Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback on the possible themes. I hadn't really thought through the possible downsides to the 30 minute speed setup/render idea, it looks like that's not ideal so I'm going to drop that one.
I have a personal desire to go with the Dungeons theme, mostly because of some cool stuff I've picked up in the latest series of daz sales I want to try out, but I'm also thinking a nature-y landscape theme would be fun too, and it does sound like the thought of it isn't scaring to many people off, so I was thinking a combo compare/contrast theme, sort of a 'Dungeons Deep and Landscapes Sweet' (ok, I admit that's a super corny working title there...) where there would be winners for both the best dungeon scene and the best landscape scene, and the contrast would be between the dark enclosed spaces and the wide open outdoors of nature. What do you guys think?
BTW I want to thank UnifiedBrain for going above and beyond. I'm really intimidated by the thought of hosting a challenge and daunted by all of what might go into it, but he's been stellar, sent me an email with step by step help and tips, even some example email templates, to help out. Hopefully if I just follow the guidance I'll have a hard time making too much of a hash of it. :)
I have a personal desire to go with the Dungeons theme, mostly because of some cool stuff I've picked up in the latest series of daz sales I want to try out, but I'm also thinking a nature-y landscape theme would be fun too, and it does sound like the thought of it isn't scaring to many people off, so I was thinking a combo compare/contrast theme, sort of a 'Dungeons Deep and Landscapes Sweet' (ok, I admit that's a super corny working title there...) where there would be winners for both the best dungeon scene and the best landscape scene, and the contrast would be between the dark enclosed spaces and the wide open outdoors of nature. What do you guys think?
Corny? On the contrary, I believe that you are getting into the spirit of things! Whatever theme you eventually decide upon, making it corny is a plus, not a minus.
BTW I want to thank UnifiedBrain for going above and beyond. I'm really intimidated by the thought of hosting a challenge and daunted by all of what might go into it, but he's been stellar, sent me an email with step by step help and tips, even some example email templates, to help out. Hopefully if I just follow the guidance I'll have a hard time making too much of a hash of it. :)
Thanks Jon! There is quite a bit to do, but it's not really that hard. I think that some people are intimidated by the process, to the degree of being fearful of winning and becoming host. So I wrote a few step-by-step notes to help make it easier.
At some point in the middle of all the Challenges, a rule was made that you don't have to become host if you win. But I think that everyone should experience being host at least once. It enriched me in many ways, and was even more fun than expected.
Thanks DustRider. And thanks for the kind comments in the vote.
Sorry for the belated reply's, I was out of town for a while, and then the length of my being away was extended due to vehicle problems (seems that replacing the oil filler cap properly on the vehicle was too difficult for the dealer's shop - was stuck in AZ for a few days )
Hmmm ...... well ......thank you for the great entry! IMHO it was a simply awesome image.
Add me to the list of admirers of Dustrider. Always exceptional.
Thanks so much for your very kind words Diomede!!!
Now I'm just waiting to see what Jonstark has cooked up for us in the next challenge (and hoping I can come up with an entry idea .... or maybe even two)!
Sorry I'm slow off the mark on starting the new challenge thread, real life intruded and stole all my free time the last several days, just now getting back to normal. Daz has generously agreed once again to sponsor the next challenge and I plan to have the new thread up tomorrow.
Who has the power?
@Jonstark - remember, you have the power!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback on the possible themes. I hadn't really thought through the possible downsides to the 30 minute speed setup/render idea, it looks like that's not ideal so I'm going to drop that one.
I have a personal desire to go with the Dungeons theme, mostly because of some cool stuff I've picked up in the latest series of daz sales I want to try out, but I'm also thinking a nature-y landscape theme would be fun too, and it does sound like the thought of it isn't scaring to many people off, so I was thinking a combo compare/contrast theme, sort of a 'Dungeons Deep and Landscapes Sweet' (ok, I admit that's a super corny working title there...) where there would be winners for both the best dungeon scene and the best landscape scene, and the contrast would be between the dark enclosed spaces and the wide open outdoors of nature. What do you guys think?
BTW I want to thank UnifiedBrain for going above and beyond. I'm really intimidated by the thought of hosting a challenge and daunted by all of what might go into it, but he's been stellar, sent me an email with step by step help and tips, even some example email templates, to help out. Hopefully if I just follow the guidance I'll have a hard time making too much of a hash of it. :)
I'll have a go at anything lol
Corny? On the contrary, I believe that you are getting into the spirit of things! Whatever theme you eventually decide upon, making it corny is a plus, not a minus.
Thanks Jon! There is quite a bit to do, but it's not really that hard. I think that some people are intimidated by the process, to the degree of being fearful of winning and becoming host. So I wrote a few step-by-step notes to help make it easier.
At some point in the middle of all the Challenges, a rule was made that you don't have to become host if you win. But I think that everyone should experience being host at least once. It enriched me in many ways, and was even more fun than expected.
Attention winners, I posted a final PM to you about the prizes. You will be pleased.
i like D&D

drows on my to render list.
Sorry for the belated reply's, I was out of town for a while, and then the length of my being away was extended due to vehicle problems (seems that replacing the oil filler cap properly on the vehicle was too difficult for the dealer's shop - was stuck in AZ for a few days
Hmmm ...... well ......thank you for the great entry! IMHO it was a simply awesome image.
Wow, thank you UB!! Don't know that my POV is so great though ...... sometimes I just spout off and I'm not to sure what is going to come out
Thanks so much for your very kind words Diomede!!!
Now I'm just waiting to see what Jonstark has cooked up for us in the next challenge (and hoping I can come up with an entry idea .... or maybe even two)!
waitin for challenge 37 to add to my siggie
Sorry I'm slow off the mark on starting the new challenge thread, real life intruded and stole all my free time the last several days, just now getting back to normal. Daz has generously agreed once again to sponsor the next challenge and I plan to have the new thread up tomorrow.
mmmm.... I wonder what it will be ...
hairy tomato?
Creatures & Catacombs?
Phantom renders ? :)
Phantom renders in a catacomb with a hairy cucumber maybe...