(Released) EcVh0 Pale Skin Shader for Genesis 8 Female [Commercial]

Hi guys! I'm glad to finally announce that,

EcVh0's Iray Pale Skin Shader for Genesis 8 Female is finally in store!!

Click here to the store!


Have you ever spent days trying to make a pale skin character but end up looking lifeless, or did not meet your expectations?

Have you ever tried to create a realistic render, under natural lights but your character's skin just looks flat without receiving enough front light?

Have you ever tried to dig through the store looking for a decent Pale Skin Shader?

Now, the struggles are over!

Let me present, EcVh0 Shaders Series - EcVh0's Iray Pale Skin Shader for Genesis 8 Female(s)!

One click-

  • Without having to know anything in depth on rendering skins
  • Without having to look for appropriate light sets
  • Without having to face the light source
  • Without having to look for presets for your skin to suit the light condition
  • Without having to do tons of post-editing

Say goodbye to lifeless white skin, say goodbye to not pale, not yellow skin, you will get your dreamed pale skin character with maximum details and realism, and create absolutely stunning renders, even under default Sun-Sky Environment or Simple HDRI Environment!

Promo Images (No text version)


Pale Skin Shader for EcVh0 Skin Shader Promo New 1 NO TEXT.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 576K
Pale Skin Shader for EcVh0 Skin Shader Promo New 2 NO TEXT.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 486K
Pale Skin Shader for EcVh0 Skin Shader Promo New 4 NO TEXT.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 629K
Pale Skin Shader for EcVh0 Skin Shader Promo New 7 Main.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 866K
Pale Skin Shader for EcVh0 Skin Shader Promo New 6 Main.jpg
1000 x 1300 - 862K


  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017


    Similar to my Skin Shader for Genesis 8 Female, this beautiful skin shader utilizes a new approach to skin rendering in Iray, which will make the old way of applying makeup obsolete.

    So how do I apply makeup onto the skin shader?

    Some makeups are fully compatible and easy to apply, but some unfortuately are not. There is one thing you want to check before applying the skin shader:

    • Is my makeup LIE (Layered Image Editored)?: To find out if the texture is LIE, simply find the texture of the makeup you want to apply, usually located in Runtime.
      • If the makeup you want to apply is a PNG file with transparent background, then congrats your makeup is LIE and fully compatible. The only things you need to do, is the following:
        • Open the layered image editor by clicking on the translucency texture map of a surface (usually face), and select layered image editor
        • Click the "+" button on the right side of the layered image editor, and choose "New Layer", now you should be able to see a new layer popping out on the top side of the editor
        • Click the "Select Texture Map" button right below the "+" button, and choose the the makeup you want to apply
        • Boom! Makeup is applied! Happy Rendering!
      • If the makeup is embeded with the character's texture itself, then unfortunately it won't be as compatible, which means that to apply the makeup you want, you need to replace the texture itself - see below tutorial on how to apply your own texture details!


    How do I apply my own texture detail I want from other character's texture map??

    Before I say anything, keep in mind that the pale shader will only work when you supply it with a proper "paleish" skin texture, well, you don't magically transfer an olive skin character into a pale skin character without some work in changing the texture itself!

    So the first thing to do before you apply your own texture, is to see if your texture is "pale" or olive or dark

    • If your skin texture is pale: Vola! Simply replace the map in Translucency node with your own map for all the skin surfaces (Ears, Face, Arms, Torso, Lips, etc), and you are good to go! laugh
    • If your skin texture isn't pale: That's okay! All we need to do, is to perform some transformation to the texture before applying them into the translucency node, there is a few programs you can use for this, but in general you need to do this:
      • Reduce the skin tone color, not by desaturation but vibrance: The goal for this, is to change the skin's main color to pale, the skin tone could be pinkish, or yellowish, that does not matter much. The reason why I do not recommend doing it with desaturation, is because you want the color tone to stay, but rather paler compare to the original yellow/dark yellow color on the skin, exactly how you should do it, is up to you wink


    Dammit! Nothing works!! What do I do??

