Shlomi, I think the posing is great on this one. The demon lord looks as happy as if he just won the lottery :) Not sure if the demoness on the right is stuffing something down her pants or not, but her expression seems to suggest she's up to something :)
Jon, thanks for the detailed comments. Luv the B&W ones.
For an update to my custom witch, I used the multipass render for material diffuse to restore some detail to the moon. I also multiplied the result by the multipass for position to get some psychodelic coloring. For even more color fun, I composited with the GMIC bokeh filter. I also had to use the volumetric pass to restore the dynamic hair.
I've noticed that 2 or 3 very high quality WIP renders have not yet been entered. I hope that the respective artists see this and respond. This seems to happen in every Challenge.
For those folks, I won't cut off the entries until I get up in the morning. For everyone else (who has not yet started a WIP) it's midnight tonight.
I kept coming back and trying to get this further... and now I'm out of time. So I'm calling it a wrap.
The hair has been a delight, and a problem. I love this Carrara Hair, I really do. I am glad I'm getting more experience with it.
For the water, I made a special shader - kept tweaking on it... then I added in some torus and sunk them into the water to create the rippling water around her legs.
Going for a Glam shot pinup. Here's the final render - Full GI, using an HDR I made - Full IL, which I made my water shader to work with - Lots of work on the hair shader too - oh... and that darned shirt shader too! ;)
Jon, thanks for the detailed comments. Luv the B&W ones.
For an update to my custom witch, I used the multipass render for material diffuse to restore some detail to the moon. I also multiplied the result by the multipass for position to get some psychodelic coloring. For even more color fun, I composited with the GMIC bokeh filter. I also had to use the volumetric pass to restore the dynamic hair.
I like this revision quite a bit, makes the whole render really pop. The bokeh effect is really nice, and the moon looks great. Oh and the hair looks great too, well worth the multipass imo :)
I kept coming back and trying to get this further... and now I'm out of time. So I'm calling it a wrap.
The hair has been a delight, and a problem. I love this Carrara Hair, I really do. I am glad I'm getting more experience with it.
For the water, I made a special shader - kept tweaking on it... then I added in some torus and sunk them into the water to create the rippling water around her legs.
Going for a Glam shot pinup. Here's the final render - Full GI, using an HDR I made - Full IL, which I made my water shader to work with - Lots of work on the hair shader too - oh... and that darned shirt shader too! ;)
...and after post
Wow Dart, that's excellent! I particularly love the water ripples, that really works well. You didn't mention how you got the water droplets on the skin shader, I'm guessing it's wet maps?
Jon, thanks for the detailed comments. Luv the B&W ones.
For an update to my custom witch, I used the multipass render for material diffuse to restore some detail to the moon. I also multiplied the result by the multipass for position to get some psychodelic coloring. For even more color fun, I composited with the GMIC bokeh filter. I also had to use the volumetric pass to restore the dynamic hair.
I like this revision quite a bit, makes the whole render really pop. The bokeh effect is really nice, and the moon looks great. Oh and the hair looks great too, well worth the multipass imo :)
jonstark - Yes, water droplets on the skin are wet maps, and using the technique from GKDANTAS Ultimate Skin Shaders to highlight them.
Diomede - I love the hair too. It's shader does a lot for it, making it fairly easy to work with, though it still has that touch of uncontrollability too - also from the shader! LOL
Water is a funny thing. But a fun thing too. Time consuming though.
magaremoto - that's a combination of pose and morphs. The morphs go a long way - many are from the amazing S4P morphs pack for adding extra detail. Stomach Depth from Morphs++ vacuums the abs in as we crank the dial up. I use that one in conjunction with inhale a lot, though I've backed off on using the Inhale and started using my own morphs I make for her, which is also a lot of fun.
Thank you. Me too. I love Carrara hair! Not just this, but all of the different hair types we can create. I'm partial to this ultra-curly kind because that's what the Real Rosie has... Ultra-Thick, Ultra-Curly, Ultra-Long (until very recently) hair.
Wow this came out very well in the end, I know you mentioned you faced a bit of frustration when wrangling with this one Dustrider (I know the feeling!) but it was certainly worth the time and trouble! The distance blur because of the focus makes it feel like she's stepping out of a miniatures scene, something very cozy and charming about this, as well as sensous. Very well done!
