Top shelf in my nearest book case, right next door to my desk All Anne McCaffrey, about 36 or so books, some personally signed from when she did a book signing at what was then our local book shop, A super little shop called "The Sign of the Dragon" run by Mrs Dragon, Marion van der Voort and her husband Richard.
That is awesome! I really wish my Mom had been into Tolkien and bought his books 70 years ago and wanted to give me the books The only signed copies I have are a couple books by Brandon Sanderson, probably my favorite current author.
Here's a quickie test render of the Crystal Dragon skin sans crystals. I used your pose script to tweak the neck, wings and tail of a one of the sitting poses. Works great! I'll do some more dramatic stuff tomorrow. I especially love how easy it is to move up and down the vertebrae wih radio buttons. Brilliant!
Sure wish I had something like this for wings with lots of bones, ie Malaik and Feathered Wings for All. Wait- I'm betting Bone Doctor would work with those. I need to dig into that one more!
Nice posing Kim. How many lights did you use on this piece? Love the texturing.
That is awesome! I really wish my Mom had been into Tolkien and bought his books 70 years ago and wanted to give me the books
The only signed copies I have are a couple books by Brandon Sanderson, probably my favorite current author.
Two poses from your pose pack, they look very natural!
Oh wow, that looks nice. I didn't buy the Raptor so I didn't know how they would look. Thanks for posting this.
How long will the bundle be on Sale? (DAZ is terrible about communicating sale period lenghts)
Nice posing Kim. How many lights did you use on this piece? Love the texturing.
Thanks! They look fabulous on him
A metallic aftertaste no doubt.