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Very, very cool!
That's an outstanding image!
I took my inspurration from Redfern, as well ...
Hey, with the clone body of Aiko 3 for G8F now available, has anyone tested the old TOS dress on her? I'm in the middle of a move and don't even know where all my assets are at the moment.
There's still people using Melody for Aiko 3. Though I think she has plantigrade feet, not digitigrade.
Little Dragon did the Millennium Catwoman with digitigrade feet as a freebie, but that was for Vicky 1/2. Still one of my favorite figures. I just wish there were more textures for her.
"Melody" is actually my preferred figure as it allowed me to adapt into polygonal form a personal OC I call Mzzkiti (depicted here). As packaged, yes, she's plantigrade, but there once was a product called "Kasa for A3" that swapped the geometry of the shins, feet and toes for a digitigrade stance. I used the "Kasa" digi' feet upon Aiko 3 with some "furry" head morphs upon Aiko 3 to create M'Ress. Since Melody has the same geometry for the lower legs, the product works upon that figure, too, allowing me to use Melody to depict Mzzkiti. Alas, the content creator, JENelson (aka Achronicity at Fur Affinity) closed his store at Rendo' years ago and the product is no longer available.
Some may be wondering why don't I use Aiko 3 or Melody to depict both M'Ress and Mzzkiti. Meh, it keeps them distinctive. M'Ress is part of a generally more serious universe and the morphs are (arguably) more "realistic". Mzzkiti resides in more of a "slapstick" comedic realm and the "toony" morphs from the "Furries for Melody" package better match my traditional cartooning style.
Nice render! I never picked up Melody, but I probably will, the next time she goes on sale. The original Melody has such a cute face.
If you do, you really should get this additional morph set...
It greatly expands the versatility of the base figure. It allows you to depict creatures like canids, ursines, rodents mustelids, etc.
Packages like...
...don't offer any additional morphs (just convenient presets), but they have head and body textures. The critical set I listed has only the injection morphs and a selection of preset faces, but no textures. Just noting that to avoid any confusion. Of course, Ethin has offered a couple of freebie texture sets with preset face morphs at ShareCG.
I have the whole bloody collection, everything LittleFox and Capsces offered in this range, from the initial base Melody figure to the last released add-on, Furry Faces - Dog.
I love Capsces' morph packs. I wish they'd do a morph pack for La Femme or Dawn 2.
It seems Beth has ceased doing morphs for several years now, focusing strictly upon pose sets.
The Melody and Mica bundle have been in the PC sale for 2.99
you can get the bundle or the individuals
Someone at Rosity said it was actually a married couple that made those morph packs. And that they aren't together any more. I guess that might explain the change in focus.
I've got the bundle on my wish list, along with the morph pack.
I'm not a member of the PC Club these days. I was for many years, but as a Poser user, there's just not much there for me any more. I'm not even sure how the PC Club works these days. Are things still $1.99? The older stuff I'm interested in goes on sale for really cheap pretty regularly.
modelling in Carrara whilst watching the cricket!
model it so.....
Nice! I like the Picard-style combadge.
Very nicely done, as always Stezza, also fun!
-- Walt Sterdan
That's a fantastic image!
Those are great!
Not sure Lower Decks should be Trek canon, but it has its moments. Caitians appear a lot more cat-like, in looks and behavior in LD. Like, they LOVE boxes. :-D
Lower Decks is cannon. And it respects cannon FAR more than anything else in the past 15 years.
I know officially it's canon, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it.
I mean, given the way they spawn timelines like tribbles, you can always assume anything inconvenient is just in a different timeline. You know, like Brannon Braga did.
My way of looking at anything "inconvienient" canon wise is treating it as being by an unreliable narrator, captains logs and all that.
I view Lower Decks as some very, very good Trek stories wrapped up in animation with a touch of cartoon humour. If you want to ignore the humour (which I still find better than in The Orville (which I also like), you're left with some very good stories, well-told and compacted nicely into their short format. I found the main story in both season enders to be better than a lot of "real" Trek episodes.
For me, the only thing wrong are that the seasons are too short and I have to wait too long until the next season.
-- Walt Sterdan
I'm not wild about Lower Decks. But then, I'm not really a fan of comedy. I might be the only Trek fan in the known universe who didn't care for The One With the Whales. I haven't seen every episode of LD, but so far, it seems more a lot of in-jokes than good stories.
It sounds like Paramount's strategy is a wide variety of different Treks, with no one series intended to appeal to everyone. I might like Strange New Worlds better than other modern Treks. Picard is just too grim for me.
And, Melody and Micah are mine. DAZ is doing one of their "everyone's a PC+ member" promotions today.
Plus, the original series had some rather "high concept, tongue in cheek" episodes that are arguably more absurd than what Lower Decks has presented. "Spock's Brain", "Piece iof the Action", "Trouble with Tribbles, "I, Mudd"...
Many TOS episodes where adapted from short stories by various sci-fi writers.
My attempt at T'Ana, using Melody as a base. T'Ana doesn't have a tail. And has plantigrade feet. She even wears boots, unlike M'Ress.
Seeing the promotional stuff for the new Trek kids show prodigy made me think of tyhe Astromaster by Kibaretto.