet music of tomatoes floating gracefully through the air. Who can fail to be moved?
Ha ha :0 Yes, but I am led to believe that a symphony of ripe pineapples is all the sweeter.
Direct quote from the web .. I kid you knot. 'The butt of the pineapple is where it should be most fragrant, so put your nose there'
my cat thinks that of his butt too, it's untrue