Project Dogwaffle Howler



  • Thank you for those who attended! I appreciated your questions and comments! See you again, soon!

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    I learned a lot and thank you for putting it on.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Lots of good information.  Thank you.  Need to put it to practice now.

  • Awesome! I look forward to seeing some of your works! Both of you!

  • For those who are attending the second half of the Post Work Webinar, is there any particular technique that you would like to see? Something that you may be struggling with in your own work? Just let me know, and I'll try to get it in!

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I very much enjoyed the part when you demnstrated taking the mountain lake image and walking through adding another brush (image) and doing the adjustment steps.  My personal interests often involve trying to get a non-photorealistic look, sometimes painterly and sometimes toon.  I'd enjoy seeing you take a photoreal render and walk through the steps in Howler to get a nonphotoreal look.  I think some of that is already on the agenda, and I realize that many people would rather see techniques to enhance photorealism, rather than move away.  Not sure you have to change any plans on my account.

  • Yes, some of that is already on the agenda for today! Glad that I'll be able to cover that for you. Make sure you ask questions if you have them along the way! See you soon.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Thank you for the bonus goodies!  Wow, have a lot to digest now.  Thank you.

  • I do hope you enjoy them Diomede! 

    And feel free to ask any questions if something doesn't make sense.


    For those who missed it, it usally take about a month to 6 weeks for the recording to make it to the DAZ store.


  • I have a question, and while it may sound flippant, it's a real question that I have. Why are there so many photoshop brush collections? What makes them different from each other? (Yes, I know trees are different from snow) But, Frost, Powder, Mist, Fog, Dirt and Glitter brushes aren't that different. It's how you apply them.


    When I look at all the Ron's Brushes collections, and the other folks, too, I just wonder do people really use all those? What is it that makes them special? Why do you choose those brushes?


    I don't use Photoshop, so I don't have any axe to grind here, I'm just wondering. I'm thinking about making brush packs for PD Howler, but I just don't know why people collect so many. Thank you for your answers.

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    A lot of Ron's brushes are not brushes that you "paint" with to create forms, they are very large brushes for single stamping. So a Fog brush might be 2000 to 3000 pixels square with an image of swirling fog that you can select a white or pale grey color and stamp once to give the look of swirling fog in your scene. And the set contains lots of different ones to match to your scene requirements, or to produce variety if you need to use more than one. You can of course scale them etc. However I do feel that some of his sets duplicate ground he has already covered in other sets, he has maybe run out of new areas and so needs to find other ways to keep making new sets - a guy has to make a living!

  • Ah! That makes sense! Thank you for the answer, I hadn't thought that he was just doing single stamp brushes, too. I guess it's like DAZ content, people buy the same outfits generation after generation, with very few new items.

  • Quick Announcement!

    This is slanted more towards 2D painting techniques, but will cover a little 3D, too.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter or Passover, or Ostra, or...a nice family dinner!

  • Hey just found out that you can get a big discount for the upcoming webinare. Use: Wilderness30 as a coupon code on checkout to get a big discount for the Advanced Landscape painting webinar on Saturday!  ; There are some spots left! And if you aren't interested, please tell your friends!

  • Well, the webinar went well, not many in attendance, but lots of good questions. Unfortunately, since the last recording apparently do well enough at DAZ, they are not accepting the Advanced Landscape one. So, I'll have to find it another home. Too bad that such wonderful software can't get any traction.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I enjoyed the Howler webinars that I attended.  I hope to use Howler to help create the backgrounds for an animation that I am working on.  It is my first genuine attempt at a solo animation. I'm not counting my contribtions to the Carrara animation club because I could avoid those aspects that I struggle with.


    Please keep us informed.  I agree that it is too bad that Daz will not be picking up more Howler products. 

    Thanks again, Tiffanie!

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Sorry to hear this I was unable to attend the last one and looked forward to getting it here.

    The other 2 were well done and informative.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,253

    where's dart?

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    Stezza said:

    where's dart?

    He's been extremely busy with home life and watching the Grandkids! That and his two bands keep him super busy. With tourism season in Door County less than a month away, I suspect they will have multiple gigs a week soon.


  • I don't know what happened to my post...My Advanced Landscape Tutorial is available now. Link to it can be found here:

  • edited August 2018

    Since Dart isn't here to Hype things! From the PR dept:

    Hello, we're doing a 2-day promotion with SharewareOnSale - free PD Artist 11.

    I know, they made a few typos and mistakes, showing an older version 9.6 from a few years ago in parts of the web presentation, even the download link shows the text as v9.6 (perhaps fixed by the time you look), but the link is good, and points to 11.4 SOS edition. I checked the download and checksums are as expected too.

    See or go straight to

    If you know a starving artist interested in Artist 11, .... carpe diem

    There's also an upgrade offer for a a few days to PD Howler.

