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131 pages...
10 wishlist items left (August new releases) !!!
14 pages. I'm practically scrooge.
172, some of which contain products I have absolutely no memory of buying nor the foggiest idea why.

I especially don't like the "why?"...
too many
@Taoz Well, there had to have been a reason at the time, obviously. A couple were in bundles that other stuff in them I did want/need. As for the rest of my "mystery purchases", the only explanation I can think of is that I must have had plans for renders at the time but lost the inspiration, moved on to other projects, got distracted by whatever, etc. and then just forgot all about them. Easy to do when you've got 15 years or so of 3D purchases and freebies from all over stuffed into way too many runtimes & content folders. :sigh: I keep telling myself one of these days I'm gonna get better organized but ...
Only 41, but I do have over 1000 items on the wish list.
@Byrdie Well I was more thinking about myself, I often come across something in my library where I think "why on earth did I buy that?". Often though it has to do with the quality of older stuff, when I compare it to what you can get today I just think some things look terrible and that I'll never use them anyway. But when I purchased them I guess I must have thought they looked great, and they probably were the best you could get back then. Today the quality of most things I buy is so great though that it can't be improved much, so it's a bit different now. That said, supporting the PAs by buying all that old stuff has helped them stay in business and improve their skills so they now can provide products of a much better quality.
Oldest thing on my list DAZ Studio (Oct 29 2007)
My oldest item in my product library is free Bryce 5.0 (August 26, 2003).
A lot of the weirdest stuff came as weekly freebies. DAZ has totally strange tastes when it comes to what they pick for free items and as a result I've got a bunch of products that, while technically well made, I rather doubt I will ever have a use for. But, since I do a lot of kitbashing, I'll rarely pass on a freebie because you knever know...
218 Pages since 2007. I dont use studio much Just Carrara.
Last September I was up to 26. Now I'm up to 48. I've become very picky about what I buy. My funding has been cut way down this year. :(
184. Oldest item still on the list = Victoria 4.2 base - 2008
137 pages... 140 pages
1 wishlist item left (Fluidos II) !!!
Well, it was bound to happen eventually... 700 pages
When I first posted in this thread, back in July 2019, I was at eleven. Let me see where I'm at now...
I see.
I quietly made it to 218 over the Christmas holidays. Resolution for this year is to make use of at least 2% (up from 1% last year).
10 years of aquisition. ferengi rules.
Well, coming a long way. So I myself will try to cut down a bit. This year will be more on trying out all that stuff and learning a bit more on how to use it. Specially with regards to characters until DAZ will figure out a way to dynamially enabling/disabling morphs without impacting figure load times.
Guess if I'm able to cut spendngs in half or more I might have money for the hell of a render rig ;-)
I didn't. I just reverse the default print order so that new purchases are last and page 700 is still only partially full. The other 699 are all the standard 40 items.
So . . . maybe . . . watching hoarder shows would help (big giant grin)
110 pages
138, So I guess Im mid ranged. :)
My library pales by comparison. I only have a meger 521 pages