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i don't remember seeing DAZ People except in Poser. i'm guessing this is your dson poser folder you're adding. this isn't what you need for carrara.
the true Daz Studio My Daz 3D Library won't have a Daz People folder.
it's just People
with all genesis folders under it.
Find where you installed this!! and connect this as "content" you want the folder just above 'data'
if you look at the pictures of the folder structure for the public documents you will see no contentent folder, the Daz installer did it that way but there is a people folder inside, what I did do is unzip the Daz genesis 8 and manually installed the folder inside the My Daz 3D Library folder and then placed your folders hopefully in the appropiate folders, when I tried to add the runtime folder inside of Carrara and selected the content sub folder it said there is no valid runtime folder inside, so then I just clicked on add folder in added the My Daz 3D Library folder and then clicked on content and now the My Daz 3D Library is in the Carrara content.
take a look at your installers and see if they are complete the g8 male and g8 female are slightly different as far as the amount of folders inside..I'm still getting the same results..
we havent connected to the correct folder yet.
on the carrara tray there are 2 folders for camera presets, and the data folder is on a sublevel.
it doesnt match the search folder, where data folder is where it should be and thee is no content subfolder.
lets try this to find the folder path,
open daz studio, go to where you loaded genesis 8 for the test yesterday,
right-click the thumbnail for genesis 8 female or male,
a menu should give an option, says either go to folder or open in folder or show in folder
come back post the file path to the thumbnail, or screenshot it
the \data folder under \Content subfolder, move it up to merge with the data folder under My DAZ 3D library
those are the dsf files carrara is looking for
the \Runtime folder under \Content subfolder, move it up to merge with the Runtime folder under My DAZ 3D library
close carrara and re open to update/refresh everything
try loading a genesis 8 beta
i'll wait a few more minutes,
need sleepy soonest
no mojo ?
oh well. i have to be working on my kapow entry
Hey, congratulations!
And, a huge attagirl to Misty. Marathon Woman!!!
Glad you got it sorted - big thanks to Misty for helping out !!!!
Misty's commitment to Carrara is so uplifting... it would a bit quiet in here without her inventiveness and expertise!