starting all over again. just thinkin i shoulda test rendered without the albedo maps on. and spin it to test for twinklies. and need practice putting height maps in the displacement channel.
he figured out how to use a poser math node, to make a color gradient color down a dynamic hair strand. from root to tip it changed colors with the color gradient. was kewl. so many mysteries in the carrara shader room. math functions.
when i drop the iray shader into the pbr drop box, it looks like its not taking the maps. the shader tiles are empty ?
could it be cause of the naming convention of the files?
One possible (manual) solution would be as follows:
Load in something that you know Does work with the PBR importer
Use the PBR Importer to load the Iray presets
Load in the Hair that Doesn't work
Use the PBR Importer on it again, even knowing it doesn't work
Now look at the shaders in the working object and see which maps go where, and manually load the correct maps into the correct portions of the Hair that isn't accepting the presets.
I do these sorts of manual load procedures whenever I really like how a preset works, but there are no presets for what I'm trying to set up.
An example being Iray shaders for Genesis 1. I really liked how one of the new Genesis 3 or 8 (?) characters looked out of the box, so I loaded that character in with the Genesis 1 I wanted to change.
Then I just
Select the Genesis 1 figure
Apply the Daz Iray Uber shader to it
Copy a skin surfaces from the newer Iray character
Paste that surface material to the corresponding zones of Genesis 1
Change the maps to the ones I need for my Genesis 1 figure
Paste again to other zones that use the same material settings
the import from Duf isn't bringing in the maps for Leony.
i tried resaing the materials from DS. there's so many options. havent hit on the combination of success.
maybe i broke the plugin? the import from directory still works.
i don't know what to do? the import from duf was such a beautiful thing.
i know i pushing it, ,
if there another beta planned, a slot for disp channel would be brilliant.
and an option to set bump aplitude to like 10 % would be awesomes.
and the iray opacity map to alpha channel
and the Materialize would make the extra maps it would need.
the free pbr site gave me more shaders to get started. i d/l the blender versions.
starting all over again. just thinkin i shoulda test rendered without the albedo maps on. and spin it to test for twinklies. and need practice putting height maps in the displacement channel.
should i be using the luxus for carrara renderer?
Luxus is entirely different. Different shaders, different lighting... Luxus for Carrara at Carrara Cafe
so between pbr and phong tesselation ?
all poser and daz studio displacement maps should go into phong tesselation?
and pbr height maps go into carrara displacement channel?
what should go into the clearcoat channels? there are 2
Thanks. today is pbr power day
stumbled on a weird one
working on the abraham hair
when i drop the iray shader into the pbr drop box, it looks like its not taking the maps. the shader tiles are empty ?
could it be cause of the naming convention of the files?
Difficult to say.
Could you PM me one of those shaders?
Thanks. i don't see a way to attach a file in a pm.
i tried pm ing code snippet, but it sent only a blank message. sorry.
oh dear. cant use either import option with this set
the albedo and the diff map look the same to me.
the AO looks like a plain white jpg to me. ?
so confuzed
rememver the rdna node cult and bagginsbill?
he figured out how to use a poser math node, to make a color gradient color down a dynamic hair strand. from root to tip it changed colors with the color gradient. was kewl. so many mysteries in the carrara shader room. math functions.
i'm making guesses on the displacement
i think it looks close to the promos.
there no metallic map.
One possible (manual) solution would be as follows:
Now look at the shaders in the working object and see which maps go where, and manually load the correct maps into the correct portions of the Hair that isn't accepting the presets.
I do these sorts of manual load procedures whenever I really like how a preset works, but there are no presets for what I'm trying to set up.
An example being Iray shaders for Genesis 1. I really liked how one of the new Genesis 3 or 8 (?) characters looked out of the box, so I loaded that character in with the Genesis 1 I wanted to change.
Then I just
many of those iray presets, just change settings. like translucency, some change tilings. no actual maps in the preset.
still pbr-ing
trying my luck with pbr ground cover shader. is just albedo, normal, and displacement.
trying it with displacement subdivision enabled.
did you see the pbr for the dragon?
some of the character iray presets are trying to apply to the figure and eyelashes at the same time. hierachal mats.
soon as i saw the roughness map, knew this was a job for pbr
the import from duf didn't work for Rosita, so i used the import from directory.
the import from Duf isn't bringing in the maps for Leony.
i tried resaing the materials from DS. there's so many options. havent hit on the combination of success.
maybe i broke the plugin? the import from directory still works.
i don't know what to do? the import from duf was such a beautiful thing.
does it translate iray opacity?
sotty if i'm being a pest.
i'm just really enthused for this plugin,
i been posting my pbr/hdr nudes on rossy gallery, not really exciting comments. mebbe its the lack of eyelashes
experimenting with the clearcast slots. tried albedo maps. ao maps.
the only tutorial i could find for moist skin was an arnold6 utube
tried 2 shader sets with the drag and drop method
on steep sale discount
doesn't load in the texture maps.
do you think these liquid iray shaders would work? even if to setup manually.
for 3 bux hurts to pass up.
also found the fenric tool to adjust bump amplitude doesn't work on the pbr shader. guessing it can't find the channel.
is there a way to make the native metal shaders, jpg-less, into pbr?
mebbe use the noise or cel patterns ?
i'm up to somewhere round 90 shaders i haz to add the disp map to, dont know if i have the fortitude.
i know i pushing it,
if there another beta planned, a slot for disp channel would be brilliant.
and an option to set bump aplitude to like 10 % would be awesomes.
and the iray opacity map to alpha channel
my work on the 41food pbrs looks terrible.
the anicient bricks looking not so bad.
anything new in pbrville?
i still trying tomake the ground pbrs i bought look 'not so tiled' lol