Thanks Jonstark! I think my problems on this pale in comparison to what you went through. In my case, I wasn't 100% satisfied with what I lost, so doing it over was actually better.
A very crisp and clean setup and render, looks dazzling. Did you make the blocks yourself, or are they repurposed from an existing set? I like the way the light sparkles through them. Skin and hair of the girl are impeccable. I also use a mix of glossy and specular in my skin shaders in Octane, I'm pretty sure I picked that method up from a forum thread and I haven't looked back since.
Thanks again! The blocks are from DM's Blox 'n Poses, it's a great set and I use it quite a bit for studio pin-up type renders. You can easily use you own shaders on them since the are very simple props. I used a liquid shader to get the reflections and caustics effects, I really like the play of lights you get with these blocks.
Edit: I forgot to add that I really like your NPR renders, I like the one with the ball the best.
Well, it looks like it's time to vote, which I was not looking forward to on this challenge, I really wish I could vote for multiple entries, because there are so many great images. It will probably take me a day or two to sort it all out.
A huge thanks to UnfriedBrain for a great challenge too!!! Being a less than creative type, it's always difficult, but usually impossible, for me to come up with a good idea for an entry. Thankfully this challege worked well with the way my brain is wired, and my "art" interests.
Finally, as usual for the Carrara forum, this was a fun and informative challenge (when time permits, even when I don't participate, these are fun and informative to watch). Such a great group of people here where everyone supports each other, keep up the great work!!!!!!
Thanks DustRider! Still learning a lot. I've spent almost ALL of my Carrara time making ultra-fast renders for animation. I've shown a lot of stills, but they're not meant as stills, but more a render of something I've been working on for animation use - so it's almost always 720p, Object Quality 2, Shadow 4, super-low-res textures and ultra-fast shaders that might mimic reflection, but not use it, etc.,
I've been absent from so many of these, I really wanted to join in the fun. My CrapTop cannot handle doing this sort of thing. It would just stop working. My Carrara machine has been very busy rendering animations. So for this one, as midnight was rolling ever closer (although midnight comes an hour earlier here than Utah) I was still waiting for that darned render to finish - and I couldn't end it early and crop it because I was eager to see the in-Carrara DoF work.
Oh yeah...
I always talk about the importance of having Jeremy Birn's Digital Lighting and Rendering. Well that book has so much to soak in, I never finished it as I put the first half of the book to practice - and I already want to go back and read that first half over again! Well recently I've been working toward finishing the book. A lot of (for other family members) sitting and waiting in Doctor's offices.
He gets into real-world photography and cinematography and how we need to think about relating all of that into digital renders - especially if we need to comp renders with camera work, etc., etc.,
I love taking pictures, but I never studied the art of photography. And, of course, when you don't know anything about something, we might not realize what it is that we don't know, right?
So I'm absorbing all of this stuff into Carrara benefits, and it's just amazing how fun and effective it is! I'm still an infant at it, but it's a fun journey!
Anyway... sheesh that was a long preamble!
So for this I used a wide angle lens in Carrara to capture more background into the narrow shot, and set the camera closer to the figure to bring her into zoom physically - unlike a zoomed lens which will enlarge smaller details of the background and simulate less distance.
I measured distances to keep the wide-angle lens from distorting her and to set my exposure for the in-camera DoF - as I did no blurring in post.
The only post I did was to use a HighPass filter to bring out the detail of the hair and skin - a technique I've literally just learned - so I think I may have overdone it a little - and to use a curves filter to squash the blacks and whites - another new discovery for me.
In my case, I wasn't 100% satisfied with what I lost, so doing it over was actually better.
DustRider, that has also been my experience in every creative activity I do. I always lament what I have lost, but the next version is always better. The trick is remembering that the next time.
Well, it looks like it's time to vote, which I was not looking forward to on this challenge, I really wish I could vote for multiple entries, because there are so many great images. It will probably take me a day or two to sort it all out.
You get to vote your 4 favorites. But I know what you mean. And being the host makes it even harder. I genuinely want to vote for every participant.
