I though you had unpacked the babelsnail I sent you. Works like a babelfish but you put it on the eye before you starts to read, it will translate whatever you are reading into you natural language. Maybe it was nicked on the post. If anyone sees a mailman reading all kinds of strange magazines in weird languages at work, you know who's got your babelsnail.
"Babelsnail? Babelsnail!" Jaderail hangs his head at the stupidity of his staff. With a thought and a motion of his hand he sends one his unseen servants to the kitchen with a summons for his cook. In short order Elafenia stands before his thrown, bringing with her the smells of fresh baked bread. "You sent for me My Lord?" Jade eye's her with a sly look, "Yes my dear, fear not, for I wish to only know a simple truth. I received a rather large collection of papers in many crates just days ago. Who may I ask checked the delivery?" With much shuffling of feet and her head lowered, hands smoothing wrinkles from her apron, and setting loose a small cloud of flour, "Why I did My Lord." as she looks though her bushy brows to avoid looking Jaderail straight on. "And why might I ask did not Jacom the Captain of my Guard not do so, as he has been instructed to do?" Jade inquires with a slight smile. "Oh, please forgive me My Lord, Jacom was chatting up Lucinda as she cleaned the vegetables for your mid day meal. I saw no reason they should be bothered, he is smitten with the girl I'm thinking My Lord, so I had the pleasant man read his list and I checked each off my very self. All was there, I'm very sure.", Elafenia says as she stands proud and pleased, sure she has done a good job. "Oh, I see. Might I inquire about the Snail, Elafenia? You checked it off and are quite sure it arrived?" "Oh my yes My Lord! Rest easy, on that if it be troubling you. I might not read too good but I know all the food words. The snail did come. Yes I'm very sure of that." Looking into his lap afraid to proceed, "What came of the snail? I've not seen the snail my dear." With a wide grin, "Oh but you have my Lord, It was such a nice plump one with a wondrous shell, I served it to you as your mid day soup. If I recall you were very pleased with your repast." Hand to forehead and not daring to look away from his feet,"Yes, yes I recall the day well now. Thank you Elafenia you my go. Please in your passing have Jacom sent to me, I would like to have a few words with him." " As you please my Lord." Elafenia curtsies and leaves.
With a low growl in his throat Jaderail mumbles, "I know this was your doing Lolth, just one more thing for me to repay you for."
Well, I'm all under-whelmed. I see Only Wendy wants it, BUT guess what? I'll do it anyway. Not now but VERY VERY soon.
oh we don't encourage him. ;- )
I am happy Jader stood up in the end, I envision him as a hands on kind of guy... This must continue! Its 'game on', cant stop now!! :cheese:
Nicely written, I look forward to more, and love Szark's appearance in the story.
Jade darling, I have wanted more since last you wrote.. just didn't want to stress you *smiles*
I am ensnared now. Please continue.
...[delurk] waiting for more [lurk]
Somebody I know got a Birthday. So Happy B'Day to you!. I'll not write it in later. My Texas Star.
Hi Spyro, nice to see ya again bro, hang around a bit more would ya?
Carola O you went and changed so much, Name, Avy the whole Kit and Kaboodle I see.
Hmm.. Still thinking up trouble for the Szark Baldie... Don't need much to poke the Pete, just a good idea.
Will do another Chapter/Page soon... But need my muse to muse me folks...
Yup, decided a change was in order.. and went with it the whole way... even has started to post more in my thread *wink*
Hmm you muse seem to be in need of some good ol' spanking, or perhaps it is some sweet-talking? *smiles*
He rushes down the stairs in leaps and bounds, using the banister to swing himself onto the landing toward his private armory. Coming to a sudden stop, his right hand braced against the cool stone wall, Jade peers ahead at the open door, light spilling upon the landing and down to the floors below.
"What?" he thinks, "None could have gotten into the keep this fast." Moving like the creature of the night he is Jade approaches the open door. His hands moving before him in intricate motions as he weaves a spell of defense ready to release as the distance closes. At the last moment he gets a pinch of dust from the pouch at his waist, ready to use so the spell functions. His other hand full of the dagger that never leaves his side, not even in his sleep. With a cat like growl Jade flows into Tiger Attack as he enters the open door, low and ready to strike or defend.
