Exclusive news at CarraraCafe: Time and details about Carrara 8.5 and 9 releases

3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
edited February 2013 in Carrara Discussion

Get the exclusive news here:

/EDIT: Corrected post with better English and other minor details.
New logo added too :)

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  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited December 1969

    That's the breaking news???


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    It's still news and it's they have release date-ish... :blank:

    Hmmmm.... Maybe not...

  • TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    Let's see... They announced that they'd have some news by the end of the month.

    Here we have a notice that there's an announcement over at Carrara Café.

    Over at Carrara Café, there's a few more details (Summer release, Mountain Lion compatibility to which I say "hot damn and it's about time"), and that by the end of the month, they'll announce something here on the Daz 3D forums.

    If they work it fast enough, they can dribble out more details and bounce attention between Carrara Café and here two more times before they need to release actual news. It's a hint that someone is doing something Carrara-related, and that's something.

    Also, mildly surprised that they're not simply announcing the future release of Carrara 9 as a beta for early investors. Yeah, that would've been a dick move, but all things considered...

  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    Smiles -----Hey- Its not awesome news but it does alleviate all the doom and gloom end of the line etc talk. So I being a complainer of having no news from DAZ have to commend them not just indicating one future release but two. (Not going to have any two for ones sales either I suppose)

    So, You can look at this announcement and be underwhelmed or you can look at the positives . There will be future development in Carrara and some improvements here and there.

    So, I take this as good news. Not awesome news ...but good.


    Post edited by 3dView on
  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited February 2013


    Post edited by Frank__ on
  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited February 2013


    Post edited by Frank__ on
  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited February 2013

    I told you all it was a bunch of @#$%

    So two years of waiting on C8.5 for little more then genesis compatibility. I swear to got if I had the money I'd replace carrara, and not look back. The problem isn't carrara it's what DAZ is frickening doing or should I say not doing with it.

    Nothing like a developer letting an app drown in it's own mediocrity. And keep all of us dancing on a string for 2 years waiting for it, is just icing on the cake.

    Sorry but there is nothing I could possibly say that would curtail Carrara sales worse then DAZ has done. Talk about being your own worst enemy.

    Post edited by ManStan on
  • SadotSadot Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    :blank: .... Oh well.......see you all in a few months

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    Well I say Hell Yeah!!!
    But you all knew I'd say that, didn't you? Dude, I'm sorry, really sorry that you feel let down. Truly. What excites "Me" is that there are still more improvements on the docket for 8.5 before production release. As happy as I've been with the last few version of the beta, which I think is great, by the way (and I've seen ManStan figure out some neat stuff in it, too, just sayin') but didn't really want it left in its current state. I know they wanted it to be better (devs) so I did too.
    But the fact that a rough estimate towards the release of version 9 is what's really got my stomach tickling. For the life of me, I can't seem to find that dog gone thread where we were all providing feedback towards what we would like to see in episode 9. Well, like I said previously, I'm not in a position to know what should or shouldn't be added. Blissfully content has its drawbacks... just not very many.
    But You all had some great things to say in there. And just like what the devs asked for, there was confirmations of the great feedback. People rallying to one poster's suggestions saying - "Yup... That and that. I agree"
    If they have THAT list to work from, in addition to whatever they might think will help keep Carrara jammin' I'm freakin' excited. Sorry but I am!
    I hope they fix your cloth thing Manley. I have the feeling that they'll gear a good bit of resources towards giving you some great soft-body. They improved it for you already - I bet they make it even better by summer's end. I know that they heard you towards your frustration regarding the now broken Collada route you were using for D|S dynamics. Maybe they'll have a new solution by adding DSON compatibility. Between you and PhilW, I bet you'll get your soft body clothing rockin' to the storm!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    3drendero said:
    Get the exclusive news here:
    Thanks man. I appreciate your great sense of urgency towards this stuff.
  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    3dView said:
    Hey- Its not awesome news but it does alleviate all the doom and gloom end of the line etc talk. So I being a complainer of having no news from DAZ have to commend them not just indicating one future release but two.