In a previous stint as host, I declined to vote, reasoning that I need to reserve my vote to break ties. I think it is still a valid point, but also cowardly. So, even though I found all the entries to be amazing, I'm gonna dive in this time and pick 4.
Diomede, DustRider, et all, thank you for the nice comments about my hosting! This has been a lot of fun.
For me, the main goal in the Challenge has always been to honor Headwax's original intent, to help strengthen the Carrara community. I think that as long as the community is strong, Carrara remains vital and viable.
Diomede, DustRider, et all, thank you for the nice comments about my hosting! This has been a lot of fun.
For me, the main goal in the Challenge has always been to honor Headwax's original intent, to help strengthen the Carrara community. I think that as long as the community is strong, Carrara remains vital and viable.
UB - well in that, you've done the community proud - great job!
As others have said, it's always difficult to narrow the choices down to just four, but I've a feeling it will be especially tough this time.
Thanks Phil, Stezza, and Vyusur. The community really stepped up big time. Thanks to Ringo as well for his support.
Now that we come to voting, we are faced with an impossible task. How does one choose four out of the thirty-two? Because of so many variables, there is no single left-brained way to analyze and extract the top four.
If it really is impossible, I think that the best thing to do is be easy with the voting process, and have fun. I like my renders being recognized, but I promise that I won't take offense if you don't vote for any of my images, and I think that most artists feel the same way. In other words, it's not about voting against an artist and disrespecting his/her hard work. It's IS about voting for something you just happen to like, for reasons which are not fully explainable.
In learning new things in Carrara - G'MIC, displacement, modeling, new shader techniques - and the opportunity to try products I've never used before - Ron's brushes, Obannion Bridge, etc - I'm already very satisfied. Using Carrara as a platform for experencing the creative process is the main thing, and everything else is gravy.
I digress - please step up and vote. It's a great way to support Carrara and the artists here.
Well said, UnifiedBrain. Also that render is awesome, and could easily have been a winning entry, great work!
Man I'm going to have a tough, tough time whittling down my choices and voting...
+1, and then +1 again and again.
As all of the challenges, this one was absolutely painful stopping after only four. I went back and forth. The thing is, ALL of them are so cool in their own way - especially when considering what was done to get to the final image. That makes it so tough!
So many of the images I wanted to vote for didn't make it after the final whittling down to only four. So Many!!! Really irked me to tell the truth. But removing one to replace with another also remains a true trajedy. I was (and still am) very torn to have not voted for many of those that didn't get it.
So on the other end of the spectrum, please don't feel that I didn't like you image (A LOT) if it didn't make the final vote because, chances are it was going to be. I love the images. I really wish that there was a way for all entrants to get some sort of prize just for submitting such wonderful art - all that work!
So far, I've narrowed it down to 11. And THAT was tough . . . !
I've got my list whittled down to 10... but I sort of cheated because it was 11 including 2 entries from the same artist, and I took the chicken-out method of disqualifying one of the entries solely because I already had another great entry from the same artist.
here's a clouse up
Fun one, Shlomi Laszlo. Well done.
Jon, thanks for the detailed comments. Luv the B&W ones.
For an update to my custom witch, I used the multipass render for material diffuse to restore some detail to the moon. I also multiplied the result by the multipass for position to get some psychodelic coloring. For even more color fun, I composited with the GMIC bokeh filter. I also had to use the volumetric pass to restore the dynamic hair.
Nice update, Diomede!
I've noticed that 2 or 3 very high quality WIP renders have not yet been entered. I hope that the respective artists see this and respond. This seems to happen in every Challenge.
For those folks, I won't cut off the entries until I get up in the morning. For everyone else (who has not yet started a WIP) it's midnight tonight.
I kept coming back and trying to get this further... and now I'm out of time. So I'm calling it a wrap.
The hair has been a delight, and a problem. I love this Carrara Hair, I really do. I am glad I'm getting more experience with it.
For the water, I made a special shader - kept tweaking on it... then I added in some torus and sunk them into the water to create the rippling water around her legs.
