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After the latest sales I'm now up to 299 pages; just bought a new 4 TB drive and hope th at space will last for at least a little while.
156 pages since 2005
I'm now at 168 pages here, in almost 14 years. Oldest purchase (beside PC monthly membership) was SP3.
Add to that 960 items at Rendo, maybe 50 from HW3D, a few from CP, Xurge and various smaller sites. And quite a few items from now defunct sites, like RDNA items which were not transfered here or some very old purchases from 3DCommune and PoserPros...
What do you usually do with the 4 TB drive? Do you manually install all the files from Daz like some sort of backup if Daz becomes defunct in the future? Can you also work offline using the 4 TB drive?
@rasberri Yeah, but it's misleading. For example, I stocked up on the PC+ sale yesterday when the 50% dropped prices to 70% to 80%+ off. There was almost a page right there. My shopping strategy is to use the PC+ as new items for the other promotions that require them. I may get the PC+ items right before they switch to the lesser discount, but usually not. Ever since they raised the price and went to the PC+ format, and I don't need more long dresses, Victorian stuff, etc- I just don't buy unless those get really discounted. So when a sale like yesterday happens, it inflates my Product Library, that's for sure! (with cheapies.)
If you're doing 3+ pages a month, you're hoofing it!
People will also do more pages a month when first starting out because of all the PC+ stuff they can scoop up. The more you get which isn't PC+, the less you can pick up during sales so you slow waaaaay down. The Victoria sale this past week- I am guessing but I think I may have gotten ten things for the week. (and that includes the 3 free bundles, which I only got three THINGS total out of those.)
What I do- I use DIM and download but have the "install" box unchecked. That means the products sit in the Download file that you have designated. I go in to file Explorer and then simply move them to another folder. Then go back to DIM, refresh, and all those products are back in the ready to be installed column (because they weren't.) I then click the install option and install them.
Sounds like a good plan but I am a little confused with what you said. Are you saying that you're moving the file into the back up drive (like an external storage device {4 TB}) using DIM? I haven't done any back up on any of my Daz products! (I am a foolish consumer I guess)
I had an older 1TB external going out on me, and bought an 8TB external to replace it. It connects to this computer. While I was at it, I bought a second drive for The Beast, a 4TB internal. Got them at Amazon for a bit less than Newegg! (And no shipping charges.) I like that 8TB drive and want to get another for The Beast, (although it looks like the video cards are finally back to "normal" pricing, and I want a second card more than I want the ext drive. Decisions, decisions…)
In theory, all the products you purchase from the Daz site will be downloadable "forever." In practice, it is possible for a product to get lost, (I've heard of it happening at least once, though Daz was able to add it back to the customer's product library.)
Backing up your products is really an "insurance policy," and especially good if you are using an external drive that can easily be connected to a new computer. Many of us have products and files in the thousands, and it would take a long, long time to download all of those products to install on a new computer. And reinstalling is already a long process.
And, of course, it protects you in the unlikely event that Daz goes away.
I got my 8TB USB 3.0 external hard drive at Amazon for less than $150 US, with free shipping. The price went up the last time I looked. (This info is probably useless for people outside the US, though.)
99 here at daz...
Do I get something free at 100?
I've added 10 pages since I first posted in March so I am up to 144. I've slowed WAY down. Keep in mind that I have probably picked up at least 7 or 8 free pro bundles the last four months. And does not include more Rendo purchases either.
236 pages in my prod library. Victoria 3 was the first thing I bought in April 2005. And the addiction has continued at a furious pace.
Yeah, a letter from Daz saying "keep up the good work!"
7 pages. But my first decade in 3d was primarily poser oriented with lots of poser content and renderosity stuff. Poser World and a couple other sites I will never admit visiting
Example: my F drive is my external. So in DIM, I have the Downloads go to my external drive, which say is F: Daz Downloads.
So in DIM, I make sure the "install" box is NOT checked, and in the first column I checkmark the ones I want to download. So I download all the products and they are now sitting in F: Daz Downloads.
I go to that folder (F: Daz Downloads) in the external harddrive, and move them out (let's say to F: Daz Products 2018) Then I go back and refresh the DIM. Poof, there's nothing in the Downloads column, because I took them all out. All of those products are going to show up in the first column again, waiting to be installed.
Wonderful! Thank you for the information. And now, gotta look for a discounted 8 TB external drive (maybe on Black Friday)...