    Yep Rich ... I'm pretty much with you. I was getting worried and pessimistic. Tried to feed off Dartanbeck's enthusiasm. So this is good news insofar as I know Carrara hasn't been left blowing in the breeze.

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Well I say Hell Yeah!!!
    But you all knew I'd say that, didn't you? Dude, I'm sorry, really sorry that you feel let down. Truly. What excites "Me" is that there are still more improvements on the docket for 8.5 before production release. As happy as I've been with the last few version of the beta, which I think is great, by the way (and I've seen ManStan figure out some neat stuff in it, too, just sayin') but didn't really want it left in its current state. I know they wanted it to be better (devs) so I did too.
    But the fact that a rough estimate towards the release of version 9 is what's really got my stomach tickling. For the life of me, I can't seem to find that dog gone thread where we were all providing feedback towards what we would like to see in episode 9. Well, like I said previously, I'm not in a position to know what should or shouldn't be added. Blissfully content has its drawbacks... just not very many.
    But You all had some great things to say in there. And just like what the devs asked for, there was confirmations of the great feedback. People rallying to one poster's suggestions saying - "Yup... That and that. I agree"
    If they have THAT list to work from, in addition to whatever they might think will help keep Carrara jammin' I'm freakin' excited. Sorry but I am!
    I hope they fix your cloth thing Manley. I have the feeling that they'll gear a good bit of resources towards giving you some great soft-body. They improved it for you already - I bet they make it even better by summer's end. I know that they heard you towards your frustration regarding the now broken Collada route you were using for D|S dynamics. Maybe they'll have a new solution by adding DSON compatibility. Between you and PhilW, I bet you'll get your soft body clothing rockin' to the storm!

    DO YOU really think what we posted has any affect on what they will do in 8.5 or 9 - really think !
    No happy comment just a straight answers .

  • 3dView3dView Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Bigh, ----Actually here is the way it goes -----cust A says mmmm I would like python scripting in Carrara . Cust B says I would love fluid simulations like Houdini has. Cust C says --I would like some improvements in the realistic sky atmosphere area . Cust D says gosh I would like better terrain editing.

    So daz checks this list out and says a and b we cannot do -----takes too many resources , but maybe we can do c and d or maybe one of those.

    Its really has some elements about what folks want but more to do with what Daz can develop. I think they listen to some degree but its all predicated on resources. So sure you could have a version 9 list as long as a 10 ft pole and Daz is gonna pick just a few things it thinks it can

    Thats my read on how things have gone in the past.

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    3dView said:
    So daz checks this list out and says a and b we cannot do -----takes too many resources , but maybe we can do c and d or maybe one of those.

    I'd say that is an accurate assessment of any software project; regardless of the company size (though obviously, smaller companies are more cognizant of resources). It is certainly this way with Microsoft -- they can do a lot of supremely cool things (and some spectacularly dumb things ;-P ) but it is ultimately the end resources that dictates what makes into a product for RTM (Release To Manufacturing...i.e. what you buy).

    Speaking personally with what I have experience on...SQL Server...customers were really ticked off at the 5 years between SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Back then, the devs had near free reign and they worked until the product was done...no matter the length of time. Sounds familiar doesn't it -- but in DAZ's case; I'd say it is the lack of resources that is the inertia behind C8.5 / 9 delays.

    MSFT management sure listened to those complaints and the SQL devs completely revamped how they checked-in code. They committed to a two year major release cycle with 2 month cycles between bug fix releases. If a feature is not ready by given check-in date...then it is not included in the main source code tree.

    Okay, end of digression...

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,481
    edited December 1969

    Yea! Glad something is moving ahead!

  • Curved DesignCurved Design Posts: 61
    edited December 1969

    You guys are almost as bad as the Apple people and the iPhone 6! We all know the iPhone 5S is coming before the 6!

