Cyborgs - any other use than fashion?
Every time a see a new cyborg model, I ask myself why, the heck, should anybody in future wish to become a cyborg? Just to stay wrinkle-free for the rest of his or her life? Because all these cyborg people are young and good-looking.
Until DAZStudio, my understanding of cyborg was different. Solders and casualties, badly wounded people, getting new limbs and other prosthesis parts. Secret agents, getting part if their equipment implanted (not visible). And such. So they would look anything but beautiful. In the best case, they would look like ordinary people.
And even in the future not all people will have the money or the healthcare to get such sleek and fashionable looking prosthesis. They should show wear, or even look second-hand or kind of improvised.
No such thing in DAZStudio. Or am I wrong?
Yes, I know, there are prosthesis limbs for figures. Maybe enough to make a believable male cyborg, at least with M4 or Ivan... But female? With all these beauty queens?
They should show wear, or even look second-hand or kind of improvised.
No such thing in DAZStudio. Or am I wrong?
No. But the most right thing to do is sell something as new and let the user decay/age/wear it out with shaders and post effects.
I like choices. I like being able to start off with the clothing or item in pristine condition and then have the story explain the wear and tear.
And or, we get locked into post-apocalyptic/dystopian cliches -where everything is jacked up.
Variety is a spice, so vendors like Aeon Soul always have extra textures that show heavy use to dirt. Love that.
On another note, I don't always envision a future where everything is neglected and run down.
Some parts of the galaxy/planet/world/city might be and another might be where 'The haves and have mores'
Cars. Some people have luxury cars and some have beat up clunkers.
All I would ask for is that extra texture pack or add-on texture set that lets the user make battle damaged looks.
My brain is locked up right now. I am having trouble processing how good those two new sci-fi products look.
Transport and Cyborg.
I'm stunned. Now if the i-Bot nurse had also come out today, I might have jumped out of a window.,
The more exotic cyborgs have been quite rare the recent years in the daz store.
something like these:
When searching the DAZ store for sci-fi characters from Genesis 8 to Genesis 1 I have found only one non human shaped item (robotic arm set for Genesis 2) but close to a dozend cyborgs who basically match the human shape. They are nice and I'm happy to have them but also hope we will see again some items where the machine part isn't a direct replica of the body part. So something more exotic like in the pictures above.
That would be awesome.
But then, we're also ignoring the ROBOT and how there are very few straight robots.
Cyborgs (females ones at that) clearly rule the day.
Shaders make a huge difference. Plop Mec4d's rust or corroded metal on cyborg parts? Bam
most on this site would be programmable romantic companions for lonely men.
If that's the case then why have any robotic parts showing at all? Even 'companion dolls' of today are completely latex skinned. They don't have shiny metal posteriors becuase what is the point? If you can make something as complex as the face with human like skin, then why not the whole body?
They are beautiful and well done, but all a bit samey... Where is the afrofuturism and black robots?
If they're supposed to be companion bots then there should be some super-human, extreme shapes, something a human could never be.
everyone has their fetish![cheeky cheeky](
otherwise they would be all robotic no skin
I am curious if I could use the figure without geoshells in other software layering the texture maps instead
iClone for example using layered image maker to create maps
in no hurry to buy but might wishlist
Most of what is sold here aren't cyborgs to me but Gynoids. They are meant for sexy pinup renders and not really as a convincing day to day robot or cyborg.. I not sure how romantic metal on skin n would feel espeically in the essential areas but they appeal to people visually. I guess if you are going to own a robot it might as well be sexy.
If someone has a functioning metal artificial limb unless the skin is real I am not sure fake skin would be that appealing. People who presumably can't afford to regrow the limb in a tank and are getting a metal part and can't afford to get it placed under the skin are probably too poor for an aesthetically attractive limb anyway.
If you can afford a cool expensive chrome arm you probably can afford to conceal it. So logic dictates there is likely a reason why.
I don't recognize the cybernetics in the first image, but the set in the second appears to be 110.1 by Aeon-Soul, which is no longer available.
First image is M4 and I think
It's not a cyborg it is a robot m4 fusion.
You would be amazed at what you can do with one of ZdFire's androids (Cyborg Version 4, Cyborg Model, ASN Model 4, and Weapon Mech) and M4/V4 or any G1 character (G2 and G3, too, if you have M4 or V4 for G2 or G3). Conform the android to the character, hide limbs on one or the other, paint a transparent region onto the head or a limb, and use a deformer or two to neck the area where the cyborg protrudes through the openings.
