Carrara Challenge #36 - Pinups and Cheesecake and Hunks - Oh My! closed, WINNERS ANNOUNCED



  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited November 2017

    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    WIP Links: Comment_3025891

    Products Used:

    Victoria 4.2, Arki's EYEdeas 3+, Carrara Hair (set up myself), Shirt by Supernova, Panties from Aery Soul, Used both Ringo and GKDANTAS shaders to help construct V4's materials - the rest is all Carrara - I used my EnvironKits and Carrara to create the HDRI for the surrounding background and main lighting

    Additional Notes:

    Postwork done in Affinity and Howler 11

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588
    edited November 2017

    The Entries part is now CLOSED.

    Voting is OPEN! 


    Here are the basic instructions:



    A.  Anyone with a Daz account can vote.

    B.  Anonymous voting is allowed if you feel you have a good reason (e.g. forum moderators who don't want to give an impression of favoritism). Please PM me your votes if that is the case. 



    Please vote for a total of four different images.  Vote for your four favorite images, in no particular order.  There is no need to rank or caregorize them.


    Categories and prizes

    Many thanks to our sponsors!! heartheartheart

    Votes will be compiled by the host, and then entered into four prize categories.  An artist can win only one category.  If an artist has the most votes in more than one category, the next higher finisher in the lower category (as they are listed) wins the prize.

    Best Participation (most total votes all renders)  $50.00 Daz item(s)

    Best Photorealistic Pinup (most votes single PR image)  $50 Daz item(s)

    Best Non-photorealistic Pinup (most votes single NPR image)  $50.00 Daz item(s)

    Best Halloween Pinup (single image)  $45.00 Daz item(s)

    There will also be two Carrara PA prizes awarded by Ringo Monfort.  He will pick his two favorite pinups, independent of the DAZ prize categories (in other words, an artist can win a Daz prize and a PA prize).  Each PA prize winner will get a single item from his DAZ store.  For a profile of Ringo, go here.


    Entry voting example:

    Entry #36  "Sorry, I don't have a thing to wear!"

    Artist:  Lady Godiva

    Comment:  Really liked the horse in this one.


    Voting template example:


    Entry #




    Entry #




    Entry #




    Entry #




    Post edited by UnifiedBrain on
  • Wow! So many entries! What a great challenge - there were a lot more than four that I really loved.

    My votes:

    • Entry:  #7 Title: Carrara Chalenge #36 Artist: Stezza
    • Entry: # 27 Title: «White Swan pinup» Artist: Vyusur
    • Entry: # 29 Title: Trick or ...... Treat?? Artist: DustRider
    • Entry: # 30 Title: Waiting Artist: Jonstark
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    wow, qwhat a great challenge, the amount of knowledge being passed on is remarkable.

    thanks Mr UnifiedBrain  for doing such a terrific job again.

    it will  take ages to make a decision on the vote as each work has so much to offer.!

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Thanks for the invitation to vote UnifiedBrain. Not that it was easy ...

    Entry 1 Pooly Wrapped Mummy
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    Comment: Interesting idea, great lighting.

    Entry 4 The Dark Gate
    Artist: Vysur
    Comment: Great combination of characters, poses and the dramatic backdrop.

    Entry 13 Joyce Pulls Off An Unexpected Encore
    Artist: UnifiedBrain
    Comment: Very funny, the smoking skeleton is a great detail.

    Entry 18 Queen of Moonlight
    Artist: Jonstark
    Comment: Rich scene, superbly lit.