    Don't worry! Send me an email at stevenyang0430@gmail.com to the skin texture you want to convert to pale, and I will be more than happy to help you do it! yes


    Anyways, hope the information above helps and happy rendering!

    And stay tuned for my first ever character release - Katarina HD for Genesis 8 Female laugh

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017

    EcVh0's Recreate Promo

    Ever find hard to get the same look as what it is advertised? Ever wondered how these promo images are created? No worries, here's what EcVh0's Recreate Promo is for!

    Here, I'm gonna gradually post up all scene settings and render settings of my promo images, so if you have all the products required you can create the exact same scene as I do!


    Coming soon!



    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192

    Bought without a second thought!  Oooooh, I'm gonna have fun with this.  laugh  Who da man?  You da man!!  

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,724

    Very clever strategy. This one looks even better. Probably should wait longer with decision to buy your previous product for Genesis 8 Female.


  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192

    Just a heads up mate but it looks like the Read Me PDF you've included with this is tje one for your Genisis 2 Skin Shader.  Just with the No Dome fix telling people to check the Read Me some people might find it a bit confusing.  

  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    stuthurso said:

    Bought without a second thought!  Oooooh, I'm gonna have fun with this.  laugh  Who da man?  You da man!!  

    Thanks :D Make sure you post some amazing renders! (NO POST WORK CHEATS XD)

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    Artini said:

    Very clever strategy. This one looks even better. Probably should wait longer with decision to buy your previous product for Genesis 8 Female.


    Haha thanks and apologize for that, this is thought to be an addon for the previous shader, which I got the inspiration when im in the middle of a travel, but then DAZ suggested that it is better off to be a standardlone so :/

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    stuthurso said:

    Just a heads up mate but it looks like the Read Me PDF you've included with this is tje one for your Genisis 2 Skin Shader.  Just with the No Dome fix telling people to check the Read Me some people might find it a bit confusing.  

    Thanks for letting me know! Yeah I actually just realized that myself! (Tens of Hours of work made me a little numb to file check on readme >.<)

    Shouldn't be much of a trouble tho, the way of applying the skin is still the same ;)

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    edited July 2017

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Sample 1.PNG
    703 x 391 - 550K
    Sample 2.PNG
    252 x 134 - 81K
    Post edited by dragotx on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    dragotx said:

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Oh Emm, Never encountered that myself tbh, is your HDRI dome on or off? If it is off, try to turn it on and see if the problem still exists :)

    If it is on and the problem is still there, could you grab me the light sets that you have used so I can try to recreate the problem? 


    The skin shader shouldn't be not getting enough light because it even works under one plane light scenes :/


    Edit: Somehow the image didn't show up when I write this but now that I double checked your render, seems like it is most likely to be the "draw dome" problem (yeah it even affects a closed interior scene - with "draw dome" off, the skin will somehow disappear)

    If that's the case then simply turning the draw dome back on would solve the problem, if you need the dome to be off then try and see if the "no dome fix" option in the shader pack would solve it :)

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Oh Emm, Never encountered that myself tbh, is your HDRI dome on or off? If it is off, try to turn it on and see if the problem still exists :)

    If it is on and the problem is still there, could you grab me the light sets that you have used so I can try to recreate the problem? 


    The skin shader shouldn't be not getting enough light because it even works under one plane light scenes :/


    Edit: Somehow the image didn't show up when I write this but now that I double checked your render, seems like it is most likely to be the "draw dome" problem (yeah it even affects a closed interior scene - with "draw dome" off, the skin will somehow disappear)

    If that's the case then simply turning the draw dome back on would solve the problem, if you need the dome to be off then try and see if the "no dome fix" option in the shader pack would solve it :)

    Awesome, I'll give that a shot when I get back to my computer. My done should be on, but this wouldn't be the first time my settings decided to change themselves without telling me. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Oh Emm, Never encountered that myself tbh, is your HDRI dome on or off? If it is off, try to turn it on and see if the problem still exists :)

    If it is on and the problem is still there, could you grab me the light sets that you have used so I can try to recreate the problem? 


