Fluidos. Show me the honey! (A thread for all things liquid.)

DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

Now that Daz Studio has its version of Fluidos, we need a thread for all things liquid.

- Can anyone share a reliable Daz Studio workflow?  I'm watching the tutorials now.  Seems like it is just a matter of inserting 4 elements in the correct order, but I will need more trials.

- Any cool effects?  Has the villain broken the dam and flooded the valley in your story?  Show us.

- Any useful recipes?  By recipe, I mean settings for water, syrup, snow, etc.   Please share.


Meanwhile, enjoy some of the trial video.  



  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621


    Windows only



  • QuasarQuasar Posts: 651

    This is an interesting product to see in the store. I guess I should get it and give it a try but I'm still hoping to see what people are able to do with it.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Well it's certainly good but the syrup in the video was too thick and the parameters they used on the water in the video create the water effects too big in scale for bodies of water as big as what that boat was in. Maybe someone could do a demo with more realistic scaling. I'm interested in the product but have doubts my computer could handle properly parametereized liquids so need to see more realistic demos.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited August 2018


    Windows only



    The PA is working on a Mac version, according to the official thread. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/273541/released-fluidos-a-fluids-simulator-plugin-for-daz-studio-commercial#latest

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ..looks really nice.  Do you need to run an animation like you do for motion blur?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Yes, it needs an aimation (time frame) to work.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ....nuts, old hardware not up to the task of animating (particularly in Iray). Was hoping to get nice more natural water effects for still images.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    Diomede said:

    Now that Daz Studio has its version of Fluidos, we need a thread for all things liquid.

    - Can anyone share a reliable Daz Studio workflow?  I'm watching the tutorials now.  Seems like it is just a matter of inserting 4 elements in the correct order, but I will need more trials.

    - Any cool effects?  Has the villain broken the dam and flooded the valley in your story?  Show us.

    - Any useful recipes?  By recipe, I mean settings for water, syrup, snow, etc.   Please share.


    Meanwhile, enjoy some of the trial video.  

    Excellent,  I'm working on rendering some iray demos , I love how that honey looked. I haven't tried that one yet.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    kyoto kid said:

    ....nuts, old hardware not up to the task of animating (particularly in Iray). Was hoping to get nice more natural water effects for still images.

    Well, it creates single "morphs" along each second of the timeline so you can pick the "position" you like for your still image. The effect is like using dforce along a timeline rather than single frame.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260
    edited August 2018

    ...don't use dFroce either for the same reasons.  Too much of an impact on workflow.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216

    I hope people post some examples soon. I'm usually a cheapskate when it comes to buying new releases, but if this is what I'm hoping for, it's an instant buy for me. Some of the promo pics look pretty good and some look kind of sketchy. I wish he'd shown pictures of the interface, so we could know what parameters we can control. Overall, I have high hopes for this product, it means I won't have to learn Blender.cheeky

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216
    Ivy said:

    Nice I'm impressed so far. How long did it take to simulate those, roughly?

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2018

    everything you see on the flim plus editing for upload about 2 1/2 hours  simulations is quick  and the scenes weren't to big so they rendered fast  at 720hd

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • nice Ivy yes

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    Thanks Wendy :)

  • KitsumoKitsumo Posts: 1,216

    Nice. I've already started my medication (beer), so I'm not buying anything else tonight, but tomorrow I'll probably pick this up. Thanks for the info Ivy.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2018


    Its very easy to set up , there is great instructions and 2 videos on how to use it plus 2 read me files , its not that hard on GPU resources renders quick .. its just figuring out all the little settings thats going to take time

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    Thanks, Ivy, great demonstration.  You rock.  yes


     the official commercial thread. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/273541/released-fluidos-a-fluids-simulator-plugin-for-daz-studio-commercial#latest

    Thanks, BeeMKay, I didn't realize there was one.  Interested folks should definitely stop by there.

    SickleYield has written her review and posted it at her Deviantart site.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2018
    Diomede said:

    Thanks, Ivy, great demonstration.  You rock.  yes


     the official commercial thread. https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/273541/released-fluidos-a-fluids-simulator-plugin-for-daz-studio-commercial#latest

    Thanks, BeeMKay, I didn't realize there was one.  Interested folks should definitely stop by there.

    SickleYield has written her review and posted it at her Deviantart site.

    Things are looking up here at Daz for sure. it makes me excited for what the future may hold for new FX  . maybe a particle & fire simulator next? 

