Cool new light set: Luminosity Black
Just picked up Luminosity Black by skyewolf, . I really like making renders in dark settings but my results are really mixed since im not very good at arranging lights. This set has alot of presets for different environment lighting and mesh light setups. Some good utilities for rotation, brightness, etc. The mesh lights are all grouped as well so its easy to get the rotation that you are looking for. With the daz discount it was just short of 7 bucks...
...there is at least one bug in the package (Tsk, tsk). The light visibility preset is looking for a file in an incorrect, non-existant folder. Easily fixed though.
Here is my first render attempt with Luminosity Black. Having fun with it so far.
How did you fix the error?
Instead of looking for runtime/textures/skyewolf/LuminosityBlack/whatever.png, the file was looking for the folder runtime/textures/skyewolf/Luminosity/whatever.png. I just created a new folder and called it Luminosity. Then I just put a copy of whatever it was called.png in that folder and that did the trick.
Another quick test.
Thanks for showin us this. I'm going to buy it!
Youre welcome.
Heres one more quick one. Playing with the Full Moon Lights again.
There are also six light gel sets that I havent played with yet.
Thanks for the heads up. Any chance you could show a couple of renders with the underwater presets; both environment and mesh lights?
Sure. Gotta catch up on some things but ill try and post some results as soon as I can.
I'd love to see that too! I'm really interested in the "UnderWater" light gel and how that looks. :)
Could you submit it as a bug so they can fix it for everyone? The full moon one looks great! I picked it up but haven't had time to try it yet.
Yah sure. Ill get around to it tonight or tomorrow.
Heres the first underwater test. Ive never done an underwater render so its super simple. This render uses the environment setting and the mesh lights. Ill try the gel lights next.
OK, sorry about the delay. This was more difficult for me as I wasnt quite sure how to arrange the gel lights. Im sure someone with more knowledge on lights could do better than this, but I thought it turned out ok. This uses the underwater environment setting and the underwater gel lights. If, when using the gel lights, you start to get really odd lighting or start seeing a strange artifact in your scene, that is the gel blocking either a light or the camera. Took me a while to figure that out.
Heres a better angle.
And finally, a combination of environment settings, mesh lights ang gel lights.
What are your render times like with this and what video card are you using? :)
Thank you, AUN! :D I really appreciate you testing this product out for us and sharing your renders with us! :)
I've not used gel lights before so I'm not sure how they work. I wonder if there is a way to decrease the size of the shape/light effects while increasing the coverage area (kind of like adjusting tiling on textures). I'll have to try this out and see if it can be done. I have been looking for some underwater effects and lighting for a while so I think I'll give this product a try. :D
Im using a gtx 1070ti. Render times were fast. I think the second full moon render was the longest at maybe 10 minutes(?). Sorry, I didnt really track the times. If I were to make a guess based on my previous card (a gtx 770), id guess that the last underwater render might take around 20 - 30 minutes or so. But that is totally a guess and nothing more. I wont even guess about how long the other ones wouldve taken because the 770 never wouldve been able to render them without tons of composite and post work.
Youre welcome Diva.
Let me try a quick expirement and ill see if I can figure that out.
Thanks for all you efforts, AnotherUserName. They are really helpful.
No worries, my pleasure.
OK Diva. Short answer is yes. It takes a bit of fussing but it can be done I believe. The gel light consists of a fill light and a parented prop. The prop itself is an emmisive light and all of the controls for the emmisive, lumens, intensity, etc., change the brightness and such of the prop texture. The texture can be changed, horizontal, vetical tiles, etc. just like any other texture. So, in short,
, scaling of the prop, positioning of the fill light, altering the texture tiling, camera positioning, etc. can more than likely achieve what you are looking for.
So these are gel lights and not actual caustics?
Im not sure what a caustic is. Whats the difference?
I think the gels are made just like the mesh lights, theyve just had a texture applied to them for the effect. Does that help?
Yay! That's awesome news! Thank you so much for checking that out for me - I really appreciate it!
And in the cart it goes! heheh :D
Have fun!
Caustics would be a natural effect caused by the breaking of the light in a water surface.
Great renders, by the way - if I hadn't bought the set already, I would buy it now.![smiley smiley](
I like it! I figured out how to adjust the tiling on the light/water effect. Open up the gel light in the scene tab (use the down arrows) until you get to the part that has a little box in front of it - select that and then go to the surfaces tab then you can adjust the tiling of the light effect). Here's a quick render.
This is just a quick render with a premade background, but I'm looking forward to setting up a proper underwater scene when I have a bit more time. :)
Here's one with human skin. I stopped it early to keep the graininess so that it looks a bit like underwater particles.