Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340

Hello everybody

go straight on point since Richard Haseltine is the only one who knows to solve this. So I ask to him:

my suit is almost ready for texturing, Meanwhile I try to fit it to my Sheila. So, first of all after export from Marvelous Designer to Daz, I rigged it, added smooths and bla bla.

Forgot to say that obviously I modeled on G3F without any morphs, I left only the high resolution (well done?). After doing all this, I activated my Sheila morph dial, I moved the slider to 100 and ... ta-daaaa...

Look what happen :

Left pic. Suit modeled on G3F without any morph

Right pic. Sheil morph.

Do you see? Rigging matching morph.

Result, swimsuit has the same shape of morph. The zipper is hide also cause following the morph.

Question for Richard is, how can I fix this quaint Daz defect? I know that is possible, but I don't remember how to. Maybe add some fixing morphs?

Thank you.


P.S. Don't pay attention to those little dotted yellow lines, are the topstitches. They are perfectly mapped, but when I exported to take these pics I forgot to move'em inside the UV tile.


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Post edited by Dax Avalange on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Yes, you would need to create a morph for the clothing to match the shape of your character. is it a single morph (or a controller for multiple morphs, as long as only one slider is needed) or is it made of numerous separately set morphs?

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Ahhhh great Richard! Well, Sheila is a FBM while the suit is the same one piece. There's a zipper but at the moment is just like an ornamental, (probably I will move on the side anyway I don't know if I will do it morphable (also because I not so expert to create morpheable single objects like zippers). Anyway the suit is a one piece obj.

    So, you would be so kind to explain in few words how to add a fixing morph? You know everyrhing about morphs and dials so, who better than you can explain it? yes

    Thank you

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    I'm not sure how easily MD can be used to do this (it's possible, I know). The usual route would be to take the outfit and the morphe dfigure into a modelling of sculpting application, reshape it to look right (you'd need to push the msh over the breasts out to wards the edges to expose the zipper, and bring the area over the sternum forward, for example), save as an OBJ with the name (not label) of the Sheila morph, then in DS, with the rigged clothing selected, go to Edit>Figure>Morph Loader Pro, select files and grab the OBJ, make sure the import preset is set to the one used to export the models for morphing (so that the scaling will match), and Apply - that should create a new morph in the clothing that will be applied automatically when the figure is morphed, rather than the one auto-generated by DS.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340

    Wow! Seems your advice fit pretty well. I will follow your instructions, one of my ambitions is to be stubborn.

    Usually I use C4D and ZBrush, so you say that after export from MD, first of all reshape in the modeling application using the exported obj of outfit and figure morphed.

    Well, going to try the instructions!

    Let me ask you more advice, if Daz is still active up! Lol!.

    I'm going to act! I let you know! Feel free to write here if you get news. It's a pleasure.

    To everybody, if Richard didn't exist, should be invented.

    Says the essay!

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    You rig the basic shape, and make a modified version (not chnaging the actual geometry) to match the figure shape which you load as a morph. You don't reshape the base OBJ and then rig that.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340


    Let me see if I missing something. The way I use to modeling and export is this : from DS export the base figure G3F, then I load it in DM as avatar, then I start to modeling cloth around that figure, then export cloth in OBJ format as in the pic I posted.

    After that, following your words, I import base cloth in DS as OBJ not changing import panel parameters. From there, start to rig the base cloth (modeled in MD around G3F base) then I load the cloth I modeled in MD around Sheila FBM as morph to get a morphing from base figure to Sheila.

    Said well?

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    I am concerned, if you do that, the two OBJ files will not have the same geometry - it depends how MD generates that.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Ahhh I see ..

    So, do you know the right way to export from MD and import in DS without change the geometry so eerything match pretty well?

    I know that MD work in Quads and Triangle, and you can load as avatar any figure. I see many ppl loading as avatar G3F all the time.

    Mistake is when I export from DS and import in MD then I export from MD and import in DS the modeled cloths?

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340

    Hey Richard,I don't know if is useful for you to solve the question, but I see on MD that any avatar I load become triangular mesh, while the cloths can be switched triangular o quad before export.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    You could test exporting two different versions of the cloth from MD and see how they look - I suspect that the difference will be immediately apparent from the fiel size as more polygons are added around the chest. My suggestion, if that is the case, would be to opena  copy of the exported OBJ in ZBrush or C4D and (using tools that move the vertices but don't add or remove them) adjust it to fi the moprhed shape, then save that with the morph name.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Hey Richard, maybe you're able to read the minds? I've done what you say and I found just those differences in a t-shirt I modeled fast in MD just to try. We are on the right way. The morphed one has 10 vertex more than base one. I discovered, also, that using ZBrush Zremesher with several settings I get the same poly counts as DS geometry.Yesterday I followed the procedure and I got the dial to morph from base to morphed FBM cloth! You know the funny thing? I don't remember the steps! (usual for me). So I start with this workflow again using my vocal recorder. You think, worked perfectly as you told! Anyway I go ahead following what you saying and I keep you update. Could be useful for anyone else strumble on the same question also.