Best Buy had them as one of their Daily Deals back around February, and I picked one up for $125 (8TB)
Good for you. I see one for $172.39 ( Seagate with 2 mos Adobe CC Photography), and another one at $159.97 (Seagate also) at Amazon. Comparing it with other brands, looks like Seagate is much more affordable. Product reviews says it's sturdy. Don't know how low it will drop during their sales event. Best Buy may not be good with returns compared to Amazon. I believe I can also work offline with all my Daz products in the external drive.
That's the drive I bought. It was $149 and change when I bought it several months back. It's physically the smallest external drive I have, and whisper quiet. I have USB 3.0 ports on my computer and it's fast. It will work with the older 2.0, but transfer speeds will be slower. Also, you should compare NewEgg's price while you're at it. The last time I looked, they carried this drive and the price was comparable to Amazon. (I have an Amazon credit card that gives me points back on my purchases. I bought the drive at Amazon, even though the asking price at NewEgg was slightly lower, because I was able to apply my points and save an additional $12 or so.)
I've been at this way too long
Opps, ignore this please!
148. But I was purposely building a library. I almost always know what my purchases will be used for AND my comic series eats assets like nothing.
Been here just over 9 years, and have 65 pages. Thank you all for making me feel better about my spending.
I thought that the more pages one have, the more products one can use (if used at all). Maybe not the entire library will be used but majority of the products will be used. In cases where products were unused at all, one can say that they gave money to help PAs and Daz?
I must say, I'm quite impressed by how much stuff people have, and how much they have invested. It makes me wonder about a cople of things. One is, how much have people invested in the hardware as well. I've invested a lot in hardware over the years, but the hardware has always been to use for some consulting work I do, and being able to use it for "fun" is a side benefit. So I don't feel too bad about it, because I need it for the work, which pays for the investment.
The other thing I've often wondered is how do you use everything? I'm really slow at setting up a scene. It takes me forever just to find what I want to use in the scene (and the more stuff I get, the longer this takes). Then it usually takes even longer to setup the scene, edit materials/shaders, and finally render the scene. Maybe a bit more organization on my end would speed things up a bit, and I am getting faster at composition, but I still find it difficult to use what I have.
So I'm just really impressed that some people have sooo much stuff, and that they seem to actually use it (cause I certainly am not smart enough to do it)!!
I'm always amazed at how fast some are at creating beautiful renders/images, but when I think of how much stuff that takes to do them, I'm even more amazed at their organizational skills (or maybe some just remember it all).
If I know which product I want, I select the products tab in Smart Content and type a word from the product title into the search field. Then I locate the product and open it, with access to all the items and materials in one place. If I'm looking for a specific type of item, I open the Content Library and type a descriptive word into the search field, and then scroll through the results. (Sometimes I have to try several different words to find something that fits my needs.) I then right-click on the product I've decided on and select the option to show the asset in the mapped folder. It's a bit of a pain, if the asset is a poser item, but if it's for Daz, the materials will be in the same general area as the object.
I've always used the search field in the Content Library, but only if I couldn't find what I wanted in Smart Content. More recently, I started looking for products, rather than files, in Smart Content, and I use the Content Library far more frequently than I used to. These two changes in how I look for "stuff" has greatly increased my productivity in Daz.
Good thing, too, with so many things to choose from!
As for the hardware…? I purchased a computer just for graphics, and specifically 3D, in Oct'16. I spent just over $3100. I've since added another 32GB of RAM, ($300) and a 4TB internal drive, ($133) and I'm looking at getting another GTX 1080 to match the video card already installed in The Beast. (I would have months ago if it hadn't been for the cryptominers and the resulting price increases.) The current price comes to about $490 with rebates, but I'm gambling the price will come down further. While I do plan on adding a few more things to The Beast, I expect it to be my last new computer.
I had no idea how expensive this hobby was going to be, but now I am well and truly addicted!
Just my 2 cents... I have had no fewer than FOUR Seagate drives crash on me, and my husband has also lost one. I could just have bad luck, but considering the sheer number of drives I own (both internal and external), I will never again buy a Seagate drive. Invest in the $15 data protection plan. I will always buy Western Digital for HDDs and Samsung for SSDs.
Also, not sure what your OS and internal drive-bay limitations are, but I just bought a pair of 4TB drives and installed them in Raid 0 (in Windows 10) to make the equivalent of a single 8TB drive. It was cheaper than a single drive -- though I had to invest in double the data protection. Just a thought!
ETA: I question my judgment when it comes to 3d products and financial responsibility, lol...