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Just messing about.
Found a chest unit (in robkelk's free musical instruments thread in the freepository) for my CyberDudes.
A cut scene from Earthshock.
As the freighter crashes into Earth, the CyberDudes subject Adric to their battle anthem.
Gloria Gaynor's "I will survive" - on accordion.
That is just sick and wrong! :lol:
Thanks for alerting us to the helmet. I nabbed it and am currently puttering around, assembling my own JNT era Cyberman.
...the Cybermen meet Weird Al.
...oh I love it.
Who is John Hurt?
i was toying around with this , the asylum planet of the daleks
Same guy in Space Balls who had the special of the house. ;)
My own variation upon the JNT era Cybermen mixing various components.
Helmet...Richard Marklew
Body (including boots and gloves)...Anthony Appleyard
Grieves...Animotions (author forgotten, sorry)
Yoke...Zekio (part of his "Cyber-Dude")
Tubes and
very nice bill . i'm slightly surprised and very impressed at how close you got to the real life costume
anywho I have been playing around with a representation of the dalek asylum planet set
please let me know if anyone has an intrest in owning this set
If you were to compare it to some photos of the actual gear, you'd notice the differences a bit more clearly. My preferred modeler, TrueSpace, is on a different PC having issues at the moment. So I "butchered" the chest armor from Zekio's "Cyber-Dude" figure, deforming the upper region with "magnets" and then deleting selected polygons in UV Mapper Pro to "approximate' the look of the "EarthShock" yoke. The rounded cubes and pleated tubes were items I had modeled long ago and had "in stock". I just loaded, positioned, and scaled them as needed. The body which came with the boots and the gloves, is an Anthony Appleyard figure. The gauntlets came from Animotions before it purged its freebie section.
Within the Gallifrey Base forums, I asked the maker of the helmet if he had a model of the chest piece to match the helmet. This afternoon he responded stating he has not yet modeled one. If and when he does, hopefully he'll share it.
Bill - Nice cyberman.
Bluto - You can never have too much scenery, especially Dalek related.
Just messing about
I am interested.
I also need some wrecked Dalek models.
Aldemps, I see you turned the center figure into a JNT era Cyber-Controller. That's one of the easier mods, simply apply an ellipsoid polyhedron to the top of the helmet. Thinking back, I wonder why the production for "Attack of the Cybermen" didn't make it just a tad more similar to the "Tomb" Controller, constructing the "dome" translucent and vein streaked?
Far beneath the fortress on Peladaon, the hardware within a seldom used service shaft helped to scramble eavesdropping devices, allowing a secret meeting to take place between an Ice Warrior and Ambassador Alpha Centauri. Despite the whiny pitch of hir voice, the glare of the hexapod hermaphrodite's single eye forced the Ice Lord's guard to realize this being was far more dangerous than hir public meek demeanor suggested.
The corridor is a Jenay prop; Cagedrei released the Alpha Centauri figure; and I can't remember who shared the Troughton era Ice Warrior.
My main character, Cassy, and one of her sidekicks, sneaking about a Dalek infested place.
is Matt really leaving?
We'll have to wait until November (for the 50th Anniversary special) but I very much doubt it. No matter what the last ten seconds of the last episode looked like, remember it's all "a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff". ;-)
Well it's on the BBC national news, so I guess his departure is confirmed! The Beeb say his final appearance will be the Christmas special this year. They've just this minute run a lengthy piece on Smith on the news, and he is apparently only appearing in the 50th and then for the regeneration at Christmas. Only two more episodes then. Sad :(
He was a terrific Doctor I reckon. Better than Tennant (heresy I know!!). But Eccleston's still the best "new" doctor in my book.
And so we welcome the 12th Doctor, either the final or penultimate. When that actor moves on, what's the Beeb going to do then.........
I guess I now know how those of you who loved Tennant felt when he was leaving... A bit crushed inside.
I hope the next Doctor lives up to what his (or her) predecessors left behind.
Eustace Scrubb, I owe you an apology. Ultimately, you were right. At that earlier time however, I had doubts given the source of the original story (a tabloid paper similar to the National Enquirer) and the contradictory reports from several other sources.
You might want to gear up your "guessing" thread as it is relevant once more.
Moffat needs to go, not Smith. I feel Moffat is one of the WORST writers in the history of the show.
It reminds me a bit of what Steve Allen said about Mel Brooks years ago, "His material is pretty good but he needs a truck to deliver it."
Moffat's biggest problem is that he has too much story for so little time. If he'd just stop trying to prove how clever he is his material might be more enjoyable.
I felt Clara was a bit of a let down - in the Neil Gaiman episode she seemed to be channelling Amy, but for most of the others she was lacking in definition. Soufflé Girl and Barmaid/Governess seemed much more defined, and interesting.
I disagree to some extent. He can be an excellent writer (Blink, Silence in the Library, The Girl in the Fireplace) but I don't think he's that great as the man in charge (head writer/executive producer). If he went back to just being one of the writers I think he would produce great things again. I am looking forward to the John Hurt stuff however.
Well, looks like I was wrong as well. November, here we come...
I disagree to some extent. He can be an excellent writer (Blink, Silence in the Library, The Girl in the Fireplace) but I don't think he's that great as the man in charge (head writer/executive producer). If he went back to just being one of the writers I think he would produce great things again. I am looking forward to the John Hurt stuff however.
I feel Bink is HIGHLY overrated. To me, it's one of the WORST episodes made. And the last few years it was "THE POND SHOW!", and I can't stand Riversong.
if Clara seemed to be channeling Amy in Gaiman's story, it's because she was Amy. Neil has said that the worst thing about writing for Doctor Who (apart from the pay being low) is that just as a script is finished and done with, news arrives that the main companions have changed and it needs to be rewritten - in double quick time, and no extra fee.
Personally i think Moffat's stories are among the best, but he's probably not the best man for the helm.. However, I do think he's done a better job of it than Davies did. I know that's controversial, but i didn't really like what RTD did with the show.
I have mixed feelings about Riversong. very well portrayed by Alex, but the character is too much of a Mary-Sue. I don't think we have seen the last of her - her parting shot hints that she know's a little more of the Doctor's future, suggesting he still has another adventure or two with her earlier self.
I liked Matt Smith's portrayal as the Doctor, but I had a feeling he would leave the show after this season, and it is probably the right time. Doctor Who is not a soap, and picking the right moment to leave is crucial to his career.
One thing that both Davies and Moffatt have done that harks back to the very genesis of the show is to underline the basic truth that it isn't all about monsters and a strange man in a time machine - it's about the companions. Though i do wish that every new companion is not ultimately revealed to be the "most important person in the universe" - it's becoming too much of a cliche.
Personally, I am not for the "it's the companions" element, I prefer it to focus on the Doctor, and not those following him.
Originally that's how it was - the show was about two schoolteachers kidnapped by a mysterious old man and his granddaughter. Ian and Barbara played a very important role in the stories. Gradually the emphasis changed, and by the time Jon Pertwee took over the show was all about the Doctor, and the companion was merely there to get into trouble, scream, and ask silly questions so the Doctor could explain the plot. they became little more than exposition tools.
Timelords are too powerful. eventually they all turn mad, bad, and dangerous to know; but the Doctor staves this off by taking human companions. there humanity acts as his moral compass and keeps him human.
As seen in "The Waters Of Mars". And remember the consequences of what didn't happen that one almost-time when Donna wasn't there to whack the Doctor with a clue stick...
(Sigh... time travel... need more verbs and tenses...) :smirk: