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Yeah... Ditto!
Just getting over Flu !!!
Still no joy getting Fluidos working. Even with a brand new release today from Nvidia, driver version 390.65
What really annoys me is to see you other guys having so much fun !!!!
I tried this and here are the resulting error messages.
Fantastic work, it inspired me to give filling a glass another try. I had to add another invisible object with thick walls to keep everything in the glass.
Any tips on how you filled the beer glass so seamlessly?
I could be wrong on this, but I don't think the actual fluid container has to be visible in the render. So the rendered glass may be as thin as one likes as long as there's a fluid container in the scene holding the liquid - but not visible in the render.
It is so much fun watching all these vids, great work. Hopefully I'll soon find some time to play too soon. It's amazing seeing the creative ways/designs you guys are coming up with for testing fluid sims. I used to find dynamic cloth sim vids to be fascinating (and I still do really) but these fluid sims just blow everything else out of the water, they are so entrancing.
"blow everything else out of the water" - you're such a wit Jon!
Just to let folks know that Alberto has confirmed to me that he is looking into the parenting of Sources issue and the limit on hierarchies but it may take him a couple of weeks to work out and get a new version. I'm sure that we can find creative ways to create waves and splashes in the meantime!
HI Joe :)
my first attempts at filling a wine glass produced very leaky and frustrating results. ...the walls were too thin.
So,. just as you've done,. I made a proxy container (from the inside of the beer glass) with 1 inch thickness , that seemed to work much better for that scene.
it's all a bit of experimentation at this point to see what will work. and some frustrations along the way
Lovely work on your fluidos stuff too,.. really nice impacts :)
Phil :)
In a quick test,. i've found that you can use a "Track modifier" to track a cube (or other object) ,. rather than parenting the fluid Source to that object,
There's also the option of simplifying the process to have the Fluid source visible and animated were it needs to be,. and parent the Bottle to the source, rather than the Source parented to the bottle.
I have only replicated this error when the fluidsim.dll is not in the specified path the second message shows.
According with the first message, the operating system itself cannot find the .dll
By now, I don't know what is happening. Anyone has an idea?
If this is the machine that's running two graphics cards, I'd change that. There really isn't (that I can think of) a reason to not run the nVidea card for everything. That's what it's there for. Save the other one as a backup.
If it's not the machine with the two gpu, I'd maybe try (as an experiment) running Carrara in Windows 7 compatibility mode, just to see. Not sure why....
Good to know as a work around - thanks!
Imago - I've been thinking about your issue where you say "the fluid is way too big to make a nice, small, narrow stream and it still subdivide in smaller cubes at higher velocities". Can you share what settings you are using - size of Source, size of Fluid grid, velocity of Source, etc.
I just tested Fluidos on my PC with only an older Intel CPU, no graphics card. Just the shitty integrated Intel crap graphics that does NOT support OpenCL at all.
Without the Intel OpenCL CPU drivers; FAIL. Fluidos gets stuck at 2%, does nothing else, no CPU or HDD load, no error code.
With the Intel OpenCL CPU drivers: PASS. Fluidos works.
Used these Intel OpenCL CPU runtime drivers:
Conclusion: Fluidos requires a working OpenCL driver installation, either GPU och CPU OpenCL works.
Tools for testing if OpenCL works:
GPU Caps:
LuxMark 3.1:
Also laptops with both Intel and NVIDIA graphics enabled, should disable the Intel graphics, unless battery time in 2D is critical.
Cannot run several other 3D apps due to incompatibilitites between Intel/NVIDIA, even the frickin NVIDIA control panel crashes on my laptop.
Are you running 64bit Carrara on 64bit Windows with fresh 64bit graphics drivers?
Fluidos is 64bit only for now.
can anyone load a short explanation how to use fluidos and physics together I try to do something like the bouncing ball but it just made some weird things like go in a loop ?!?! Every few frames....
Hi guys,
Not had a chance to look into all this watery goodness at present....just wonderin' is it possible to stop anywere in the simulation then export that one frame as an OBJ, like what you can do ,say if you make some dynamic clothing?
Yes you can do that.
Excellent just got to figure all of it.
Discovered that my drivers are out of date. Am getting an error when I try to update my drivers. Will get that sorted out, then follow up on these suggestions. Thanks.
If you read the manual and have a look at my tutorial videos, you should be on your way!
Will do Phil, just suffering computer fatigue at the moment after accidently getting a CG sculpting job 5months ago ! I will have a look tonight I think...if i dont nod off...
Hope all this info is in this thread, not in the mood for a treasure hunt.
Will do Phil, just suffering computer fatigue at the moment after accidently getting a CG sculpting job 5months ago ! I will have a look tonight I think...if i dont nod off...
Hope all this info is in this thread, not in the mood for a treasure hunt.
This is an example you can download and examine it. The four solids participate in the fluid simulation, but the sphere is the only rigid body for the Physics Engine.
In the Sequencer FluidDomain - Miscellaneous Data - Fluid Domain Properties you can see the key frames and the tweeners for the Carrara Physics Engine. The engine is turned on and off at discrete frames.
...and Here's the video that is linked to on the first page of this thread
Use EDIT/Align to set up the Fluid domain (Simulation) with the Fluid domain (Visualisation)
select the Sim, ShiftClick to select the Vis,. Edit/Align, check the three axis arrows for alignment.
Playing around with keyframes,. forward / backward.
I tried to duplicate the fluid domain to use the copy as simulation domain to keep the same place but that didn't work...
Thank you Andy for this tip!
It would only work if the Fluid Domain is the original size.
Here some pic of what I mean.
I left the domains (Simulation and visualisation) at their inital position, you can see all the values in the images.
As you can see, the stream gets frammented. The dimension of the scene is the one I when I import char and scenes from DAZ Studio.
Ah, and the shape! It often is square!
I think the issue you have is that the size of the source is smaller than the size of the grid you are using, which is leading to the stream breaking up into blobs. The grid is not fine enough to be able to resolve the stream. It looks like - as a minimum - the Source needs to be at least as big as the grid size, this should give a continuous stream, but you may still see some grid artifacts. The finer the grid, the less artifacts you will get. So either increase the size of the Source or decrease the size of the grid to achieve a continuous stream.