Carrara Challenge #40 NOIR - prize winners announced

Welcome to the Voting Thread!
The important 2018 dates are:
May 14 - Work-in-progress thread opened
May 28 - Formal entry thread begins
June 15 - WIP and Entry deadline, voting begins
June 22 - Voting ends, winners announced soon after
Reminder of specific entry requirements for this month:
1. There are three categories you can enter: 1) B&W, Carrara light gel effect, 2) Portrait or pinup of archetypal noir character, and 3) Homage of noir movie or detective novel. You need to tell us the category of each entry. An entry template is provided at the bottom of this post.
2. Up to 3 renders can be entered. However, if you enter more than 2 renders, at least one of them must have the use of a Carrara light get effect.
(The point of the above restriction is to encourage more artists to explore the gel effect)
3. Category 1 is B&W only, in the other categories it is optional. A noir mood is encouraged.
Other, more general rules, are posted in the WIP thread.
Suggested template for entries:
Entry: #
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage:
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Additional Notes:
Entry: #1
Title:Lost Angela
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage:
pinup with gel
WIP Links:
Products Used:
Janette(G3F) in V4's heaven sent
Charm hair
water is from the Hemloch Folly pond
stone wall from old english village, i changed the tiling, original looks much better
gel is the blinds
Entry #2
Title: You're Not Goin' Anywhere
Artist: Evilproducer
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Made up homage.
WIP Links:

Products Used: V4, morphs++, Portia hair, Peugeot, Lilly dress, Pumps & Stockings, Gilman Bridge.
Additional Notes: I wanted to do a noir scene, but I had an original scene in mind. I also had a bridge that I had built for another project that leant itself perfectly for my scene. I did postwork in Affinity Photo and Photos. I converted to black and white, used a noir filter and added film grain.
Entry: #3
Title: Aviator
Artist: Stezza
B&W Gel - Cat1
WIP Links:
Products Used: Gen2, morpheus morphs, george morphs, Carrara Hair, Carrara Modeling Room, Aviator helmet for G2, Carrara light gels by DimensionTheory. Bi Plane by 3DUniverse
Additional Notes: attacked his teeth to get a bigger gap in the modeling room, used light gels by DT and Carrara hair for the moe
Entry: #4
Title: escape from City Noir
Artist: Stezza
Pinup/Homage Cat 3
WIP Links:
Products Used: Gen2 with morpheus morphs.. Modeled propellers, City blocks, Ron's brushes.
Additional Notes:Rendered two images .. one G2 decked out as Inspector Gadget, modelled his prop and another image using Phil W city blocks .... then blended in PSE using layers and Ron's background paint.
Entry: #5
Title: le chasseur de sang
Artist: Stezza
Portrait Cat 2
WIP Links:
Products Used: Gen2 with morpheus morphs.. Ron's brushes.
Additional Notes:Here I used the BW Blue filter in Carrara and used a very strong light at around 350 to accentuate the rims then more adjustments in PSE
Entry #: 6
Title: What Knife?
Artist: evilproducer
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Portrait or Pinup with a light gel.
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis 2 with Diana morphs, String Bikini, Rural Chateau 2, Thalia hair, knife from LM Shadow Dancer, custom made light gel, modeled walls with window openings (not visible).
Additional Notes: A rarity for me, as I usually have a larger mix of my own objects and props. When I set up this scene, I set it up with a red lingerie set for contrast when converted to black and white. As I went on with the scene lighting, I hated to give up the colors. Instead, I played around with varying color looks, including this beautiful version inspired by the old Techinicolor transfer look. I also (almost by accident) came up with a black and white image with colored lingerie. I thought this was incredibly striking and decided to enter it in the Pinup category.

This image uses absolutely no postwork. I converted the color image maps to black and white, completely from within Carrara by using the color image map with a black and white color gradient. For more information, check out the second WIP link above.
Entry #: 7
Title: Waiting
Artist: evilproducer
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Portrait or Pinup
WIP Links:
Products Used: V4, morphs++ and Elite morphs, Bombshell Beauties: Joanie (morphs and textures), Hongyu's Leather Corset, Portia hair, necklace prop from Flora Lingerie, elements of Reby Sky Elite Textures, floor from Rural Chateau II, silexmt's Poser Blinds, custom built and shaded walls and windows, custom shader work and tweaks on all Content used in the scene.
