Guides or Grids in DAZ Viewport

Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
edited December 1969 in The Commons

So I am not sure if this has been asked before and/or if this is possible, but I would like to know how to create guides and or grids in the viewport.

What I am trying to do is simulate a rule of thirds grid (3x3) to assist with camera alignment before I render a scene. Is this possible? Or should this be a feature request for future DAZ?



  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    I would model it. I know exactly what you're talking about, though.

    Keep this in mind: every unit in DS is 1cm.

    You could make it out of primitives (cubes or cylinders), export the whole thing to OBJ, then re-import and parent it to your camera, zero out all the parameters and use the Z translate to zoom it in and out. I think that's your best option.

    If you make it square to start with, you can easily use the X and Y scale to have it fit your frame. It shouldn't be difficult at all.

  • KickAir 8PKickAir 8P Posts: 1,865
    edited December 1969

    Geminii23 said:
    . . . What I am trying to do is simulate a rule of thirds grid (3x3) to assist with camera alignment before I render a scene . . .

    Didn't there used to be a camera pack for DS2 that did this? Yep, Camera Pointer for DS -- IIRC it wasn't updated because most of its functions were put into in DS3 . . . don't know if that includes the ability to make viewport overlays, though.
    500 x 450 - 35K
  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited December 1969

    wancow said:
    I would model it. I know exactly what you're talking about, though.

    Keep this in mind: every unit in DS is 1cm.

    You could make it out of primitives (cubes or cylinders), export the whole thing to OBJ, then re-import and parent it to your camera, zero out all the parameters and use the Z translate to zoom it in and out. I think that's your best option.

    If you make it square to start with, you can easily use the X and Y scale to have it fit your frame. It shouldn't be difficult at all.

    Why not a trans -mapped plane?

  • adamr001adamr001 Posts: 1,322
    edited December 1969

    Why not a trans -mapped plane?
    Better several background images made in appropriate resolutions (viewport resolutions) and set as background. Using a transmap plane will create viewport issues since OpenGL doesn't do a very good job of handling layered transparencies.
  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Geminii23 said:
    . . . What I am trying to do is simulate a rule of thirds grid (3x3) to assist with camera alignment before I render a scene . . .

    Didn't there used to be a camera pack for DS2 that did this? Yep, Camera Pointer for DS -- IIRC it wasn't updated because most of its functions were put into in DS3 . . . don't know if that includes the ability to make viewport overlays, though.

    That looks like exactly what I am interested in. Before I spend the $9.95...can anyone confirm that this plugin works well with DAZ 4.5 (*cough, cough* -> Waldemar B *cough, cough*) ;)

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    adamr001 said:

    Why not a trans -mapped plane?
    Better several background images made in appropriate resolutions (viewport resolutions) and set as background. Using a transmap plane will create viewport issues since OpenGL doesn't do a very good job of handling layered transparencies.

    Off top of my head, background images seem like they won't work unless I hide all the architecture and models of scene so that they show since they sit behind everything. Unless I am wrong.

  • larsmidnattlarsmidnatt Posts: 4,511
    edited February 2013

    Geminii23 said:
    adamr001 said:

    Why not a trans -mapped plane?
    Better several background images made in appropriate resolutions (viewport resolutions) and set as background. Using a transmap plane will create viewport issues since OpenGL doesn't do a very good job of handling layered transparencies.

    Off top of my head, background images seem like they won't work unless I hide all the architecture and models of scene so that they show since they sit behind everything. Unless I am wrong.

    adamr001 thx for the tip, but Geminii23 has a good point. I don't have DS on me so I can't test.

    Post edited by larsmidnatt on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Yes, Geminii23 is correct. That's what I had done initially until I bought Dreamlight's Camera Pointer. I was thrilled when it was updated for DS 3, but it never was updated for DS 4, so back to the background images when I'm using DS 4 instead of DS 3.

    Oh, and yes Beth, the overlays are visible. I have a Startup Scene with my basic cameras and lights, and I have the Rule of Thirds grid set on my render camera to show before I even start building my scene.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    So can anyone confirm whether or not Dreamlight's Camera works for DS 4.5?

    Or can someone direct me on how to create the planes/primitives for the camera that have been referred to in this thread. Any examples?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I can confirm it does NOT work in 4.0 on up to 4.5. But I can see this being done very easy with Planes two maps and Parenting to a selected Camera.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    I can confirm it does NOT work in 4.0 on up to 4.5. But I can see this being done very easy with Planes two maps and Parenting to a selected Camera.

    Hey Haderail,

    Sorry for the redundant question, but can you elaborate on how to setup the Planes and two maps?