    The skin shader shouldn't be not getting enough light because it even works under one plane light scenes :/


    Edit: Somehow the image didn't show up when I write this but now that I double checked your render, seems like it is most likely to be the "draw dome" problem (yeah it even affects a closed interior scene - with "draw dome" off, the skin will somehow disappear)

    If that's the case then simply turning the draw dome back on would solve the problem, if you need the dome to be off then try and see if the "no dome fix" option in the shader pack would solve it :)


    Awesome, I'll give that a shot when I get back to my computer. My done should be on, but this wouldn't be the first time my settings decided to change themselves without telling me. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes

    No problem! Hope this would solve the problem for you!

    (Might disappear for the next 9 hours tho, it's night time over here :D)

  • sextinosextino Posts: 37
    edited July 2017

    I used skin builder to add some freckles and vains but it is using the EcVhc0 pale skin shaders for the skin tone. I used a bunch of experimental lighting shaders that I am nowhere near mastering but it turned out pretty good.  The new luster hair shaders helped me even though I am still struggling with realistic hair.  I have to find a better way to blend character lighting not just with the envirenment but with the hair as well.  Anyhow, good product.  I ran into the black spot problem that dragotx mentioned.  You might want to list that with the offical product informational file in case people don't come in here looking for a fix.


    1920 x 1080 - 4M
    Post edited by sextino on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Oh Emm, Never encountered that myself tbh, is your HDRI dome on or off? If it is off, try to turn it on and see if the problem still exists :)

    If it is on and the problem is still there, could you grab me the light sets that you have used so I can try to recreate the problem? 


    The skin shader shouldn't be not getting enough light because it even works under one plane light scenes :/


    Edit: Somehow the image didn't show up when I write this but now that I double checked your render, seems like it is most likely to be the "draw dome" problem (yeah it even affects a closed interior scene - with "draw dome" off, the skin will somehow disappear)

    If that's the case then simply turning the draw dome back on would solve the problem, if you need the dome to be off then try and see if the "no dome fix" option in the shader pack would solve it :)


    Awesome, I'll give that a shot when I get back to my computer. My done should be on, but this wouldn't be the first time my settings decided to change themselves without telling me. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes

    No problem! Hope this would solve the problem for you!

    (Might disappear for the next 9 hours tho, it's night time over here :D)

    You were exactly right, my draw dome was off for some reason. Fixed that and my test renders look much better. I've got the final renders cooking overnight right now
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    sextino said:

    I used skin builder to add some freckles and vains but it is using the EcVhc0 pale skin shaders for the skin tone. I used a bunch of experimental lighting shaders that I am nowhere near mastering but it turned out pretty good.

    Yeah! it looks very amazing! Love it yes


    The new luster hair shaders helped me even though I am still struggling with realistic hair. 

    The hair lust shader solves the trouble that has been bothering me for years, haven't seen a hair shader that achieves backlighting like this one does! I used the hair shader for my pale skin promos because without it, it just looks weird (especially when you have a good skin and bad hair)


    I have to find a better way to blend character lighting not just with the envirenment but with the hair as well. 

    It's quite funny how my way of doing a scene is to let the light to be as natural as possible, like if there is a sun light scene then the sun light is the only thing I will use even in an interior - I do believe that kind of help with the hair because you don't really want to shine too much on your hair with ghost lights and other things, but then it could be other way around as well...


    Anyhow, good product. 

    Thanks thanks :) I'm glad you liked it!


    I ran into the black spot problem that dragotx mentioned.  You might want to list that with the offical product informational file in case people don't come in here looking for a fix.

