Do You Have the Time ~ Carrara Challenge #39 ~ FINAL Results ~

Carrara Challenge #39 ~ ENTRIES THREAD ~
i. Best Participation: $70.00 DO store credit
ii. Most Popular: $50.00 DO store credit
iii. Best Homage: $50.00 DO store credit
one prize per Artist - ie winner of best participation can't win most popular etc.
Forum Mods fav Time Piece: $25.00 DO store credit
TangoAlpha's PICK of most fav Time Travel image: One choice from his product library
Reminder of Simple Requirements:
You should have an image/animation( that can be recognised as Time Travel ) in your final entered image!
Final Render must be done in Carrara ( *excludes animations ) – because it’s a Carrara Challenge!
* animations can be rendered in another software package but the main components must be done in Carrara prior.
Works in progress to show how you got your Time Period up and going, listing what programs you used and 'how to do' steps so others can learn.
Enter as many times as you want.. but be warned too many entries can take votes away from your very bestest ones..
Suggested template for entries:
Entry: #
Category: advise if HOMAGE ENTRY or General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used:
About Your Image: ( your interpretation of how it refers/recognised as time travel )
Entry Thread Closes/Voting Begins: TUESDAY 24th April, 2018 my time AEST
Entry: #1
Title: Craigh na Dun
Artist: Stezza
Category: Homage to Outlander
WIP Links:
Products Used: Woodlands Kit, Genesis, Kilt for Genesis
About Your Image: Craigh na Dun (Gaelic: Creag an Dùin) is the location of the ancient stone circle by which Claire Randall travels from 1945 to 1743 in the TV series Outlander.
Entry: #2
Title: Portable Time Machine
Artist: Stezza
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used: modeled in Carrara and also used primitives and some greebles from DZFire
About Your Image: My idea of a portable time machine... who wants to lug around a giant machine through time when you can use one of these easy to use time machines .. ;-)
Entry: #3
Title: Welcome Home TimeLord
Artist: Misty
WIP Links:
Products Used:
About Your Image: trying out IES light files. really really liking it.
watching the doctorsThe Graham Norton Show - David Tennant and Matt Smith talking about their tardises and 50th anni, which i havent seen yet.
Entry #4
Title - Trek to Cleopatra's Birthday Party
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
WIP Links:
Products Used: everything modeled and rigged in Carrara. (actually, the image within the time portal was an entry for a prior challenge {toonified} and includes G2F).
About Your Image: Composite of native Toon III filter and GMIC colored pencil filter.
Star Trek had an episode in which Kirk, Spock, an McCoy use the time guardian to go back to the 1920s, and a Saturday morning cartoon version of Star Trek also used the Time Portal.
Entry: #6
Title: Time in a Bottle
Artist: Misty
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Time In A Bottle
-Jim Croce
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day
'Til eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you
Entry: # 7
Title: Fashion through time
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis 2F
Bambo Forest 2 - vikkie176 - Renderosity
Pine Forest - NikeImage - Renderosity
About Your Image: Shows the passage of time through the evolution of clothing
Entry: # 8
Title: Caveman to Spaceman
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used:
About Your Image: Mans evolution through time from the caveman ancestors to spacemen exploring outer space and our continued fascination with both.
Entry: # 9
Title: Final Countdown
Artist: Bunyip02
Category: HOMAGE ENTRY - To the movie "The Final Countdown"
WIP Links:
Products Used:
F-14s are by VanishingPoint from Renderosity
About Your Image: The movie is an alternate history where a modern aircraft carrier is transported back to the time of the attack on Pearl Harbour.
Was going to do more work on the afterburners but my file ended up being corrupt.
Entry: #10
Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
Artist: Namtar
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Carrara 8.5 Pro,
Adobe Photoshop,
The beautiful Stonemason's Winter Castle:
Octane Render Plugin for Carrara
Ship and dragon by summoner.
