How Many Pages in Your Product Library?



  • RagazzineRagazzine Posts: 100

    Only 115. I've been a member since 2006. First read about DAZ in a SlashDot article sometime in 2000. Then when I found it again a few years later, decided to give it a try.  Haven't been active the whole 17 years, but for most.

    Knowing there are 115  pages has made it easier over the last few months to be very picky about what to buy. I have to know what I intend something for now, not just like it. That has made it easier to pass when most releases over the last month or so have not been to my taste, and the sales rather meh.

  • PixelPiePixelPie Posts: 331
    edited March 2023

    Calliope23 said:

    I don't think drugs sound nearly as fun as 3D art. I have 67 pages now.

    I can relate to this and love collecting things here.  I think there was a thread for Daz - aholics wink  Sometimes I buy things because I just like them and others to go with things used in other software.. and then there is just liking certain artists and collecting everything they make 

    184 pages and my first items listed in the library: Day at the Beach Bundle, Inside The Asylum Bundle, all just prior to Daz Studio in Feb of 2008 --a walk down memory lane..

    Post edited by PixelPie on

    If you really want to cry, translate that into $$$.

  • Calliope23Calliope23 Posts: 536

    Rasberri said:

    Calliope23 said:

    I don't think drugs sound nearly as fun as 3D art. I have 67 pages now.

    I can relate to this and love collecting things here.  I think there was a thread for Daz - aholics wink  Sometimes I buy things because I just like them and others to go with things used in other software.. and then there is just liking certain artists and collecting everything they make 

    184 pages and my first items listed in the library: Day at the Beach Bundle, Inside The Asylum Bundle, all just prior to Daz Studio in Feb of 2008 --a walk down memory lane..

    Yes, the DAZ-aholics Anonymous thread in the DAZ Plus forum. I remember that. I'm being a bit more selective about what I buy because I don't want to run out of disk space on my comp, and I realized there were types of content I just wasn't rendering, despite it looking very attractive and shiny (sorry, male content creators).

  • Now y'all made me look... 223, somewhere between shopper's pride and buyer's remorse.  I still have 613 items in my wishlist, but the sales aren't hitting it for me so I may not go up much, regardless.  I started just as Genesis 1 was hitting and acquired mostly V4 items because they were on sale and I could afford them to try out this cool new program a friend introduced me to...  All this does not remotely include the items I acquired from RDNA, or Renderosity, or other such places.  I am an equal-opportunity hoarder :-)  It is much easier to avoid the new and shiny now, as my willingness to convert iray mats back to 3DL is waning - I have to really, really want it!  I bet I will top out at maybe the 250 mark before gracefully retiring with my goodies.

  • I just recently broke one hundred pages.

    And no, I am not ashamed.

    Not entirely.

  • OK, Now you made me look, too. I'm up to 153 pages. Not counting buying and testing FaceGen in late spring 2020, I first started using Daz - and buying Daz stuff - in May 2021.

    My stock explanation/excuse: "I don't have horses anymore."

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908

    Ooh, I am up to nice power of two (not 1,024 yet)

  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153

    55 here. So far. LOL

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627


    it's crept up a bit but my DAZ content drives on both computers show red so I do need to show a lot of restraint

    particulary since I lost a few drives recently

  • hjakehjake Posts: 1,002

    276 pages

  • Singular3DSingular3D Posts: 545

    Just 83 pages. Started in 2003 with Vicky 3.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,912


  • Drogo NazhurDrogo Nazhur Posts: 1,164

    140 Pages but I shop at a few other sites so the actual number of items that I own is easily double.

  • TriCounterTriCounter Posts: 567
    edited July 2023

    I used to have just over 200 since my first purchase in Septermber 2018.

    ...But since they stopped showing interactive licenses (as individual items) in the Product Library I'm back down to 159 now.

    Post edited by TriCounter on
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Do you really want to know?  Do you think you can handle the truth?



    Yeah, I'm in the quadruple digits now, over 40,000 items. 

    Or, to look at it another way, there are currently 45,990 items listed in the DAZ store, and I own all but 7,947.   


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,627

    Cybersox said:

    Do you really want to know?  Do you think you can handle the truth?



    Yeah, I'm in the quadruple digits now, over 40,000 items. 

    Or, to look at it another way, there are currently 45,990 items listed in the DAZ store, and I own all but 7,947.   


    well unless you hoard in real life too, I am not going to judge wink 

  • DeeceyDeecey Posts: 153
    edited July 2023

    Cybersox said:

    Do you really want to know?  Do you think you can handle the truth?



    Yeah, I'm in the quadruple digits now, over 40,000 items. 

    Or, to look at it another way, there are currently 45,990 items listed in the DAZ store, and I own all but 7,947.   

    I have a feeling you've got first place LOL

    Edit to add: I sure hope you don't have all of that in one content library LOL!

    Post edited by Deecey on
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Mine has stalled out in this year and is at 148 pages. In total, there is a lot of a stuff I still want to buy from Ant Farm, Ansiko, Aurelio, Stone Mason, and a few othersso I guess it will eventually start growing again.

  • hjakehjake Posts: 1,002

    276 pages

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,324

    After seeing Richard Haseltine's number at 1024 pages and then Cybersox's at 1016 pages, I don't feel bad about my measly 462 pages that have accumulated since 2016. And I am cutting back now.

  • davesodaveso Posts: 7,185

    239 and it keeps growing. Scary all the money I've spent here. Could have paid off my car already. 

  • sazzyazzcasazzyazzca Posts: 495

    267 since 2004, but there is a 6-year hiatus in there. 

  • memcneil70 said:

    After seeing Richard Haseltine's number at 1024 pages and then Cybersox's at 1016 pages, I don't feel bad about my measly 462 pages that have accumulated since 2016. And I am cutting back now.

    Not that i wish to remove yoru comfort, but I said not 1,024.

  • sazzyazzcasazzyazzca Posts: 495

    Richard Haseltine said:

    memcneil70 said:

    After seeing Richard Haseltine's number at 1024 pages and then Cybersox's at 1016 pages, I don't feel bad about my measly 462 pages that have accumulated since 2016. And I am cutting back now.

    Not that i wish to remove yoru comfort, but I said not 1,024.


  • ed3Ded3D Posts: 2,303
    edited August 2023

    And    Two-Dozen  +  Thanx  +

    Post edited by ed3D on
  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617

    Still 174 pages.

    I began to organize my library with Tagspaces, several thousand of products to classify will keep me busy for a long time.

  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852

    I dont know when was the last time I checked,  but its a few more than last time.

  • Noah LGPNoah LGP Posts: 2,617
    edited December 2023

    A big jump to 182 pages.

    44 items are waiting in my wishlist.

    Post edited by Noah LGP on
  • TesseractSpaceTesseractSpace Posts: 1,444
    edited December 2023

    Added 113 pages since the last time. At 257 now.

    Post edited by TesseractSpace on
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