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Hi, Bluto! I have your morphs. They're great! Thank you for making them, and making them available.
I was just using the Founder one this morning, in fact. Trying to make an Odo.
I have some Denobulans over at sharecg. Not sure if they are in the list here. I have Genesis 8 versions just haven't posted them anywhere.
I don't think they are on the list. They should be!
They look great. I'm not a DAZ Studio user, alas.
So which figure are you using for your characters?
I'm mostly using V4 and M4, since they have the most stuff available for them. I have almost all the major figures that work natively in Poser, though.
Same. Any of the kelvin ships, apart from enterprise, federation and ptolemy to use? The kelvin sladen and such look nice...but can't finda good version of em
I think there was a Saludin-class Poser model at Foundation3D, but that site appears down for count.
A couple of fan animations from YouTube...
Voyager in the Kelvin timeline:
A few odd glitches, maybe interlacing issues. And not enough lens flare, but nice work. Not sure what software he used.
And this is is just so much fun:
Done with Blender. (She's also done some nice Trek characters in other videos.)
It would take some doing to make them V4 and M4 compatible.
It's okay, I'm sure I'll figure something out. Maybe with displacement maps. I find those easier to deal with than morphing.
oh i dont know , i find morph building verry easy to do , its all about how you aproach it, low intensity brush strokes and controled smoothing can produce some amazing morphs .
one just needs to be ready to take some time and not rush through it
You use Poser to make your morphs? I figured you must use Zbrush or something.
As much as I dislike Poser by now, I cannot fully dump it, for the morph brush is actually quite nice. I also create morph targets for Genesis figures by using Poser's cloth engine and the split morphs command.
It's Threshold Day! The Silver Anniversary, even. 25 years ago today, the episode of Voyager aired.
Someone did this fan version of "Threshold," using Star Trek Online to make the video clips.
I do wonder if this is the future. A lot of people are using games like The Sims to do the things we use Poser and DAZ Studio for.
Been spending the last few weekend mapping out the Lower Decks.... whats your faverit set in that show?
Hi All,
Thanks for creating this thread its a great resource. I am interested in creating a Star Trek fan animation based around the original Cardassian War (pre TNG). As this era has not been explored yet. I've gotten the hang of modelling ships myself in Blender (work in progress examples attached). And now I'd like to create my cast.
I am brand new to Daz3D. I see from the thread that V4 and M4 are the most popular base meshes for the outifts and props avaliable to the community.
The V4 and M4 base meshes are quite pricey. I was curious if anyone has experience using the resources avaliable here with Genesis using the following asset?
If not what is the best way to get started?
Many thanks in advance,
You shouldn't have any trouble using v4 and m4 products with genesis if I recall correctly. The autofit should work pretty well.
Those images look great.
Sounds good, more trek stuff for genesis is welcome as I'm making a trek comic mainly using G8.
miss kronos 2327
Lower Decks started rocky, but I ended up entertained by it.
I liked the lounge quite a bit. I didn't care for the idea of crewmembers bunked in public hallways.
Yeah I have no trouble using g3 stuff with g8. I have a few of Nvents outfits and my eye on others when finances allow.
Klingon in the store
And an outfit.
Yeah, grabbed the Klingon-under-another-name guy, and the related outfit. Kinda wish there was a female version, but maybe we'll see that soon too,
PIcked him up partly because I do some Trek stuff occasionally, and partly because he can be used without the forehead bumps as an ordinary black guy.