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OK, "Human for the 3D&D Klingon" is up now. Ten full outfits and a human CR2. And some crap hair. Oh, and that pose that's always used in the "this is what all the star trek uniforms look like and I'm obsessive compulsive so I have to draw every one that ever was imagined" pictures you see.
Wow, thank you! They look amazing!
I have a secret nerdy hope that if Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has Kor appear, he be played by James Callis just to see how many people get the joke.
That's an amazing idea.
I've uploaded a $5 set of 50 poses for my klingon to ShareCG. Not free but cheap. 10¢ a pose should get some lobes tingling. It's pending approval up!
Is there a Voyager-era desktop computer prop available anywhere?
It's kind of hilariously clunky by today's standards.
Your "Ajax Spaceman" is a kitschy lil' item. Really hearkens to the Buck Rogers strips. Forgive me for "Frankensteining" the head of Michael 3 onto the assembly. I have a particular "face pose" I call "Hammer Horror Hero" that has a chiseled look I rather like. I think I'll call this guy "Ace Neutron".
I'll smoke him a kipper! He'll be back for breakfast!
Other that relating to Brit dietray preferences, that one went right over my head.
And providing more context:
To borrow a term Rimmer used that has stuck with me throughout the tears, "I look like a complete and utter tit!" I should have remembered that scene as I love that series.
For "shiggles" I Googled "Ace Neutron" to see it that was an existing IP, like a comic book character. The bulk of the returns I got were for "Ace Ventura" or "Jimmy Neutron" with a scattering of "'Ace' Rimmer" from "Red Dwarf".
And here's yoyr PlayMobile-Suit-B with a quasi "Space: 1999" color scheme.
Damn that was fast.
Tweaking the color scheme isn't hard, but "rolling back" the SuperFly based "materials" to something more FireFly firendly (I'm still chugging along with Poser Pro 2014) took a bit longer.
Hm. What happens wrong in Firefly? They're all PoserSurface materials.
Please, don't stress yourself trying to change your workflow (you worry about enough things as it is and I fear you'll induce a stroke). I suspect the majority of people still using Poser have upgraded to 11 or 12. I DON'T expect anyone to make stuff backwards compatible.. Frankly, I'm just grateful anybody is bothering to make stuff for Poser at all.
But I'm used to tweaking materials anyway, regardless of the product or vendor. I may want a skin tone to be paler, darker or simply "richer". I may like a clothing item to look more like denim rather than cordoroy. That's just part of my personal workflow, so this is not that different.
But, out of respect, I'll answer your qiestion. This is the effect I get with materials treated as "metals" saved in versions of Poser newer than PP 2014.
And this is how Poser Pro 2014 tries to display the node collection in the Material Room.
Again, don't try to change your workflow. It's not worth your elevated blood pressure.
That's just... weird. Why are the nodes all flat lines or whatever like that? Even when I *was* on PP2014 it didn't look like that...
Why? I have no idea, but it just seems to be materials that are meant to have a metallic look. Skin tones, leathers, fabrics, etc. have node combinations looking as one would normally expect.
Onto a different topic, any more "spaceman toys" interpretations? Maybe Major Matt Mason? That was my favorite series of action figures and accessories released during the peak of the 1960s "space race".
I'm actually working on and off on the Playmobil space station. The whole thing.
Plus some of those aliens. And an Army Men pose set.
Oh and I've started some Fisher Price Adventure People astronauts
BTW I'm used to retexturing stuff, too, and more. Like, whilst making these army man poses, I downloaded and retextured an OBJ M1 army helmet from Sketchfab, an STL printable bazooka from thingiverse, and retextured and refit the M3 Desert Soldier* and retextured it to vietnam-era.
* To whomever made that M3 set BTW: all army fatigues and/or BDUs have chest pockets, and if you're having extra patch materials, they go on the collar tabs, above the pockets, and on the LEFT shoulder more importantly than the right. Also you could have just named it "Desert Storm"—military operations can't be trademarked.
A few more set ups. Some Romulans and the Chancellors. Martok was quite interesting to do since he's one-eyed. But I think I made it work.
to Randym:
I got a few obj models there, and they, including the Franklin, has this annoying 'glitching' on the front of the saucers.
Anyone know how to remedy this?
Is the glitching still there when you render it in Iray, or is it only in the viewport?
Dont got iray
And it's mainly the front rim as shown.
It's an artifact of the boolean work to cut the windows into the saucer rim. Try a render and see if it's just a preview artifact.
that was a render.
Looks like a problem with reversed normals