Genesis 8 PowerPose templates are encrypted (.dse). Seriously?



  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601
    a-sennov said:
    th3Digit said:

    is the encryption of the templates in any way related to a future facial mocap plugin I wonder?

    I don't think there is any connection. Mocap plugin should work directly with facial bones and they're in place since Genesis 3 :)

    This is simply marketing - new toy must have features not available for prev generations. At least for some time. Look, G3F already has muscle flexes (even better than G8F as they're HD), shoulder bends may be backported as they're simply JCMs and meshes have the same topology in this area, nails and eyes may be changed using geografts, eyelashes - conformer itself may be altered to support G3F. The only 'new' feature that cannot be ported is PowerPose templates, and that's because they're encrypted. Otherwise it would require a couple of clicks to make them work with Genesis 3 :)

    well I made a preset using the facial bones for iClone that works with it's motion plus and face puppet and is exportable as BVH with bones that move.

    But it will not load on a DAZ genesis 3 or 8 figure as facial animation even ticking every bone in advanced, BVH import in general for them is pretty much stuffed up.

    So no external facial mocap software can work on them either in DAZ studio.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is powerpose like mimic?

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,979
    a-sennov said:

    Yes, they are. Plus they've updated the file format and didn't bother to document it, as always.

    I was annoyed too to see that. I wanted to see if it was possible to add a Symmetry option to the script, but when it's not editable that's impossible.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    Is there any actual reason to believe Daz will document it? Their current documentation site is massively out of date as it is.

  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    th3Digit said:
    So no external facial mocap software can work on them either in DAZ studio.

    Use FBX to transfer motion. I don't know if iClone can export animations in FBX format thou :) MoBu works great.

  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    Mistara said:

    is powerpose like mimic?

    No. It's rigging tool. In 'big brothers' like Maya riggers often place additional controls for animators in 3D view, in DAZ Studio we have special viewport for them. Previously it was rather limited, now DAZ has advanced it a bit :)

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,601
    a-sennov said:
    th3Digit said:
    So no external facial mocap software can work on them either in DAZ studio.

    Use FBX to transfer motion. I don't know if iClone can export animations in FBX format thou :) MoBu works great.

    yes but OMG the mess you get importing them into DAZ studio and no animatied pose saved from one will work on the original, I have tried numerous ways even going into Carrara first and exporting as Dazcollada which does bring Carrara native rigging into D|S and V4 etc


  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    edited June 2017

    Is there any actual reason to believe Daz will document it? Their current documentation site is massively out of date as it is.

    Ha, I remember how they hired 'special technical writer' to make docs for Carrara. Rats gnaw his bones somewhere in the basement of DAZ HQ :)

    Post edited by a-sennov on
  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    th3Digit said:

    yes but OMG the mess you get importing them into DAZ studio and no animatied pose saved from one will work on the original, I have tried numerous ways even going into Carrara first and exporting as Dazcollada which does bring Carrara native rigging into D|S and V4 etc


    Before saving motion as animated pose preset you have to ensure that imported FBX has the same skeleton structure AND correctly named bones. It's the key to success. You may load fresh G3F alongside your imported FBX and check bone by bone. Use Joint editor for that and also use it to rename/reparent incorrect bones if any. Yes, visually it may look horrible but it doesn't matter for motion :)

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2017

    Support for prior version PowerPose templates has NOT been removed; at least not intentionally - based on the templates distributed by Daz proper;  they did not add support for randomly added user-concocted data that they either werent aware of or didnt agree to. On the contary, support for the prior version PowerPose templates that contain additional data that was not being processed and for which no prior functionality existed, has been implemented. Further, a host of new features and an additional template format has been added. The only things that were intentionally removed are bugs, UX issues that made the tool particularly annoying to use with any regularity, and the Reset Pose button (which no longer encompasses the scope of what is possible with the new features, but whose function is still easily accessible - moreso in the latest 4.10.0.x build).

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • a-sennova-sennov Posts: 331
    Chohole said:

    Support for prior version PowerPose templates has NOT been removed; at least not intentionally - based on the templates distributed by Daz proper;  they did not add support for randomly added user-concocted data that they either werent aware of or didnt agree to. On the contary, support for the prior version PowerPose templates that contain additional data that was not being processed and for which no prior functionality existed, has been implemented. Further, a host of new features and an additional template format has been added. The only things that were intentionally removed are bugs, UX issues that made the tool particularly annoying to use with any regularity, and the Reset Pose button (which no longer encompasses the scope of what is possible with the new features, but whose function is still easily accessible - moreso in the latest 4.10.0.x build).

    What was done to PowerPose is not the topic of this discussion. Topic is: 'why the machinery of those new features is hidden behind the encryption?'

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited June 2017

    sorry,  that post may have ended up in the wrong thread, for some strange reason.  

    Chohole looks round the room for a lurking gremlin.

    Aha no gremlin, just a thread moving fast. The reply was to this post  on the previous page.  now quted here

    RKane_1 said:
    a-sennov said:

    Little explanation for those who wonder what is all of this about.

    Previously PP templates were located in <DAZStuio dir>/plugins/PowerPose. There were two types of files: .png - background images, .dsx (DAZ Studio XML) - templates, body dynamics. Templates.dsx is the root configuration file.

    Now each figure may have it's own set of templates which is good. They are to be located in /data/<vendor>/<figure>/<genre>/Tools/PowerPose directory. For example, in case of Genesis 8 it's /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Tools/PowerPose. The general structure of files is the same with exception: .dsx became .dxe (DAZ XML Encrypted) and no more readable and manually editable.

    So if you want to take advantage of new features in PowerPose for your own figure (my case) or improve support for old one (PDSmith's case) - you're out of luck.


    The use of .dxe was to show it is possible, to give vendors confidence that they could protect their content. That doesn't mean people can't save .dsx versions of their own settings if they wish. But yes, if you want to set up a new template you have to do the setting up - how easy that will be remains to be seen.

    Richard, does this mean that PDSmith's Powerpose templates for other figuires he's already made be usable in the future with no extra needed effort and he can continue to mke them or is it now limited to devs being able to make them and PDSmith and the rest of us who love his products are left in the lurch?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745
    edited September 2017

    So do I take this to mean DAZ wants to encourage figure developers to know they can make PP templates for their figures that work differently from other figures of the same generation?

    PP is already difficult enough to learn because of inconsistencies in how the bone movements work even within the same generation of figure. Compound that by differences between generations, and on top of that we want multiply that by inconsistencies between figures of the same generation? This sounds like insanity.

    For me, PP is still in the "wow, this would be fantastic, if it worked!" stage. I hope the built-in editing function is ready soon and easy to learn so I can make templates that work for me, and I hope users can disable all inconsistent ones.

    Post edited by Inkubo on
  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    G2 and G3 figures still appear in the PowerPose pane, but I can't find their templates anywhere. At this point, how can one edit them or replace them with PDSmith's templates?

  • Fisty said:

    So..  what was the problem?

    I've been looking for this solution the whole day

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