mcjShrinkWrapA for DS 4.5+ shrink wrap figures and objects - SAFE 2019 Update

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited February 2019 in Freebies

Q. : Do you really need to update?

A : With the old version of this script if the wrapper object was a subdivided surface, and you saved this scene as a .duf file, the scene  file would become un-openable !!! 

A : The new version has 2 new options and 2 help buttons

A: Since mcjCollider is now Mac compatible, Mac afficionados can now use this script !

uses the services of the free mcjCollider
plugin to shrink wrap tubes around figures and objects

it's ready !

also see these brand new scripts

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Using this tool or in fact any modeling tool to create content / clothes etc ...
when it is based on the ( Daz copyrighted ) figure shapes ( example, creating a dress around a Genesis figure"
can be done legally as long as you comply with the EULA.

please refer to the post by Administrator DAZ_BHowell

found here


The complete EULA for the DAZ Content can be found here

here's an important excerpt from DAZ's Eula

any derived or additional works are designed to require or encourage the use of Content available through the online DAZ store either by (i) requiring the use of such Content to function, or (ii) allowing only limited function when not used in conjunction with Content from the online DAZ store; and upon receipt of a written request from DAZ, User will immediately cease any and all distribution of the derived works User has created from the Content licensed from DAZ, if DAZ has determined, at its sole discretion, that (i) the derived work is substantially similar to or is a clone of existing Content; or (ii) the derived work fails to require the use of Content available through the online DAZ store.

note that none of this constitutes a legal advice from me

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  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Ah yes. Homemade bracers, shin guards, and thick neck thingies. /watches

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Watching this too {happy smiley}

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    half way there i just have to make sense of transforms ... since i allow the tube to be scaled moved and rotated before the shrink operation

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  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2013

    I wonder how Daz will view distribution of things created using this, since they don't allow the use of shrinkwrapping in modelling software if the intention is to distribute what is being made, although they do allow you to use the transfer util/autofit to conform the clothing and then re-export it for touch ups.

    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    yay it works

    i just have to add the option to set the minimal distance from the wrapped object

    in this case it was 0, but i dialed the shrink-wrap-morph strength to 98%

    figure 2 : 2mm gap

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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Casual said:
    yay it works

    i just have to add the option to set the minimal distance from the wrapped object

    in this case it was 0, but i dialed the shrink-wrap-morph strength to 98%

    super Kool!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    I wonder how Daz will view distribution of things created using this, since they don't allow the use of shrinkwrapping in modelling software if the intention is to distribute what is being made, although they do allow you to use the transfer util/autofit to conform the clothing and then re-export it for touch ups.

    That depends upon which program is really doing what. If it's a copy of the figure's mesh, then [generally speaking - as in for most of us] it's a no-no for redistribution but I'm sure Casual knows what he's doing. And it's up to everybody to use whichever programs and methods they have responsibly, not the inventor's. {Whether it's Zbrush or a D/S script.}

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    I wonder how Daz will view distribution of things created using this, since they don't allow the use of shrinkwrapping in modelling software if the intention is to distribute what is being made, although they do allow you to use the transfer util/autofit to conform the clothing and then re-export it for touch ups.

    well then i'll just post a warning on my release web page reminding whichever way Daz3D worded the prohibition

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    I wonder how Daz will view distribution of things created using this, since they don't allow the use of shrinkwrapping in modelling software if the intention is to distribute what is being made, although they do allow you to use the transfer util/autofit to conform the clothing and then re-export it for touch ups.

    That depends upon which program is really doing what. If it's a copy of the figure's mesh, then [generally speaking - as in for most of us] it's a no-no for redistribution but I'm sure Casual knows what he's doing. And it's up to everybody to use whichever programs and methods they have responsibly, not the inventor's. {Whether it's Zbrush or a D/S script.}

    I wasn't intending for Casual to change anything, I was more or less thinking out loud. lol
    I'll be getting this thing regardless. haha

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    now adding the GUI

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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited June 2013

    Vaskania said:
    ... edit ...
    I wasn't intending for Casual to change anything, I was more or less thinking out loud. lol
    I'll be getting this thing regardless. haha

    Me too!