    I do believe I put a notice in the readme file tho! :/ Maybe I forgot to put up the documentation when I pack it up... I will double check that in case :)

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    So far I love the way this shader looks, with one major problem.  No matter how much light I throw at it, my render winds up with the skin absolutely covered in little black spots.  It looks like it's not getting enough light, but I've got a bright HDRI, an HDRI spotlight, and a ghost light sitting right on top of her.  Any more light and the render will be totally blown out.  Any suggestions on what to do to fix it?

    Oh Emm, Never encountered that myself tbh, is your HDRI dome on or off? If it is off, try to turn it on and see if the problem still exists :)

    If it is on and the problem is still there, could you grab me the light sets that you have used so I can try to recreate the problem? 


    The skin shader shouldn't be not getting enough light because it even works under one plane light scenes :/


    Edit: Somehow the image didn't show up when I write this but now that I double checked your render, seems like it is most likely to be the "draw dome" problem (yeah it even affects a closed interior scene - with "draw dome" off, the skin will somehow disappear)

    If that's the case then simply turning the draw dome back on would solve the problem, if you need the dome to be off then try and see if the "no dome fix" option in the shader pack would solve it :)


    Awesome, I'll give that a shot when I get back to my computer. My done should be on, but this wouldn't be the first time my settings decided to change themselves without telling me. Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes

    No problem! Hope this would solve the problem for you!

    (Might disappear for the next 9 hours tho, it's night time over here :D)


    You were exactly right, my draw dome was off for some reason. Fixed that and my test renders look much better. I've got the final renders cooking overnight right now

    Awesome! :D Can't wait to see your final render! It already looked really nice with the random black dots haha!

  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192

    I've been having way too much fun with this so I thought I'd better show something here in case you thought I wasn't using the shader!  Would you believe there is no postwork here?  Well you shouldn't!  Of course there's post work, it me after all!!  LOL  Now my biggest problem is which to choose for my girls, pale and interesting or dark and mysterious?  Well enough of my blether it's back to having fun with the best skin shader I've ever had the pleasure of using!  wink  Oh and for anyone who is wondering which of EcVh0 G8 shader to get, buy both.  Trust me you won't regret it!  

    591 x 768 - 459K
  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078

    How is "Draw Dome" changing the skin so dramatically? That setting does what it says, it doesn't change the amount of light available in the scene.

    If the Draw Dome setting matters for an interior scene, I believe there is something wrong with the skin shader. I don't see problems like this with any other shader.


  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    Awesome! :D Can't wait to see your final render! It already looked really nice with the random black dots haha!

    Final renders are done, and the shader looks fantastic!  Wonderful work on this!  The pics are probably a bit racy to directly post here, so here's the links to them behind an age-gate:  



  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    edited July 2017
    fastbike1 said:

    How is "Draw Dome" changing the skin so dramatically? That setting does what it says, it doesn't change the amount of light available in the scene.

    If the Draw Dome setting matters for an interior scene, I believe there is something wrong with the skin shader. I don't see problems like this with any other shader.

    Well, the draw dome should not be able to affect the skin at all in an interior scene, which makes no sense that somehow the dome light is still calculated into the SSS, so I wonder if something went wrong with the draw dome calculation. And in fact, some other PA ran into the same problem testing their skins too, and if you put V8's transmitted color to the same as my shader and not touching anything else, she will disappear too, even faster wink


    Edit: And it is actually not "changing" the skin, the skin renders properly until all pixels on the skin is done, then the black disappearing dots appears so I wonder if some part of code got executed again exclusively for the skin area and renders it to the default viewport background (and notice that the black dots does not only appear on the skin, but around the skin in open space as well)

    Post edited by EcVh0 on
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    Awesome! :D Can't wait to see your final render! It already looked really nice with the random black dots haha!

