Do You Have the Time ~ Carrara Challenge #39 ~ FINAL Results ~



  • Entry:  #5

    Title: Travelling Through Time

    Artist: Selina

    I Love the concept.


    Entry:  #10

    Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy

    Artist: Namtar

    I've always been a sucker for this kind of picture

    Entry:  # 12

    Title:  Redneck Time Travelers

    Artist:  UnifiedBrain

    Just lot it all


  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738


    As usual, it took me a long time to narrow down my choices, great work from everyone this time, but in the end I decided my votes would be:


    Entry:  #10

    Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy

    Artist: Namtar

    Comment: This one is just too cool, and brings to mind some of my childhood favorite sci-fi and fantasy.  Very colorful and dynamic too, you can 'feel' the energy and motion of the piece.  To be honest, from the first time I saw the wip for this one, I just knew I was going to vote for it :)  Great work!


    Entry:  # 12

    Title:  Redneck Time Travelers

    Artist:  UnifiedBrain

    Comment:  Kudos, you really have developed a signature visual style, love the sense of humor and all the little parts that make this such great fun, a lot going on in this one!


    Entry:  # 13

    Title:  Time Kids

    Artist:  head wax

    Comment:  I admit I don't fully understand it, but man this is beautiful, complex, and intriguing all at once.




    Special Shout out to Stezza on:


    Entry:  #1

    Title: Craigh na Dun

    Artist: Stezza

    Comment: Such a beautiful scene, love the lens effect and lighting, posing is great, costuming is excellent, just looks terrific.  Would definitely have had to include this in my top 3 for votes, but since you were the host I figure you probably don't want to immediately win and host again, so I'll let you off the hook and not vote for your entry (just this once), but I still wanted to take the opporunity to praise this render and also to thank you for doing a great job hosting an excellent challenge.  :)

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,842

    Entry # 6
    Title: Time in a Bottle
    Artist: Mistara
    Comment: Great interpretation of the poem.

    Entry # 13
    Title: Time Kids
    Artist: head wax
    Comment: Neat idea and unconventionally done.

    Entry # 14
    Title: Perfect Timing
    Artist: Jonstark
    Comment: Cool idea, humorous but actually quite dramatic. It shows that it works not always as we think it will.

    As always, narrowing down the excellent works shown here to three proved rather difficult.


  • HansmarHansmar Posts: 3,001

    Here are my choices: It was quite a difficult task to choose. Very different and interesting works. Well done, Carrara community!

    Entry:  # 8

    Title: Caveman to Spaceman

    Artist: Bunyip02

    Comment: really like the idea. And, since it is fifty years since 2001 came out, it is only fitting to go for something like this.



    Entry:  # 13

    Title:  Time Kids

    Artist:  head wax

    Comment: very complex picture, but with a clear story and good focus.


    Entry: #16

    Title: time tunnel

    Artist: shlomi laszlo

    Comment: I like the abstract and repetitive character of this work.

  • Yellow PenYellow Pen Posts: 920

    Entry #13

    Title: Time Kids

    Artist: Head wax

    Comment: Just beautiful. Wonderful Artwork.


    Entry #14

    Title: Perfect Timing

    Artist: Unified Brain

    Comment: very realistic, beautiful light. Better the man keeps going....... could be a bad end of the day....


    Entry #17

    Title: old soldier, it's time to come home

    Artist: unified Brain

    Comment: you hit the cruelty of wars very well. 


    Great  Artwork from everywhere here.


  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Entry:  # 12

    Title:  Redneck Time Travelers

    Artist:  UnifiedBrain

    ​Comment: Love the comic book style and wonderfully detailed.


    Entry:  # 13

    Title:  Time Kids

    Artist:  Head Wax

    ​Comment: Complex and impressive image.

    Entry:  # 14

    Title:  Perfect Timing

    Artist:  Jonstark

    ​Comment- Clever and funny!


    Entry # 15b

    Title: Reconstructing a Past Life

    Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)

    Comment: Great idea and well done.

    Entry # 13

    Title: Time Kids

    Artist: head wax

    Comment: Just a great Artwork. I like it very well.


    Entry # 18

    Title: Caveman to Spaceman

    Artist: Bunyip02

    Comment: Great idea. Reminds me at the Movie 2001. A Space Odyssey.



  • SlepalexSlepalex Posts: 911

    Entry:  # 12

    Title:  Redneck Time Travelers
    Artist:  UnifiedBrain
    Comment: Professional cover for the book.

    Entry:  # 11

    Title:  A Kink in Time
    Artist:  UnifiedBrain
    Comment: A beautiful illustration for a book.