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    performing a test ....

    figure 2 : results

    remember the shrink wrapper scripts projects the tube toward the figure( using mcjCollider )

    if mcjCollider hits nothing, the vertex of the tube stays where it is

    i was using an oval shaped tube,

    figure 3 : now lets try with a circular/round wrapper tube

    figure 4 results, it's better but there were misses

    figure 5 i'll do it with Aiko5 in an easier pose

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    test result - works better when the figure/object to be wrapped is at the focus (same axis) as the wrapper tube

    note that i have a script named mcjPrimMaker which can be used to generate

    custom tubes, but i'll supply you with 3 tubes, oval 48x16, round 32x16 and ellipse 32x16

    now i want to make sure it works for cases wher the tube is inside-out

    hey i could project the tube from the inside and it would never miss !

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  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Casual said:
    test result - works better when the figure/object to be wrapped is at the focus (same axis) as the wrapper tube

    note that i have a script named mcjPrimMaker which can be used to generate

    custom tubes, but i'll supply you with 3 tubes, oval 48x16, round 32x16 and ellipse 32x16

    now i want to make sure it works for cases wher the tube is inside-out

    hey i could project the tube from the inside and it would never miss !

    I enjoy your random notepad-style posts of your process.
    I always picture you like the Doc Emmet Brown of 3D. Constantly pacing around with thoughts just spewing out. lol

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    Vaskania said:

    I enjoy your random notepad-style posts of your process.
    I always picture you like the Doc Emmet Brown of 3D. Constantly pacing around with thoughts just spewing out. lol

    well i had to make a hat for A5

    but ok ok ok i get back to the shrink wrap script

    figure 2 looks a bit less scary Blender rendered but i dont have time for long renders!

    figure 3 - an inside-out tube was plaved inside A5 and projected outward

    figure 4 - same thing except, this time the spacing was set to -1cm, so the tube was pushed out of Aiko5

    figure 5 - ok i think it's ready, i added the inside-out checkbox, so you can expand a tube from inside a figure

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  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Are you just an elite code monkey, or are these things just that easy to pump out? I think I'd have been banging my head a long time ago.

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    Vaskania said:
    Are you just an elite code monkey, or are these things just that easy to pump out? I think I'd have been banging my head a long time ago.

    i think i started code monkeing around 1975 on a telex in high school

    we're talking real programming, not just printing out posters of Brigitte Bardot

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    it's ready !

    but the manual / web page will be expanded to cover the different ways to use the script

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    Warning - According to statements seen in the Daz3D forum, Using "shrink-wrap" modeling tools 
    to create and distribute clothes and figures derived from Daz3D figures like Genesis is forbidden 
    and could result in litigation for copyright violations.
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    Post edited by mCasual on
  • BlackFeather1973BlackFeather1973 Posts: 739
    edited December 1969

    You're the greatest, Casual :-)

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    You're the greatest, Casual :-)

    Thanks ! but not as great as Aiko5 Brown from "Back to the Future" ( that scene was cut out )

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  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037
    edited December 1969

    thats cool!
    and yes people could also just do an obj export of Daz mesh too and illegally redistribute but obj export for use in other software for rendering ok.
    everything is ok for producing 2D renders, this is just another tool.
    Making such things clear never hurts though for your own sake.
    I use the transfer utility or even just V4 or M4 bvh in Carrara a lot btw to rig other figures for animation in 2D renders but am also aware even if I model those figures they are not redistributable.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    WooHoo! Thanks! Downloaded and installed ... :-)

  • nakamuram002nakamuram002 Posts: 781
    edited December 1969

    Great script, especially since it does not mess up the UV mapping. Thanks Casual!!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited June 2013

    Once I figured out how to read instructions ... works GREAT!

    And preliminary tests appear to indicate that this would rank as "legal shrink-wrap"*** as it appears to be doing the same as the "smoothing" did with our clothing mesh. See images posted showing that it is NOT changing the mesh to become that of the target's.

    *** I'm not a lawyer, I'll check with DAZ3D for their opinion as that's what counts before redistributing.

    edit to add: I have sent in request. Will post back of the answer when it arrives [be patient, it's Friday ;-) ]

    edit to add some more: Have shared link in my clothing thread too.
    This is such a wonderful help. Thank you so much.