    Final renders are done, and the shader looks fantastic!  Wonderful work on this!  The pics are probably a bit racy to directly post here, so here's the links to them behind an age-gate:  



    Thank you! And wow they look amazing! (And good choice not putting it here cuz I do think its against the rule XD)

    And hey you found my DA account which I barely use wink

  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    stuthurso said:

    I've been having way too much fun with this so I thought I'd better show something here in case you thought I wasn't using the shader!  Would you believe there is no postwork here?  Well you shouldn't!  Of course there's post work, it me after all!!  LOL  Now my biggest problem is which to choose for my girls, pale and interesting or dark and mysterious? 

    There you are! I was wondering where you went haha! COME BACK HERE!! winkwink

    And for a second I did actually believe you didn't use any post haha! laugh She looks absolutely amazing, and pale, of course XD

    The best solution for your skin choice problem, is definitely to use both winkwink


    Well enough of my blether it's back to having fun with the best skin shader I've ever had the pleasure of using!  wink  Oh and for anyone who is wondering which of EcVh0 G8 shader to get, buy both.  Trust me you won't regret it!  

    Thank you thank you! I feel so privileged to be the best skin shader you've ever had! laughlaugh


  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    Awesome! :D Can't wait to see your final render! It already looked really nice with the random black dots haha!

    Final renders are done, and the shader looks fantastic!  Wonderful work on this!  The pics are probably a bit racy to directly post here, so here's the links to them behind an age-gate:  



    Thank you! And wow they look amazing! (And good choice not putting it here cuz I do think its against the rule XD)

    And hey you found my DA account which I barely use wink

    They might have been a bit more acceptable here if they were a bit less see-through, but I love that gem shader I used.  I've found that the search on DA can be quite useful when I'm looking to see if someone has a page :D  Of course, it doesn't work when somoene uses different handles different places like I do.  But it's worth a quick look to see if someone I want to keep an eye on their work is up there.  :D  

  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:
    EcVh0 said:
    dragotx said:

    Awesome! :D Can't wait to see your final render! It already looked really nice with the random black dots haha!

    Final renders are done, and the shader looks fantastic!  Wonderful work on this!  The pics are probably a bit racy to directly post here, so here's the links to them behind an age-gate:  



    Thank you! And wow they look amazing! (And good choice not putting it here cuz I do think its against the rule XD)

    And hey you found my DA account which I barely use wink

    They might have been a bit more acceptable here if they were a bit less see-through, but I love that gem shader I used. 

    Yeah! No nude is allowed here frown And yeah! I couldn't actually see the gem back when I was on my phone but now when I see it on my desktop, it looks freaking amazing! Almost real!


    I've found that the search on DA can be quite useful when I'm looking to see if someone has a page :D  Of course, it doesn't work when somoene uses different handles different places like I do.  But it's worth a quick look to see if someone I want to keep an eye on their work is up there.  :D  

    Hahaha yeah! I guess I might want to post some more there in case people are searching wink Do have my website under construction so I can put up a way for some customer service rather than people trying to find me around forum haha laugh

  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    1000 x 1300 - 2M
  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    stuthurso said:

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    Haha congrats on entering the no-post team here yes, It might be a bit hard to get to my map color cuz there is just not many pale ladies out here crying

    But wow! She looks absolutely amazing and the UV works perfectly as well! (I was quite afriad that it might not work on UV products they put on but hey, it works! laugh)

  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    Haha congrats on entering the no-post team here yes, It might be a bit hard to get to my map color cuz there is just not many pale ladies out here crying

    But wow! She looks absolutely amazing and the UV works perfectly as well! (I was quite afriad that it might not work on UV products they put on but hey, it works! laugh)

    That's why I wanted to try it out on the Legacy UV's to see if it would work and yeah, it's perfect.  It's just a case of going into the surfaces of the Geografts and picking the option that goes with each one (so 'Shoulders' would be the Arms shader and 'Head' would be Torso for example) all you need do then is replace the specular for the one with the skin you're using (because it'll be the G8 one that the shader has plugged in and you want something to correspond to the proper UV) and the altered Diffuse map into the translucency and you're good to go.  So amazingly easy really!  