    Happy waffling!

    I've been working with PD Howler to do more "Vue" or "Bryce" type scenes lately:



    Alien City2.jpg
    2048 x 1536 - 1M
    Post edited by Tiffanie Gray - IDLM on
  • And another:


    Lakeside City.jpg
    2048 x 1536 - 1M
    Jungles of Mist-Wide1.jpg
    3560 x 2560 - 6M
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for the news and keeping us carrara-ites in the loop!

    (your vids are great, BTW)



    ETA: i never trust those helper 'installers' from sites like SoS (where the download is sponsored...) to leave my machine(s) alone, so that free 'artist' version is a no-go for me, but...

    I did follow the best3d site link to 'upgrade' to the full version (which is simply the full 'howler' version, as it's upgrading the described free 'artist' verson), and the $24.95 pricetag for this full 'howler' version is probably better than I got when I requested a specific upgrade to my current full version (9.6?). Anyway, thanks again - I'll pass on the freebie because of the installer risk, but will gladly recommend that folks go get the full 'howler' version for $25 via the 'thebest3d' site, by following the 'upgrade' link and 'buying' - see if that price pans out for you. full package (good tool), great special. tnx again!

    ETA2: even at full price ($49), PD Howler is a *deal*! As I'm not using it right now (haven't opened it since the 9.6 update!), I'm happy to pay a modest fee to keep my updates current and support the project, but can't afford to re-buy it each time if I'm not actually using it. It's an amazing package - almost too amazing to keep up with... (cheers!)

    Post edited by mindsong on
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    Hi Mindsong, you're doing the right thing by being alert and aware. Kudos on that.

    You can check whether the installer  file is legit and that hasn't been tampered with. The downloader is good. I worked on this promo and checked the downloaed file, same size, same checksums. Passes Eset antivirus and all that (about 20 a/v checked)  -  You can see the checksum info on their discussion threads.

    If you have the installer, have fun.


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    And another:


    lovely work Tiffanie


  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715

    Hi Mindsong, you're doing the right thing by being alert and aware. Kudos on that.

    You can check whether the installer  file is legit and that hasn't been tampered with. The downloader is good. I worked on this promo and checked the downloaed file, same size, same checksums. Passes Eset antivirus and all that (about 20 a/v checked)  -  You can see the checksum info on their discussion threads.

    If you have the installer, have fun.

    Thanks for taking the time to reassure/verify your product download for us here.

    I have bought and kept up the full 'PD/Howler' version since v5-ish, with grand plans to use its wealth of animation-oriented features in the future, so this free 'artist' version was mostly of interest for a close 'aspiring' artist in my circle! My choice to update the full 11.3 version was both to keep my version current, and to support the labor of love of you and Mr. Ritchie!

    Sometimes the downloaders at shareware sites aren't actually the programs being promoted, but installer 'stubs' that download and install the real programs, often with some additional (sometimes legitimate) programs. The size of this particular installer seemed more like a stub, and spooked me, given the risk-to-reward of the situation. I intended no slight to your brilliant (and generous gift), merely my posture on often too-good-to-be-true 'deals' that come with extra 'surprises'. I hope other folks were able to benefit from your offer and taste the wealth of features in your latest PD/Artist product!

    Thanks again for a great product line, and I'll always be happy to endorse your work. I look forward to using it as a serious part of my long-term workflow.

    FWIW, many of the DAZ Studio and Carrara users are getting some compelling results from the 'Topaz' "simplify" plugin/filter in their efforts to get a clean cel-style or otherwise toon look (see the DAZ Art Studio/NPR forum thread for examples). Looking at the work you guys have put into PD/Howler, I believe some of these effects are well within your technological reach and might be a possible market angle to consider if you guys need a short break from your ray-tracing magic!

    (and yes, Tiffanie is a gem!)

    thanks again, always!




  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    Here's a new tutorial, based on PD Artist 11.4, also usable for users of PD Howler 11.   (we are working towards releasing the 11.4 updates to Daz)




  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236



    We've updated the installer, it is now v11.4 here at Daz. If you buy new, that's what you'll get. If you already have v11, download the new one. Uninstall the old or installe the new over it.



  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    How to royally abuse a quad tree



    test program draws quads along with your brush stroke



    Puppy Ray meeses it up... somewhat?

    rendered in Puppy Ray GPU

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912
    edited August 2018


    We've updated the installer, it is now v11.4 here at Daz. If you buy new, that's what you'll get. If you already have v11, download the new one. Uninstall the old or installe the new over it.

    I purchased Howler 11.2 from DAZ in January. I just saw Howler 11.4 in my products in DIM but download repeatedly fails. I also went to the page in My library and tried to download manually but I keep getting a message that it can't be downloaded.

    Now manual download is working but still not working in DIM

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
This discussion has been closed.