Going for a Glam shot pinup. Here's the final render - Full GI, using an HDR I made - Full IL, which I made my water shader to work with - Lots of work on the hair shader too - oh... and that darned shirt shader too! ;)
...and after post
I like this revision quite a bit, makes the whole render really pop. The bokeh effect is really nice, and the moon looks great. Oh and the hair looks great too, well worth the multipass imo :)
Wow Dart, that's excellent! I particularly love the water ripples, that really works well. You didn't mention how you got the water droplets on the skin shader, I'm guessing it's wet maps?
Jonstark - thanks for the comments on the witch.
Dart - very happy to see you get your entry in. Excellent. Love the hair, especially - and the water surface rocks!
UnifiedBrain - thanks for running a great challenge. I think this is the second most entries ever. Way to inspire, recruit, and encourage people.

excellent Daniel, I like the natural pose too
how did you make kind of vacuum on the abs?
Dart - hot image and super work in all areas - it rocks!
Thanks guys!
jonstark - Yes, water droplets on the skin are wet maps, and using the technique from GKDANTAS Ultimate Skin Shaders to highlight them.
Diomede - I love the hair too. It's shader does a lot for it, making it fairly easy to work with, though it still has that touch of uncontrollability too - also from the shader! LOL
Water is a funny thing. But a fun thing too. Time consuming though.
magaremoto - that's a combination of pose and morphs. The morphs go a long way - many are from the amazing S4P morphs pack for adding extra detail. Stomach Depth from Morphs++ vacuums the abs in as we crank the dial up. I use that one in conjunction with inhale a lot, though I've backed off on using the Inhale and started using my own morphs I make for her, which is also a lot of fun.
Thank you PhilW!
Dart, so many terrific elements here, but I like the hair best of all!
Thank you. Me too. I love Carrara hair! Not just this, but all of the different hair types we can create. I'm partial to this ultra-curly kind because that's what the Real Rosie has... Ultra-Thick, Ultra-Curly, Ultra-Long (until very recently) hair.
Outstanding work Dart!!
Thanks Jonstark! I think my problems on this pale in comparison to what you went through. In my case, I wasn't 100% satisfied with what I lost, so doing it over was actually better.
Thanks again! The blocks are from DM's Blox 'n Poses, it's a great set and I use it quite a bit for studio pin-up type renders. You can easily use you own shaders on them since the are very simple props. I used a liquid shader to get the reflections and caustics effects, I really like the play of lights you get with these blocks.
Edit: I forgot to add that I really like your NPR renders, I like the one with the ball the best.
Well, it looks like it's time to vote, which I was not looking forward to on this challenge, I really wish I could vote for multiple entries, because there are so many great images. It will probably take me a day or two to sort it all out.
A huge thanks to UnfriedBrain for a great challenge too!!! Being a less than creative type, it's always difficult, but usually impossible, for me to come up with a good idea for an entry. Thankfully this challege worked well with the way my brain is wired, and my "art" interests.
Finally, as usual for the Carrara forum, this was a fun and informative challenge (when time permits, even when I don't participate, these are fun and informative to watch). Such a great group of people here where everyone supports each other, keep up the great work!!!!!!
Thanks DustRider! Still learning a lot. I've spent almost ALL of my Carrara time making ultra-fast renders for animation. I've shown a lot of stills, but they're not meant as stills, but more a render of something I've been working on for animation use - so it's almost always 720p, Object Quality 2, Shadow 4, super-low-res textures and ultra-fast shaders that might mimic reflection, but not use it, etc.,
I've been absent from so many of these, I really wanted to join in the fun. My CrapTop cannot handle doing this sort of thing. It would just stop working. My Carrara machine has been very busy rendering animations. So for this one, as midnight was rolling ever closer (although midnight comes an hour earlier here than Utah) I was still waiting for that darned render to finish - and I couldn't end it early and crop it because I was eager to see the in-Carrara DoF work.
Oh yeah...
I always talk about the importance of having Jeremy Birn's Digital Lighting and Rendering. Well that book has so much to soak in, I never finished it as I put the first half of the book to practice - and I already want to go back and read that first half over again! Well recently I've been working toward finishing the book. A lot of (for other family members) sitting and waiting in Doctor's offices.