    You do have to work on any diffuse you use though, I used the Metropolitan Tokyo skin there and it was pale to start with but I still had to take it down to closer to your maps anyway.  It's not incredibly difficult to do with Photoshop (or presumably Gimp) but it will take a bit of trial and error to get what you want.  I've always liked playing with skin maps for my own use anyway so it's kind of second nature to me now which helps a lot (I really should start looking into how to make my own from scratch though, add that to another of the list of things I want to start learning but spend too much time on Daz to get round to!!  LOL).  Unfortunately as you say there isn't an awful lot of pale skins anyway and even fewer of those pale enough not to need lightened a bit first.  But with a bit of playing and tweaking with skins you can get really nice results because your shader does most of the hard work already!  

  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    stuthurso said:
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    Haha congrats on entering the no-post team here yes, It might be a bit hard to get to my map color cuz there is just not many pale ladies out here crying

    But wow! She looks absolutely amazing and the UV works perfectly as well! (I was quite afriad that it might not work on UV products they put on but hey, it works! laugh)

    That's why I wanted to try it out on the Legacy UV's to see if it would work and yeah, it's perfect.  It's just a case of going into the surfaces of the Geografts and picking the option that goes with each one (so 'Shoulders' would be the Arms shader and 'Head' would be Torso for example) all you need do then is replace the specular for the one with the skin you're using (because it'll be the G8 one that the shader has plugged in and you want something to correspond to the proper UV) and the altered Diffuse map into the translucency and you're good to go.  So amazingly easy really!  


    Yeah now that you say it, it does sound really amazing!

    You do have to work on any diffuse you use though, I used the Metropolitan Tokyo skin there and it was pale to start with but I still had to take it down to closer to your maps anyway.  It's not incredibly difficult to do with Photoshop (or presumably Gimp) but it will take a bit of trial and error to get what you want.  I've always liked playing with skin maps for my own use anyway so it's kind of second nature to me now which helps a lot (I really should start looking into how to make my own from scratch though, add that to another of the list of things I want to start learning but spend too much time on Daz to get round to!!  LOL).  Unfortunately as you say there isn't an awful lot of pale skins anyway and even fewer of those pale enough not to need lightened a bit first.  But with a bit of playing and tweaking with skins you can get really nice results because your shader does most of the hard work already!  

    Haha thanks :D Yeah finding a good pale skin is hard, editing one is probably even harder! Glad you got the result you wanted tho :D


    To make your own, usually you can paint from zbrush/mudbox etc etc - if you are hardcore enough, or you can do skins from scanned photos of real people - a lot more detailed and realistic but still lots of tweakings need to be done :D

  • stuthursostuthurso Posts: 192
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    Haha congrats on entering the no-post team here yes, It might be a bit hard to get to my map color cuz there is just not many pale ladies out here crying

    But wow! She looks absolutely amazing and the UV works perfectly as well! (I was quite afriad that it might not work on UV products they put on but hey, it works! laugh)

    That's why I wanted to try it out on the Legacy UV's to see if it would work and yeah, it's perfect.  It's just a case of going into the surfaces of the Geografts and picking the option that goes with each one (so 'Shoulders' would be the Arms shader and 'Head' would be Torso for example) all you need do then is replace the specular for the one with the skin you're using (because it'll be the G8 one that the shader has plugged in and you want something to correspond to the proper UV) and the altered Diffuse map into the translucency and you're good to go.  So amazingly easy really!  


    Yeah now that you say it, it does sound really amazing!

    You do have to work on any diffuse you use though, I used the Metropolitan Tokyo skin there and it was pale to start with but I still had to take it down to closer to your maps anyway.  It's not incredibly difficult to do with Photoshop (or presumably Gimp) but it will take a bit of trial and error to get what you want.  I've always liked playing with skin maps for my own use anyway so it's kind of second nature to me now which helps a lot (I really should start looking into how to make my own from scratch though, add that to another of the list of things I want to start learning but spend too much time on Daz to get round to!!  LOL).  Unfortunately as you say there isn't an awful lot of pale skins anyway and even fewer of those pale enough not to need lightened a bit first.  But with a bit of playing and tweaking with skins you can get really nice results because your shader does most of the hard work already!  

