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© 2025 Daz Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Entry: #2
Title: You're Not Goin' Anywhere
Artist: Evilproducer
Entry: #3
Title: Aviator
Artist: Stezza
Entry: #6
Title: What Knife?
Artist: evilproducer
Entry: #7
Title: Waiting
Artist: evilproducer
Entry # 2
Title: You're Not Goin' Anywhere
Artist: evilproducer
Entry # 11
Title: A Study in Gray
Artist: Vyusur
Entry # 22
Title: You can't unsee this
Artist: Bunyip02
Entry # 30
Title: Death by Death... nice to Have a Choice
Artist: head wax
Awesome work by everyone, good luck
Voting is now closed. Thanks to everyone for coming through in the clutch! Results will be announced later today, assuming my left-brain number-crunching part wakes up.
Your brain is unified!
Thanks for running a great challenge. I think everyone would agree that the entries are awesome in both quantity and quality. Congrats, winners.
now comes the waiting. where the legalized doobs? chillax while the wait
Thanks Diomede!
Here we are, at the end of another Challenge. I will keep comments short this time. :)
I have to say, I am struck by how easily this one flowed. It made the hosting very easy. Many thanks to all the artists for offering such great energy and enthusiasm., and for taking it seriously and coming up with extremely high-quality images.
It amazes me that Carrara is so often an afterthought in the 3D world. If there are questions about the current viability of Carrara software, the evidence is right here in this thread for anyone to see. It's such a deep program, even without using plugins. Personally, I'm planning on using Carrara for at least the next 10 years. Maybe by then I will have learned most of its secrets!
Thanks to the voters, to Daz for their sponsorship, and to Fenric for providing the PA prize.

And now, the results. Because of the rule that no artist can win more than one Daz prize, the results are usually black and white (pun intended), and this was no exception.
Best Participation - Evilproducer, (images 2,6,7) $50 in Daz prizes, and the opportunity to host the next Challenge
Best B&W - Vyusur, (image 11) $50 in Daz prizes
Best Pinup - Stezza, (image 5) $50 in Daz prizes
Best Homage - DesertDude, (image 26) $45 in Daz prizes
The winner of the PA prize is Vyusur, who gets an item from Fenric's store. (all the entrants names were put in a hat, and one was selected by my wife)
Congratulations, all! I will send you a PM later today.
The Daz prize results posted above are also the order of ascension to the throne for hosting Carrara Challenge #41. If the heir apparent (Evilproducer) declines for whatever reason, the next in line (Vyusur) is asked, and so on.
Evilproducer, you are in the driver's seat!
Wow. Thanks everybody! There were so many outstanding and deserving images by great artists that I am truly humbled. If you learned anything and had fun with this challenge, then you were a winner!
Cheers to everyone!!
2nded by Chewbacca
totally wicked ... well done Evil Producer.. well deserved and am looking forward to your Challenge Theme.. ( bet it will involve the use of a bridge ) lol
Congrats Vyusur & Desert Dude.... totally rocks
congrats to all entries.. really pleasing to see the adventure and progress of the trip.. yay
Thanks Daz and Fenric
for your continued support and well done @UnifiedBrain for the hosting of the challenge...
and thankyou to those of you that voted for my images ..
Yeah, I feel equally humbled - so many great entries. This community rocks, thanks everyone for sharing their WIPS and techniques.
Cheers to everyone indeed!
what Stezza said :)
Just a wonderous challenge, you do amazing work UB thank you, and so well desrved to have evil winning and I just loved Veronika's renders and Desrt Dude superbula!!
And Stezza is such an amazing artist - just saw his challenge images video!
Thanks Daz et Fenric - once again.
Fenric, I know you are listening, thanks so much for your plugins
Congrats to the winners, great big well done to all who participated.
Many thank-yous to UB, DAZ3D, & Fenric !!!!!!
I really appreciate the good words, folks.
DesertDude and Vyusur, somewhere there is a PM with your name on it...:)
Congratulations to all winners!!! UB, thank you for the great hosting! I really enjoyed it. Many thanks to DAZ and Fenric!!!
Congrats to the winners all !
Entering was a great learning experience and I'm astounded by the various interpretations of the competition "theme "
Hey all, I will be posting the new challenge at some point in the next few days. In the meantime, is there a little used function or feature you are curious to try? Maybe a little afraid to try? Maybe have used, but aren't quite sure how to het the most out of it? Then let me know! I will try and keep in mind Pro vs. Standard so that it is fair.
Keep an eye out for the challenge. It will be legendary! Was that a hint???

do your booleans thing ... legendary King Arthur and the knights of the Round Boolean... hmmmm
if only Caesar had used his boolean wisely..
I'm not really serious about the metaballs.
I avoid such modeling methods that don't give me a perfect topology.
that's why I stopped modelling ;)
Meatballs? Who would have thought?
I vote for 'plugins' . There's plenty that are free and plenty that are not.
Looking forward to whatever Evil awaits us :)
I vote for modeling and rigging, but not for mandatory NPR in one batch.
Sorry for the double post.
Metaballs had been on my mind as well... Don't know for sure.

All I know is it will be epic! Oops! Did I give another hint?
I remember when I was an ankle biter buying a shillings worth of mixed booleans ...
Requiring the use of a Plugin of participant's choice would be great. Could do several challenges just on Philemo's free plugins and not do the same challenge twice. Plus, there is FLUIDOS. I do realize not all free plugins are for both Mac and Windows, but there are several good free ones for both platforms. For example, Sparrowhawke's chains plugin for vehicles with tracks like tanks should work in both.
Sparrowhawke -
I'm sure there are plugins that other people use that I am not really aware of. Would be good to see what is out there.
EDIT: and Sparrowhawke's instance randmizer to add variety to replicated objects is another excellent one that is for both operating systems.
Diomede, by a strange coincidence, I just used my first Sparrowhawk plugin a few days ago. Incredible results.
Several months ago, I was too overwhelmed to even think about plugins. GMIC got my foot in the door. Now I'm starting to see what all of the excitement is about.
Whatever theme and constraints you decide on, evilproducer, I'm sure it will be great!
Sparrowhawke's jiggle deformer is great. And it is not just for boobs.
Whatever I decide, I hope you find it super! Another hint maybe?!?

I will try and get the rules together tomorrow and start the challenge then.
Below is a test of the Jiggle Deformer (using boobs).