Project Dogwaffle Howler



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    How to royally abuse a quad tree



    test program draws quads along with your brush stroke



    Puppy Ray meeses it up... somewhat?

    rendered in Puppy Ray GPU

    that's a terrific image and link you posted!


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    I purchased Howler 11.2 from DAZ in January. I just saw Howler 11.4 in my products in DIM but download repeatedly fails. I also went to the page in My library and tried to download manually but I keep getting a message that it can't be downloaded.

    Now manual download is working but still not working in DIM

    hm, not sure I understand how the Daz Install Manager works. The 11.4 is a zip archive containing an executable installer. Just download and  extract it, then run it. It is a full installer. You can uninstall the prior, or install the new on top if you're adventurous.



  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    head wax said:

    that's a terrific image and link you posted!



    and it get's even more interesting when you take that rendering, and use it as a new elevation map for yet another rendering. And another, and another... I call this iterative rendering.



  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    I've added a few more iterations at the bottom of


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    the second last one is a beauty !

  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,715
    edited August 2018
    head wax said:

    the second last one is a beauty !

    ditto that - the transparent water is great! All of the series images are pretty neat.


    Post edited by mindsong on
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    mindsong said:

    ditto that - the transparent water is great! All of the series images are pretty neat.



    If you're curious about settings and options for water in Puppy Ray, there's a Playlist with many videos on youtube.


    In some of these you'll see the effects of changing the level of absorption (or attenuation based on depth), dispersion (scattering, aka murky look), refractive distortion and caustics, ground fog too (above the water plane) and the darkening along the shore line (wet zone).


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    mindsong said:

    ditto that - the transparent water is great! All of the series images are pretty neat.



    If you're curious about settings and options for water in Puppy Ray, there's a Playlist with many videos on youtube.


    In some of these you'll see the effects of changing the level of absorption (or attenuation based on depth), dispersion (scattering, aka murky look), refractive distortion and caustics, ground fog too (above the water plane) and the darkening along the shore line (wet zone).


    thanks for that, if only I had more time to play with your brilliant software!!!


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236

    Here's a new (set of) tutorial(s) coming: 10 things.


    10 things you probably didn't know you could do with Dogwaffle.

    10 things you should like to put on your bucket list and try some day.



    More to come, it's just a start. There's a general features list somewhere too.

  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited September 2018

    hello, just posted another short animation done in Howler

    phase 2 will have more closeups on the water and interaction with the rocks

    The motion predction module used for slow motion on clip 2 is also being described under 10things.


    Post edited by staigerman on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    wow that's amazing!! I can just see lizards slipping into the water as we fly past


  • Hey all! been a while!  I've been practicing city scapes lately.

    After the Stars.jpg
    4096 x 3072 - 3M
    The Maze4.jpg
    2048 x 1536 - 3M
    Industrial Warehouse Area.jpg
    2048 x 2048 - 2M
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited October 2018

    hey all, we are exploring 8k rendering, especially with elevation maps created in JSplacement.

    this one is 2kx2k




    Post edited by Chohole on
  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited November 2018

    Mars had a lot of water once too


    We're about to land on Mars. For real. NASA is doing live webcasts next weekend with "Insight" landing Cyber Monday or day after. And Project Dogwaffle is on the memory chip onboard that left Earth 6-7 months ago. We got 150 million miles frequent flyer bonus :-)




    Post edited by Chohole on
  • the above image was rendered in How.ler 2019. Same or similar possible in 11.4 - get it here at DAZ or from the developer direct at - There are other sources for Howler 11.x  but if you want to help a starving artist, help the developer directly, or help Daz help many others.  And see the newsletters, DOTM expos and galleries and 1000+ tutorials on youtube and other places.


    Newest short gallery:

    because size matters :-)


  • so wish I could be there.


    Did you know that they found a 2nd Earth on Proxima B, and Proxima means of course nearby, one of the nearest stars if not the nearest. (is that proxima A?). Anyway, what's 4 lightyears away wen you have yu imagination, the fatest starhip around, take you there in an instance.


    25 trillion miles, only about the same as the national debt in dollars. So if we don't see the national debt as an issue, there's nothing wrong with 25 trillion miles, right? Can can be there in 1-2 generations.


    It didn't take "The 100" much longer in season 5.

    Seriously, sign me up, put me in the cry-chamber and just don't float me too early. I want to see rain again. SoCal is a desert


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited November 2018

    if you want similar crazy inspiration, seek out the newsletters with Mars mentioned like in Spring 2018 and Fall 2017 too where we got our boarding pass and frequent-AU's certificate

    And keep posting the beauties you have from DS and enhanced in Howler, or renders from Bryce and Carrara. Anyone done 8k renders in Carrara that started with an elevation map in Howler?


    Post edited by staigerman on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    if you want similar crazy inspiration, seek out the newsletters with Mars mentioned like in Spring 2018 and Fall 2017 too where we got our boarding pass and frequent-AU's certificate

    And keep posting the beauties you have from DS and enhanced in Howler, or renders from Bryce and Carrara. Anyone done 8k renders in Carrara that started with an elevation map in Howler?


    not yet but I needed something to explore - love your work


  • Anyone knows where to post PD ARtist stuff? I think Dan Dartenbeck focuses on Howler here and I wonder if a separate thread is there for lurking Artist users. Especially since the promo blitz 2 weeks ago.


    We are about to update 11.4 to the very last FInal 11.4b RC159 for Howler, and at least around rc136 for Artist 11.4 too


  • 'Growing' Weed as a controlled pigment...



  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    I got PD Artist from the generous PC+ for the day sale and I'd love to have a thread dedicated to the program (maybe in the commons to reach more people).

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Actually a thread in the Art Studio would make more sense. 

  • so who's gonna start the thread? Is this something Daz has to set up?


  • staigermanstaigerman Posts: 236
    edited November 2018

    The elevation map makes a nice sky at times.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406
    edited November 2018

    I guess anybody can start it.


    Post edited by xmasrose on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    so who's gonna start the thread? Is this something Daz has to set up?


    If it was set up as a commercial thread then it would need to go in the PA Commercial forum and be marked as Commercial.   If it is going to be a tutorial and tips type thread It can go into the Art Studio (as long as it is not used merely to push the program). Either would make more sens than this one hiding in the Carrara forum.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I'd love a tips and tutorials thread.  To me, it would make sense for Tiffany to host in the Art Forum.  I'd be a consumer, not a producer, of tips and tricks.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I created a PD Howler thread in the Art Studio Forum.


    I hope Tiffany and Dart still visit because I'm not good enough to answer questions or offer tutorials.  (yet)


This discussion has been closed.