    Haha thanks :D Yeah finding a good pale skin is hard, editing one is probably even harder! Glad you got the result you wanted tho :D


    To make your own, usually you can paint from zbrush/mudbox etc etc - if you are hardcore enough, or you can do skins from scanned photos of real people - a lot more detailed and realistic but still lots of tweakings need to be done :D

    Eventually I'd like to get into the things like zbrush/mudbox but it's cost as much as the time involeved.  I still haven't made an effort to learn modling in Blender yet!  LOL  I should push myself more into the creation side of things because I think I'd actually enjoy it but I'm having way too much fun with what is available (and it has nothing to do with me being a lazy old git, okay it has a little to do with that.....  cheeky).  

  • EcVh0EcVh0 Posts: 535
    stuthurso said:
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:
    EcVh0 said:
    stuthurso said:

    Just to show how adaptable and versatile the shader is here's another where I used an old V4 skin (which I played around with to get close to your skin maps colour) on G8F with Cayman Studio's Legacy UV's.  This one actually doesn't have any post work on it (I know!  Shocking right?!) just to show how well it comes out straight from the render.  

    Haha congrats on entering the no-post team here yes, It might be a bit hard to get to my map color cuz there is just not many pale ladies out here crying

    But wow! She looks absolutely amazing and the UV works perfectly as well! (I was quite afriad that it might not work on UV products they put on but hey, it works! laugh)

    That's why I wanted to try it out on the Legacy UV's to see if it would work and yeah, it's perfect.  It's just a case of going into the surfaces of the Geografts and picking the option that goes with each one (so 'Shoulders' would be the Arms shader and 'Head' would be Torso for example) all you need do then is replace the specular for the one with the skin you're using (because it'll be the G8 one that the shader has plugged in and you want something to correspond to the proper UV) and the altered Diffuse map into the translucency and you're good to go.  So amazingly easy really!  


    Yeah now that you say it, it does sound really amazing!

    You do have to work on any diffuse you use though, I used the Metropolitan Tokyo skin there and it was pale to start with but I still had to take it down to closer to your maps anyway.  It's not incredibly difficult to do with Photoshop (or presumably Gimp) but it will take a bit of trial and error to get what you want.  I've always liked playing with skin maps for my own use anyway so it's kind of second nature to me now which helps a lot (I really should start looking into how to make my own from scratch though, add that to another of the list of things I want to start learning but spend too much time on Daz to get round to!!  LOL).  Unfortunately as you say there isn't an awful lot of pale skins anyway and even fewer of those pale enough not to need lightened a bit first.  But with a bit of playing and tweaking with skins you can get really nice results because your shader does most of the hard work already!  

    Haha thanks :D Yeah finding a good pale skin is hard, editing one is probably even harder! Glad you got the result you wanted tho :D


    To make your own, usually you can paint from zbrush/mudbox etc etc - if you are hardcore enough, or you can do skins from scanned photos of real people - a lot more detailed and realistic but still lots of tweakings need to be done :D

    Eventually I'd like to get into the things like zbrush/mudbox but it's cost as much as the time involeved.  I still haven't made an effort to learn modling in Blender yet!  LOL  I should push myself more into the creation side of things because I think I'd actually enjoy it but I'm having way too much fun with what is available (and it has nothing to do with me being a lazy old git, okay it has a little to do with that.....  cheeky).  

    Hahaha Yeah I feel you, a copy of zbrush is like $800, I believe its even more with autodesk products... 

    Blender is actually great! You can basically do anything there from interior to detailed model :D Pretty cool I haven't yet get my hand on it but I should if I wanna do some interiors in the future laugh

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