About Your Image:
I'm fan of many sci-fi and fantasy stories, my favorite videogame of all time it's Chrono Cross that is about parallel dimensions and time travel. I just made what is on my soul: Dragons and spaceships.
Entry: # 11
Title: A Kink in Time
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: Homage
WIP Links:
Products Used: V4 (Tazi character), and a Tardis model from sharecg. Clothing (or lack therof) is Novarians Holy top, The Art of Dance skirt, and PVC gear stockings. Renders is 95% Carrara and 5% PSE. Filters used were Toon 3 and G'MIC.
Entry: # 12
Title: Redneck Time Travelers
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used: Major products include Laura (Millennium teens), the Girl 3, Skiff Runner, Cryolophosaurus, Giant Fantasy Snake, and MatCreator's wonderful texture (from his latest product) which I used on the background.
Notes: Processes include Carrara volumetric clouds, Carrara lens flare, Carrara fire, Carrara text, and G'MIC.
This is my 2nd SCWarrior cover. The first is here.
Entry: # 13
Title: Time Kids
Artist: head wax
Category: general
WIP Links:
Products Used: K45 and some Digital Carver shaders
Interpretation: The Kid here appears as multiples because he keeps coming back to the same location in time and space but using initial reference points that are cohesive but temporally seperated by milliseconds. He is a product of a series
of interstituals circuloctaed on a Daz Soonhump and a prolapse of Carrara 9, a coherency that took place sometime in the 22nd century under the auspices of the Chinese Government during the presidency
of Donald Trump the 67th.
Entry: # 14
Title: Perfect Timing
Artist: Jonstark
Category: general
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis1, Classic Side Part Hair, Urban Sprawl 2, Marquis, M401, Gumdrops: Mille Delices - Dark Piano, FW Dan Megapack
Entry #15a
Title: Tell Me Doctor, Would an Ape Make a Human Doll that Speaks?
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: Homage
WIP Links
scene assembly
morph and ape character creation
modling the Icarus spaceship
Products Used: All figures, props, and terrains modeled, rigged, and textured in Carrara. However, there was postwork with Philemo's plugin to allow GMIC in Carrara and Filter Forge.
Entry #15b - Reconstructing a Past Life
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: Homage
WIP Links
Products Used: All figures, props, and terrains modeled, rigged, and posed in Carrara.
entry #16
title: time tunnel
artist: shlomi laszlo
m4 and shaders for it
Entry: # 17
Title: Old soldier, it's time to come home.
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Category: General Entry
WIP Links:
Products Used: All characters are M3, hands are V4. Old man is a variation on an M3 Brom morph. Cross and terrain modeled in Carrara. Backgrounds are from Ron.
All scene elements rendered in Carrara, and composited in PSE. Standard distant lighting, with some caustics and lens flare in the hands.
The unusual clock in the background... is a real clock! Google "Eric Freitas clocks" and prepare to be amazed.
Entry: # 18
Title: Homage to Ultima II - The Revenge of the Enchantress
Artist: DesertDude
Category: Homage
WIP Links:
Products Used: Carrara, Photoshop, After Effects
Used Carrara for everything except had to jump into Photoshop to apply a smooth gradient for the terrain for the castle. I then converted the terrain to a vertex model and added subdivsion and used displacement painting to roghen it up. The background wavy thing was modeled as concentric circles, then applied a Wave Modifier and used a Ripple shader in the alpha channel. Some post work in After Effects.
About Your Image: It's supposed to be an homage to the original cover art, but I'm entering with a bag over my head...
Thanks to everyone who participated and managed to get an entry or more in
Now it is time to vote on your favs
just use the simple template as a guide and vote for your top three images in no particular order
Voting example:
Entry #108
Title: Time Passages
Artist: Y Render
Comment: this is so good especially the effects
I will publish the forum mods fav choice as well as the PA Sponsors choice at the end of voting.
Voting Ends: midnight Tuesday May 1st, 2018 AEST
really good entries.. so hard to pluck 3 out of this compilation of images..