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Sure, First you need the Files for the Textures The First Map (not needed later), I would point to some good ones but most are not Free use. Look for two color versions only with thin lines. Load them into any 2D art program and Invert the colors. You want White where the Lines would be and Black for the Fill, Save this as your Trans Map for that Image.
    Now Create a Primitive Plane and Rotate it So the Top is Rotated forward to the Camera, that is X Rotate 90. With the Plane Selected go to your Surfaces Tab load your Trans Map into the Opacity Channel. All of the plane should now disappear except your RULE you loaded and Be in WHITE. The Color comes from the Default Diffuse color, you could change this to any color you prefer.
    Okay we now have a Plane with that Rule added but It's much to large. And it's not lined up with our Camera. That's the Next step. Select your Camera now. Zero all rotations out. Now use Multi select on your Camera and your Plane. Go to Window>Panes (Tabs)>Align. Select Align Origins for all three Axis. POP!! That's all screwed up, nope. Swap to Perspective View and set it so you can view the Default Camera and the Plane that is NOW centered in the Camera. Select the Plane again and use the Z translate to move your plane about 100 units in front of your Camera. Now swap your view Back to the Camera. The plane is Too large. Make sure the plane is Selected and in Parameters Scale it to the Size of your RENDER settings Window. Use Scale and the X and Z scales until it fits your Render Size in the Viewport.
    Now Parent Your plane to the Camera. Tada your Rule is overlay-ed your BG. To turn it OFF just use the EYE in the Scene Tab on the Plane only.

    To Save this for use later Do this. ReName the Camera. DELETE everything except the Camera and Parented Plane. Position the Camera where you would Like it to LOAD every-time you use it. Now Save as a Scene File. To load it for the next use MERGE it into your Scene and then Swap to that Camera. To change the Rule shown Load a different Rule trans Map into the Opacity Channel of the Plane.

    I hope this is Not too hard to Follow. I'm thinking of Making a one Click Load and Go but I will need days to do it. If I do it will be a Free item and for DS4.5 only.

    Here is A rule of Thirds done this way. Click for Full Size.

    868 x 956 - 155K
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    That looks really good. I know that I would definitely use something like this.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, I can not believe Dreamlight charged for something this Simple. I'm looking into auto size for the rules to match any render size. That's going to be a tuff sucker to do.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Sure, First you need the Files for the Textures The First Map (not needed later), I would point to some good ones but most are not Free use. Look for two color versions only with thin lines. Load them into any 2D art program and Invert the colors. You want White where the Lines would be and Black for the Fill, Save this as your Trans Map for that Image.
    Now Create a Primitive Plane and Rotate it So the Top is Rotated forward to the Camera, that is X Rotate 90. With the Plane Selected go to your Surfaces Tab load your Trans Map into the Opacity Channel. All of the plane should now disappear except your RULE you loaded and Be in WHITE. The Color comes from the Default Diffuse color, you could change this to any color you prefer.
    Okay we now have a Plane with that Rule added but It's much to large. And it's not lined up with our Camera. That's the Next step. Select your Camera now. Zero all rotations out. Now use Multi select on your Camera and your Plane. Go to Window>Panes (Tabs)>Align. Select Align Origins for all three Axis. POP!! That's all screwed up, nope. Swap to Perspective View and set it so you can view the Default Camera and the Plane that is NOW centered in the Camera. Select the Plane again and use the Z translate to move your plane about 100 units in front of your Camera. Now swap your view Back to the Camera. The plane is Too large. Make sure the plane is Selected and in Parameters Scale it to the Size of your RENDER settings Window. Use Scale and the X and Z scales until it fits your Render Size in the Viewport.
    Now Parent Your plane to the Camera. Tada your Rule is overlay-ed your BG. To turn it OFF just use the EYE in the Scene Tab on the Plane only.

    To Save this for use later Do this. ReName the Camera. DELETE everything except the Camera and Parented Plane. Position the Camera where you would Like it to LOAD every-time you use it. Now Save as a Scene File. To load it for the next use MERGE it into your Scene and then Swap to that Camera. To change the Rule shown Load a different Rule trans Map into the Opacity Channel of the Plane.

    I hope this is Not too hard to Follow. I'm thinking of Making a one Click Load and Go but I will need days to do it. If I do it will be a Free item and for DS4.5 only.

    Here is A rule of Thirds done this way. Click for Full Size.

    Thank You so much for taking the time to detail this Jaderail! I will give this tutorial a wirl (after the Academy Awards)!

