Genesis 8 compatibles not working for me

I'm still not able to get Genesis 8 beta from Mistara to work for me I'm still getting the message "Warning: file /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 8/Female/Genesis8Female.dsf could not be found" after trying to either open or import it into Carrara 8.5
anyone who got it work could you tell me how you did it...
Have you installed the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials, and for the male Genesis 8 Male Starter Essentials ?
Should be available in the DAZ Install Manager.
yes it's already installed, this is the same problem with G3 as well....
Try searching your DAZ directory for the Genesis8Female.dsf file. A quick search of my directory located the G8F & G3F files.
I can see it but Carrara can't for some reason...these were installed by the Install Manager...
Make sure you are loading from the correct folder within Carrara
Content Tab-->My Daz 3D Library-->People-->Genesis 8 Carrara Beta
Loads fine
Misty's Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 characters load for me. However, the genesis 8 male can't find "opacity.jpg" when it is loading. Nor can I. Hmmmmm. I created and saved a global Carrara shader for Genesis 8 male so it doesn't matter, but thought it worth reporting.
I think an important question is ,..
Why are people so insistant on using the "newest" figure from these folks ? especially when these folks show no interest in adding support for that figure to Carrara.
G3/G8 "Does NOT work in carrara" it's a bad idea to suggest that it does, or that misty's work is G3/G8,. it's not. it's a composite G3/G2.
There are literally hundreds of useable human figures which work in Carrara,. they all have a variety of skin textures, clothing, poses,. which work correctly in carrara.
I feel it's also important to ask,..
Why should Daz Productions Inc,. ever add support for this figure (or any future figures) to Carrara ,. if the users have created a backward (gen1/gen2) version,. which they can share, and they can just about get to work.
why bother.
Carrara is a FULL 3D Suite,. it's unfortunate that many of it's users cannot see past buying the latest "ready made" dolly.
I use the figure that the clothes I am using was made for, and also Genesis which uses autofit for V4 & M4.
Horses for courses.
I enjoy making my own figure meshes, rigging them myself, and posing them myself in Carrara.
I also like the support asets that other people make, whether for free or for sale. In some cases, I will acquire and use these 3rd party assets.
And, I like mixing my own creations with 3rd party content.
With all due respect, I don't have to justify my choices. Thank you, Misty, for your work on Carrara versions of G3 and G8 rigged meshes, and enabling a blended weightmapped version of new PA content to work in Carrara. More tools in my toolbox is better than fewer.
G3 has more bones in the face, and the expressions and morphs give a better variety. I did a side-by-side comparing G2 and G3 and G3 was much more realistic. So I am very happy to use Misty's workaround. They make my Neanderthal people's faces look more natural and less freakish. Yes, I can do this with G2, but it involves messing about in Zbrush and being careful to only move the mesh and not add or subtract as it will mess up the existing morphs.
because it exists
and I cannot even use G8 in any useful way in DAZ studio because no animations work and no way to convert anything either.
Only thing I actually can use them in is iClone but it brings nothing extra to the table that Genesis 3 does not already have, that works well in iClone with my own self posed facial bone based expressions and a re-exported FBX works in Carrara, not so much the duf versions as my DAZ studio converted animations are rather off. Are off in studio too though.
mimic plugin works on both though so there is that
Nornally, I choose a figure depending on what clothing I'm planning on using. Autofit in Carrara doesn't work well for me and creates a lot of distortion and poke through. It's much easier to use the figure that the product was designed for. Also, I find that the newer products have more detail, such as wrinkles, fold, etc., that make them look realistic. Most of my renders are of superheros and MightyMite has released a lot of good costumes on another site, but they're mostly for G3. Sure, I could try and create my own content, but the part of 3D rendering that I enjoy is laying out the scene and creating the correct lighting. For me it's not a case of using the latest and greatest technology! I had stopped buying any content and was thinking about giving up on Carrara when Misty released her product for G3. Being able to use G3 has renewed my interest in Carrara. Thanks Misty.
that looks like a path error
did you add your DAZ library as well as your Poser format Runtime to your content?
Does Genesis and genesis 2 load?
is there a nested folder? if you used DIM to install them all it should be under People
and the data file under DAZ 3D Genesis 3
the opacity.jpg is for the eyemoisture and cornea to load transparent in carrara
whee ds channels = carrara shader channels
does this screenshot looks like the 'genesis 8 carrara beta' folder is under the 'data' folder?
the 'genesis 8 carrara beta' should be 1 level up from the ;data' folder.
move this folder to people folder (red arrow)
check the 'runtime, textures' didnt go to your data folder. move it up one level.
happy renders
i am groot
there a movie idea for mr.morpheus,
The Compatibles
thanks for the advice but if you look at the second folder you will see that the g8 beta folder is in the people folder which is in "my daz 3d library"
I opened it and got it to work.
How did I do it?
I downloaded the zip file from that other store. I extracted the files to where my Daz Studio content files are located. This put the folder with the genesis 8 male character as a subfolder of ...\content\people\ ...
After that, I started a new Carrara scene. I clicked and dragged the Genesis 8 character from that subfolder to my scene. It loaded and was capable of posing, being retextured, morphed, rendered, etc.
which are we troubleshooting?
janette ?
g8 female beta?
g8 male beta?
screenshots are showing us genesis1 and 2 are working.
whivh version of carrara, 8.5.119 x64 bit?
are your genesis 8 starter files installed to this same path? C:\Public Documents\My Daz 3D Library
lets concentrate on your carrara 8.5.119 pc. i've never tried g3 or g8 on an older version.
do you have daz studio installed?
if yes, what happens when you load a genesis 8 figure in daz studio?
okay. i think that narrows it down to your carrara communicating with the library folder.
,actually, this screenshot here looks odd
there is a top folder there named 'people'
and there's a folder named 'My Daz3d Library Runtime'
there should be a folder name there to match exactly
"My Daz 3D Library"
remove that >data folder
remove that >people folder
if >My Daz3d Library Runtime is not a poser folder, remove that >My Daz3d Library Runtime folder
go into add runtime, when it asks what type, don't select poser, the other option is for daz library,
then browse to exactly this folder: C:\Public Documents\My Daz 3D Library
this is the top folder to connect to --> My Daz 3D Library
after it's connected you should see My Daz 3D Library in the carara browser tray, People folder will be a subfolder under it.
i dont have any screenshots handy for adding/removing folders.
my area has a tropical storm coming, i have to bring in my patio stuff. weather channel is saying up to 35mph winds >.<.
I use G3/G8 figures without any installations, just dragging and dropping from my browser folder into Carrara's window when I need them.