"Ah! My lord. I see your ready for action." Parthalous chuckles, holding in each hand one of Jades choices of armors. Motioning Jade in with the hand holding a Chain-mail shirt, he says,"Don't just crouch there my Lord. The Blood Guard sent me to prepare you for the battle ahead. Will it be fast and bloody?" He asks, holding the Chain shirt higher, "Or slow and dangerous?", lifting a heavy cloak in the other hand.
With a sigh Jade straightens from his crouch and enters, slipping the dagger into its sheath and the dust back into the pouch. "You have no idea just how close you were to being a very dead blacksmith Partha." Jade motions toward the Chain shirt, "Fast and dirty I think today, as I think speed is needed now. I need to thank the Bloods for thinking faster than I and having you here for me." he says as he steps up to the racks of armor and weapons Partha stands before.
Within mere minutes Jaderail is suited for battle, his body wrapped in armor and weapons, all of them at his ready for easy use. With a simple thank you to Pathalous he sprints from the room and down the last two flights of stairs. There he joins the Blood Guard who await him in full parade, lined up in the entry hall just before the outer doors to the keep. Before him stands his personal guard, those Jade has hand picked to defend him, his home and the secrets it holds. Each and everyone of the twelve men before him the best fighters he has ever seen outside the under realms. All loyal to him because they believe his goal to be just even if others might not agree. Jacom steps forward and salutes, his barded mail armor in blacks and reds catching the torch light on its polished plates.
Returning the salute Jaderail says, "You failed me once just days ago. Today you prove yourself to me again. My magical wards and guards tell me we have at least one visitor upon the western wall near the lake. I want him and any with him alive. I will know who sent them against me or you will die trying to make it so."
Jacom knuckles his forehead in the Drowish salute and bows, saying "As you command Lord Jaderail. I shall not fail you this day."
*sits back with a pleased sigh* Here we go, nicely done Jade !
*purrs happily and leans back to patiently await more*
Okay, Fixed the Load Jaderail bit. I'm out in the muse field right now. So more soon...
I saw you had fixed it, so edited my own post *hugs Jade* do give that muse of yours a short vacation.. so she comes back fresh.. jsut not a too long one *teases*
...Jacom and the Blood Guard exited the Sunset Keep behind Jaderail, the heavy oaken doors splitting the black iron image of a setting sun cleverly worked into the banding on there outer face, designed to strenghten them should they ever need to withstand the head of a battering ram. Gathering into a tight circle out on the granite portcullis, the band of highly trained fighting men stand with hands upon sword hilts, all eager to go forth and destroy any foe that might challenge their lord, like hounds scenting a fox before loosed to the hunt.
..."Break the men into four groups," Jade says to Jacom. "Send each group along the the inner walls to one of the towers. I do not believe our visitor will move away from the western tower until they feel safe to enter the grounds proper, and to do that I think they intend to kill our men walking the wall patrol."
...The twelve men all turn faces of anger toward Jaderail, proving his worth, Jacom was the only one to break the silence. "That would mean at least one of my house guard has already fallen to the treachery, we have had no alarm sounded. The time it has taken us to gather weighs heavy on my mind my Lord."
...Turning to look toward what he can see of the morning shadowed western keep wall Jade says, "My friend, I believe we have lost more than one man to this foe by now, but if we move quickly no others will die this day. Turning to face the gathered men."I will go with you Jacom, and your pick of men, to the western corner tower we go. The rest of you secure the towers you're assigned. Keep your eyes open and watch for any in the grounds on your way, if you happen to spot anyone remember, I only felt the one, and I want them taken alive. If you need help call out and all hearing that call, go to help subdue the fool or fools that think us easy marks."
...Jacom issues orders in short fast words, speaking more with his hands than any sounds. Soon Jaderail is following the inner wall toward the tower, four deadly men in tow.
oohh the plot thickens and the blood has been split, this will be interesting. A angry lord, followed by his angry men.. who want to avenge their fallen comrade.. this will be fun. Well written Jade !
Thank You Carola O. Maybe I can get myself back into proper form and style with a few more posts. It would help if the forums held formatting, but I tricked it as long as folks keep the pages white. And I'm thinking ahead a step or two in this it Started with no plot thing. That helps loads.
This just keeps getting better :) I sooo wanna know who's sending assassins!
