Error saving the file.
I've had to replace a dead hard drive and reinstalled Daz studio along with all of my purchased content.
The trouble i'm having now is that I keep getting this error when saving a scene. And can not save renders to my library.
"Error saving file: "C:/Users/name/Documents/Daz 3d/Studio/my library/filename.duf.png"
The render could not be saved
then the only options i get are to "Try again" no luck.
"Choose new file" no luck.
Or Cancel.
A little help here please.
Does the file itself save OK, just without a thumbnail?
Yes it dose save the DUF file. but no thumbnail. Also can not save rendered immages.
Can you save to a diffrent folder? Can you save renders with File>Save Last Render? Can other applications save images to the C:/Users/name/Documents/Daz 3d/Studio/my library/ folder?
Well, I've learned a new thing. how to add a directory. However not i can not save to the new directory.
Thank you for spending your time to help me. =)
I'm going to try a few other ideas. like saving as a different file type.
So... Yes I can Save in the way you suggested. "File>Save Last Render" works okay. And yes I can save other files to the library folder.
It's a bit perplexing.
I don't clame to be any sort of computer wizz.
Any ideas how I can fix this?
Thank you again for your time and help.
Apparently some security software can block certain image formats - I guess includign PNG - if the application is not white-listed: this si because certain specially created image files can in fact be used to launch a malware attack. So it's possible that the security software you are using is topping DS from creating PNG files, including the file/render thumbnails. If that is the issue white-listing DS in the security software settings should be a fix.
Oh my gosh! I never thought of that. I'll check and see if perhaps that is the issue.
Thank you. =)
AH HAAA ha ha ! YES! That was it. Avast was blocking Daz Studio fron changing files.
Thank you so much!!! You Sir are awesome!
I'm having the same problem with Daz Studio on a Mac. I've tried checking that Daz has access to all folders, which it does, but still no luck. I cant even save movie files to the render library folder.
Has anybody using a Mac had (and fixed) this issue.
Having the same issues. One of the few issues I've had with my Daz Studio, though I've fixed most of them. This issue is still plaguing me. I can't save .mov files at all. It's really infuriating as I really wanna animate stuff.
Bumping this thread in the hopes of a fix for myself and Alisterm.
What version of MacOS are you using?
If it's Catalina there are known issues with the file dialogues in the current General release of Daz Studio - there is a fix in the Public Build
Latest version. MacOS Catalina, 10.15.4. 2019 model of Mac, if that matters.
I checked and I can't animate on the beta version either. Unless there's a new version out now; I have at the moment.
The current beta is Have you tried chnaging the location to which you are trying to save the .mov file? Can you save an image sequence instead?
If you recently updated your copy of MacOS then I would check the folder permissions (apple called it security measure but I beg to differ) as the update changes the ownership of them
... okay so I updated my beta Daz Studio and I opened one of my models to test animation on.
I get a blocky model that doesn't even show up when I render it. Beta's completely unusable now. -_-; So much for even trying to render animations on it.
EDIT: Thank God for Time Machines. Dragged the recent beta from it so I can actually use beta Daz for manual texture applying.
Open the DAZ Pref, Content Managerr - Content Directories and check that they are pointing to the right folders
Well I reuploaded it and it fixed itself somehow. Weird.
Anyhow, I went ahead and did an animation but I'm still getting the same error message. Still not saving.
Goto to the Mac's System Preferences - Privacy, Click on Files & Folders, Click on the little Padlock Icon & enter you Password, Click on the Plus Sign & add DAZ Studio to the list
Did all that, tried an animation... still got the error.
Try give DAZ Full Disk Access
Is there anything in the log file (Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File, then jump to the end, scroll back to the Daz Studio is Starting line, and look at the section above that)? What security software are you running? Do regular saves work?
Did that just now. STILL getting the error.
I'm beginning to think this is a Daz Studio bug rather than anything that I might be doing wrong. :/
Unless and until a significant number of other users report the same problem, my money is on user error.
I have constant crashes on save since the latest update. Mac High Sierra.
I am seeing exactly the same problem. Rendered an animation, and afterwards cannot save the .mov file. The individual files got saved as png files in the temp dir.
Tried all the suggestions in this thread, nothing worked.
Same problem here! This is really a shame.
users who have problem saving their works
try to save your works outside main system drive (C:) or system folders c;/user,,,,,,
I have the same issue - can't save animations. I tried all the suggestions on this thread and nothing works. Very frustrating. Macbook, Catalina.