4x4x4 Lattice deformer in Daz Studio -- pre-release / Beta / Unfinished PC/Win x32 / x64 version av



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2016

    for mcjElastic

    you (will) can attach a marker/dangler/simulator-unit to any bone or object

    that marker is made to react to movement as if it was a mass attached to the bone using a spring

    you can set the spring stiffness and the limits the marker is allowed to swing about

    then you convert those movements into morph settings

    so in the case of breasts, the dangling marker attached to the right breast, has its vertical displacements converted into right-breast-up-down morph strengths

    it will also be possible to convert a the movement of the simulated dangler into bone orientations, for swinging hair tails for example

    here i'm showing that by animating the object on which a dangler is attached, we can get an impulsion

    there's also a bouncing-wall system involved in this simulation


    Mythmaker said:
    mCasual said:

    mcjElastic ( will be ) is a script so it's not super fast, the normal way to use it is, 1 animate your character moving

    over 100 frames, then using the script to animate the dangling objects over that timerange

    Can we choose which bone/s or polys to make 'dangly'? And custom frame range too?

    And and and... dangling styles? Like bouncy, bobbly or stretchy? 

    On conformed items too?

    Is it like, your mcjlageffect, which I just discovered?

    Do I ask a lot of questions? cheeky

    Post edited by mCasual on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    mCasual said:

    for mcjElastic

    you (will) can attach a marker/dangler/simulator-unit to any bone or object

    that marker is made to react to movement as if it was a mass attached to the bone using a spring

    you can set the spring stiffness and the limits the marker is allowed to swing about

    then you convert those movements into morph settings

    so in the case of breasts, the dangling marker attached to the right breast, has its vertical displacements converted into right-breast-up-down morph strengths

    it will also be possible to convert a the movement of the simulated dangler into bone orientations, for swinging hair tails for example

    here i'm showing that by animating the object on which a dangler is attached, we can get an impulsion

    there's also a bouncing-wall system involved in this simulation

    Way cool! Pig tails will never have to look like dead bananas ever again!

    So we have 3 main variables to play with: stiffness, rotation limit, translation limit?

    re the bouncing wall, is it like fake collision?


    @Ruphuss - huh what missing lucky god? I'm totally lost there! cool 

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2016

    There are 2 phases for each animation frame of the simulation

    First phase: according to the time elapsed since the previous animation step and the speed the ball had then,

    and depending of forces ( gravity, spring recoiling  ) we compute the new expected position of the ball.

    Second phase: if this movement brought the ball too far or through a wall, we pull it back

    in the case of the bounce wall, my script evaluates where/when the ball hits the wall, and it "re-throws" it according to the angle it hit the wall

    so it's not really really fake

    Mythmaker said:
    mCasual said:


    re the bouncing wall, is it like fake collision?


    @Ruphuss - huh what missing lucky god? I'm totally lost there! cool 


    Post edited by mCasual on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    mCasual said:

    There are 2 phases for each animation frame of the simulation

    First phase: according to the time elapsed since the previous animation step and the speed the ball had then,

    and depending of forces ( gravity, spring recoiling  ) we compute the new expected position of the ball.

    Second phase: if this movement brought the ball too far or through a wall, we pull it back

    in the case of the bounce wall, my script evaluates where/when the ball hits the wall, and it "re-throws" it according to the angle it hit the wall

    so it's not really really fake

     Yay there is gravity too - and OMG it does sound like actual collision enough!

    When when when do we get to play !!!? (Exclaimed with bouncing movement!)

    I will make a new bouncy gif avatar when this happens! 



  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2016

     i drifted into another project which i want to release today 

    it ( what's the word? ) spreads an animation across a chain of objects or actor poses

    it can also be used to shift or reverse the animation of a single object or pose

    and it can do this to material properties

    my projects are all kind'of chronicled here everyday http://mcasual.deviantart.com/art/consoling-opportunities-615633782


    ... then i'll return-to and complete the bounce script



    Mythmaker said:
    mCasual said:


    When when when do we get to play !!!? (Exclaimed with bouncing movement!)

    I will make a new bouncy gif avatar when this happens! 




    Post edited by mCasual on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    Haha nice! Good god you have so many things going on simultaneously...!

    I think the word you're looking for is 'propagate'? Or 'infect'! laugh


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605

    yes propagate

    with a delay

    maybe conflagrate



    Mythmaker said:

    Haha nice! Good god you have so many things going on simultaneously...!

    I think the word you're looking for is 'propagate'? Or 'infect'! laugh



  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    OMG pink spider. Hm looks a bit like a remote control on rigged props ?

    Finding Mcasual depository is like entering a candy store for me, so many toys so little time!

    And I haven't even re-settled properly into DS yet! Trying hard not to be distracted by all these fun stuff aaaarrrghhh! 

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited July 2016
    mCasual said:

    There are 2 phases for each animation frame of the simulation

    First phase: according to the time elapsed since the previous animation step and the speed the ball had then,

    and depending of forces ( gravity, spring recoiling  ) we compute the new expected position of the ball.

    Second phase: if this movement brought the ball too far or through a wall, we pull it back

    in the case of the bounce wall, my script evaluates where/when the ball hits the wall, and it "re-throws" it according to the angle it hit the wall

    so it's not really really fake

    After I bounced some Genesis 3 boobs using the older modified AmariJun breast bounce script, I'm getting the gist of this bouncy/jiggly/elasto operation. 

    I'm not so brave to venture into editing the scripts's sine/damping. But I'm curious about rotation trans limit setting.  

    I looked at the details of your ElasticSim again and glad to find more controllers (sim units?) per bone...

    I'm more into springy skirt edge bones and wobbly rabbit ears and ponytails. And probably fox elephant tails. LAMH furry animals can do with some easy to apply bone-based dynamics!

    I hope we can set your 'sim units" to bones other than breasts? And get some dangly springy sort of movement? 

    Is your elasticity = bone scaling (stretching longer shorter) or just translating (dislocating from previous joint like in snappy fashion)?

    Hope I'm not asking stupid questions lol 

    You must be busy and all but aaaarrrhhh I can't wait to play with this one!!!  laughcheeky


    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited July 2016

    i strayed away from the bounce script because as always i thought i'd be done with that quickly 

    creating 'net-fence' fishnets as geometry then as drawn textures

    but i'll put that aside and come back to it in fall


    i want to publish the ElasticSim now

    then come back to completing mcjNewcastle, because you see, ElasticSim was a stray-away from that project


    another reason for the delay is that i want to make mcjElasticSim universal, as you were suggesting

    so you'll be able to attach the simulators to any body part or object

    and the simulator's motions will be able to control any property or morph or d-form or rotation or translation of that body-part or figure or of other objects in the scene


    that one was done using mcjLagEffect, which is based on delayed action

    april 1st ... ya know


    Mythmaker said:


    I hope we can set your 'sim units" to bones other than breasts? And get some dangly springy sort of movement? 

    Is your elasticity = bone scaling (stretching longer shorter) or just translating (dislocating from previous joint like in snappy fashion)?

    Hope I'm not asking stupid questions lol 

    You must be busy and all but aaaarrrhhh I can't wait to play with this one!!!  laughcheeky



    Post edited by mCasual on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    mCasual said

    another reason for the delay is that i want to make mcjElasticSim universal, as you were suggesting

    so you'll be able to attach the simulators to any body part or object

    and the simulator's motions will be able to control any property or morph or d-form or rotation or translation of that body-part or figure or of other objects in the scene


    (and I'm scratching my head what has wobbly gyrating fish tail to do with April fool...) coollaugh

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited July 2016

    also see



    from wikipedia

    April fish

    In Italy, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, and French-speaking areas of Switzerland and Canada, April 1 tradition is often known as "April fish" (poissons d'avril in French, aprilvis in Dutch or pesce d'aprile in Italian). This includes attempting to attach a paper fish to the victim's back without being noticed. Such fish feature prominently on many late 19th- to early 20th-century French April Fools' Day postcards. Many newspapers also spread a false story on April Fools' Day, and a subtle reference to a fish is sometimes given as a clue.



    Mythmaker said:


    (and I'm scratching my head what has wobbly gyrating fish tail to do with April fool...) coollaugh


    Post edited by Chohole on
  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606

    April fish is a thing !! I learn something new and fun today!

    will use it next April to impress my friends lol

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Slosh said:

    This would be a great help to all. DForms in DS are not always preferable to use, and this would be another great tool for the arsenal. Is it possible to create a lattice with higher resolution than 4x4? Like the one Photoshop uses for deforming.

    Yeh, take a look at the lattice in Blender, it works great.

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