    Entry:  #10

    Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
    Artist: Namtar
    Comment: Good work in the style of fantasy.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    into the final stretch --

    there's still time to vote yes

  • SileneUKSileneUK Posts: 1,977

    Sorry.... family stuff going on and a trip coming up!  Wonderful to see all these creative takes on time!  yesheart  Silene

    Entry:  #5
    Title: Travelling Through Time
    Artist: Selina
    Cool art gallery setting!

    Entry:  #10
    Title: Sci-fi vs Fantasy
    Artist: Namtar
    I like the dueling with the flame effects!

    Entry # 6
    Title: Time in a Bottle
    Artist: Mistara
    Loved Jim Croce!

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    Voting has closed


    now the counting begins.... thanks for everyone’s participation.. good luck 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252
    edited May 2018

    I've looked at the votes and counted them twice then went back in time and counted thrice

    now I'm just waiting for a clarification from the mods on their choice 

    The results as they stand now after careful calculating by the SupwemeTime Leader


    i. Best Participation & Host of Challenge #40: $70.00 DO store credit - Unified Brain
    ii. Most Popular:  $50.00 DO store credit - Head Wax
    iii. Best Homage:  $50.00 DO store credit - Diomede

    Forum Mods fav Time Piece:  $25.00 DO store credit - Time Children by Head Wax

    TangoAlpha's PICK of most fav Time Travel image: One choice from his product library - Mistara with #6

    Congrats to the prize winners - I will contact you during the day with the usual info needed.

    thanks to all who participated, without your entries there wouldn't be a challenge - heart

    we look forward to the next challenge whatever topic that may be and more great renders by you the Carrara user showcasing Carrara

    Thanks to Daz for their continued support yes


    thanks to @TangoAlpha  for his sponsorship of the challenge yes

    Now to organise a search party for those mods!.... cool

    Was a hard choice for the mods but they got there in the end... thanks for your contributions yes

    Post edited by Stezza on
  • DesertDudeDesertDude Posts: 1,238

    Congratulations to the winners!!

    And thanks Stezza for the theme and making it happen!

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    wow thanks again Stezza, as SUPWEME RULER A must say you do do good challenges!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats to everyone who put work in.

    It's wonderful how much the standard is improving all the time - and how we are all learning from each other.

    And thanks of coure to Daz and  thanks to @TangoAlpha  for his sponsorship of the challenge yes


  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    no probs...


    as a small token of appreciation for everyone... you can get the Teddy Beans from my Wacky Modeling Thread

    experiment/learn or render him the choice is yours yes

  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Stezza said:

    no probs...


    as a small token of appreciation for everyone... you can get the Teddy Beans from my Wacky Modeling Thread

    experiment/learn or render him the choice is yours yes

    thanks Stezza!


  • Persona Non GrataPersona Non Grata Posts: 1,365
    edited March 2021


    Post edited by Persona Non Grata on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    lol 'my sweet George'  yes

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Thank you, Stezza, for being a perfect challenge host and for the cute bear.  Thanks to Daz and TangoAlpha for continued sponsorship.  Much appreciation to everyone who entered, or contrbuted in the WIP thread, or stopped by and voted.  Y'all keep the challnges alive.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    thank you!!

    thank you!!  @TangoAlpha 

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    @Mistara I need your selection and email addie... check your PMs' yes

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,148

    Congrats to the winners!

  • chickenmanchickenman Posts: 1,202

    Congrats to all.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    Congratulations to all, very well done!  Special congrats to the winners!  

  • UnifiedBrainUnifiedBrain Posts: 3,588

    Thanks to Stezza, TA, Daz, and to all of the terrific participants and voters.  And thanks Stezza, for that teddy bear!

    We want to keep making these Challenges better, so I hope that everyone makes their voices heard in the Celebrating Five Years thread.  So far, it looks like metaballs is the early favorite requirement for the next theme.

    OK, that was a joke.



  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    Thanks to Stezza, TA, Daz, and to all of the terrific participants and voters.  And thanks Stezza, for that teddy bear!

    We want to keep making these Challenges better, so I hope that everyone makes their voices heard in the Celebrating Five Years thread.  So far, it looks like metaballs is the early favorite requirement for the next theme.

    OK, that was a joke.



    ha ha Q "Why did the meatball cross the road?"

               A: "I have no idea, but I'm glad it did.'  



  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,252

    no probs UB

    I have no idea what to use the teddy beans for but you never know


    Q. Why did the metaball cross the road

    A. To find out where polygon.... boom boom... 

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107
    Stezza said:

    no probs UB

    I have no idea what to use the teddy beans for but you never know


    Q. Why did the metaball cross the road

    A. To find out where polygon.... boom boom... 

     ha ha lol :)


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