I had a webcomic about a family that included machine intelligences and humans. Lots of variations, from completely robotic looking to somewhat fleshlike. (warning, mild violence/gore and Irish swear words)
(I was developing skills and the art style was all over the place, and I couldn't update it as often as I'd like, so I quit it about a year and a half ago; some day I'd like to go back to it)
Everyone has a reason to do something, even if to another person sounds crazy. There are a million and 1 reasons to become a cyborg, justa s there are a million and 1 reasons not to.
Replacing a lost limb - this could either be out of neccessity and maybe not have much money, therefore recieve old used parts, or they may be rich and get a sleek new design for fashion purposes. Perhaps they want stronger arms for climbing, or better legs for running.
Maybe they were paralized and cybornetics has allowed them use of their limbs again.
Beat up old cybornetics may either mean the person does not have a lot of money, or they have had the implants a long time. Or maybe that's only as far as science has gotten at that point.
Sleek new cybornetics could be because of fashion (people are crazy about fashion) Perhaps they just haven't come up with a good way to fuse fake skin with real skin after an implant? I dunno, make up whatever reasons you want :)
As robots are also not very common in the store a good approach for an artist could be to create a item which allows both. A full robot but with the option to attach parts of it to a human for a cyborg. If thats doable with a nice look.
It's pretty much the only character from M4/V4 currently on my wishlist.
..sort of did that in this old pic: Don't remember where the arm was from as it's been a while.
I remember that image :)
Someone lacks imagination... I got Pix-Synx and used the concept in a couple of different ways that had nothing to do with "companionship". One render was a guide through a dangerous city ruin amd another was two discussing bullying from the victim's perspective.
When I do a cyborg/cybernetically-enhanced character, I have a backstory in mind before I get started. I also tend toward having it be a replacement for a specific body part, rather than a whole "conversion." If I wanted full-on robot, I'd make a full-on robot. I picked up the System 46 release and am liking the options for hiding parts, as well as the "worn" textures.
For a recent render I did (below), the character had lost an arm at an early age, but was able to obtain a military-surplus replacement when she was old enough. She takes good care of it because it's her arm. :)
I used the Genesis 2 Female bot armor for this. I think this would work for males as well (at least the arm) with Autofit.
I guess then I am also mistaken about what I think 90% of renders depict, sexy women.
I in my unimaginative way would probably do a male version using my genXed morphs anyway.
There's also the movie starring Alicia Vikander, "Ex Machina," that made the look popular most recently. I thought of it immediately when I saw System 46 in the store.
There's two recent ones.
One is the cyborg in the facility that escapes at the end....and the other is the the cyborg in the house that escapes at the end....oh wait....
Pix and System 46 have beautifully detailed texturing, but I'd still like to see an Iray-compatible G3 update for Parris' 'Bot Armour' sets. The G2F ones were amazing and the kind of joints and hint of hydraulics which I want to see. Pix and the more recent one, unfortunately, have a more fetishised objective in their design. I want to see robotic joints and hydraulics and such, not just a human figure which could, to all intents and purposes, simply be wearing a suit.
So, still hoping Parris gets around to updating theirs! The G2F version just doesn't work in Iray without a lot of manual fussing about, which I just don't have time for. I want a Terminator vibe to my cybernetics, regardless of gender (though do particularly have a project-related need of one designed for G3F, for which I have the morphs to remove the cleavage, belly button, ears and still use all my available morphs for the remaining female definitions of the facial area).
I also remember there was a recent futuristic set with some kind of 'sleeping pod' or something in it, with a preview of a G3F figure like this, where the mechanical components of the torso were shown as exposed. Am hopeful to see that.
With that said, I still obtained System 46 for kit-bashing purposes. However, I really think the creator should have given some geografts for hiding the overly human-like ears with something mechanical-looking, like Parris' effort had done.
Also, it should be noted that the female version of DZ Fire's Terminator-style robot figures has been updated for Iray and looks stunning! Anyone who owns it should try some renders in Iray, because the results are amazing!
They did state on their Facebook page that something smiilar was planned for the male one, but I don't think they've applied that update yet. When they do, it'll be perfect for 'Terminator' fan-art purposes.
That was the long-waited-for iBot nurse from this...
Xenomorphine, Bot Armor and the others are easy to convert to Iray. There are shaders in the store that can help a lot.
"DZ Fire's Terminator-style robot figures has been updated for Iray "
Whoa, thanks Xenomorphine! I wasn't aware of that (I know, that's what i get for being a luddite and not using DIM). But you see, it all works out in the end anyway. Thanks again!
Easy to convert, sure! It's just selecting a surface and applying a shader. But you have to go through a lot of selecting and mix-and-matching. I find it a very laborious process.
I had an old set, forget for which figure, that basically turned one arm into a rather beat-up robot arm with retractable tools and things...