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Nice console room Bill.
I keep meaning to get that planetarium set.
Just messing about.
Toon Baker as the 4th Doctoon Who.
I had a dream I was looking for the Doctor but I could not find him.
Still messing about with Toon Generations.
The 2nd & 5th Doctoon Whos.
I like the toon doctors you render.
I don't remember those fellows. Do I need to put the HiveBred on the links list as a Wirrn candidate?
...Baker was always my favourite, Captured his personality very well.
All he needs now is a Romana Two(on).
I thought that I heard one of the residents at my home say the name Martha Jones. The only Martha Jones I know of was a companion for ten. Maybe I did not hear her right as I was not giving my whole attention to the conversation. I thought no one at my group home knows anything about Who. Maybe there was a real person named Martha Jones that the client new about.
Where'd you get that 60's-70's control console?
Actually, it's a crap interpretation of the console as it appeared in the Peter Davison debut, "Castrovalva" (identified by the real video monitor the production mounted within the console).
You can download it from this page.
But I recommend you "toss" the included "time rotor" and replace it with one of the two far more accurate plexi' cylinders AlDemps modeled. Both can be downloaded within a single zip file from this page.
Just messing about.
2 characters who deserve their own spin-off show (it should be 3, but I don't have a suit for the sontaran...yet)
Something I've never quite understood about the Silurian girl: If she's a reptile, why does she have breasts :P
Because very few actresses would be that into method acting.
Slightly off-topic: have you seen The Spies of Warsaw ? What a pity I couldn't hunt high and low through Wroclaw for filming crew when they were shooting during last Spring *sob,sob* It's just roughly 150 km from me... Anyway, David Tennant is as great as usual, Burn Gorman (Torchwood!) goes for dessert, occasionally one can spot other familiar faces - like the lady who had part of Agatha Christie in one of Who episodes, the costumes are accurate and yet still quite interesting, and on top of that one get beautiful views of Wroclaw (which poorly pretends to be Warsaw but is a beautiful city nontheless). I wish they had John Barrowman involved too - Captain Jack went well with WW2 era, so 1937 would suit him as well *drools* Either way, I recommend watching the series (4x45 or 2x90, depends on country of airing) - if not for the story itself, then just for the lovely 10th Doctor or Torchwood's Owen :P
Part of my crossover stuff.
Side question here: Netflix reset me to the first Christopher Eccleston episode. Could it be that I've run out of episodes? The last one I watched was the big house during the war and the little boy crawled through the Christmas present into the forest and the mom and sister came looking for him.....
You're caught up to the 2011 Christmas special - the next season is incomplete and has only aired 5 episodes plus the 2012 Christmas special, that's probably why Netflix doesn't have them yet.
How much "cleavage" did we see upon Vestra? Didn't she wear high collars in all her scenes? What about any other female Homo Reptilicus for that matter? I don't think we saw any "plunging" neck lines. I mean, how do we know for certain they are "mammary glands"? They could be her venom glands. We do know she can paralyze people with her insanely long tongue. Or, they could be "courting sacs". You know how some lizards extend a flap of skin upon their their throats to attract a mate? (Actually, that's one reason why human breasts are as full as they are. they don't need to be large to produce milk. They mimic the shape of the hind quarters since we started to walk upright and our line of sight was subsequently elevated.) Or, they could be differently structured pectoral muscles.
Finally, just because Vestra and others of her species share certain attributes with lower reptiles doesn't mean they have to replicate all of them. I mean, she walks upright; she contemplates her own existence and she can banter with TimeLords. How many geckos do you know who can do that? Well, besides that mascot for Geico Insurance.
(BTW, yes, this post is meant to be tongue-in-cheek.)
They may also be Silurian 'etheric beam locators' :-P
Just a brat's interpretation. She IS rather cute in this dyslexic mammal's eyes. :red:
I keep expecting the cute blond girl, his "Daughter" to show up again. Remember, she DID regenerate.
I sometimes wonder what happened to Jenny. She had potential to have her own show or something.
Or maybe the new girl is actually Jenny. I believe her name is Clara in the Christmas special.
Na, I think Jenny would come bursting back into the scene with a smile, a laugh, and something dreadful at bay.
Clara seems to be mysterious.
What happened to the mentioning of that Doctor goes to somehow and tells everyone in hearing range his real name?
THAT question must NEVER be answered.
Of course it must not
I thouight that was the answer to the question that must never be asked... unless I'm channelling our dear departed Doug again. ;-)
(Delurking Whovian here...)
I caught the Christmas special, and was particularly enthralled by Clara's dress. So, being a clothes freak and MD user, I just had to start working on one. It's not *exactly* the same: there are ruffles at the shirt-front instead of pin-tucks, and ruffles instead of gathers on the underskirt. But you can see the inspiration (I hope!). Still need to do texturing and detail work on it, though. I haven't decided on whether to tackle the bow that I *think* I see on top of the bustle.
is that v4? or maybe V5?
Non Whovian now lurking to see IF this goes any further as I am drooling about that dress.
On the subject of "Silurian" breasts - why not? They are not dinosaurs or crocodiles, they are highly evolved homo reptilicus, and seeing as they walk on two legs, have opposable thumbs, and no discernible tail, then it is likely they will have other attributes usually associated with humans. Most snakes in the UK give birth to live young rather than lay eggs. Evolution is a gradual process, and the dividing line between reptile and mammal can become blurred.
"Reptiles" don't become "mammals" - if a reptile line developed mammal-like characteristics to the point that it looked like a mammal it would be an example of convergent evolution (like dolphins and icthyosaurs). And as Redfern noted, human breasts are - as far as can be determined - non-functional displays, so convergence would be unlikely. The answer is really a mix of comfort of the actor and playing to expectations/wishes, though if you want an in-story explaantion you can take you pick of many options.