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Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: Friday June 23rd , 2017
not time to panic
where does the time go!
Maybe you can do a V7/G4 render showing off her tomatoes in Carrara....
Very great work Folks! All are looking very good and imaginative.
An update on my progress... not much. Re-started by setting up CountryGal Monie in DS with hair, clothing and a pose... saved as scenesubset and loaded into Carrara. Fine tuned the pose to look like I wanted... now trying to get shadows more pronounced. I'm happy with positioning of character but hand looks awful large... might try backing off camera and then setting a zoom on it, just an idea. Time to move on to modeling and loading in some text for the advert and a better looking yet kinda plain background.
Wonder if I should have used a blue backdrop or white since I would prefer to do everything in Carrara but blue will require post work... no big deal since I can do it easily by setting the blue as the transparent color.
For some odd reason the left eye was positioned wrong... pointed to a bit of a different direction than right eye, musta been in the pose file or when I added a few morph adjustments for the facial expression.
While the shaders have been consolidated I've not yet tweaked any yet... suspect that is the cause of lack of a good shadow look. Oh well... this will do for now... gottsa work on other parts of scene.
Please feel free to point out any errors or make suggestions... won't hurt my feelings. :)
Nice work, wgdjohn.
RE: the eye inconsistency issue - recommend applying the point at modifier to both eyes. Just remember to set the axis. Can point at the camera, or wherever want.
Thought about point at after making adjustment. What do you mean by "set the axis"? Axis of the camera? Thought I could just add a target helper since may not want eyes pointing directly at camera in all cases... 'cept this one.
I just meant that the modifier for "point at" then has choices for which axis of the object (in this case the eye) will point at the target. And each axis chice has a + or - option for the top or the bottom pointing at the target. Here, the penguin's hip is pointing at the sphere by using the y axis with + selected
no one done a hairy tomato yet?
green hair... anyone?
Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas in my hair
A home for fleas, (yeah) a hive to bees, (yeah) a nest for birds
There ain't no words for the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my
Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair
Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair
Bothered me that tomato had mouth, teeth and tongue... so I made a simple eyeball and duplicated, today. Set up a few shader domains for various parts... the white, whatever it's called, the iris, small pupil and large pupil. Also I have a vertex wall created to use as background... now to model a tomato crate and think of what text... gotta have a faux brand name with a catch frase beneath it above the tomato crate.
Last night I experimented with changing the color of the blouse using Add in shader room... the only texture file colour it has is white... might wander off and add some other texture colours.
Nearly have it done.
hot damn, now where di d you get the phantom costume? I had to jerryrig mine
nice, it's come a longway - and made me laugh when I saw it big!
retextured the Lorez Masked Hero
ahahaha thanks :)
Sorry just saw your wonderfulous image in the NPR thread ! Yep, I took some stuff and painted alpha maps on it, lots of fun ...
Portrait of a Tomato Can
Note to mods - if this violates TOS, please let me know. When I went back to check this post, the image above was missing, but the smaller one was still there. I wondered if mods had removed it, of if I had simply loaded it but forgot to press "SAVE COMMENT. So, I reloaded it. Not trying to be difficult. I'm just not sure what happened.
In boxing parlance, a "tomato can" is an a fighter (usually a heavyweight) who is considered relatively easy to beat. Because these fighters are slower, have a "glass jaw", or cut easily (causing the bout to eventually be stopped because of excessive bleeding), they get scheduled for championship matches to give the current champion an easy payday. But these fighters often have guts and determination, so the fight may not be as easy as the champion thinks.
Genesis figure, boxing ring constructed of primitives in Carrara, Carrara render, Photoshop and Gimp filters, some further NPR tweaking. "Beauty pass" was with ambient at 100%! Thanks to HW for suggestion to experiment with it.
i'm kinda liking how the light model is looking on this mato!
if i can't finish a hairy one in time for Friday, i'll enter this one.
friday night is a hard deadline, don't get home from the dayjob til 7pm-ish. not settled in my command chair til 8:30-ish. of course one might argue, don't wait for the laaaast minute. had a frikkin month lol
Kewl render... thanks for the shader example...Wow...never thought of putting anything other than a # Value in either shininess or highlight
BTW: What is in the jar whith the gold spoon?
is the sugar bowl from Maclean's tea set
tweaked the shaders on the tea set.
hairmato - hairiness of tomato. zesty!
oh is a whole 'nother week. prone to panic i guess lol
have a couple more ideas.
wasnt there a tomato hunt in FinalFantasyXii ?
rogue tomato?
gotta run for the bus cyooz on the other side
I've added a bit to what started as an attempt at photorealism with a tomato - I have added the other half of the cut tomato, some pools of juice and a knife - under the title "The First Cut Is The Deepest"! I'll post the final render in the entry thread. Everything was modelled and textured in Carrara and rendered with Octane Render for Carrara.
awesome WiPs guys/gals
another week to go Misty... don't panic... yet
I think I'll have some tomato toasties for lunch... this is making me feel hungry
nicework, great to see the renders and the finished work , good to be brave with the ambient - it gives a totally different effect and starts removing a little of the cg look ;)
well the tomato is singing, watch out I'm a tomato - I think it's working very well, the tea set looks superb in situ
well even though I just had lunch when I saw your entry I started salivating - and reaching for the salt ;)
Kinda doodling here. I need to add some soldiers, tweak the textures, sort out the lighting etc
GKDantas killer tomato, but everything else modelled by me. Scene and initial test render.
HaHa! Looking forward to the finished render.