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Looking at my post again, I realize it may come across as the stereotypically pedantic Simpsons "Comic Book Guy" type arrogance. I honestly didn't mean it like that. Like I stated in my previous post, even I was baffled at the idea that a beauty supply company would want to purchase a defunct animation studio. So I personally addressed the issue in a thread at the TrekBBS discussing the Trek action figures manufactured by PlayMates Toys. I mean I had read posts by fans retelling this account, but did it actually happen? Thankfully, a member named "Kor" provided more credible evidence than grapvine retellings.
I presented my question here...
...and "Kor" answered on the next page, providing a link to the news article, which I'll link directly, too...
With that aspect of the account verified, then it would make sense the ownership of the elements exclusive to the cartoon might come into question Now, the following is supposition, but I can imagine Paramount's lawyers stating something akin to, "Until we have settled terms with L'Oreal's legal team, we advise not using material exclusive to the old cartoon series. Doing so before the contracts are signed could lead to lengthy court battles." It's possible the lawyers told them not to even discuss details to the situation lest it weaken Paramount's case. So, when fans asked, "Hey, why was M'Ress and Arex yanked from the comic?" alternative facts were offered, which in of itself was arguably true, but it wasn't the "core" reason why they were excluded.
Apparently, terms were ultimately settled, but no public grand announcement was ever made, so the idea that the cartoon was "ignored" because Roddenberry felt dissatisfaction continued for years.
But if you think about it, if L'Oreal owned everything about the Filmation cartoon "lock, stock and barrel", odds are IDV could not have published that wild crossover between the Transformers and Trek (as it looked in the 1973 cartoon).
So, yeah, it's evident CBS owns the cartoon material. It's just a matter if a creative team wants to use any of it. "Lower Decks" appears to be one that has opted to do so with the inclusion of a Caitian doctor. Oh, a stronger example would be "Star Trek Online". Caitians are a major playable species, like humans, Vulcans, Klingons, etc. If CBS didn't own them or consider them "official" or "canon", no way they would have appeared in the game.
My passion for this subject really boils down to the following. I really, REALLY want to see a full blown Caitian character to appear in one of the live action properties, having the physical attributes depicted in the cartoon, plush, dense fur, a feline bone structure to the face, fangs, slitted pupils, claws, digitigrade feet and a long counterbalancing tail. There's no legal reason one can't, just technical limitations.
On the subject of Caitian's, there was one in Star Trek V dancing in the bar on Nimbus III
Meh, that's open to debate. True, she had a somewhat feline apsect to the face and a mane I rather liked, but she was mostly bare skinned, had plantigrade feet and an absurd third breast. (The makeup artist was the same person who worked on "Total Recall". I think he had a spare appliance originally intended for the Mars based protitute.) Also, no "behind the scenes" information even stated it was "intended" to be a Caitian.
Still, I'd be more accepting of her being a Caitian than to two girls rolling around the bed with Chris Pine in "Into Darkness". Press articles stated they were intended to be Caitians, though they looked far less like M'Ress than the dancer in Trek V. Shoot, the twins talked about being fitted with facial appliances with scales. Uh, whu...?! And this was supposedly supervised by the makeup "expert" who served as a judge on "Face/Off" the makeup competition series on SyFy. Thankfully, they were not identified as caitians on camera, so it's easy for me to dismiss that notion. (Still, I wouldn't have kicked either out of bed for eating crackers...or even clawing the sheets.) But Caitians? Nope, not in my book!
Had forgotten about that "Into Darkness" scene and have to agree pretty much with your assessment on all accounts
My take on a post-TNG uniform
Does anyone know of a good TNG era Officers or crew quarters?
filmation did the heman animation, remembering where i seen their logo.
I believe I've nailed Commander Trip Tucker if anyone is interested...
I was just wondering if anyone could tell (or show) me if there is a "Mirror Spock" beard for G8M out there... Somewhere... Please?
Looks pretty good to me
Good day everyone! I've tried searching the forums here for this, but not much luck.
Does anyone have any locations on a DAZ Studio-ready model of the Discovery Phaser? I've found and tried a few 3D print models from Thingiverse, but using those introduces the awful triangles on the mesh in DAZ, even after cleaning it up a bit in Blender first. I can TRY to fully quad one of the models in Blender, but it's a tedious process. Any suggestions?
The triangle thing sounds like the mesh has a bunch of reversed normals — try fixing that the next time you have the model in Blender. (It has to be easier in Blender than it is in D|S; I've done it, but it's a long hard slog.)
I agree with you on that felinoid dancer in Star Trek V & the Chris Pine encounter, but those were definitely a Caitian Admiral and Commodor in Star Trek IV at Kirk's trial.
With the tech we now have to making lifelike CGI, hopefully we'll get to see more realistic examples (outside your occassional contributions
Looks like you're moving right along with that. Very cool
Oh yeah. Feeling very motivated to get this going. Even started redoing the TMP uniforms for G3.
Is there a Kirk replica for G3M or G38?
This was recently posted
Just a small update on the TMP Uniform I am working on and progress on my converting the Enterprise Model I'm using for the Forrestal circa 2273.
Looking awesome so far!
Also interested in this.
I ported the M4 one on Share CG over to Gen8 but it went through a lot of distortion, getting moved from M4 to G2 to G3 to G8
To me, that looks similar to the helmet that Princess Leia wore in Return of the Jedi. Maybe somebody did it on Foundation3D or ShareCG?
I think Sonequa Martin-Green is basically perfect. My attempt at recreating her in DAZ Studio is not so much perfect.
Agreed, though that is still an impressive likeness.
Kind of a big update. Been still going deck by deck on converting Neil F. Smith's U.S.S. Enterprise Model for use. I have done most of the Secondary Hull levels except for the Torpedo Bay, Deck 17 and the Cargo Bay. As for the Saucer Section, I am currently working on the Gym and using the IRAY rigged water for the pool and the Jacuzzis. Also did some kitbashing on the Yorktown/2270 uniforms for G2 for use with G3 and making them look more like the TWOK era uniforms. I am also still working on the TMP era uniforms.