Additional Notes: This image was directly inspired by an image that UnifiedBrain used as an inspirational reference photo for this challenge. Click this link to see the image. I thought it was dramatic and sexy, plus a challenge to try and achieve similar lighting and shadows. I also wanted it to retain its sex appeal, but have my own little twist or take on the picture. I already had made up my mind that I wanted the absolute minimum or no postwork for this picture. For the most part I achieved that. I did have to go in and paint out a nip slip, but I didn't do any levels, color or filter work. Aside from the clone brush painting out the nip, there was no postwork. I worked a lot on getting a faked Subsrface Scattering effect that I thought was pretty effective. As a side note, the bright highlights were intentional. I played around a lot with Carrara's light cone and glare filter to get the look I wanted.
Entry: # 8
Title: Of All the Bourbon Bars, Rachel Walks in Mine
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: B&W with gel category 1
WIP Links:
creating props -
Assembling scene -
Figure modeled during challenge period but posted to dedicated Modeling threads
Products Used: All figures and props modeled, rigged, posed, and textured in Carrara.
Additional Notes: Used gradient gel. Used Philemo's GMIC plugin to apply B&W filter. No other postwork.
Entry: #9
Title: Rachel the Bad Girl
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Pinup (category 2)
WIP Links:
Products Used: All figures and props modeled, rigged, and textured in Carrara.
Additional Notes: Philemo's plugin for GMIC was used to apply the comix color filter at 40%. No other postwork. Updated the entry to change the hair color, see entry 18.
Entry: # 10
Title: Thug Wars
Artist: UnifiedBrain
Homage to a hardboiled detective graphic novel
WIP Links:
Products Used: Michael 3, Jack Tomalin Eminence, Relic Hunter hat, 1936 AM Sedan, The Firearm Pack Tommy Gun
Additional Notes: Four stacked filters (3 GMIC) from top to bottom were 1) Black & white - Black & white, 2) Toon 3, 3) Colors - basic adjustments, and 4)Artistic - Lylejk's Painting.
Carrara text
Mild editing in PSE, caption in Comic Life
Entry: # 11
Title: “A Study in Gray”
Artist: Vyusur
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Gel
WIP Links:
Products Used: Tube Station, Michael 6
Additional Notes: The most time consuming thing was creating and tunning the fuel oil spots with light reflections on the rails.
Entry: # 12
Title: “Jalouzebra”
Artist: Vyusur
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Portrait or Pinup
WIP Links:
Products Used: David 5
Additional Notes: Jalousie (blinds) modeled by me.
entry #13
title: famme
cat #1 b/w gel
artist: shlomi laszlo
entry #14
title: the vic
cat #1 b/w gel
artist; shlomi laszlo
entry #15
title: the famme
cat #3 protrait or pinup
artist: shlomi laszlo
Entry: # 16
Title " I Wonder " Artist: 0oseven Catagory: B & W Gel
WIP Links:
Products Used: Carrara 8.5 pro / VWD cloth sim via Philamo's Carrara Bridge Plugin
V4.2 with "Tempest " Morph and Skin / Daz Sporty Dress
KozBuro ' Bob Hair 'Bed from Carrara native content
Additional Notes: NO post processing - B&W Rendered with Philamo's GMIC plugin. Satin shader from James Roden collection is applied to bed linen gives a silky look,
For the GEL I have used a Star to pattern the bed covers - another way of using Gels though not perfect [ stars not following the cloth contour]
Hmm !! Image not uploading for some reason try later
Thanks to Stezza I finally got my picture into my post
Entry: # 17
Title: " The Unfaithful "
Artist: 0oseven
Catagory : Homage:
WIP Links:
Products Used: V4.2 / Artdecer Outfit for V4 /David 3 & David suit / V4.2 Hot Nurse Uniform. Daz Magnum Gun Stonemason's Streets of Mediteranean
Additional Notes: Rendered in Carrara 8.5 Pro - NO postwork - with fog efect. Lighting = one spot and several bulbs to create mood
Entry 18
Title: Rachel the Red Haired Racketeer
Artist: Diomede (Ted Murphy)
Category: Homage (3rd category)
Products Used: All figures and props modeled rigged and textured in Carrara.
Additional Notes: Rachel dyed her hair red in act 2 sene 3. Still the same story. I switched out the previous version for an updated Santa Claus. I did a new composition although all the same props are there.