  • S RayS Ray Posts: 400

    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

    Entry: # 30

    Title: Waiting

    Artist: Jonstark

    Entry:  # 22

    Title:  Edith 

    Artist: Headwax

    Entry: # 4

    Title: "The Dark Gate"

    Artist: Vyusur


  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791

    First: #30

    Second: #7

    Third: #2

    Fourth: #12


  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    edited November 2017

    Really like UB's #13 (a crackup, )and John Stark #18 (beautiful mood) and Vyusur 's #27 (that feather is so tactile) and great to see Dart getting his hands dirty


    thanks so much UB for doing a sparkling job once more - and thankyou Ringo for sponsoringus once more (and Daz of course)

    but my votes:


    Entry:  #1

    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)


    Entry:  # 10

    Title: Date with a Wolf

    Artist:  Diomede (Ted Murphy)


    Entry: # 29

    Title: Trick or ...... Treat??

    Artist: DustRider


    Entry:  # 9

    Title: advertising

    Artist: magaremoto

    Post edited by Headwax on
  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    This was a really tough one, and I could have easily spent a week or two figuring it out. Thankfully, I'll be out of pocket for a few days, so I had to vote before the end. So ..... here are my votes.

    Entry: # 30

    Title: Waiting

    Artist: Jonstark

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: NPR

    Comment: This one was easy for me. All of the NPR entries were great, and deserved a vote as well, but this one just "spoke" to me. Well done Johnstark!!

    Entry:  #1

    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: Halloween

    Comment: Like Johnstark's "Waiting", this image spoke to me as well. It's cute, sexy, interesting, and .... well .... it's The Girl. I'm a sucker for The Girl, so this one got my attention immediately, but the lighting is superb! The way the lighting highlights the subject (The Girl) is perfect. The glyphs are also a very nice touch, and so appropriate for the theme of the challenge. I also really liked UnfriedBrains "Joyce Pulls Off An Unexpected Encore", as it was quite creative, and was really nostalgic. The other image that was also in direct competition with this was Jonstarks "Queen of Moonlight", what an incredibly complex and beautiful scene. Ultimately, what put Marks image into the top slot was my interpretation of the challenge theme. Of the three images, "Pooly Wrapped Mummy" was to me more of a classic "pin-up" style, possibly a poor interpretation of pin-up style, but that's the all I've got so I'll have to stick by it. I thought it was important to recognize/mention the other two images as I also really liked them. Great work Mark!! (Oh, Phil's Halloween render was really cute too!!)

    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Comment: Dart mentioned using information from Jeremy Birn's Digital Lighting and Rendering in the WIPs thread, and it definitely shows in this render. The play of light and shadows is exquiset excellent!

    Entry:  # 9

    Title: advertising

    Artist: magaremoto

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Comment: The final vote was quite difficult, I spent a lot of time going between images trying to decide. Finally what put this one over the top were the skin shaders, which IMHO are outstanding for a Carrara native render. Very well done!

  • Entry 1 Pooly Wrapped Mummy
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)
    Comment: Nice scene and good light.

    Entry 3 007: A Woman to Die For
    Artist: Namtar 
    Comment: I like the idea. Real Bond-Feeling

    Entry 4 The Dark Gate
    Artist: Vysur
    Comment: nice scary scene, cool characters

    Entry 11 Prize-Winning Pumpkin
    Artist: PhilW
    Comment: Very dreamy Halloween scene. Nice light.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited November 2017

    Entry # 1

    Artist: Mark Olsen

    Comment: I'd like to watch a tv series sooner or later made in carrara/octane of course

    Entry # 29

    Artist: Dustrider

    Comment: carrara/octane at his best, Dustrider is certainly a pro

    Entry # 27

    Artist: Vyusur

    Comment:  another talented and skilled carraraist, the gal look catches you and is 99% real

    Entry # ex aequo: # 18 and # 32

    Artist: Jonstark - Dartanbeck

    Comment: for having showed off carrara potential

    ps: have you noticed how many aspects and typologies of 3d illustration carrara can easily manage? thanks to UB for having set up this parade


    edit as ex aequo is not allowed (sorry for that):

    Entry  # 18

    Artist: Jonstark

    Comment: complex scene and right atmosphere for a sword and sorcery novel

    Post edited by magaremoto on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited November 2017

    Entry: # 28

    • Title: «The confusion of feelings»
    • Artist: Vyusur
    • (Though I still like the first posting of this one the best! ;)  )

    Entry:  # 20

    • Title: Oh ...... how many more shots?
    • Artist: Dustrider
    • (at least a few dozen more, schweetheart... just a few dozen more....)