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  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,157
    edited December 1969

    Will this work on say a SuperSuit I made a little while back? There is always room for improvement and I know that there are parts of the suit that are just not as tight against Genesis body as I would prefer!

    I'm so glad you have introduced this handy tool. This is so awesome!

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Once I figured out how to read instructions ... works GREAT!

    And preliminary tests appear to indicate that this would rank as "legal shrink-wrap"*** as it appears to be doing the same as the "smoothing" did with our clothing mesh. See images posted showing that it is NOT changing the mesh to become that of the target's.

    *** I'm not a lawyer, I'll check with DAZ3D for their opinion as that's what counts before redistributing.

    edit to add: I have sent in request. Will post back of the answer when it arrives [be patient, it's Friday ;-) ]

    edit to add some more: Have shared link in my clothing thread too.
    This is such a wonderful help. Thank you so much.

    Thanks for testing that! I have plans today and won't be at home until later this evening probably. Please reply back when/if you check with Daz. =D

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,697
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Will this work on say a SuperSuit I made a little while back? There is always room for improvement and I know that there are parts of the suit that are just not as tight against Genesis body as I would prefer!

    I'm so glad you have introduced this handy tool. This is so awesome!

    Well, there's one way to find out....
    Of course, I think this shrinks toward an axis, rather than to a center point.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Once I figured out how to read instructions ... works GREAT!

    And preliminary tests appear to indicate that this would rank as "legal shrink-wrap"*** as it appears to be doing the same as the "smoothing" did with our clothing mesh. See images posted showing that it is NOT changing the mesh to become that of the target's.

    *** I'm not a lawyer, I'll check with DAZ3D for their opinion as that's what counts before redistributing.

    edit to add: I have sent in request. Will post back of the answer when it arrives [be patient, it's Friday ;-) ]

    edit to add some more: Have shared link in my clothing thread too.
    This is such a wonderful help. Thank you so much.

    Thanks for testing that! I have plans today and won't be at home until later this evening probably. Please reply back when/if you check with Daz. =D

    Will do, so far all I've received back is the standard reply indicating that it is in somebody's work basket ;-)
    Normally these type of requests do take a few days, and there is a weekend of course.

    Now ... this shrink script is not a "will do all the work" for the modeler type thing. But it sure quickens the process lol ...

  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited June 2013

    RAMWolff said:
    Will this work on say a SuperSuit I made a little while back? There is always room for improvement and I know that there are parts of the suit that are just not as tight against Genesis body as I would prefer!

    I'm so glad you have introduced this handy tool. This is so awesome!

    Well, there's one way to find out....
    Of course, I think this shrinks toward an axis, rather than to a center point.

    here is the way it works

    the script goes through the wrapper cloth's vertices one by one.
    each vertex has a "normal" which is like a flagpole planted perpendicular to the "ground" at the position of the vertex
    the script installs an mcjCollider at the top of the flagpole
    it orients the mcjCollider so that it points toward the ground, in line with the flagpole
    the script "fires" the mcjCollider
    the collider crashes at the surface of the figure being wrapped
    the script adds an entry in the morph that makes the cloth vertex move just above to the crash site

    if the collider misses the figure, for example while trying to wrap 2 legs,
    then the script moves the cloth vertex the sane distance it did, the last time it did hit something.
    The result of this is not optimal but often better than just leaving the vertex alone

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  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
    edited December 1969

    Once I figured out how to read instructions ... works GREAT!

    And preliminary tests appear to indicate that this would rank as "legal shrink-wrap"*** as it appears to be doing the same as the "smoothing" did with our clothing mesh. See images posted showing that it is NOT changing the mesh to become that of the target's.

    *** I'm not a lawyer, I'll check with DAZ3D for their opinion as that's what counts before redistributing.

    edit to add: I have sent in request. Will post back of the answer when it arrives [be patient, it's Friday ;-) ]

    edit to add some more: Have shared link in my clothing thread too.
    This is such a wonderful help. Thank you so much.

    i think most wrappers must work the same way. I hope they'll clearly officially state what is allowed instead of blanket prohibitions. for example state their goal, which must be to prevent duplication/cloning and distribution of assets ... something. There must be things they tolerate, like the production of original content "fitted" using wrappers. And things they wont tolerate, the duplication of figures

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