    I also would love an quick Click and Load install for something like this (and quite honestly would pay for it on the DAZ store if you went that route). If you are planning to make something like that please include some of the others rules such as Golden Spirals! ;)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay I'm sold. I will make the Camera preset and the Rules (as many as I have on hand 8 or so) with icon Presets for the different rules and another to clear the overlay for render time. I'm trying to think of ways to change the render Size but a PDF might be needed so users can understand how to change them by hand. I would also like this to Load to any Camera like AOA's atmosphere cameras. But That might be in the Future yet. I'll do some test's and see what I can do.

  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Cool! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Okay I'm sold. I will make the Camera preset and the Rules (as many as I have on hand 8 or so) with icon Presets for the different rules and another to clear the overlay for render time. I'm trying to think of ways to change the render Size but a PDF might be needed so users can understand how to change them by hand. I would also like this to Load to any Camera like AOA's atmosphere cameras. But That might be in the Future yet. I'll do some test's and see what I can do.

    Huzzah!!! Can't wait!


  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Okay folks, progress has been made. The Overlay prop is now done and usable on any camera of your choice. I'm working to get the overlays completed and then all that will be left is the different Presets.

    Here is the Golden Spiral test overlay, I'm going the thin this down for better use. But I wanted to show that Progress has been made.

    709 x 938 - 199K
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    That's looking good sir. :-)

  • Geminii23Geminii23 Posts: 1,328
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Okay folks, progress has been made. The Overlay prop is now done and usable on any camera of your choice. I'm working to get the overlays completed and then all that will be left is the different Presets.

    Here is the Golden Spiral test overlay, I'm going the thin this down for better use. But I wanted to show that Progress has been made.

    Awesome! I can not wait to try out your presets!

    You mentioned that these will work with any camera. Does this mean that it will also work with both portrait and landscape orientations? (This could prove really useful for 16x9 test renders for film story boarding, animation, etc)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. ;)

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    One could use something like this (see pics).

    (An external program, which draws a window which is resizeable and simply overlays the viewport. That is independent on every version change of Studio and can also be used with every other program. Since the lines are calculated the viewport size and AR doesn't matter; for more advanced guides as the implemented rule-of-third, rule-of-five and diagonals some math research would be needed.)

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited December 1969

    actually Frank, I have one that does that but cannot remember where it is or its name!
    creates a window you can change opacity on and click through.
    was suggested for use in Sculptris for modelling from a photo by someone

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    actually Frank, I have one that does that but cannot remember where it is or its name!

    Hi Wendy, actually I have one, too, because the screen-shots are from my program :)

    (I opened a quite similar topic in the Carrara forum - I intended to do this some time ago, but this thread reminded me that there are maybe other people than me who want something like this - to investigate if there's enough demand on something not only suited for composition but animation. I'm not talking about making money on this, but regarding the useful free progs others did: the support demands doesn't look less time consuming and demanding than on paid-for programs.)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited December 1969

    maybe it was yours then?
    got it from link on old forum about 2 years ago

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    maybe it was yours then?
    got it from link on old forum about 2 years ago

    Maybe I'm already getting senile. I have a project file from 11/19/10, but all the programing stuff begins on 01/30/11 and made significant progress on 03/03/12. Strange or senile :)

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Geminii23 said:
    Awesome! I can not wait to try out your presets!

    You mentioned that these will work with any camera. Does this mean that it will also work with both portrait and landscape orientations? (This could prove really useful for 16x9 test renders for film story boarding, animation, etc)

    Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. ;)

    Well, yes it will work with any render size with just three settings you adjust. Scale, X Scale and Z Scale. This is also very low in Overhead and removable before Render time or can just be turned off. As an Overlay you just Turn it off to adjust your Scene, Character's and props. Here is Rule of thirds in Wide Screen. Click for full and You will see this is a True 16x9 setting.
    949 x 544 - 93K
    Post edited by Jaderail on
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Frank__ said:
    One could use something like this (see pics).

    (An external program, which draws a window which is resizeable and simply overlays the viewport. That is independent on every version change of Studio and can also be used with every other program. Since the lines are calculated the viewport size and AR doesn't matter; for more advanced guides as the implemented rule-of-third, rule-of-five and diagonals some math research would be needed.)

    Thanks for the Heads up Frank__ . I'm still going too finish this project, I have also been able to test it in DS3A so a Version for DS3 will be done as well.
  • smoke14smoke14 Posts: 261
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail, thank you for your work on this. It looks great so far and should prove very useful!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Okay folks I'm almost done now. The Prop is done and Parents to ANY camera, Four different color presets and all 8 golden rule presets are done. All I have left is the Flip and Mirror command to do. Then I'll do a quick PDF dox file and Upload it to my ShareCG account.

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