He gets into real-world photography and cinematography and how we need to think about relating all of that into digital renders - especially if we need to comp renders with camera work, etc., etc.,
I love taking pictures, but I never studied the art of photography. And, of course, when you don't know anything about something, we might not realize what it is that we don't know, right?
So I'm absorbing all of this stuff into Carrara benefits, and it's just amazing how fun and effective it is! I'm still an infant at it, but it's a fun journey!
Anyway... sheesh that was a long preamble!
So for this I used a wide angle lens in Carrara to capture more background into the narrow shot, and set the camera closer to the figure to bring her into zoom physically - unlike a zoomed lens which will enlarge smaller details of the background and simulate less distance.
I measured distances to keep the wide-angle lens from distorting her and to set my exposure for the in-camera DoF - as I did no blurring in post.
The only post I did was to use a HighPass filter to bring out the detail of the hair and skin - a technique I've literally just learned - so I think I may have overdone it a little - and to use a curves filter to squash the blacks and whites - another new discovery for me.
DustRider, that has also been my experience in every creative activity I do. I always lament what I have lost, but the next version is always better. The trick is remembering that the next time.
You get to vote your 4 favorites. But I know what you mean. And being the host makes it even harder. I genuinely want to vote for every participant.
In a previous stint as host, I declined to vote, reasoning that I need to reserve my vote to break ties. I think it is still a valid point, but also cowardly.
So, even though I found all the entries to be amazing, I'm gonna dive in this time and pick 4.
Diomede, DustRider, et all, thank you for the nice comments about my hosting! This has been a lot of fun.
For me, the main goal in the Challenge has always been to honor Headwax's original intent, to help strengthen the Carrara community. I think that as long as the community is strong, Carrara remains vital and viable.
UB - well in that, you've done the community proud - great job!
As others have said, it's always difficult to narrow the choices down to just four, but I've a feeling it will be especially tough this time.
great stuff... hot hot
Great stuff but not enough, would be great to repeat!
Thanks Phil, Stezza, and Vyusur. The community really stepped up big time. Thanks to Ringo as well for his support.
Now that we come to voting, we are faced with an impossible task. How does one choose four out of the thirty-two? Because of so many variables, there is no single left-brained way to analyze and extract the top four.
If it really is impossible, I think that the best thing to do is be easy with the voting process, and have fun. I like my renders being recognized, but I promise that I won't take offense if you don't vote for any of my images, and I think that most artists feel the same way. In other words, it's not about voting against an artist and disrespecting his/her hard work. It's IS about voting for something you just happen to like, for reasons which are not fully explainable.
In learning new things in Carrara - G'MIC, displacement, modeling, new shader techniques - and the opportunity to try products I've never used before - Ron's brushes, Obannion Bridge, etc - I'm already very satisfied. Using Carrara as a platform for experencing the creative process is the main thing, and everything else is gravy.
I digress - please step up and vote. It's a great way to support Carrara and the artists here.
Well said, UnifiedBrain. Also that render is awesome, and could easily have been a winning entry, great work!
Man I'm going to have a tough, tough time whittling down my choices and voting...
+1, and then +1 again and again.
As all of the challenges, this one was absolutely painful stopping after only four. I went back and forth. The thing is, ALL of them are so cool in their own way - especially when considering what was done to get to the final image. That makes it so tough!
So many of the images I wanted to vote for didn't make it after the final whittling down to only four. So Many!!! Really irked me to tell the truth. But removing one to replace with another also remains a true trajedy. I was (and still am) very torn to have not voted for many of those that didn't get it.
So on the other end of the spectrum, please don't feel that I didn't like you image (A LOT) if it didn't make the final vote because, chances are it was going to be. I love the images. I really wish that there was a way for all entrants to get some sort of prize just for submitting such wonderful art - all that work!
So far, I've narrowed it down to 11. And THAT was tough . . . !
I've got my list whittled down to 10... but I sort of cheated because it was 11 including 2 entries from the same artist, and I took the chicken-out method of disqualifying one of the entries solely because I already had another great entry from the same artist.
...and for those who have made comments about my entry in the voting thread, Thank you very much! Most appreciated feedback! :) Thank You!
You are all making me want to break out Carrara again and start rendering. Some lovely renders. Well done.
Carrara freaking ROCKS!!!