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18 pages. First item ordered was Clara for Genesis 3 Female(s) back at the end of March in 2016. I actually "ordered" Daz Studio four years ealier than that but never got around to trying it out until much later obviously, lol. Was probably a good thing as I've spent a ridiculous amount of money on this hobby so far.
116 sinch March 2017. Started in 2016 but returned everything in Jan 2017 due to billing errors and commenced repurchases in March 2017
You got me worried a bit, so I had to check too. Wheew, I've averaged about $405 a year. I can live with that, I just need to keep it up (one year was over $700 though
). Would have been really upset if I could have bought a truck instead
I'm glad there are at least 3 people in the universe who are more insane than I am. I'm at 266 and climbing. I actually keep a spreadsheet with ALL my content from ALL the retailers (for the RRRR contests, where you randomly pull items from your library and render a scene.) There are currently 14,527 items in the list -- and that doesn't count products that can't be rendered (like software, plug-ins, scripts, etc.)
No Christmas card for me, but when DAZ introduced their 3D printed figures a while back, I was astonished to see a (7"-ish) gun-wielding Vicky show up on my doorstep. It was a nice gesture, seeing as how I've bought a very nice car from DAZ in the last decade.
I've been here 10 years. I really wish I could un-know that the DAZ Deals browser plugin had that feature. I had to look.
I've bought a Porsche.
*heads off to look for xanax...*
38 pages since 2016..More pages to come..No regrets at this point in time but need to do some damage control (which isn't really happening lol)..
31 pages and that does not include all the products from other companies...
80 pages, looked once at the total spend, nearly fainted and NEVER do that again.
On the bright side, I may have paid for a Porsche -- but the "full price value" of my content is more than the current market value of my house. How many people can brag that they bought a nice, suburban house for the price of a low-end Porsche?
93 before the Victoria B-day sale last week. Up to 95 now! If they extended the sale, it would probably be about 97-98.
92, not too shabby. And 3 pages at Rendo. And way more freebies than I could index.
Ok had to check, not so bad only 71 pages and ive been shopping for 10 years now :D
Where can I get that ? Oh 113 since 2008
So, I have 223 pages. I don’t even want to think about how much that means I’ve spent here.
I am at 88 and thought that was a lot until l I saw people in here with over 200, Now I feel okay about my 88 lol.
mine too was 18K but over 9 years and I had cancelled Foxtel just before getting a PC so would have spent more on that if I'd kept it so consider it my entertainment allowance.
And 11 days later I now have 281 pages. Danged Victoria Birthday sale...
311 pages here
3592 products at Rendo which is almost 72 pages at 50 items per page
Not to mention what I have from other stores some of which no longer exist
I never really bought anything at Rendo cause they are heavy with Poser products. Almost did at one time but I decided to try the freebies instead (some worked well but most did not). Daz studio will have my purchases for the time being; which means more money spent and more pages to come.
I'm now at 4487 Rendo items, not counting a couple of hundred PA BOGOs or any Rendo "with purchase freebies", neither of which show in the library. I USED to have a lot of stuff in the library at Content Paradise, but after they lost my library twice during site reboots and want me to pay for the privelige of re-downloading, I swore to never buy from them again. Beyond that, my other major Library is the Poserworld one... I was a lifetime member before they decided to kill that program, but have somewhere around 3,000 items DL'ed from them. Then there's maybe a dozen smaller stores I've bought from, though I don't like it since they have an annoying habit of disappearing without warning.
It is a pain with Rendo. The sad thing is that the majority of Poser products sold there don't use poser only materials or storage formats that keep them from working perfectly well in DS. Unfortunately, a lot of their PAs, especially the older ones, are pretty clueless about DS and when thney say "no DS, half the time it means that they either can't or won't test their products in it. And since Rendo has a no return policy, buying from them can feel rather like gambling. It's definitely one of the main reasons that DAZ remains supreme, but my real issues with Rendo are that they have WAY too many products... at least a quarter of the entire store... that are simply texture sets for other products, and that there's no logic or consistency to how things are priced and put on sale, with overlapping sales constantly canceling each other out rather than stacking as they do here.
Oh, no, @Novica. You don't get off that easy… I challenge you to disclose the number of pages in your Daz product library!
I've got 158 pages. I started the end of September 2014, bought a flurry of stuff in the PC Anniversay sale, slowed down a lot for several months, and didn't really get going until after MM2015. I know a lot of those products were free, like the free bundles for buying such-and-such 8 base figure. But I've still spent way too much money here.
You made me curious, so I peeked at mine. Holy moly! At least I can say I've been doing this a bit longer, (by about 9 months,) and you've outspent me by a few thousand!
I'm glad your wife is an artist too and gets it. My husband would never understand. His car payment on a 2015 Ford Fiesta bought new is $201/mo. but I've averaged about $350/mo, just here, since getting involved with 3D in 2014. Fortunately for me, he doesn't read these forums!
@ladair Oh woman, you do NOT want to know. I'll still plead the fifth but give a ballpark and tell you it's over 400 pages in about 6 years. (6 this September. Started Sept 2012) When I first started at Daz, I didn't read the forums much, and when I did, it was the New User forum. I rarely ventured out in The Commons, and there weren't really any established threads on sales. So when there were all those massive glitches during sales events (and November and December of 2012 and 2013 stick out in my mind) I thought it was behaving as it was supposed to. I really, really stocked up using my Christmas money. (Bless my Mom, she knows to give cash and not buy something I don't need.)
I also remember the Snowball sale, the punches sale, etc, and how they changed the sale during one of those and just locked everyone in at the discount they were at. Remember, the punches were erased and you had to start over each week? People complained so Daz, without warning, decided whatever level you were at, you were there the rest of the month. They didn't give people the chance to buy more and up their tier level (made no sense.) I happened to be at the highest tier so IIRC that was 64% PLUS the additional discounts each week. So I had several incidences over the years where the sales were wonky, but also Daz set them up and there were really good sales at the holidays. The 70- 80% sales weren't as infrequent as they are now, but again, you had to buy a lot to get into those tiers for the additional discounts.
The sales vary now, I honestly think they're pretty good IF they stop offering the old content as incentives and instead offer percentages off the new releases if you buy more than one or two, or offer more than 40% on stores. So I fondly remember how good the sales were years ago.
I wish you had not even asked this question I Had a look and it was not pretty I will try not to think about it.
48 pages
Game over... Low disk space...
I have been wondering about that, I haven't downloaded everything--I am going to have to buy more disk space.. 13 pages in 4 months here---went from 8 to 21 pages since March.
@Novica that is around 5.5 pages per month..I'm averaging around 3 1/4 pages per month..