    I think this is good news! DAZ seems to have gained a pep in their step lately!

    Since I am still a little new to Carrara, what are viewport avatars?


  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    It is true that it's good to see movement. Even if it's not everything everybody wanted, it still shows that DAZ isn't ditching Carrara.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    You guys are almost as bad as the Apple people and the iPhone 6! We all know the iPhone 5S is coming before the 6!

    I think this is good news! DAZ seems to have gained a pep in their step lately!

    Since I am still a little new to Carrara, what are viewport avatars?


    The viewport avatars would be the representative shapes of the cameras and lights and such. Stuff that you need to see in 3D space to work with, but aren't actually rendered. As an example, I use C7.2 Pro. If I drop a shape light (ring, tube, etc.) in my scene it looks like the standard avatar for the bulb light. Makes it kind of hard to judge its orientation, size, etc. Carrara 8 or 8.5 changed that, so that a ring light looks like a ring. I don't know what the improvements would be, except maybe the avatar for the shape light may now reflect it's diameter or length as opposed to just it's shape?

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It's actually better than that. I just clicked on the ring to select it, so it doesn't just represent the size of the shape light, it *is* the shape light...

    837 x 681 - 235K
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,639
    edited December 1969

    well I will be happy just to get a permenant serial.

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    It's actually better than that. I just clicked on the ring to select it, so it doesn't just represent the size of the shape light, it *is* the shape light...

    I gotta upgrade to 8.1 at least....

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited February 2013

    Oh dear, I thought the big announcement was going to be a


    for carrara .....

    not that it's about time for one or anything like that

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,639
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    Oh dear, I thought the big announcement was going to be a


    for carrara .....

    not that it's about time for one or anything like that

    Dammit Andrew!!! you CANNOT have one of THOSE!!!
    EVERYBODY AND HIS DOG! will want to use Carrara!!!
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited February 2013

    haha :) yes we need some way to keep the wabble away

    why didn't i realise that having NO manual was all part of daz's marketing plan...

    shows you what I know about satisfying customers. ;)

    but seriously, this is great news that their will be an announcment about an announcement at some time in the future

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • YofielYofiel Posts: 204
    edited December 1969

    Hm. It appears Scott Adams has started working at DAZ too : The more the merrier)

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:

    DO YOU really think what we posted has any affect on what they will do in 8.5 or 9 - really think !
    No happy comment just a straight answers .

    Not that Waiting thread, no. But all of Man's posts in the beta threads... yeah... I know they listened to a lot of that, and try to get done what they can. Ask Spooky. He'll tell ya
  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    Well I am glad for the announcements, I want to see the offical Daz one but at least it wont feel like abandonment.

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    We got an announcement that we were going to get an announcement and the announcement is about a forth coming announcement.
    And you are happy to play this game?

    We weren't told anything in the announcement on carraracafe that we didn't already know. I find it highly doubtful the next announcement; which has to be made in the next 3 days {and most assuredly DAZ will make us wait those 3 days for absolutely no good reason} which isn't going to tell us anything we don't already know.

    JeeeeeZZZZ I wish I could write what I want to, time to head to the renderO forums {what was that log in pass word again?}

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    a half-good news anyway. They believe in carrara so I trust them

  • GarstorGarstor Posts: 1,411
    edited December 1969

    head wax said:
    Oh dear, I thought the big announcement was going to be a MANUAL for carrara .....not that it's about time for one or anything like that

    Bah-dum-bump! {high-hat hit}

    Dammit Andrew!!! you CANNOT have one of THOSE!!!
    EVERYBODY AND HIS DOG! will want to use Carrara!!!

    In all seriousness; this is a problem and it will negatively impact DAZ in the long run. Even hiring a couple of technical writers on a temporary contract would help a lot. Hell, ditch the document and put it online if that's easier (personally, I love hardcopy, but I'll take what I can get).

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