Dragon Master Bundle for Dragon 3 and Crystal Dragon [Commercial]

Dragon Master Bundle for Dragon 3 and Crystal Dragon
Become the master of your dragon with the most complete pose set for Dragon 3 and Crystal Dragon and the powerful Dragon Master Pose Control scripts! The Dragon Master Bundle for Dragon 3 and Crystal Dragon includes:
- 60 Dragon poses
- 36 Wing Poses
- 34 Tail Poses
- Four Powerful Dragon Posing Scripts:
- Dragon Tail Control
- Dragon Neck Control
- Dragon Wing Control
- Randomize Dragon

1300 x 1000 - 356K

1300 x 1000 - 351K

1300 x 1000 - 345K

1000 x 1300 - 552K

1000 x 1300 - 204K

1000 x 1300 - 418K

1000 x 1300 - 413K

2100 x 2275 - 1M

2100 x 2275 - 1M

2100 x 2275 - 875K

2100 x 2275 - 964K

1000 x 1300 - 410K
Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
I'm loving your products. The pose control in them is amazing and I love your promos. They are well done and explain clearly what the products do. Becoming instabuy here!
That is awesome to hear! Thank you very much Llynara. I have to admit that I considered it risky to make the Dragon Master Pose Control as it is a specialized product for a specialized character. However, I had so much fun with it!
These promos were my favorite to make and my best I think (though I now realize they can be a little dark - I need to get a better calibrated monitor
You're welcome! I think it's a good gamble since we tend to have the animals/creature packs around a lot longer than the generations of characters. I'm not sure how old Dragon 3 is, but seems like it's got plenty of staying power for the foreseeable future. Will post some pics as soon as I get a chance to dig into the pose controls. Going to be a lot of fun!
PS. I have the same monitor issue. I've calibrated mine seven ways from Sunday. Things that look great to me are sometimes dark to others. I don't know if it's my monitor or theirs, LOL.
I look forward to seeing your images! Crystal Dragon is a great dragon character; though I am not much of a fan of the default crystal shader. I replaced the crystal shader with the Diamond shader in my promos.
Ah, then your monitor probably saw my promos as I intended them!
I keep saying I am going to buy a new 4K IPS monitor and keep putting it off. At this point, my 23" monitor is ancient, it cannot even do 1080p!
Insta buy for me too. I love dragons. They are such an iconic fantasy creature I can't imagine them ever going out of style. I think I now own all but two or three of the dragons Daz has available. Really looking forward to the poses and the pose control. I probably won't get a chance to play til later but I'm super excited. He's going to look amazing in PA_Philosopher"s sky domes as well.
Fantastic! Though with your forum name I should guess you love dragons
Thank you so much for buying it. You and Llynara are awesome loyal customers
Any suggestions or criticisms are welcome.
Question for you. This line in the product description: "Since this product uses encrypted scripts, it cannot be used in versions of Daz Studio below"
I have no problem with the scripts being encrypted, I just wanted to be sure it can be downloaded through the DIM. I don't use connect. It appears to be able to be use DIM, I just wanted to double check.
Yes, it can be downloaded through DIM (that is what I use).
Hahaha you are right I hadn't thought of that! I am looking forward to giving these a go as soon as I can. One of my biggest issues has been the posing of the dragons so this is going to be hugely useful and time saving!
Thanks, it's going to have to wait until the end of the week when I get paid, but I will be picking this up. My main character in my comics is a dragon, and this will help immensly.
There's two different kinds of "encrypted" — scripts can be binary-encoded so you can't open them directly in a text editor (this is the one that's been part of D|S ever since D|S1.0, and is pretty much locked to whatever D|S version (or later) it was saved in), and there's encrypted-for-Connect, which is the one all the fuss has been about since it was first introduced in D|S4.8. The Connect encryption is also the one that doesn't have the normal DIM download option.
I believe it is the "normal" encryption. I can exchange the files with people and they don't need to use connect to install them (they just copy them to the correct location).
Here's a quickie test render of the Crystal Dragon skin sans crystals. I used your pose script to tweak the neck, wings and tail of a one of the sitting poses. Works great! I'll do some more dramatic stuff tomorrow. I especially love how easy it is to move up and down the vertebrae wih radio buttons. Brilliant!