    Entry:  #1

    • Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy
    • Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    Entry:  #18

    • Title: Queen of Moonlight
    • Artist: Jonstark


    Problem - there are still I need to vote for!

    Great hosting UB.. I think we have a few more new Carrara'ists because of this challenge. yes


    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    I really needed more votes.  Artists excelled in each category.  I could easily have picked any single category and filled my votes just from that category.


    Entry: # 28

    Title: «The confusion of feelings»

    Artist: Vyusur

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    ​Comment:  So mush to love in this one, especially the pose, the hands, and the expression.  This could easily be adapted for an ad campaign.


    Entry:  # 21

    Title: Lee

    Artist: Headwax

    NPR: A very unique approach, with excellent execution. 


    Entry:  #1

    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: Halloween

    Comment:  As discussed in UnifiedBrain's early WIP thread posts, the classic pinups were often playful or coy with a silly setting.  Mark really delivered with this one, including the homage to the poses in the stone walls.


    Entry:  #8

    Title: Captain Cupcake

    Artist: PhilW

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Comment:  Dirt or no dirt? That is the question.  Some amazing photo-realism entries without dirt, and this one with intentional dirt. Could really go either way, but in the end I liked the way this image paid tribute to the category of airplane nose art.  





  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    OK, here are my votes. Have to give them quickly because every new look changes my choices; so many different, but nice works!

    Entry: # 4

    Title: "The Dark Gate"

    Artist: Vyusur

    Comment: the smile on that face and those stockings: hilarious!


    Entry:  #13

    Title:  Joyce Pulls Off An Unexpected Encore

    Artist:  UnifiedBrain

    Comments: Sorry, cannot pass a full moon by and I love all those characters.


    Entry:  # 22

    Title:  Edith 

    Artist: Headwax

    Comments: Fantastic sexy mannequin, wonderful non-realistic wings and great tutu


    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

    Comments: Now that's one sexy pinup. Lovely texture of the skin and the wet shirt. Great hair and very nice vague background.


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    very tough to select just four images...

    how did I come to my final four selection.. well, I did ask for help.. I printed them all out and threw them into the air asking God to select 4 and to send back to me and for him to keep the rest ...


    that didn't work

    so I went through them all myself again... the first three that I picked I thought how good are these.... then discarded them... ( better not vote for myself! )

    that didn't work

    so I then went for the 'YES' factor

    and that's how I picked the four... great works by all but these four did the 'YES' for me

    Entry:  #3

    Title: 007: A Woman to Die For
    Artist: Namtar 


    Entry:  # 10

    Title: Date with a Wolf

    Artist:  Diomede (Ted Murphy)

    Entry:  # 22

    Title:  Edith 

    Artist: Headwax

    Entry: # 30

    Title: Waiting

    Artist: Jonstark

    great hosting UB.. I think we have a few more new Carrara'ists because of this challenge. yes

  • TangoAlphaTangoAlpha Posts: 4,586

    In the end I had to get very picky, eliminating entries for things like "second entry by x" or "the good old V4 shoulder crease" etc just to get the numbers down!
    So, in numerical order:

    Entry #3
    007: A Woman to Die For

    Entry #20
    Oh ... How Many More Shots?

    Entry #28
    The Confusion of Feelings

    Entry #30

  • namtar3dnamtar3d Posts: 251


    Entry #8, Cupcake Captain  

    (Very hard choise between this and #28 from Vyusur and #20 from DustRider, finally i decide for #8 because it fits perfect on the mood of the challenge :D) 


    Entry #7 by Stezza

    (Another hard choise, entry #2 and #24 were very nice too) 


    Entry #29 Trick or ...... Treat?? by DustRider

     (The hardest choise!, Entry #18 by JonStark it's on the same place for me, but finally some little details help me to make the choise. Both pics have great concepts, poses, enviroment, camera angle, models and clothes, but i think lighting could be better in #18.  Maybe 2 orange lights from the flames and one "main" light from above, would be added much more dramatic effect to the pic.) 

  • VyusurVyusur Posts: 2,235

    Entry:  #1

    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: Halloween

    Mystical lighting, cute character, excellent composition


    Entry:  # 9

    Title: advertising

    Artist: magaremoto

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Exceptional realism, especially for the native engine, and of course, perfect elbows


    Entry:  #15

    Title: Art Frahm Shops for Celery in Glasgow

    Artist:  Diomede (Ted Murphy)

    PR/ NPR/Halloween:  NPR

    Original idea, some ridiculous but so cute


    Entry: # 30

    Title: Waiting

    Artist: Jonstark

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: NPR

    Very clear composition and elegant render style

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Talk about hard! My first "shortlist" still had 12 on it, then whittled down to 8, then to six, final choice was so hard, I wished I could vote for more.  But in the end my votes go to:

    Entry:  #1

    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: Halloween

    Love the cute look of the main character, and the "pinup hieroglyphics" is a master stroke!


    Entry:  # 6

    Title: How to Catch a Fireman

    Artist: Stezza

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Great theme and use of extra props in the scene, and the overall appeal of the image.


    Entry:  #27

    Title: White Swan Pinup

    Artist:  Vyusur

    PR/ NPR/Halloween:  PR

    Beautifully done, sexy without being overt, and all superbly rendered.


    Entry: # 30

    Title: Waiting

    Artist: Jonstark

    PR/ NPR/Halloween: NPR

    Beautiful style, crisp and clean and spot on the brief.

    Apologies to thise I wasn't able to vote for, the standard this time has been amazing.

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977
    edited November 2017

    This gets harder and harder each month to judge a winner... the quality of the art is just draw-dropping. Have had to cut down on modelling and viewing some things due to vision problems, but no problem enjoying all of the entries!  And Unified Brain, you are a motivating and creative force and many kudos to you in getting so many to enter!  yes Silene

    Entry:  #18
    Title: Queen of Moonlight
    Artist: Jonstark
    I'm a Conan fan, too!

    Entry: # 27
    Title: White Swan pinup
    Artist: Vyusur
    No post work? Wow!

    Entry:  #11
    Title: Prize-Winning Pumpkin
    Artist: PhilW
    Really like the fariy-light effects

    Entry:  #32
    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017
    Artist: Dartanbeck
    Rosie's hair and skin look great!


    Post edited by SileneUK on
  • In looking at the first 10 entries just after they were posted, I remember thinking that this may be difficult.smiley  After the next 22 were posted...

    With so many high-quality choices from multiple genres, I decided to make my choices reflect the same variety.  So, I picked one from each of the 4 pinup categories I put in the second post of the WIP thread - Advertising, Entertainment, Military Morale, and Holiday Spirit.  The process is flawed, but so was every other method I considered.  It would have been just as easy to select 4 Halloween pinups (for example) but at least this satisfied my sense of fairness.

    It was nice to see so many entries, but the stunning quality of the images was the bigger story here.  In voting, there was only a razor's-edge difference between these 4, and at least 10 others:


    Entry #1

    Title:  Pooly Wrapped Mummy

    Artist:  MDO2010

    Comment:  Very nice Halloween composition, and the hieroglyphics were oh-so-clever.  The cleverness won me over.  Could have easily picked 4 others.

    Entry #8

    Title:  Captain Cupcake

    Artist:  PhilW

    Comment:  Loved the plane and nose art.  When I saw who was piloting, that cinched it.

    Entry #9

    Title:  Advertising

    Artist:  Magaremoto

    Comment:  Excellent photoreal render, and the perfect caption.

    Entry #10

    Title:  Date With a Wolf

    Artist:  Diomede

    Comment:  Maybe the most clever idea I've ever seen in a Challenge.  The question was, could he create a composition which matched the quality of the idea?  He did.


    Somewhat embarrassed that I didn't select any NPR's, although several were incredible (and getting lots of votes, nice to see).  Stezza, Jonstark, et all, my apologies!

  • xmasrosexmasrose Posts: 1,406

    Tough choice! I am always amazed at your creativity and skills.

    Entry:  #32
    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017
    Artist: Dartanbeck

    Entry:  # 22
    Title:  Edith
    Artist: Headwax

    Entry: # 28
    Title: «The confusion of feelings»
    Artist: Vyusur

    Entry:  #13
    Title:  Joyce Pulls Off An Unexpected Encore
    Artist:  UnifiedBrain



  • GKDantasGKDantas Posts: 200

    My votes

    Entry:  #1
    Title: Pooly Wrapped Mummy
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    Entry:  #2
    Title: In Space No One Can Hear The Tentacles Coming
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    Entry:  #8
    Title: Captain Cupcake
    Artist: PhilW

    Entry:  #11
    Title: Prize-Winning Pumpkin
    Artist: PhilW

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited November 2017


    Title: A Woman to die for.

    Artist: Namtar


    Entry#: 9

    Title: advertising

    Artist: magaremoto


    Entry # 18

    Title: Queen of Moonlight

    Artist: Jonstark



    Entry:  # 32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck


    They are all excellent entries! I wish I had known about this challenge. I love pin-up style renders. It's my own fault for being MIA, but outside interests have taken me away from CG as my main creative outlet for the foreseeable future.

    Post edited by evilproducer on
  • Monday is scheduled to be the final voting day.  However, a bunch of votes have not yet been cast, so we shall see.

  • You guys all did a such a great job! I love pinups. :) 

    My votes:

    Entry:  #32
    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017
    Artist: Dartanbeck
    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Entry: # 29
    Title: Trick or ...... Treat??
    Artist: DustRider
    PR/ NPR/Halloween: Halloween

    Entry:  #8
    Title: Captain Cupcake
    Artist: PhilW
    PR/ NPR/Halloween: PR

    Entry: # 30
    Title: Waiting
    Artist: Jonstark
    PR/ NPR/Halloween: NPR

  • DUDUDUDU Posts: 1,945

    Every challenge, it's more and more difficult to make a choice, Each entrie is excellent!

    Entry: # 4

    Title: "The Dark Gate"

    Artist: Vyusur

    Entry:  # 26

    Title: Bad Vicky

    Artist: Bunyip02

    Entry:  #13

    Title:  Joyce Pulls Off An Unexpected Encore

    Artist:  UnifiedBrain

    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

  • Bunyip02Bunyip02 Posts: 8,827

    All worth voting for !!!!!!

    Entry:  #2

    Title: In Space No One Can Hear The Tentacles Coming

    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)


    Entry:  # 10

    Title: Date with a Wolf

    Artist:  Diomede (Ted Murphy)


    Entry: # 27

    Title: «White Swan pinup»

    Artist: Vyusur


    Entry:  #32

    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017

    Artist: Dartanbeck

  • VarselVarsel Posts: 574

    Here it is.... from me.
    Thanks for the reminder, I needed it.

    Entry:  #2
    Title: In Space No One Can Hear The Tentacles Coming
    Artist: Mark D. Olsen (MDO2010)

    Entry:  # 9
    Title: advertising
    Artist: magaremoto

    Entry:  # 20
    Title: Oh ...... how many more shots?
    Artist: Dustrider

    Entry:  #32
    Title: Water Sport Monthly - Issue November 2017
    Artist: Dartanbeck

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