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I may redo the face textures on Tasha to make her look a little younger but.... Here they are my TNG crew.
May I make the humble suggestion that you make Riker just a bit taller? And maybe Worf?
Oh, man, I only recently realized what a HUGE man Riker is. That scene in PIC where he hugs Picard...Picard looks like a child in comparison.
I am trying to create G8 version of Janeway, Nerys, Troi and Crusher. Can anyone suggest base models that had some similarity so I can model faster?
PS - I am open to paying for it if anyone's interested in comissions as well. PM me
@twistkill - If you're a Windows user, you might take a look at Head Shop:
I have not used that version, as I'm a Poser user, but I have used an older version, that was for V4 and M3. (Yes, I'm old. Get off my lawn!) I also tried a recent version for La Femme and L'Homme. (That didn't work for me, just because it was designed for a pretty small monitor, and the menus weren't visible on my high-res screen. I returned it, but if he ever fixes that, I'll buy it again.)
The problem with those programs was the texture. It generates a texture, but it's low-res, and you have to blend it with a body texture somehow. IMO, textures are the hardest part of making Poser likenesses.
It's my understanding that you can import V4 morphs and textures to the G8 figures. There are V4 and M4 morphs out there for a lot of Trek characters. Not to mention costumes for them. For example, this is "Dianna":
She looks a lot like Deanna Troi.
Some of these fan-created characters come with textures, but most do not. Another reason I like using V4 and M4. There are a ton of textures for them, and many of them dirt cheap. Textures make a huge difference in getting a likeness, IME.
The texture I used for Deanna is P3D Penny.
I got it on sale for $3.75. But there are probably many that would work.
I've had better luck using the Face Transfer in DAZ and this:
Thank you! Ths is very helpful. I will look into these.
Thank you! I had tried using FaceGen with mildly accurate results. I am going to give this and Head Shop a shot. Thank you again for your time.
A little something for the STO fans. The Romulan Republic Uniform from the game on G8.
Having some fun and making great head way with Blender!!
Looks great! I've downloaded and installed Blender, but haven't really tried to learn it. One of these days...
Dodger's latest offerings at ShareCG aren't Trek, but are pretty cool. One from Doctor Who, one from Primeval.
Something to pass the time ;-)
OK, I have blender modeling down to where I feel I was when my Hexagon stoped working on the new Macs.
Here are the bones to my next few sets... Lower decks doors and more!
Looking Good

This is pretty amazing! You'll be giving Rekkert a run for his/her money pretty soon!
Can't wait to see how you texture them!
Yeah. The P3D Penny texture is good. I used it on my Troi as well.
Nice Deanna. I like her hair.
Your version really lives up to her "Counserlor Cleavage" nickname. :-D
It's that skin-tight V4 bodysuit. Unfortunately it can be any looser than that to give it a more realistic look.
I have tried it. But when you convert it into a G8 model her features don't translate well. Unfortunately most of my assets are G3 and above so I want to move up rather than back.
Finally got around to trying out the DS9 uniform skins for Lunar Gaurd (G3F - which I then manually converted to G8F) by dazinbane on DeviantArt. And then threw it on to some misc characters I have. For those of you who play games that one wearing the Admiral variant is exactly who you might think it is.
And often paired with Troi. A full foot shorter.
The "Valiant" and "Courageous" clothing packs really were a boon to us Trekkers. They are so versatile. Still my favorite for Trek uniforms. You can make uniforms for just about every series using those. From TOS miniskirts to PIC fleet officer's uniforms. And they don't have that skin tight look bodysuits give you.
I wish there were similar clothing packs for newer figures. You can convert them, of course - I have - but it's never as a good as clothing made for the figure. La Femme doesn't have anything like that type of clothing. If someone wants to make a "Courageous" type outfit for Dawn 2.0 (being released in about six weeks, supposedly), I would be first in line to buy it.
Any Trek textures for the Aiko3 and Hiro3 bodysuits?
Those look really good
Working on a Seven of Nine morph (textures from Jenni 8).
Happy Star Trek Day, you all!
It was 55 years ago today "The Man Trap" aired.
Nice job. She looks great. Perhaps a little old. Unless you're aiming for Picard-era Seven. Which would be pretty cool, actually. We're sadly lacking in attractive older characters.
My favorite Seven morph is Voyager Knights for V3. Yes, V3. The morph is so good it's worth using V3. (I use a weight mapped version, to make the bending better.) I've tried to make a Seven morph for V4, but Voyager Knights just looks so much better.