Sure wish I had something like this for wings with lots of bones, ie Malaik and Feathered Wings for All. Wait- I'm betting Bone Doctor would work with those. I need to dig into that one more!
I have a couple of LG 38 LED Curved UltraWides (4k each) and the images on the pose portion of the bundle are darkish and slightly grainy, and probably do not do the product justice. After reading this discussion, I suspect I'll be sorry if I don't buy the bundle.
Thanks Llynara, I was really happy with how the vertebrae radio buttons helped make the scripts even more useful. I am glad it was easy to use the scripts. Did you have to use the manual at all? I hope not, but I tried to make a helpful manual too. It bugs me when I get a product with a one-page manual or less. Your renders are looking great! I also saw the renders you did on the other thread.
I don't have those two products, but the Adjust Bones script from Bone Doctor should help with them. You will have to do a lot more selecting manually (e.g., select a wing finger, use Adjust Bones, select...) but it will help with the tediousness of adjusting long strings of bones. I did add the propagation limit to the script; that update for Bone Doctor is working its way through Daz testing now.
BTW, I didn't realize you are a fantasy and sci-fi writer! Congratulations! I hope it's going really well. I love fantasy and sci-fi. I will have to check your Black Kat book out!
Yeah, sorry about the darkness. Once I saw the promos on another computer, I realized they are too dark for most people's computers.
And I was so proud of those promos! Oh well.
I hope you do buy the bundle. If you do, please post back here with any renders or comments.
Thank you! I will definitely try using the Bone Doctor on the wings and let you know how that goes.
I write romantic comedy in just about any genre. Right now I have two books out, in two series: Calpernica (a small town, inspirational series set in the Midwest) and Black Kat (a dark romantic comedy series with superheroes tha goes from urban fantasy to fantasy.) Both start at the beginning of the 21st century and span many years.
I have tons of ideas for other stuff, and 3D has become a big part of my creative process. I do my own book covers/promos and just started to do them for other authors as well. I'm totally hooked on the 3D!
It's in my cart. And will be in my checkout. The only thing delaying my checkout is a hiccup with the unrelated animal prom that is on a ticket. You should be proud. I thought the promo art was great and had no problem appreciating them. Just an FYI if you have photoshop just go to levels (curves is better) and adjust the merged layers or layer (not sure what you do in other programs).
Thank you. I am glad you could see them.
I do use Photoshop; I just need to have a properly calibrated monitor to adjust it properly
Calibration is a tough one. Got to have a good scanner. Sometimes it helps to actually do the work in CMYK (it looks darker) and then revert to RGB. Anywhoo I just downloaded your two puppies.
I used the scripts on this image, where the dragon is crouching for cookies:
LOL. He is well trained
You have become a DRAGON MASTER 
The secret is the cookies! (apparently dragons really like them
And here I thought they liked Knights, who were crunchy and went well with ketchup.
It sounds like your dragons are tolkienesque... hers sound like they are more from Pern
I haven't visited Pern for years. Probably should schedule a return trip.
Ahhh the Dragonriders of Pern. I may have to do a revisit myself. Oh my goodness the memories....
Pern is always a wonderful place to go back to. I haven't visited there in years either. I will always have a special place in my heart for the Dragonsinger trilogy. There are some book openings that stay with you. Menolly (sp?) out on the boat at the funeral, with the rain and letting the drumsticks slide into the water stayed with me.
Top shelf in my nearest book case, right next door to my desk All Anne McCaffrey, about 36 or so books, some personally signed from when she did a book signing at what was then our local book shop, A super little shop called "The Sign of the Dragon" run by Mrs Dragon, Marion van der Voort and her husband Richard.
Ooh, autographed copies! I love the Pern series. Also love Tolkien. Just about any dragons will do!
Fred (my cookie-eating dragon) says people have a funny aftertaste. He prefers baked goods! HA!