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30 seconds?! Fantastic, I envy that. I tried my hand (I downloaded this one a while back) and after 20 minutes it's still awfully grainy. I had to use Iray section panes to lop off the sides and roof (all off camera) to get it to converge even that quickly. Not a good set for everyday iray renders I'm afraid, at least not ones you're in a hurry to see. But it's fantastically done.
Damn, that looks sweet. I don't have Blender, so unless he's offering Poser/DS format versions, it looks like I'd have to pass on getting it. I primarily use Carrara, and I only fire up DS if I need to export a DS file that I need to convert over to .duf for importing into Carrara.
Blender is free, i have it but just for model conversions on the rare occasions I need it.
I remembered JoeQuick had offered a David Tennant morph for Michael 3 so last night and this afternoon I morphed, dressed, posed and illuminated him within Arjin's "coral" themed TARDIS control room. I used the M3 3-piece suit, substituting the included shirt for a "partial" shirt from the free Casablanca suit. It has controls to loosen the tie and unfasten the collar, giving it the somewhat "rumpled" appearance Tennant usually had. The trench coat is the "Alligator" coat with a flat woolen procedural instead of the scaly texture. I didn't have one of the spikey, unkempt haistyles, so I opted for the Rievel. There doesn't seem to be anything akin to Converse hightop trainers for Mike 3, so I "cheated" with a more contemporay athletic shoe. Finally, I made the console room a bit more "grungy" by blending in "cloudy" prpcedurals with the base textures.
I should send him another email...
Yes you should :D
JoeQuick had a Tenth Doctor morph?! Where?
[EDIT: I found it! And that means it's going in the Who Freebies List!]
I do believe that I have found a Zygon for the Regeneration list, unless it's already on there, and it's available right here from DAZ .... Torak for Genesis 3 Male >
Sure looks rather like one, but the Regeneration List is strictly for freebies.
(And I'll be honest: at some point one can have too many TARDIS and Dalek models... )
Just out of curiousity, has anybody ever done a non-canonical render of the Doctor, say a regeneration we haven't seen yet, or do most people simply try and create images of the established 12?
Tried to download an episode of who to watch on the plane trip home but it did not finish downloading until I got home. Will try to watch it later as I want to watch a movie after I eat.
There's a couple of the "canonical" doctors we rarely see, as well, but there've been two or three out-of-canon (or even loose-cannon!) versions rendered.
The most popular ones here seem to be Tenent, Smith, Tom Baker, Davidson, Hartnell, and Pertwee, though not necessarily in that order.
My kids tend to agree with that list...
Here's one I developed during the ancient times of Poser 4 and the era of Michael 2.
He was meant to be the Peter Cushing Doctor from the two theatrical Dalek movies of the 1960s, but a few people said he looked more like actor Bruce Forsythe. I've tweaked him over the years, applying newer material settings and ever improving render parameters.
Cool! It always seemed to me that the freedom of 3d art opened up the possibilities for our good Doctor, especially when it came to companions.
I was just browsing over at sharecg and I found this to add to the list of freebies ...
Aldemps used to do toon versions of the doctors here and he tended to focus on the latter JNT era so Tom Baker and Peter Davison but also interestingly Colin Baker's grump in a clown suit version. I was impressed with the texture work he had to do to make that ridiculous costume work. If you can go back, his toon style Who renders were very cool and fun.
I e-mailed Birdman early last week wondering if he might model Bessie and/or the Delta 88 from the "Evil Dead" franchise. He said "nay" to the Olds as he had to find a vehicle "interesting" to consider modeling it. Thankfully, he found Bessie a novel subject.
I do think he "stretched" the main chassis a bit, so using UV Mapper I tore down the model into parts, imported and compressed the main body to roughly 80 percent in Poser and then added back the "unsqueezed" remaining parts (wheels, headlights, steering, horn and seats).
Ah hah! I saw he said it was a request, now we know the culprit! Thanks for that and thanks to Birdman for a cool model. Very cool idea and something I'll use with my UNIT team!
I usually don't put 3DS models on the list, but for this I may have to make an exception!
Sarah Jane entering the console room...
PLUS: My Sketch-up version of the Season 13 Baker Tardis Console Room (which you can download here:
Sweet! In case anybody is wondering, this is the arrangement we briefly saw in "Planet of Evil" and "Pyramids of Mars".. The "roundels" within the walls were large, having very little gap between them, deeper and the back plates were featureless, very similar to the configuration of the originl Hartnell walls. Plus, the doors leading deeper into the craft's interior formed a kind of alcove, mimicing the shape of the outer doors.
Very impressive! And thanks for sharing!
Yes, this is based on the SEASON 13 Look from the "Planet of Evil"/"Pyramids of Mars" Stories (this is Version 1.0 - I have the model uploaded on as well if anyone wants to try to improve it)
I tried it last night, importing it into Poser. Using CastIronFlamingo's series 16 control room as a benchmark, I scaled your interior until the doors of his set and yours were the same height. If one imports the model using the "default" which sizes an item to the same size of a "standard" Poser figure, enlarging it to 540 percent will make the doors of both models equally tall. Or, knowing that figure, one can plug that number into the import scale parameter.
Thanks, I'll note that when I update it on ShareCG
Anybody else seeing elements of The Silence in this?
Just trying out MGHSFAN2k's "series 13" console room with AlDemp's time rotor and some idiot's half a$$ console.
You never know what you might find on the 'net.
Case in point, while researching screen captures of "Pyramids of Mars", one of the two stories in which the "series 13" console room appeared, I stumbled across an .STL version of Sutekh's "servitor" robots. In story, they are wrapped in chemically treated linens to ward off corrosion and thus appear like mummies. I remembered that Blender could import .STL, so I downloaded the data and tried it. Nary a "burp" and likewise, I was able to export it as a .OBJ file. Yeah, as .STL is meant for 3D printing, the mesh was absurdly dense, but Poser imported it with no trouble.
So I positioned two copies to flank an Egyptian casket with an ebony base color (instead of the expected gold). In the narrative, such a sarcophagus appeared which was really a "dimensional gate", allowing objects and people to "hop" between England and Egypt where the dreaded Sutekh ( considered a demonic "god" 4,000 years ago, but really an alien) was imprisoned. Oh, the robots really did have those odd proportions.
Glad you see a resemblance there. I'll take that. Although, that was not one of my references for this character, still pretty cool. Wonder what Boogey would look like with a suit on haha
The Shalkaverse crew being their usual selves... :p
All characters are G3F with my own custom toony base containing a lot of Girl 7.
Some poetic license is obviously involved here, especially with clothing and hair. Man I really need a TARDIS...