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.

  • AlbertoAlberto Posts: 1,442
    mrinal said:

    Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.

    Whitewater feature in FLUIDOS:

    In this frame there are more than two millon of diffuse particles.

    640 x 480 - 176K
  • Alberto said:
    mrinal said:

    Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.

    Whitewater feature in FLUIDOS:

    In this frame there are more than two millon of diffuse particles.

    Blender MantaFlow already has particle simulation. So how different is it from MantaFlow? Is it going to be more efficient computation-wise to support 2 million particles? Sorry, but the image alone doesn't priovide a fair explanation.

    Here's the ManaFlow status in Blender 2.79.1:


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited September 2018
    mrinal said:

    Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.


    Not everyone is comfortable working in Blender. And no one forces you to buy the plugin and work in DAZ Studio. smiley Peace.

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • BeeMKay said:
    mrinal said:

    Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.


    Not everyone is comfortable working in Blender. And no one forces you to buy the plugin and work in DAZ Studio. smiley Peace.

    This ain't a discussion about one's comfort level of Blender so let's not get into that. Besides, one doesn't have to master every aspect of Blender to use particle/fluid simulation. The video that I mentioned earlier covers the MantaFlow's fluid sim part from ground up (including shortcuts and keystrokes). How stupid one has to be not to follow that?

    Some of the comments here have started sounding so patronizing that its getting hard to decide what value proposition does something provide. Just trying to understand how the plugin measures up to other free options. Thats all.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,837

    This looks like a great third party add on for Daz studioyes
    Although I dont care for any VFX system that only works inside of a square "Domain object" this is still a major leap foward for Daz studio.
    I use next limits Realflow with C4D for my fluids such as the molten steel & channel surface in this clip from "Galactus Rising"




    You DS users should really lobby Daz inc to perfrom a "buyout" of this plugin and Make it a permanent part of Daz studio as it would be an awful shame to see it" lost to history"  like so many other great plugins that never got updated for the latest versions of studio.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    @mrinal - I am not an expert on other apps.  Instead, I refer you to Sickleyield’s review which is linked above.  According to her, one reason this plugin is worth it because it is so much faster than Blender.  But read her review yourself.  You could also get fluidos, try it out to make your own comparisons, and then rely on Daz’s return policy if it isn’t a useful addition to your toolbox.


    If anyone anywhere is happy/comfortable with other software solutions for anything one does, by all means continue.  


    For myself, I am excited about the prospect of conducting the fluid sim in the same program that I am using to load, pose and render the characters.  Not everyone values task integration within software, but I do.  Know I am not alone.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225

    @wolf359 - very cool clip. 

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    mrinal said:
    BeeMKay said:
    mrinal said:

    Blender already has water simulation and there are tons of tutorials on youtube for that. Can someone explain what can be achieved through this that cannot be already done in Blender? This is of course assuming that it shouldn't be difficult to import the water plane after simulating it in Blender.


    Not everyone is comfortable working in Blender. And no one forces you to buy the plugin and work in DAZ Studio. smiley Peace.

    This ain't a discussion about one's comfort level of Blender so let's not get into that. Besides, one doesn't have to master every aspect of Blender to use particle/fluid simulation. The video that I mentioned earlier covers the MantaFlow's fluid sim part from ground up (including shortcuts and keystrokes). How stupid one has to be not to follow that?

    Some of the comments here have started sounding so patronizing that its getting hard to decide what value proposition does something provide. Just trying to understand how the plugin measures up to other free options. Thats all.

    You phrased your post in a way that sounded like "Hey, Blender already has it, why create something else?". If I misread your intention, I apologize. As for the "how stupid has one to be" I hope you are not implying that I am stupid.

    @mods I have no wish to get into an argument with mrinal, but I felt it neccessary to clarify my comment. I will bow out of this thread. If you feel it neccessary to delete my comment, feel free to do so.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited September 2018

    I think the majority of users have a level of dificulty with Blender otherwise everyone would be using it for everything as it is both powerful and free.

    I am among those who are stupid. cheeky

    I can actually do fluid sims in Blender though but I am certainly too thick to get them easily into DAZ studio or Carrara

    stress easily

    I have in fact done so one obj at a time toggling visibility but I am not fond of such hard work


     I did this one before Alberto made the Carrara plugin available

    I could have also done this with Mcasual's script in DAZ studio but keyframing visibility one frame at a time is not a lot of fun it actually takes hours and hours of brainless slug

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
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