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The point force (Icon) arrows point inward , so a positive value would draw things into that point,. negative values force things away from that point,.
the point force can also be animated to move around in the scene.
Use low values, the default carrara values are crazy,. try 50kg or less
The point force (Icon) arrows point inward , so a positive value would draw things into that point,. negative values force things away from that point,.
the point force can also be animated to move around in the scene.
Use low values, the default carrara values are crazy,. try 50kg or less
Ok, guys; I downloaded this PhilW scene created from Dartanbeck's, and ran a simulation but all I got was the shpere moving up. I looked at Fluid Domain 1 and Fluid Domain 2 and discovered that Carrara had thrown them into infinite space (kind of) - which I have seen before with volumetric ojects though I don't know why.
So what I did was delete those two fluid domains, rerun the simulation, then manually added back those two fluid doamins just as PhilW originally made them.
I only changed the cell size to 0.5 as PhilW suggests. Now it works!
Oh, did I forget to thank Alberto for this fantastic plug in? Thanks!!! I hope someday to have the time and skill to do something like this. And of course, thanks to PhilW and Dartanbeck for all thie time you put into the forum for those of us who wish DAZ would just take Carrara to places it can obviously go, as evidenced by this plugin and thread with so many talented users showcasing their work.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that I had to delete those two viewer Fluid Domains and insert fresh ones. I think it may have been because they are Enabled in the scene, and I didn't realize that before I ran the simulation. You're right... Carrara sends their scales to incredibly tiny values (seen in the Motion tab)
It does work on my laptop (AMD with built-in Radeon), it seems. takes forever, so I couldn't let it finish. Maybe I'll set something up for when I'm sleeping.
Great news! Although it's not finished yet, Alberto was kind enough to have me test a new feature of the current build he and PhilW are testing - the ability to disable using OpenCL. He thought it might help my situation.
He was right!!! I'm currently rendering my first successful fluid simulation!
I don't know what's wrong with me. I kinda wanted to just do a Cell size of 0.5 and no diffuse particles. Instead I left Cell size default and reduced diffuse particle default by a factor of ten, so 10,000 max.
Sure it took a little while to calculate, but I expected it to.
Okay... before that I dud just kind of like PhilW's initial test in his video tutorial: Just a fluid domain, a sphere of fluid mass, and I didn't even put in an obstacle and set it to run for two seconds, fust to see if the gravity issue was fixed. That one I did run at 0.5 Cell size and no diffuse and was done really, really fast, even without the GPU.
Anyway... my simple first test looks pretty cool prior to shaders and render.... I look forward to seeing the rendered result!
Kudos Alberto!!! Thank You So Much!!! You Too, PhilW! You Too, everyone else helping me through this ordeal!!!
Great! Finally!
And that new feature sounds interesting to me too! My GPU isn't very powerful and I would like to try CPU calculation!
Hey Dart, can you check if the Intel OpenCL CPU drivers helps you get Fluidos to run (without disabling OpenCL)?
These drivers lets the CPU run OpenCL code, handy if the GPU is slow, but if the app cannot select the fastest device itself and the user cannot choose which OpenCL device to use, it does not help much...
Dart - glad you have something working, now you can join in the fun!
Quick note on Surface Forces - positive values attract the fluid, negative values repel the fluid.
It's my turn to have problem with the simulation! *Jumps from the chair, mimics Superman, crashes on the floor*
I set up a scene, pretty complex animation but only one char who gets showered when sunbathing. The first test, without forces in any prop or char go smooth. But after applying the force to the char, the simulation fails at about 2.4% - 3.6%, Carrara totally freezes and I have to force-close it.
What's wrong?
Your computer or at least, it's RAM...
It's a bug. But the update fixes it. Wait a little, please.
Not for a Radeon card though... right?
Thanks for that! ;)
...and I did! Vegas is rendering my "Fluidos - First Look" video as we speak! Turned out really well for my first try. So as I used it the way I was explaining pages ago, I decided to work out how to screen capture it - which worked best to just do my work, paying attention to what I want to show, then record after. I think it turned out okay. Much better than most of my tuts anyway! LOL
Okay, it's live! I'm posting it here before I give it my first full 'sit-down-and-watch' session. So if it sucks, or made a mistake or whatever, please let me know! LOL
I've also included a link to this thread as well as Alvin's ShareCG gallery in the description. If I messed something up there, please let me know about that as well. Thanks! :)
I don't think so. The problem in your case is nothing to do with OpenCL, because it is used during simulation calculation. But, for some unknow reason, the plugin cannot load the fluidsim.dll. At this point,
Below is a simplified flux diagram of the Fluidos plugin. In red is the stage at which the error of loading is showed. In yellow is the stage when is initiated OpenCL only if the user want to continue a saved state; if not, it is initiated in blue stage. OpenCL is called to do calculations at the blue stage. This is way I don't think is a OpenCL issue, i.e, GPU issue.
Brief play, didnt have much time, so no added spray etc, love this plugin thanks!!!
Stuck in awe again! This is one beautiful piece, and very cool workflow!
This plugin offers a lot of cool possibilities!
thanks Dart! yes, considering this is my first real play I can see it going a zillion places in other hands
Me too. It was amazing to put a thought into the system and have it turn out so similar to what I was trying to achieve! Kudos to a fine system!
After watching my video, I see that a lot of the cool details of the water splashes got lost in the various video making process. I guess it still makes a point though.
The video was great Dart. Most of it was way over my head, but it was very valuable seeing your workflow. Never underestimate that. And finally seeing some of your newer Rosie was a treat. I wish that you would release some snippits at least, but that is a subject for another thread.
Great vid, Dart, loved seeing the effect of Rosie running through puddles!
Wow, you work very fast !
Indeed, thanks to FLUIDOS for CARRARA! ;)
Thanks! And Rosie says thanks too! :)
Thank you, Sir!
I'm working toward just that. It's what's preventing me from doing other things, like making a cool Dungeon render :( The horrible thing is that I've been rendering all sorts of things that would be perfect for a Dungeon-esque challenge... but right now it's just having Carrara create piles of gigbytes for the HDD to swallow, then onto more.
I almost threw some of it into this, but it would have just been confusing and would have wrecked the release when it is actually ready.
Thanks for the support folks!
So cool!
@ Alberto
Ah, nice!
thanks a lot!
@ Dart
Watching your video now, looks great!
wow ow wow ! Sorry didn't see this is amazing!!!
Dart - very cool work and a great demo of compositing.