Wacky Modelling ~ In Carrara ~
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that time of year again!
we watched the Polar Express the other night.... again
modelled a sleigh bell from the cube as a result of watching it
Plumber's tree is here
started off with a cube then limbo'd to the cylinder ... started modelling at half past nine quarter to one was doing fine....
it's in the zip file to experiment with.. let's limbo some more
got the Christmas cube out and jingled it to something that looks like a gramophone to play my Christmas songs
I did a render of the supweme weeder in another post and the whipper snipper I knocked together years ago with bits and pieces ... more rough than a cranky yard dog!
I thought cube time..... need a better looking whipper snipper and to be a battery operated one...
the RipSnorter started off from a cube then a cylinder .... the supweme weeder will be happy
+1 !!!
I modelled a compass from the cube.... it's wacky and it may not get you to where you wanna go but you may have fun trying
it's in the zip and the face image I created for it is attached to the post
just resize and texture it to suit your scene size..
Thanks Stezza !!!
no probs @Bunyip02
last day of the year today so finished off with some icons from cubes, cylinders and spheres
"Mr. Bobble exudes fun and cheekiness with a knack for getting into all sorts of wacky adventures."
how wacky is Mr Bobble....
Mr. Bobble actually looks very similar to something else that was around a couple years ago. Just with newer materials and maybe some expressions. Maybe his arms and legs have a little more muscular definition. https://www.daz3d.com/blank-boi And another https://www.daz3d.com/puppet-merchant-resource-base-mesh.
he may not work in Carrara either like you found Predaton's Lowrez horse didn't
LOL Dana I had to edit my edit as we both looked up and linked the other's at once
@Danata YEP, I thought same... I have blank boi as well ... but
I succumbed!
and Mr Bobble works great in Carrara after converting
Woohoo - new toy to play with !!!
I modelled the hat... that's gotta count for something! ..... from a cube of course
the cube took flight today and turned into a fantail.... hmmm
think I'll do it again tomorrow sometime but in the meantime Nick is chasing bats without his racket!
Thank you so much for all your models.
Here, give the castaways a radio. I purposefully did not remain completely faithful to the Packard Bell model used on the show. Should still be recognizable in fanart and parody scenes. Of course, started as a cube.
See attached zip.
Argh! Forum uploads still yucky. I will try again later.
EDIT: Success! Enjoy. Note - you will probably want to swap out some of the shaders, like metal for the antena and glass for the glass.
See radio finally attached above. And here is your Minnow with a hole in it.
awesome radio @diomede
reminds me to find more stuff from the island to model
Coconut Cream Pie
A must have. Fits in own space on the same default UV Map as the radio, but I suspect most Carrarians will change out the textures anyway. Single Diffuse map for multiple props can save a few resources. Left some space on the UVMap for the coconut drinking cups, which I will do next. For some reason, the 3D paint tool would not let me paint on this cream pie model. Hmmm. May update with some morphs to splat around a person's face, and to scoop out one finger tasting.
EDIT: Argh. Forum bonkers preventing upload again. Will try again to upload later. Grrr.
EDIT 2: Posted! See Attached ZIP
Coconut Drinking Cup.
Trying to attach. Try failed. More Grrr.
EDIT: Posted. See attached ZIP.
How about the Howell's fancy drinking glasses with the straw and umbrella?
Trying to attach the zip file. Fingers crossed.
EDIT: Nope. Forum still screwing up.
EDIT 2: Posted! See attached ZIP file.
looking cool @Jonstark
so what I did was get a bit of bamboo from the Limbo set and just duplicated till this started to come to some shape... a castaway car
still got stuff to do with it like seats and lashings and stuff
great ideas @Diomede hopefully the forum will come good soon cough cough
The bamboo car looks great, Stezza. But how are y'all successfully posting pics? I've tried several times this morning. Still no go.
I have no idea... I haven't had any probs so far ( touch wood ) maybe it's a downunder thing and the forum doesn't see us coming
I use MS Edge browser if that helps any
See Above for ZIP files of previous props.
Woohoo. Was able to upload the ZIP files for the coconut cream pie, the half-coconut cup, and the fancy bamboo with umbrella glass.
I am working on the main table for the central clearing, the one that has the draping grass. Using Carrara hair and Philemo's hair-to-mesh plugin. Not finished yet but here is a WIP which I am posting because I can post.