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my bathroom will be in my final video but the virtual one looks much cleaner and less cluttered
warm sudsy bath can certainly free up the inner eye
I had to reread that
there is a brown one I certainly want tightly shut in the tub!!
free the inner eye vision to imagine the mannerisms of elfs
more kitty video
Stezza, where did you get this lovely pug? I want the same thing.
aha.... I used my CP birthday voucher and put it towards buying it from Content Paradise ... It's Mr Puggles
and you can get some free poses for him from Share CG
Thank you very much! I didn't know about this site.
and this happened as I was rendering this video while bathing too
Still experimenting making a tree... using Double Sweep this time. See post in Modeling thread for details.
@th3Digit be carefull not to get the PC wet when doing that!
this ones age restricted as it did not turn out very well
retrying with a simple skirt and VWD
Still playing with my treetrunk... using Ruled Surface this time. More details and pics in my Modeling thread right after the last one.
there is a program by the shapemagic guy that makes tree trunks
though I suppose that defeats the purpose
Thanks... Bookmarked it to look at later... still got some experimenting to do.
OK the dump video
it looks more graphic but actually she has her hip shaded like bicycle pants so no nudity whatsoever
I should really share my WIP playlist I am adding these to.
they will be compiled into a final video with a song and sing along lyrics
I saw a photo just like this, well sort of. It was a view from the person's perspective and there were more cats. ;)
they guard you while you are taking a dump
likewise they use the litter if you are in the room with it
in case of predators
hehe, like the scene in Jurassic Park
nsfw ;) I like the leg scratch particularly
what's the gentlest ........................
sometimes best muse is something brand new to play with, not last week new, but new new for runtime funtime
all furniture and props Carrara objects
Organically modelled cats ( no Zbrushing all Carrara)
*Very* nice look to the image!
some of my cat props
Cool... thanks.