Fluidos. Show me the honey! (A thread for all things liquid.)



  • Luv LeeLuv Lee Posts: 230

    Latest attempt at this an still not quite there.  Getting the stream of water thin enough to look like it's coming from the tap seems to cause problems with the flow.  A lot more playing is needed.  But, I am pleased with effect of the water in the sink.

    OMG that is awesome!!!!!

  • Luv LeeLuv Lee Posts: 230

    Latest attempt at this an still not quite there.  Getting the stream of water thin enough to look like it's coming from the tap seems to cause problems with the flow.  A lot more playing is needed.  But, I am pleased with effect of the water in the sink.

    Was this difficult to set up...where can I find the fluidos tutorials?

  • Luv LeeLuv Lee Posts: 230

    Hmmm - my terrain project is still working in concept, but not in detail.  I won't waste everyone's time with the full animation, just some screenshots. The fluid came out of the fluidos source/sink in the absolute Z direction instead of the direction of the Z face of the fluid source/sink after I rotated it to face downstream (a diagonal).  I will need to experiment more with that to see why.  Anyone know?.  That resulted in the fluid hitting the side of the river bank at start instead of heading down the carved out stream bed.  Other than that starting glitch, the simulation was working as I intended.  If the fluids that splashed against the bank landed in the stream channel then they headed down toward the waterfall. Unfortunately, quite a few splashed up and over the stream bank and so headed for the hill side instead of my intended waterfall.


    The attached screenshots show the issue with the initial sink direction.  I had put 100 in velocity for the z direction for the sink.  I had thought this wold start the flow out of the z face of the sink, which could be rotated.  Apparently, that is not the way.

    That looks amazing--cannot wait to get my hands on this!

  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,288

    ????? I downloaded manually and installed manually. I admit I haven't read and watched the tutorials and tried to use it yet. But I seem to have it installed.

  • Is there any way to make the fluid "chunky" or more textured?  Thanks

  • Is there any way to make the fluid "chunky" or more textured?  Thanks

    You can apply any texture or shader you like to the 'mesher' (which contains the created fluid object) and increasing the 'viscosity' will make it increasingly solid going from water/milk to honey to modeling clay, etc.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,260

    ...almost picked up Fluidos II with the 60% Flash Coupon but then remembered that like dForce, it requires running animation sims which my old system just isn't up to the task of.  A bit sad as realistic fluids, flames, smoke, and particles look so much better.  

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