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340


    Big success dear Richard. We won! I told you I'm stubborn! Thanks to your precious advices.
    Going to explain the procedure to get the cloth fitted to Sheila.
    Without remesh the cloth in the modeling applications.
    I tried with a t-shirt I modeled with many folders on the side. No break, no n-Gons. Everything works well.

    Here I uploaded 2 demo pics made for my new character Shandra. Look the t-shirt following the body. Look that it fall down for gravity and bend over the tights without breaking polygons. Look at the smoothly folds on the back and side. Marvelous Dsigner and Daz Studio is my power! Ahr ahr!

    How I got this.

    Export from DS the G3F base with or without hi-res cause not affect the final result since the garment is exported only. After imported the G3F base in MD, start to modeling the cloth.
    Then, quad avery single piece of the garment. After that export as obj the dress using the parameters: "single object, weld, thin and scale cm Daz Studio". Once this is done, the base G3F avatar is deleted and replaced with the FBM (custom character to conform the garment.
    Fit again the garment to the FBM avatar (any modify will affect the morph so, for instance, you pick up the side of a t-shirt, when you will conform to your character you will see the t-shirt pulled because MD work in real time dynamics, this is one of the cause I love it.
    At this point, export the modified cloth with the same export obj parameters as the base figure.
    Now, go back to DS. Load the G3F base figure then import as obj the base cloth. Run the Transfer Utility and select in the pop up menu Source Scene Item "Genesis 3 Female" and in Target Scene Item the cloth to rig, and leaving all the parameters as they are check "Add smoothing Modifier" only. Press Accept and the cloth will be conformed perfectly, and now I move the slider of the FBM figure to load the morphed cloth.
    Now importing in Morph Loader Pro the modified cloth, and select "Yes" in the "Reverse Deformation" option, then in the "Overwrite Existing" option select "Deltas Only" and press Accept. Will get the slider with the Delta of the morph cloth only and boom! You're done!

    Shandra t-shirt Marvelous Designer.png
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    Shandra t-shirt Marvelous Designer 2.png
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  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340

    Hey Richard, I would still like to take advantage of your availability if possible. How can I save the new corrective morph dial? Same steps to save the FBM figure after imported in Morph Loader Pro or is different?

    Thank you

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Glad MD worked for this, I wasn't sure.

    If you use File>Save As>Support Assets>Figure Prop Asset any morphs already loaded will be saved at the same time (at least, as long as they are not marked as generated morphs - I would advise loading your custom morph before applying the shape to the base figure, so there's no generated morph to potentially confuse the issue). If you've already saved the clothing figure, File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset will let you save any new morphs.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340

    I told you Richard. Solution was at the corner. This is the cause I used a different figure Shandra to try this procedure. I seen that before load Morph Loader Pro with the morphed cloth, the FBM has to be active, otherwise is not loaded well. Anyway, about this, I will follow the steps you wrote now, I think is the right way as you told.

    Thanks for the advice. yes

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Hey Richard, need your experience again.

    Before all. Everything is amazing between MD and DS, the procedure is wonderful as you can see by the pics. Satisfated by the result.
    Instead, the little defects I found in DS are the follows:
    1) When I use my cloths made in MD rigged in DS, there is a limit.
    Explain better, if I use one DS morphs like breast clevage, moving the slider to close the breast, in the middle of the cloth start few black polygons.
    2) For instance. If I use the morphed cloth made to fix Sheila, I can't use for Shandra. This is usual in DS cause any FBM is different each other? So In case, there's a way to fix it or is a DS limit?
    3) After modeling in MD, I tried to ZRemesh then give 1 Subdivision, and is amazingly cleaned but I less materials assigned in MD. It became one polygroup. Maybe I miss something about use of Polygroups in ZB?

    Anyway the MD matching pretty well with DS.


    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    1) if a morph fails to look good with the auto-generated morph you need to add a custom morph to the clothing to match (DS will check to see if the fitted item has a morph with the same name as the morph on the base figure; if it does that morph will be set to a matching value, if not a projected morph will be created which may or may not be good enough).

    2) yes, though if the shapes are broadly similar you could use the morph you created for one shape as a starting point for a new morph for the other.