My Choices are:
Entry #4
Title - Trek to Cleopatra's Birthday Party
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Entry: #6
Title: Time in a Bottle
Artist: Misty
Entry: # 9
Title: Final Countdown
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry: #5
Title: Travelling Through Time
Artist: Selina
love the concepts, the way the eye is led along, and that mysterious hand giving us a self reflexive moment
Entry: # 12
Title: Redneck Time Travelers
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Comment: I'm just a sucker for scantily clad dinasaurs. Wonderful colour and composition.
Entry: # 14
Title: Perfect Timing
Artist: Jonstark
Comment- very funny!
It is difficult to choose only 3 images from these entries, but here is goes:
Entry #5
Title: Travelling Through Time
Artist: Selina
Comment: Outstanding rendering and concept! Lighting and texturing are so awesome. Great work!!
Entry #17
Title: Old soldier, it's time to come home.
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Comment: This image is incredibly dynamic. I love it! Every time I look at it I see new elements I hadn't noticed before.
Entry #10
Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
Artist: Namtar
Comment: Great theme, colors and compostion. I love the time portal!
Entry: # 13
Title: Time Kids
Artist: head wax
Comment: I like the mood
Entry: # 12
Title: Redneck Time Travelers
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Comment: I never seen any comic in my childhood. In this particular case, the overall picture reminds me of a retro movie trailer.
Entry: # 14
Title: Perfect Timing
Artist: Jonstark
Comment: unusual item was selected for falling from above
Entry: # 17
Title: Old soldier, it's time to come home.
Comment: Very nice composition. Very Artistic
Entry: # 13
Title: Time Kids
Comment: Very creative and complex.
Entry: # 12
Title: Redneck Time Travelers
Comment: Looks like a true comic book, very nice!
Entry: # 9
Title: Final Countdown
Artist: Bunyip02
-Comment: love the shaders
Entry #15b - Reconstructing a Past Life
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: Homage
-Comment: Hairy sleekness
Entry: #10
Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
Artist: Namtar
-Comment: fire breathing dragons! is that a face on the cloud?
A great collection of images, each with very different approaches to the theme. Hard to choose images because a little like apples to oranges. Something about these three had me.
Entry: #5
Title: Travelling Through Time
Artist: Selina
Category: General Entry
- Comment - had me at deja vu. Clever idea and I liked spending time reading the cards instead of having them DOF out of the image.
Entry: #6
Title: Time in a Bottle
Artist: Misty
Category: General Entry
- Comment - had me at Jim Croce - another image to spend time with, lots of caustics, able to explore details
Entry: # 18
Title: Homage to Ultima II - The Revenge of the Enchantress
Artist: DesertDude
Category: Homage
- Comment - had me at wavy modifier and ripples in the alpha channel. I'm not familiar with the original cover art, but I enjoyed this take on it.
Entry #5
Title: Travelling Through Time
Artist: Selina
Comment: Very impressive details, and even more impressive considering this was her first-ever Challenge entry.
Entry #6
Title: Time in a Bottle
Artist: Misty
Comment: Loved the interesting reflections, and found it to be both creative and pleasing to the eye.
Entry #13
Title: Time Kids
Artist: Head Wax
Comment: So much going on, but it blends into a seamless whole....somehow!
Would like to add more positive comments on other renders, but will only add one, to Stezza for his portable time machine - a ridiculously fine piece of modeling. If he had posted this in large format, my senses would have been overwhelmed, and I would have been forced to alter my votes. :)
Entry: #10
Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
Artist: Namtar
Comment : Loved the concept and the colours
Entry: # 13
Title: Time Kids
Artist: head wax
Comment: Very interesting piece of work, again concept and colours intrigued me.
Entry #15a
Title: Tell Me Doctor, Would an Ape Make a Human Doll that Speaks?
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Comment: Love the composition of the scene and that it's all Carrara work