Many great stories began as a warm up exercise without pre-plotting, Its certainly developing quite nicely and I am seeing some interesting personality traits of Jader coming out as this unfolds.
Keep it up man :)
Gr8 stuff!
ps. Bald wizard's club, for some odd reason for me conjures up gory images of long haired Gandalf types culling the folliculary challenged ones like baby seals!
And...and...and. I don't want to wait.
Well damn! I had no idea we could write sue fics here! Why didn't anyone tell me!
Maybe someone should start making rendered illustrations... :3
Next Page/Chapter Written. In Re-write mode and is going to open some eyes when posted.
Now that do sound interesting, can't wait to lay my eyes on it *smiles warmly*
waiting, must remember to breathe
or I will turn Drow blue
Jaderail and his men gather at the base of the western tower, their trip though the Keeps grounds slowed as they weaved around the out buildings and searched through the stables and few open storage sheds on their way. Pressed close to the lower wall of the tower, gathered next to the closed heavy oak and iron banded inner wall door, Jade makes several motions in the air with his hands and fingers as he mumbles words arcane, a bit of glittering dust on the end of one finger, pulled from his pouch ever at his side, vanishes as the words end.
Moments later, "I detect no magic within my powers range," Jaderail whispers.
In a whisper to match Jaderails, Jacom says "That's good to know my Lord. If the intruder is not using the powers or weapons forged with strenghts arcane we will have the advantage with you here to help us."
"It's not as good as you might think, my powers do not reach to the level above. If they are still above, and in the tower passage to the walls, they now have easy access to the weapons the tower holds in its armory. A cross bow and bolts might be a better weapon than they had when they started out to attack our home. All I'm sure of is this, if they are on the ground floor beyond this door they have no magic items to use against us," Jaderail says, he then reachs to the iron handle so he can open the heavy door.
With a low hiss, Jacom plants his left hand firmly in Jaderails chest. "Hold My Lord!, I'll not let you enter before me. I'm paid to keep you alive and you would shame me by denying me my duty?" he asks in a low troubled voice, as he gently edges Jaderail way from the front of the door by straightening his arm. With a nod and knowing look on his face Jaderail backs farther from the door, he motions at the door with his right hand, indicating that Jacom and his men should go before him.
Jacom swaps his sword from his right hand to his left. With his right hand he SPEAKS his plan to the three Blood Guard next to him. In motions he explains that he will enter first and will go deep into the lower chamber, two that he points out are to follow closly behind, one going to the left and one to the right, the last follows and secures the stairs to the upper chamber. They all nod to Jacom. Jacom places his hand on the handle and then they all move like jungle cats, weapons at the ready, as the door is swung wide.
The men rushing to enter the dimly lit chamber before him stirs a memory deep in Jaderails mind, something he has tried to bury deep and leave in his past. Pulling a dagger, with a black blade, from his right sleeve and drawing a short sword, engraved with runes, from his left hip he follows his men into the chamber, the memory playing in his minds eye. So much of this the same in ways but so very different, but the memory pushes into his mind.
Following the last of his house guard through the side court gates, Jaderail, Weapons Master of House Sunder, urges his men forward into the battle already raging in the outer courtyard. The sounds of steel against steel ringing above and mixed in with the screams of men wounded and dieing assault his ears, he scans the confusion before him looking for his older brother Darvaneil, the Sundarian House Army High Commander. Off to his right he spots Darvaneil in a heated exchange of swordplay with two soldiers from House Se'Yagaul, then Jade losses sight of him as the battle surges around and envelopes his brother. Hands full of edged steel Jade begins fighting his way toward the place his brother was last seen. Green Armored Se'Yaguals fall before Jade as he plunges into them, the right hand, and the sword it holds, of one flies off in a bloody spray to his right as another is peirced through to his left with his short sword. Jaderail does not even see them fall as he presses on into the bloody battle before him, his brother his one goal.
I.. am loss for words Jad, it's great and it answers a bit of Jade's past, though it triggers even more questions. And now he is lost in his memories, for a brief moment of time or for longer time I guess we will find out next time. I admit I have a feeling which direction this memories is going, but I fully admit I wouldn't be surprised if I am wrong. Because you have truly surprised me with how things has turned more than once my friend *smiles warmly*
Great writing and looking forward for the next chapter *hugs*