    3) I've not worked with remesher, but it doesn't sound altogether surprising - remeshing might well make it impossible to keep the boundaries of the existing groups. But do make sure that ZBrush is loading the groups in the first place - if i remember, you have to set soemthing like Mats as Groups on import, it isn't the default behaviour.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Great Richard! Answer 1 is good, but where I find the switch Autogenerator to change? I see in the parameters of my fixing morph under "Type" popup menu, I read "Shape/Generated, and "Shape". So the "Shape" I will click, right? I done this yet. About answer 2 good the idea to model morphs from the previous since are different. About answer 3, will work following your answer. Sometimes  I export the mesh viaGoz and sometimes export the .OBJ file and import to ZBrush. I'm interested to the Mats or Group settings, I would like to know more about.

    Thanks you

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    If you dial in a morph on the base figure that you haven't loaded a custom morph into your clothing for then you are using the projected auto-generated morph. DS always does this (for any morph with AutoFollow checked in its parameter settings). If the result isn't good enough, as with the breast morphs burying the zip, you need to make a custom morph with exactly the same name as we did above.

    In Zbrush, Preferences>ImportExport>Import>Import Mat as Groups will bring in the surfaces as ZBrush groups, those should then be preserved when you export the OBJ (but they don't matter for morph creation).

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Ok. Just for the mesh like cloth or props, while the morphs are not affected by the groups. Well! Thanks Richard! Going to try this. Oh, forgot. I saved in Prop Asset the cloth but I dont know why if I click on it, DS load the base figure instead the cloth. Probably wrong something. All day on DS became crazy!

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    Make sure you have the clothing selected when saving as an asset.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340


  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Hey Richard! Your advice fits perfectly! Great! Now, a simple question for you easy to solve.

    When I apply the cloth while Sheila FBM is active, obviously the cloth takes the shape of her. Ok. Then I added a morph modifier to raises the cloth between the breasts, as you know. Now, simply I want  that this modifier is activated automatically when the cloth takes the shape from G3F to Sheila FBM, I mean, without activating manually. What's the procedure?


    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    So, do you have a custom morph for the Sheila shape or a fix morph that modifies the automatically-generated Sheila shape?

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018


    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    One obj for cloth and one custom morph to fix the gap between breasts that comes from the Sheila shape (I modeled an atlethic body)

    Pic on the left : Cloth before rigged to G3F shape, then applied Seila shape

    Pic on the right the custom morph to fixing the gap between breasts wet T-Shirt effect. You see the fixing morph dial on the left side up.

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    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841

    I'm not sure there is an easy way to do this  -that's why I suggested making a full morph, with the same name as the Sheila morph (which assumes that the Sheila shape is a single sculpted morph, not a controller or preset for other morphs) - as it is, Daz Studio is generating a morph in the clothing when it is set in the figure, and because it isn't permanent you can't use ERC Freeze to link the correction to the generated morph.

  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    Exactly, Sheila is full body morph modeled in ZBrush obviously started from G3F base shape. In few words I would like to get a type of crossed dial. When I move  the morph dial from G3F to Sheila the corrective morph, over the cloth, fix the breast gap, then when I move the dial from Sheila morph to G3F base shape everyting return to the start point. So as you told, Daz Studio is generating a morp in the cloth when it is set in the figure and cause is not permanent I can't use Erc Freeze. In this case how to get a crossed corrective JCM to fix that? Sorry Richard if I make you crazy but I want to get more from Daz and you are the only one who can follow me with your experience.

    Note: Sheila is the character full body morph modeled in ZBrush, the cloth is modeled in MD from G3F and the corrective morph is modeled in MD again but around Sheila.

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Dax AvalangeDax Avalange Posts: 340
    edited May 2018

    In case it's a twisted way to get the result, how to make a full morph with the same name as the Sheila morph?

    Post edited by Dax Avalange on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,841
    1. Fiind the name of the Sheila morph - either from the original OBJ that you imported or by looking at Parameter Settings (the gear icon on the morph's slider) on the Genesis figure.
    2. In Zbrush (or whatever you like) make a modified version of the clothing that is shaped to fit the Sheila shape, and when you save it give it the name of the Sheila morph.
    3. Load a fresh copy of the rigged suit into DS, or unfir the clothing from the Genesis figure and go to Edit>Figure>Clear Generated Morphs - that gives a clean starting point.
    4. Use Morph Loader Pro to bring the Sheila version of the clothes in as a morph

    If you fit the clothes to the Genesis figure then as you set the morph on Genesis the clothes should bring up their custom shape to match.

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