Entry: # 19
Title: “Film Noir”
Artist: Vyusur
Category III
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis 3 Male (Johnathon) with custom morphing and Genesis 2 Female
Additional Notes: Male hair made in Carrara with Philemo hair plugin.
Rendered with Octane plugin for Carrara. BW effect was achieved by desaturating in render target settings. No postwork.
Entry: # 20
Title: "Smokin"
Artist: Bunyip02
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Pinup
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis 2M
Chevrolet 1937 Coupe - Ourias3D - Renderosity
Tommy Gun - Cybertenko - Renderosity
Thompson Cartridges - WW2 Guns_USA - Panko - Renderosity
Primivol - Rising Smoke - Inagoni
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 21
Title: "Like Tears in the Rain"
Artist: Bunyip02
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Homage - Blade Runner
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis 2M
RuntimeDNA - Weather
SciFi City Roof Top Level - 3-d-c - Renderosity
SciFi City Construction Set 2 - 3-d-c - Renderosity
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 22
Title: "You can't unsee this"
Artist: Bunyip02
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: B&W Gel/Portrait
WIP Links:
Products Used: Genesis G2M
Air Sneakers from
Additional Notes:
Entry: # 23
Title: "Scarface"
Artist: Headwax
Catagory 2
wip link
Comments I rendered this with Toon!Part111 and Toon!Pro.
The smoke is smoke texture on a plane.
I modelled the cigarette :)
I added a plane in front of the character and put a graduated tint in the alpha chennel to reduce the brightness of the bottomn part of the image
Postwork: none bar sig
Entry: # 24
Title: "Homage to China Town"
Artist: Headwax
Category 3
Comments I rendered this with Toon!Part111 and Toon!Pro.
The smoke is smoke texture on a plane.
I modelled the cigarette and tha band aid by myself :)
The post work is Diffuse pass over Diffuse texture pass
Some of the post work is hand colouring as well
The grunge on hands an coat is from a gel in the light bulb
link to wip
Entry: #26
Title: "Mother! They're Still Not Sure It Is A Baby!
Artist: DesertDude
Category: 3 Homage to "Eraserhead"
WIP Links:
Products Used: Carrara, Photoshop
Additional Notes: Thank you to UnifiedBrain for hosting the challenge and thanks to DAZ and Fenric for sponsoring. Rendered in Carrara 8.1, the only post work was done to add the isolated specular hits on the Lego figures (see last WIP link for explanation). Lego figure textures and wallpaper texture painted in Photoshop. All textures were grayscale.
Click thumbnail for larger
Entry: # 28
Title: Cops Nab Alleged "Panty Bandit"
Artist: UnifiedBrain
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Pinup
WIP Links:
Products Used: Main lighting is a Horo HDRI. Products include G2F, Sinful Nights trenchcoat and panty, Ant Farm's The Vault, M3, Real Heros Police uniform, and Diomede's 357 magnum (thanks Diomede!).
Additional Notes: Used GMIC filter (Colors>Basic adjustments) to convert it to B&W. Native Carrara render, no postwork.
Entry: # 29
Title: Operation: Bogie-Smoke
Artist: UnifiedBrain
B&W Gel/Portrait or Pinup/Homage: Gel
WIP Links:
Products Used: Eldrich Seeker, G2M, Daedalus Sky Mercenary, M3, Secret Underground Submarine Base
Additional Notes: Carrara functions include Carrara Text, Carrara Clouds, Carrara Terrain, and Carrara Displacement (water plane). Used a couple of GMIC filters to drop color saturation to B&W and increase contrast. The pic was rendered in the Carrara native renderer, and there was no postwork needed. Lighting was all distant lights and spots and bulbs - no GI or gamma. Twenty percent ambient.
Entry: # 30
Title: Death by Death... nice to Have a Choice
Artist: Headwax
Category 1
I used a Gel in a light bulb to get a little texture on the roof.
I did the sand effect in post because Carrara 8.5 mysteriously lost it :) . see second link for explication on how to do it
used primoval smoke, gives weird effect when hitting transmaps? ?? eg eyelashes and hair
lighting is in the main three spots all with cone effetct reversed so it has shadows in the cone
the cig smoke is from a plane with a smoke png textured to it
Links to whips :